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Daily Foreword October 20, 2012: I make jokes about high finance death and murder in banking oversight. However it is no joke. For instance, in todays world, those who are "Goodie Two Shoes", are killed. I called Federal Banking Frauds Judge Thomas Crane Wales murder on October 11, 2001, a covered up murder in the banking system most likely. Wales death was claimed to be the result of anarchists according to the FBI. Why can't they point to the money laundering possibility? An FDIC regional director was killed in San Francisco California about the time of the beginning of banking laws changes starting with the FDIC Improvement Act of 1991. It was improved with the FDIC Improvement Act and the F-DIC heads death according to some syndicate head, but the F-DIC Head did get whacked in his office and was labeled suicide. I investigated it as a freelance journalist after I was terminated in 2000 from that same syndicate pussy whipped office, starting in 1999 to 2001 and I was later injected forcibly and left partially blind and I was attacked before the injections and I caught Sheriff Snatch red-handed and I was later fined and ruined in the traditional federal auditor role of bank examiner.

The federal F-DIC and their SS soon called me a nut. That would make me now the "Loose Goodie Two Shoes F-DIC Nut". I don't know who the American people are being forked by at the F-DIC, but it might as well be Satan with a lawn mower blade for a "chamber of the couche", that is French for bed room. I Kurt Brown former FDIC bank examiner would like a Presidential appointment overseeing the F-DIC nub in San Francisco, or at least an assistant to the ARD F-DIC nut, I call Suite Carol. Mr. Goodie Two Shoes Suite suit for me as well. I want payment for my work and I want the thief Sheriff Jack Tillman, aka Snatch or Snack, formerly of Mob. AL until I audited him, to return my gun permit, which he took on 4-3-2001 when I was going to report his thievery of 365 thousand dollars of inmate food funds and his starving Mob. AL jail inmates. Youtube music video Goodie Two Shoes. So that makes three of us Goodie Two Shoes. I was maimed beyond repair because Tillman took my gun permit and I fled in fear to protect my family from attacks on myself. I want payment of several million or a Presidential appointment to a position overseeing the F-DIC, even if the nub in San Francisco. The SS and FBI going after us goodie two shoes. We need a new leadership over those agencies, a leadership that protects the goodie two shoes banking frands judges and bank examiners. A war may have been lost in technology, and the one caveat is that the war never ends. Best of luck in toppling the war criminal factions controlling much of the USA. We are divided. We are in a semi-silent war in the USA. Lok at the FBI and SS heads. We need to remove the war criminal sect. They treat many of us as their enemies. Never serve their regime until the enemy within is toppled, that is my sentiment.

Daily Foreword September 28, 2012: Utilizing Nikola Tesla's engineering concepts and mind control apparatus coupled with unforeseen energy tunnels of sorts created with assistance from coupled nuclear blasts and possibly unreported methodologies of energy capture and discharge, I have elaborated on the greatest war perhaps unreported. It was said in the end of time much would be revealed When one dies one is old and knows as much as possible to that day usually. I discovered more than I had ever known, but then again, some sold us Hell and called it the cool mountains. But then again they gave many of us medical torture and social branding. Beware of those at the top of the USA and world governments and beware of those seen and unseen controllers of those often biased or predatory sects..

Daily Foreword September 24, 2012: See page Love Line 12 and Quatrains 12 on this site for the latest posts..

Daily Foreword September 16, 2012: AS of today, we, and I am speaking of the poorer caste in the South East USA, we are like the slaves to an enemy with a whip in one hand and a loaf of bread in the other. But the enemy to mankind is the enemy within man, one of the many truths I have discovered and revealed to myself. It was said in the Torah or the Bible that many things would be revealed to us in end times. In my case, after the drug induced coma allowed by those in power against this former FDIC bank examiner and investigative journalist, my memory came back on things lost not only between 2001, the time of the first injections, and 2011 when my memory first returned. The problem in life becomes, "What is truth?" That was my job to discover the truth, and the truth was so ugly that I wanted to die. I can not know who harmed me first, but I can know who harmed me last.

I am an abortion survivor from all indications according to a physician I spoke with after 2004, after my last parents death. The problem becomes, was I first attacked by friend or by foe. The government or those in power, allowed me to be injected repeatedly harming me beyond repair in 2001 and 2004 in the USA which makes me wonder who first harmed me. They injected me forcibly for speaking too quickly according to a Vietnamese woman psychologist in 2001. The alleged abortion attempt upon myself, perhaps a biological attack or other military maneuver upon my mother's generation in the 1940's and 1950's, likely was the cause of my birth defect of stuttering when I was young and as an adult I often have quick quick speech when speaking on highly technical matters or when in duress. I had been basically attacked, had lost half of my mind in chemical warfare, and survived, and then I was damaged further in 2001 and 2004 by factions of the federal government and those who control them inside and outside of the USA. We should have our people move for the deepest pockets in this fiasco through God's sanctioned force and the sabotage of our enemies among us. "Never forcibly inject a compliant human being", should be on the back of their currency. Many of us applaud those who kill those and their bosses who do try to inject us forcibly. But do not forget their assets on the way out. I was injected with two needles in 2001 and two buildings fell in New York. I was injected in 2004 with at least two needles and spoke with fellow journalist Hunter S. Thompson and he soon allegedly killed himself. One USA bank fell, Wachovia and the alleged real estate bubble burst in the USA in 2008. I was laid unconscious with the approval of our most hated and reviled enemies in power. Mankind is a predator and those types of humans prove it. Many in the USA are at war against us and each other. The courts of Los Angeles are as corrupt as D.C. LAX Superior Court is where they sent me to be persecuted after injections in 2001. I smell gridlock burning because I was in touch with Rodney King before he was killed. I have contacted his attorneys who appear dead as well.

It was as if half my mind was chopped off and the other half had to solve all the problems of life for myself and this started when I was in the uterus. Starting in 2001, I was injected with chemicals forcibly. Then I was punished with corrupt trials in 2001 under the control of federal and state employees. They did these abuses for no valid reason. I had been investigating government crimes and government criminals. I was trying to make a living stopping mankinds vicious sects in government. It is no wonder the enemy has attacked me with extreme prejudice. I am forbidden work in the federal government and all state governments it seems. I no longer believe in absolute benevolence on behalf of mankind. I no longer trust any stranger in the USA or any other nation or place. It is as if when the truth was revealed to me, I saw Hell on Earth and in it were caught the angels of mankind among the devils of a sinister race I call the human species, which is like a cannabilistic ape.

I am punished while the criminals of government such as Sheriff Tillman are rewarded. The government has also set up money laundering and drug dealing channels that impoverish the lower class of the South East USA. Bank failures being manipulated by war baron banks such as Wells Fargo Bank of California devouring Wachovia Bank of North Carolina. Now marijuana is grown legally and exported from the Western half of the USA to the South East USA, creating a tourniquet that bleeds the people of much needed money. It appears the South East is taking the brunt of the new international war to drain the wealth of various nations and regions. The South East is an alchololic because lighter drugs like marijuana are not allowed. The enemy wants us weak.

My theories and my work have been proven to be true over time. Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama was a thief in 2001 and I reported him and he punished me by taking my gun permit in April of 2001, and he knew and 911 knew I had been attacked by federal syndicates and survived an attack a few months earlier in February of 2001 while running my own private FDIC investigation of murder of the the top FDIC head in San Francisco in his office. The FDIC or another federal agency or large syndicate had murderers setting up syndicates on the West Coast of the USA. They murdered the top FDIC man around 1991 and were kicking our FDIC bank examiners asses behind closed doors and in our neighborhoods in the year 1999 and 2000 in California and Hawaii. I was terminated because I would not allow myself to be put into a position where they could manipulate me behind closed doors. The EEOC did not care. They are a lie and we are the lower caste in this hated nation.

I, Kurt Brown, was tortured and prosecuted for not having my gun permit while traveling. The thief Sheriff Jack Tillman had taken it on 4-3-2001 in front of a city camera when I was going to report his thievery to the city council. Tillman worked in conjunction with federal syndicates that murder the innocent, maim the innocent, and rob the entire banking system in the USA. When I was arrested for not having a gun permit in Los Angeles California on April 23, 2001, at LA VA Westwood, I was simply traveling away from the federal warlords in Mobile Alabama and I was going to get some VA health care when I arrived. The lesson is you never trust the government. Protect your young and yourself. Those in power are blood sucking demons, and they treat many of us like lesser animals.

I, Kurt Brown, deserve payment of several million dollars or a top level banking oversight job. I am good at laying traps, and another defect I have is that I am fearless in calculable circumstances, i.e. when the percentage chance of survival is known or easily estimated. I will do it for per diem and the thrill of the hunt.

I, Kurt Brown, was tortured and maimed starting in 2001 and am paid very little for my work. Many of us are like that I suppose. Many people are shut out after being shot in two in one way or another. Sheriff Jack Tillman gets paid in retirement twice the dollar amount a quadriplegic veteran earns in retirement. Even though Tillman was forced to resign or to be prosecuted in 2005 for starving his inmates through his own thievery of food funds. Even though I reported his thievery in front of cameras at LA VA Westwood in 2001 on April 23, it took four years for the federal government to have him prosecuted. I was maimed during the interim with forced injections and psychological and physical torture. Also, the banking industry has been butchered in the USA and will soon be thrown into complete chaos due to banking law changes mentioned on this site, and the changes in banking laws were made in 1999 and 1991.

I watch the wars and fights waging around me on the Earth among the demons.

We will have rain from September of 2012 until April of 2013 and then we will have drought for another year. I am basing this on observation and seeing a satellite radar image of the Earths solar system.

I, Kurt Brown, known as Saint Ram Bone, deserve payment of several million dollars and will join any political party who can exact a coup against the ruling dictatorship of federal predatory warlords.

Daily Foreword August 28, 2012: The federal government of the USA and those who control them create classic paranoia. They maim us and they call us lies and then they mark us with those lies on a record. They target many of us including myself. The name of their game is to never give the enemy, which is many of us lower caste Americans, rest or solace. Ironically, I hypothesized on the Betz Equation on Love Line 12 of this site. .666 is the number plugged in and all of us may carry that mark upon our minds, as in mind control, due to methods and materials used in conjunction with several of the alleged largest nuclear blasts in history. I no longer believe in the lie of justice or this as being a fit nation. They maim many of us before birth. You know who you are if you are not accepted among the more Alpha Male Humans in our society. They may be doing procedures to dumb us down if they can not kill us. After having had a stroke due to forced injections by government approved officials, I Kurt Brown recalled that a doctor told me I looked like I may have survived an abortion attempt. I could have been an experiment or an example of federal torture and maiming also. The government likely had me as a guinea pig much of my life, not just military.

Daily Foreword August 25, 2012: The USA is a place of alleged freedom, yet their media is just like China or Russia and their music is the same, distracting and a lie. Predatory capitalism rules much of the USA. Negative capitalists are predators. Because I was maimed and attacked many times for going against criminals in government and their allies in the crimes syndicates, I do not see any thing wrong with going against the negative capitalist entities and syndicates and corporations. The main factor is that money has to be made from engaging in conflict wth them. It does not matter if they are killed, as they are killers. It does not matter if they are mamed, as they maim many of us to profit themselves, just as they have done to myself Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, investigative journalist and former FDIC bank examiner. What ever they do to us, we have the right to do to them. They are the inspiration for the pirate raids against negative capitalists of antiquity and in the present.

Beware of the governments drugs. Many are toxic and stupify and maim the young. Abortion doctors often try chemicals first, and if that does not kill the embryo, they often let the child live, albeit maimed. All subsequent children will be dumbed down by the drugs. We may have lost a war and our enemies may be in power. Safer nations may be in the mid-East, e.g. Turkey, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and perhaps some African or other European nations. The human species is a predator that hunts in packs like wolves.

A Secret Service agent told me that the trust is gone in USA government. You should view them as your worst enemy and the enemy to mankind. I am not saying to attack them, but to view them just as you would your worst enemy in any city where atrocities are committed by lesser humans. Their police target many of us. It does not good to report their crimes. They are criminals and some day like Rome, their criminal heads will roll in the dirt detached from their bodies and the people will cheer in some sectors.

Daily Foreword August 18, 2012: It appears my passage into the South East USA was not an untroubled one. The USA has become divided between the haves and have nots in what is a predatory nation. The Falkland Islands War ended between the alleged English speaking UK leadership and that of the Spanish speaking Argentina in 1983. We are now awash in marijuana grown in the Spanish speaking states of Arizona Califonia and New Mexico and Mexico and their grease ball friends or competitors in New Jersey.

Their government has helped to create addicts to cannabis products in medicine and the Spanish speaking states will fatten their wallets by putting a tourniquet on the English speaking addicts in the various other states in the United States of America. I was attacked and preyed upon for my work in reporting and investigating high level government banking oversight criminals and low level thievery by Sheriffs, and other financial and medical crimes. Those at the top of their government allow banking and medical crimes in the same way they selectively allow some people in some states to grow cannabis for alleged medical usage. The enemy of the working class taught many of us to trust them in government and to gamble and use cannabis and drink alcohol and use other drugs. Our enemy is within our borders and they are turning their syndicates and hate groups against many of us honest Americans who advocate journalistic investigations on government crimes in finance and medicine in the USA. I would like to have the government buy me a new truck since I have been attacked repeatedly most obviously and they will not re-hire me in investigating government crimes against us. It is as if we are in a war in the USA and we have lost.

If you ever want dope, go tell the USA government at a government meeting or a hospital admitting person of the state government of a suspected high level government coverup or crime. They may call you insane and force upon you various psycho-active substances through a syringe and it will leave you unconscious, particularly if you speak English in a Spanish speaking state, or have been preyed upon and compromised at an earlier time in the traps they lay for us many of us. The traps are laid both in the English and Spanish speaking states. I have been attacked and preyed upon in the USA by various corrupt high level government factions, who show favoritism to various war criminal syndicate members who are international and who control local government power sources. Beware of the long arm of the enemy within, and I should have taken caution with the FDIC. Highest of financial oversight is like a war.

Daily Foreword August 12, 2012: The lie of the day is that ROM_Knee or Oh-Bama, have any real control over their job or those who control them. We are being attacked in the medical atrocity and financial atrocity fashion here in the USA. A few grow wealthy while the rest go weak. I am often harassed and consider the regime to have war criminal factions who are more like a new form of Gestapo with alliances in various geo-centric and ethno-centric circles. Our vehicles, our homes, our bodies are not safe. We need a new leadership and I would not suggest harming those in power. I would feed their wealthy war criminal benefactors to an assortment of lions, just as they have done to myself, Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone, investigative journalist immersed in the American Holoccaust occurring in finance and medicine in the USA, a Hellish place since my childhood during Vietnam. Never trust the lie.

Daily Foreword August 10, 2012: In California, the government abuses many of the people. Both the state and federal government appear to be on the attack. Extreme discrimination is often allowed and many are attacked or killed. In states like Tennessee, the dictators of D.C. have created a new form of slavery and racism is all the rage for many. The local and federal government have created and allowed a new form of racism and slavery.

I encourage parents to beware of public school education and drugs approved of by our enemy government in power. Their education curriculum is fashioned to keep the lower caste as the lower caste. Their drugs such as birth control and their immunizations are for their corporate profit and those drugs will often harm the intelligence of the unborn. Never do a partial abortion with their drugs. If you maim the child with an abortion drug, do not allow it to live maimed, just finish it. I encourage a new diaspora out of the USA and the West to nations in the mid-East and Africa. A war was lost and I have detailed theories on how it was done on Love Line 12 of this site. I Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone was blacklisted by our enemies in power. I would welcome the severing and destroying of the dictatorship in power and the breaking up of the USA from being under the rule of our enemies in power internationally. Never serve them, never trust them. Those at the top of the USA governments and those at the top of many other nations are the enemies to mankind. We are prisoners on prison planet Earth. Beware of the enemy in power. They use hatreds in various groups to keep their machines oiled with our blood and their wealth buoyed by our stolen assets. I welcome the death of the true enemy.

I trusted the government in power and was left maimed by doing so. If you never trust any thing about them, you will be better off. If they put their stamp of approval upon it, you should consider it as poisonous as the venom of Satan himself until analyzed thoroughly.

Daily Foreword August 7, 2012: In the USA, we have a new sort of war criminal regime in power. They have marijiuana dealers in a half dozen states or more that are given protection by the regime in power. They have casinos and money launderers in banks and banking regulators who launder money and suck the nation dry of currencies through financial thievery. They harass and kill and maim innocent bank examiners and journalists and judges. Their health care is often nothing more than torture and extortion. Many of us are in danger in the USA. The response that the VA and the federal police gave for allowing this journalist to be injected and basically tortured in 2001, was that they wanted me to calm down. They have shut me down and I am often targeted. It is my hope and prayer that if they fight with a holy nation like Israel or Iran, that their government be beheaded around the globe. They need to leave the American people alone and stop medical torture and prisons for profit and all aspects of negative predatory capitalism.

I have studied the plight of Italians and Jews. The Jews were peaceful and were attacked repeatedly. The Italians became fascists and fought the enemy tooth and nail and they were led to be under Hitler and were butchered. I believe the time will come for Fascism in the USA, and I know that the human side will lose this technological and abusive war. Let us applaud the deaths of the enemies to mankind. The federal government should stop the forced injections of veterans before court. .

Daily Foreword August 5, 2012: It appears that since the USA is in hardship for many of us that many are being attacked viciously, both verbally and physically, by the ruling historical war criminal factions of government. The government gave me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone a stroke with forced injections and other medical procedures. .

In my own native city, I was treated as the enemy while doing journalistic work investigating city government crimes, and the same thing happened in San Francisco FDIC while investigating federal government crimes. Their government is on the war path against us. I urge support and encourage formation of groups to deal with their attacks on humanity. If they ever go to war with holy nations, I hope the leadership of our enemy can be removed by force, as in an eye for an eye. They incriminate or lay blame on the innocent and persecute the innocent, while the guilty go free and are rewarded. They will become more war like and are doing so as economic conditions erode. Because I was maimed and lost every thing and my health, losing everything except the will to fight to the death, I applaud those who deal with them and their supporters as the enemy in power. Protect your own. We are among the enemy very often, and we know we would kill each other upon provocation.

Sheriff Jack Snatch Tillman and federal war crew in Mobile Alabama should remember 4-3-2001, the day that they stopped my discussion of murder and mayhem by their federal and state ranks across the USA forever. On 4-23-2001, the federal government in Los Angeles attacked me viciously following up on Sheriff Jack Tillman's frame uup from 4-3-2001.

Daily Foreword July 26, 2012: Todays post is a video post on Youtube by Saintrambone titled "Mobile Audit Club Annual Mid-Year Summary 2012, Drought - Bankruptcy - Medical Guinea Pigs "

Daily Foreword July 23, 2012: You as Americans, and people of much of Western Europe and also of Canada, must realize that the top person over our people, is often if not always our worst enemy. I, Kurt Brown alias Saint ram Bone discovered this the hard way. You should never speak when in court or under arrest by our enemy in power, including those I witnessed in action in the USA federal government or the state government of Califorina or Alabama. The top person is "our" worst enemy. There are some on bottom of government who may try to help you as they may have tried to help me in 2001. The enemy has maimed me with forced injections when all I wanted was healthcare for a physical ailment. I do not care if the enemy is killed.

In court, my attorney was likely bought off or an idiot. I think she was bought off. I had been injected forcibly before court. To this day, they will not re-hire me in government. I am often harassed and they failed to nolle process charges in 2004 as the courts ordered. They claimed it was a paperwork error.

I believe in Kismet and God's order and divine law and despite my life being a living hell in 2001, I was forced more torture in 2004 with more forced injections. I am sick from stroke and left partially blind. Our enemies against us. I do not care if our enemies are killed. Their government will not last over us. What I learned and am here to warn you of is forced injections in Arizona when seeking medical care. Do not do so if you are on probation. Arizona Law Title 36-520 allows them to inject you and knock you unconscious. Do not believe in the right to own guns either. The enemy is using disparate gun laws and the privelege of gun permits removed to remove us from government. The EEOC in San Francisco and D.C. discriminates against many of us. I want their EEOC shut down. They are the tool of the enemy in power.

We need to flee the planet before we kill it. Human beings may not make it if we do not remove our enemy from power.

Daily Foreword July 22, 2012: It is my belief that human beings lost control of their nations in the USA and in Western Europe last century. I have utilized Betz Equation to come to that conclusion when looking at Betz law. Mind control or the control of set points on Earth was initiated. I have talked about this extensively on page Love Line 12. Never trust the USA mass media or that of Western Europe. Even during the Iraq War, President Bush, who was not himself, was speaking of "Shock And Awe" in the war, while they were making laws to rob the USA banking system. Our enemies are in power. We live in a totalitarian dictatorship and I will support a coup against their dictatorship if certain criteria are met. I discuss this in detail in Daily Foreword Notes below. .666 is the magic number in Betz equation. 8/12, March 1 to October 31, is 8 months, or a ratio of .666. The mass media of the USA is censored and is used as distraction. I applaud the rise of a dictator to arise to remove our enemies in power in the USA and Canada and Western Europe. We will better off dead if we are not freed from our enemies in power.

Daily Foreword July 15, 2012: The idea that all of the human species on the planet Earth could be controlled with no real autonomy on the planet by human beings is not far fetched if you consider the nightmarish existence of life in the past 51-plus years. I have elaborated on some devices of capable of world conquest on page Love Line 12. I saw a video in which a lion was being electrocuted to death. The lion was biting at his cage as the voltage ran through the ground and the cage. After 15 minutes of voltage and several minutes of the lion chewing on the cage, the lion was dead. The video was titled "The Elephant In The Living Room". Mankind can be made to be like that and directed to turn against other members of the species in warfare. It is a delusional state of defense. Could each and every one of us be deluded?

Daily Foreword July 11, 2012: Sometimes it is easier to explain things of a broad scope by using analogy. The regime in power in the USA and much of the Earth has constructed laws and traps that are like, "Willows". If you think of it in this form, it is like having someone poke willows at you through the bars of a cage to get your attention and to coax you and to trap you. That can be alleded gun ownership, as that is the one tool our enemies in power use against us in many ways. Either to say we own or carry one at all times, or they blow your brains out with it. The FDIC of California is like that and their EEOC should go back to Shanghai in San Francisco sweet sister. After they have you chasing willows, they soon put you on the slippery slope. The slippery slope is court ordered probation or a suspected crimianal list. Once on probation or on a list, they can call you insane and inject you with chemicals whenever they choose. Sometimes at the bottom of the slippery slope are the spears. The spears leave you dead or maimed and destitute. Their true leaders cover their true crimes by doing away with us in this manner, unless they simply have you killed. If they do have you killed, they will call it suicide or point to someone who was not involved in the crime and call them guilty.

Out of all of the things that have happened to me, being injected forcibly before court in 2001 was the worst because I wanted to not be forced injections of chemicals by hypodermic needles. I was simply parked overnight so I could get healthcare the next day. They use healthcare as one of the traps in the USA. I had also been investigating a covered up murder att the FDIC San Francisco. Some one whacked the F-DIC Head in his office with his own gun, allegedly his own gun. They called it suicide.

I told the federal agent to make note of the fact that I did not want to get forcibly injected at LA VA Westwood, California in Los Angeles on April 23, 2001, and I simply had parked to get healthcare the next day. It was the first time I was injected by a USA federal agent. I was soon on probation for gun ownership that was in a U-Haul while traveling after being placed in front of a bought off series of judges under severe threats, intimidation, and torture and confinement. I had survived an attempt on my life after running tests on the FDIC to detect murderers in February of 2001. I later ran a test to see if Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama was stealing inmate food funds and starving his inmates. He answered the test on 4-3-2001 at the Mobile Alabama Courts building in the presence of about 10 deputies. He took my gun permit, the only license to defend myself, and denied my entry into the city council meeting to report his thievery. The FBI and Secret Service are controlled by the international dictator in power and they allowed him to take my gun permit because they wanted me not to be able to defend myself from our enemies in power at close range. They also wanted to prosecutue me because they knew I had a small collection of cool guns. Never trust anyone in the governments of the USA or anywhere there is a Casino. It is an indicator of infiltration of the enemy in power. The UK got hit soon after Tsar Bomba in 1961, October 31.

When I, Kurt Brown, for the second time, was injected in 2004 forcibly I was getting healthcare at Flagstaff Medical Center (FSMC) in Arizona. I was on the slippery slope from 2001, probation and I had no guns or weapons. Their Arizona Law 36-520 allowed them to inject me forcibly, claiming I was a felon and insane. I yelled for the people at Flagstaff Medical Center, frantically pleading for them not to inject me. I put up a passive resistance. I was injured with a stroke and partial blindness and have been feeling sick ever since. They harmed me when I begged them not to harm me.

There were seveal people holding me down and forcing me into a back room of the emergency room at FSMC. I was knocked unconscious with two injections through the front of my pants legs and into my thighs. When I awakened, my tongue was hanging out of my mouth and drool was on my face and I was sitting in a sort of chair that was like dentists chair. Two guards were there and one of them jokingly said, "You were really out of it." I was held and robbed for three days by their hospital under federal war criminal approval in the USA. I will applaud the destruction of our enemies in power and their governments. Never again serve them. Never again trust them. We need a new leadership. We lost a technological war. Perhaps God will grant us all our deaths if he is benevolent. We can not live like this. I am blacklisted from the federal employment and the Department of Financial Institutions in California state government has been teasing me with a job offer for the past year. They harass me and do not give me work, only wanting to know my whereabouts when I contact them, and it is likely in many cases another federal agent looking to make another score on an American holocaust victime. The answer is, "I am in Hell. Hell on Earth." "Won't you little rascals join me?" They have my blessings to die and rot in Hell.

In 2001 on April 23, 2001, and up until my release on 8/12/2001, I prayed for the end of time, the end of suffering. To my dismay, 9/11/2001 was a far shot from the removal of all suffering. Perhaps because the government is still discriminating against me, God will hear my plea and give me release in one form or another. Among men and women with no mercy in healthcare, I urge all veterans to be careful with healthcare and I urge young men not to join the military. We the human beings lost long ago in the happen-stance of war.

Daily Foreword July 7, 2012: In the USA, the "true" government in power is not the one we see on the media. Our enemies reign here and we were likely taken over long ago, likely in the 1940's or before.

If you are young and think that the military is the only way you can advance yourself, you need to sober up and do some soul searching in the wilderness. The USA military is controlled in many cases as if in a war zone even in peace time. Many veterans end up being maimed by unknown causes or their children have unexplained deformities. They use high level technology and you could be fighting shadows while they perform medical procedures or military attacks upon you.

Daily Foreword June 26, 2012: I will support a coup against the ruling war criminal factions in the USA government if:

*All human rights for American citizens are restored, meaning no forced injections and no illegal detainment, and if all rights under the USA constitution and the amendments are restored

*and if the Glass Steagall Act of 1933 is re-instated due to its insuring the more equal spread of wealth in a positive capitalist society

* and if the FDIC Improvement Act of 1991 is removed thereby stopping the robbing of banks by syndicates in and associated with the war criminal factions of the FDIC and Treasury

* and if the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 is removed thereby allowing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 to be in full force

* and if jobs for American born citizens are insured over foreign nationals from other nations even if it means re-training of the workforce

* and if all cocaine and meth and heroin cartels are removed even if by giving those known in the government and the USA in the business the right to leave the USA first and to assassinate any who do not leave

* and if all Alcohol and cigarettes are placed in specialty ABC stores and taken from the grocers shelves with all advertising removed

* and if marijuana is legal for individual use across the nation and I recommend those addicts to try other drugs such as Sam-E to alleviate withdrawal and the options be sold next to the cannabis

* and if all casinos and gambling and lotteries were shut down

* and if any foreign national who tries to stop the coup be allowed the option to leave and if their assassination is approved if they did not do so, etc.

Never trust the regime in power. Never turn your back on them. They are predatory capitalists, like a cannibalistic bonobo monkey. Beware of all contact with their drugs and needles and their hospitals and other government controlled entities. I expect that due to my being injected forcibly and knocked unconscious when seeking healthcare, that they have implanted something in me chemically or otherwise to get rid of me in the event of a coup against the current ruling dictators. Beware in many Western nations, including Western Europe and the United States.

Daily Foreword June 24, 2012: I, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, was injured horribly with forced injections in California and Arizona and even being knocked unconscious with alleged government approval in the USA, and I was beat out of government particapation by the dictatorship in Alabama. A dream came to me recently and the voice said, "You should have had a complete blood transfusion after the injections. You should have made them pay for it. It made me so furious." I only know of one man with that voice, and he is a maimed Rabbi. We are the leper colony, I am certain of it, at least he and I are part of one. The doctors say I had a stroke from the forced injections and other medical procedures forced upon me. I could not have gotten a blood transfusion in time, but I wonder whose blood I would have taken in place of my own tainted blood. It would have taken an entire body of an adult of the same or compatible blood type. Blood Type O and Rh D negative would be sufficient for any one. But what if the body or mind is half dead from a stroke or other medical procedures? The end times seems too speak of a leper colony from which the Messiah arises. Could the part of our living dead minds and bodies together form the messiah, and could the blood he needs be all of ours of that composite leper group?

Deja Vu Friar Jacques sung to the tune of Morning Bells would make a nice tune. What did they do to me God? What gave them the right? I feel as if I am ruled over by my enemies in the USA. You would be better to kill yourself than to serve them under their current true ruler, a dictator without a face or a name.

It is possible to bend light and cause a person to appear in front of you, a duplicate of someone, all the way down to voice and mannerisms. This can be done with technology and possibly just mind control. I believe that many alleged world leaders or military coup leaders are of this sort. They could even spit on you and it would seem real.

Many people of the USA are highly discriminated against, geocentrism and racism and more. The government however claims to help veterans as well, and they will destroy you veterans at the first opportunity, terminating you wrongfully and then disposing of you in warfare against you or medical torture or incarceration. In California on employment applications such as at the international money launderer Wells Fargo Bank, there is a section asking if you are Hispanic. There is no section for veterans on their application. The federal government in California allows the hispanics and others to grow marijuana and they can open cannabis clubs in California. I encourage the people of the South East to see their government as the hater of men among them, both caucasian and negro and mix. I believe you should be able to have the same rights as our enemy in power has dictated for those in California. Beware of California, it is a racist nightmare and I often wonder if the Hispanics of virtue are treated as well as the Hispanics of vice and corruption? We know the government tells lies and we know that many races would eat each other in a desperate war, like a prime rib, and rob each other of everything. We are among enemies in America it seems. Or perhaps we are deceived like those people in the Mid-East. Beware of the racists factions in America. Leave for Africa or the Mediterranean or Europe, and if they attack you, I wish you well in killing them, however you may have something on your hands that is not as human as it is technological. If your vehicle is attacked in a hit and run, you are better to flee the scene. Their government or their syndicate faction could be setting you up for something like a satellite weapon or other nearby weapon. The Secretary of the Department of Commerce was hit twice in Southern California in a hit and run and he started having seizures and had to resign.

If you cut IT, will it bleed? If you cauterize it, will it scar? Can you bend light around it? Isolate it and have it remain valid? These are the sorts of questions we need to ask about the alleged leaders who are the enemies to mankind on Earth.

Daily Foreword June 23, 2012: Today on the Google search bar, it showed that it was Alan Turings 100th birthday. Turing was a mathematical genius and an expert breaker of codes, having invented a machine, the bombe, to break alleged German encryption code. Turing was killed allegedly by poisoning of cyanide placed on an apple allegedly found half eaten on his bed-side stand, or perhaps with cyanide fumes in his death room. His body was never autopsied and he appeared upbeat which means he was likely murdered. Turing was killed on June 7, 1954. The truth is that he was killed a few months after the dirtiest nuclear bomb in USA history, the Castle Bravo blast on March 1, 1954, which was made worse most likely in part of an ongoing war. Turing had been castrated chemically a short time before his death in a cruel and vicious act by government. It is my belief that we lost some kind of war and I had at one time thought the final blow was after the Tsar Bomba explosion in October of 1961, which seemed to hasten changes across Europe and the UK in particular. No nation that loves its people would castrate someone who was so influential in deciding the final course of events in an all out war. No nation that loves its people would allow casinos or for tourniquets to be placed on their people or forced needles into their arms and legs.

The poisoning of Turin is ironic too because only last week, on the 18th, I was at a Wal-Mart in Northern California and when I was checking out at the checkout someone may have swapped out a bag of frozen fish I was buying. The Cashier seemed to notice the bag swap and I contacted Wal-Mart security at their headquarters and told them to save the video tape of the checkout. I can not see very well due to being partially blinded with forced injections by the alleged government in power in the the USA at LA VA Westwood in California in 2001 and at Flagstaff Medical Center in Arizona in 2004. However, I saw the reaction on the Cashiers face, startled, and I heard someone behind me in my shopping cart. When I got home I noticed the frozen fish bag was open. I ate some of the fish and got sick from it and also had given some of it to some members of my extended family as well, including a child. I took the fish back to the store but I decided not to pursue the video tape due to my being observed by undercover officers at the store and because the FBI and SS and the federal EEOC and FDIC seem to hate me. Wal-Mart or someone tried to contact me on the 22nd about the email regarding the incident. I recommend Wal-Mart get new packaging or at least make sure all of the bags are firmly double sealed and that cashiers tell us when sealed food has been opened. Many of our enemies do not care if I die, just as they do not care if Turing was castrated chemically by force and coercion and then killed. We should protect each other but we do not always do so. I need employment and would like volunteer to be Secretary of Commerce since the last Secretary of Commerce was attacked viciously repeatedly and now has alleged seizures. After all, I understand banking and the Glass-Steagall Act, why it was struck down by international war criminlas, and I know how to survive most assassins. I, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, will work for first class plane fare and per diem alone. I am a man of peace and virtue and I want to request that federal war criminals have their hoodlums back off and that no security or antagonizers come near me while I am shopping for food.

I have been in touch with a ring of nations in the Mediterranean and am requesting that Turkey not attack Syria, and to realize that both nations could have had their leadership eliminated and or persuaded to kill each other. We can all have peace and prosper if we try. I am thinking of relocating to Turkey and Israel and Iran and other nations, as I search for the perfect triangle to travel, one of peace and prosperity and love.

As a joke, I told the federal Department of Commerce how to survive based on my true life events. First, if you are in a position of power, drive a large vehicle, a truck or humvee. If a hit and run occurs against your vehicle, and the other vehicle flees, you should not stay in the same location if you can leave. Leave in the vehicle or by foot, but evacuate the area and try to avoid the second attempt that might be forthcoming with unknown or known apparatus or procedure. When I was attacked with my wife in my vehicle in 2009, I drove across a home-made treadle in Baldwin County Alabama. I did not tell my wife and saw it coming. One of the treadles was stuck in my tire. I saw a police officer of Baldwin County Alabama Sheriff department nearby afterward. I do not trust them either. I kept driving and crossed Mobile Bay bridge in Alabama enroute back to Mobile sounding like "Thumper". After a 20 or 30 mile ride from the attack, I made it home, and had noticed someone was following us to the bridge. When I pulled into the garage of our home, the tire went flat. I then told my wife what had happened and called AAA to have it repaired. I did not call 911. As Hunter S. Thompson, a friend and fellow investigative journalist wrote, "Never call 911". Also, do not carry a loaded gun to place in your desk at work and do not sleep with it in your home unless it is in a safe, and do not travel with it while moving and avoid all government property while in travel. A FDIC Regional Director was shot dead in his office with his own gun around 1991, alleged suicide, and Hunter S. Thompson, journalist, was found shot dead at his home in 2005 after we discussed my horrid experience during and after FDIC employment and also my pointing to Sheriff Jack Tillman, food funds thief, in Mobile Alabama. Tillman had taken my gun permit when I was attempting to report him on 4/3/2001, and I was injected and tortured for overnight parking with my gun collection in woods alleged to be federal property in Los Angeles Westwood. They hate us here on the West Coast and the Gulf Coast and in Florida it seems. It's tough to be a Queer Guinea pig on the USS Reid's "dieR Queer List". Ask M.S. Karlson in Ketchikan. They had the poor Signalman (flagman) climbing the mast of the USS Reid FFG-30 while they doused it with radiation from the skies and microwaves from the radars, and he is now a victim of advanced Multiple Sclerosis. Where is a computer hacking Gunney like Van Gogh when you need a shotgun? Likely in a nut bar somewhere, since he was the one who found the dieR "Queer" guinea pig list on the USS Reid and who was arrested after throwing the guns and computers overboard in 1983. This message brought to you by the Quartermaster (Navigator) "Dead Eye Dic" medical guinea pig, keeping an eye on all things, including the Cap'n and F-DIC.

Daily Foreword June 21, 2012: It appears that Commerce Secretary John Bryson was attacked just as some high level honest FDIC banking regulators and Banking Frauds judges were attacked and myself, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner and later government crimes investigator, freelance. John Bryson might have been knocked unconscious and not known it at the alleged hit and run crash sites and he is now resigning allegedly due to seizures. He might have been altered in some fashion. I will take his job for per diem and first class airfare in the airline of my choice. California and the rest of the West Coast is not a safe place for many of us. We have been under attack and the enemy has the upper hand on the West Coast. It sometimes pays to drive a vehicle like a large truck or humvee. I was attacked on the highway in 2001 and again in 2008 or 2009. The second time I drove over a home made treadle device and saw it coming. I drove 25 miles to my home with my wife who did not know what had happened. When we made it home, the tire was flat and punctured and we had been followed. We sounded like thumper coming across the Mobile Bay bridge in Alabama. I have a sense of humor about combat, but it pays to be prepared. Bryson made an indication in a photo of my government leprosy sign, and the hand sign is shown on my video Stone Cold In My Electric Chair found by internet search. He pointed to a location on his jaw of a tooth that was knocked out in captivity from my jaw after being forcibly injected in 2001 and I also had unexplained scars in the same area likely from being a guinea pig in the USA military. Bryson, get a really big pickup and carry some armaments, but make sure you have a permit, or they will maim you for exercising your rights under the US Constitution. This is the West Coast and you are in the thick of sh-t. Beware of mind control. I think they knocked Bryson delirious or they are simply forcing him out. Southern California and Arizona are hostile territory. The censors over the USA government internet media do not allow me to comment on articles such as that above on Yahoo news and Indymedia has become censored for me also. The USA has become a closed dictatorship. Who is really in charge here is the question? We also need to strike down the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, and strike down the FDIC Improvement (Butcher) Act of 1991, and re-instate the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. Like a White Zombie, "Never Gonna Stop" (music). How are things hanging in Braman, OK?

I remember when I was at a bank examination at the FDIC. A man at the bank, manager or a president, asked me, "Do you want in?" and pointed at an office. The way it looked to me was that bribes were going down or they were clearing skulls of thoughts. I growled at him and went back into my F-DIC daze. I found 4 thousand dollars once in a widows home in 2011 while cleaning up her beloveds belongings. I gave it back to her. I feel the same way about bank examination. Do not succumb to bribes or trickery, and always have respect for the dead and living who are of virtue. FDIC Masta, ask ARD F-DIC Sweet Carol to put in a call to the Commerce Department, as I am a "Good Fit" for the job.

Daily Foreword June 19, 2012: Beware of Yahoo News and other forums. They are censoring responses heavily. None of mine are being allowed through and I saw the same thing happening to Indymedia. I am also barred from federal employment whereas before my reporting crimes in government I was first to be hired. Our enemies are coming to power in the USA. Beware of the enemy and know that they will harm you if you seek medical care. A doctor refused a bribe that was alluded to in Santa Cruz California by a likely federal agent who gets his pay from the enemy faction in power in part of the USA government. I was also attacked long ago when reporting theivery by a Sheriff in Alabama and I fled. The USA needs a new regime to overthrow the dictatorship, but I feel it will get worse before it gets better. They are negative capitalists, predators, who are highly discriminatory against much of the American populace.

Daily Foreword June 17, 2012: You will find on this website many things related to high tech military weaponry not yet disclosed or barely known by the populace and you will also find information regarding extreme corruption in the government, including murders in banking oversight and the complete stripping of the financial sector by use of laws implemented during the 1990's. One thing that sticks in my mind is an event in the Pacific Ocean off of the coast of California near San Clemente Island in 1983 immediately after the Falkland Islands War. I believe we on the USS Reid FFG-30, those of us showed up for the voyage, were led into a nuclear soup. Before we set sail, a stranger showed up and told me not to go. He held a sign as I boarded the ship, it was a small nuclear hazard sign, the type you would see on a bulkhead, about the size of your hand.

Something happened off of the island as we proceeded North North West and back for several weeks, as we progressed steadily Westward to deeper water. I became delirious from the heat and told the captain and he said, "They are trying to kill us". I was a Quartermaster and worked closely with officers on the bridge of the ship. I was relieved of navigation duties after I told the captain I was getting sick and delirious from the extreme heat. As far as I know, we may have gone to the Marshall Islands and Bikini Atoll, but my memory is not what it was due to the stroke. We may have had a salvaged radioactive submarine in tow, what do I know?

It was stated in that some divers went to Lost Point off San Clemente Island on and they found a submarine with its superstructure blown off. I left a comment there but it was deleted. Here is an paraphrase of the article and I think it was in 2011 -- "On Sunday, 6th February, (2011?) Andrew Ainslie, Mike Wynd and Danny Graham went to San Clemente in Danny Howard's boat. Alan Crane acted as safety diver. We dove on a target in 300 feet off Lost Point. We were hoping to find a destroyer, but came up with something more surprising - a submarine. We have tentatively identified it as the USS Skate (SS-305), a balao class submarine that was used as a target twice - once at Bikini Atoll, and once off San Clemente. She sits upright in 300 feet of water. The superstructure was largely destroyed in the atomic blast - what a surprise!" "Some very bad footage:(video) We were working with very tight deadlines (the area closed halfway through the day for navy exercises), a poor camera and only half my usual lighting. Apologies for the lousy footage. Andrew Ainslie".

I recently found another article stating where a US submarine was entangled in a cable at a deep depth off of San Clemente Island. The ironic thing about the article is that it is dated November 9, 1989. 11-9, if you read right to left is 9-11. Could it be that we have lost the control of the West Coast of the USA, we being the American people? What is going on with these mysterious submarines off of San Clemente Island? Did our captain, a Vietnam veteran, go bezerk and bring back a radio-active vessel from Bikini Atoll or was he too taken hostage? I seem to remember us towing something one time that was submerged, but the stroke that the government gave me with forced injections plays tricks with the memory.

I am forbidden work in the federal government since FDIC employment in San Francisco despite a doctorate level education if all degrees are tallied. Beware of mind control if you try to advance and regain the nation on the West Coast. Many are liars and killers on the West Coast and hate ethical Americans and even hold high rank in office in the public and government sectors.

Many of us have become paupers under the negative predatory capitalists rule in the USA. Now in San Francisco there is extreme censorship on all internet media. It was at one time one of the most free places in the USA on the internet and in travel. Now all is censored and armed guards with rifles often ride the BART. Recently I was walking in Monterey County and noticed some stinging on my face and neck, like electrical shocks or needles. Have we gone down so far that we can no longer defend ourselves? Am I simply feeling the effects of stroke induced by forced injections by our enemy factions who are in power in the USA? I do not condone war and prefer pacifism, but if you go to war with the enemy factions, beware of the "Blue Herring", meaning corrupted government. They accuse us of many things falsely and deliberately, and I call it the "Blue Herring". I wish you well if you can institute a holy war in peaceful means and remove our tormentors from our shores in these dieing United States of America. If you have to use violence, you should beware of mind control as you may be killing our own. They took off their gloves on me and wounded me. I pray to God for vengeance just as I prayed in July of 2001 when I turned the other cheek after losing a tooth while in confinement after being injected and tortured and threatened and forced to sign document. Look for signs in this war and use technology. So help us God aka Allah. Kurt Brown aka Saint Ram Bone. By the way, why did Citibank get to re-write banking laws in 1998, thereby instituting deregulation through the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999.

Be aware that many of the police and government are hostile in the state of California and Arizona. In Alabama they were going to throw me into an insane asylum for daring to particapate in government in 2002. The thief Sheriff Jack Tillman was still in office, even after I had reported his now proven thievery to the LA VA Westwood police in front of Officer Blackman of the VA police on video tape on 4/23/2001. I also reported an attempt on my life that was ignored by the FBI and Secret Service in February of 2001. I was soon placed in exile in Eureka California. They tried to force me to stay in Los Angeles, but their courts are a vipers den and the LA VA Westwood had allowed federal police to inject me before court with chemicals and they also killed other veterans in heart experiments. Do not believe in their lies of the USA Constitution or the Amendments therein and the Bill of Rights. We have factions at war with us and it is technological in scope. If you have families who swim or fish near San Clemente Island, be aware that the government covered up a likely sunk submarine with nuclear material on it after the Falkland Islands War in 1983. I was warned and I should not have boarded the ship. I believe my entire family born from my loins thereafter was impacted by the radiation of high levels. Some of the boatswains mates were likely touched by the radio-active water. They have put me to the bottom of their government. I welcome a new ruler to rise and destroy the enemies to mankind. Let us walk with God. Let us remember the mistakes that were written about the End Times, the mistakes of our fellow man. Let us have courage and strength against the enemies to mankind who have arisen in the USA and other nations.

Daily Foreword June 16, 2012: There are those who will create or name wars as holy wars when their true objective is to kill the holy. I was recently looking for a new home in a new nation, having grown tired of the lesser minds in the USA of negative capitalism and abusive police factions atop the government dictatorship and their associated syndicates who carry out their directives of hatred and abuse. I looked to Iran and Israel, two very similar nations with no casinos and no direct involvement in the ruling government in allowing of the government to create tourniquets on the people, i.e. tourniquets of predatory capitalism on the people.

Because the USA has those who have begun to attack me when I seek healthcare, I stumbled across the fact that Saudi Arabia does not charge Muslims for healthcare in Mecca. The charge for healthcare in the USA under the current true ruling dictatorship is torture and abuse and robbery and perhaps some financial extortion as well, unless you can find a doctor and a healthcare facility of virtue. Armegeddon may have a sweet smack to it. I believe that in time the only healthcare Americans will have is pure heroin, grown in the USA in some areas and imported from abroad. After all, in our parents generation in the 1960's, the addicts had to travel a long distance to get liquor. In the generation from the 1990's, the addicts had to travel a long distance to get marijuana. In the future, the addicts will have to travel a long distance to get their drug heroin. Cocaine and meth or speed is already in the mix and allowed with the approval of some factions of the dictatorship in power.

The consolidation of the banking system in the USA to a one bank and financial services and insurance provider due to changes in laws and bribery and mind control has already started to happen and open the door to the true crowning of negative capitalism in the USA. Human kind can be manipulated and deceived and a world death may seem to be a welcome curse in the near future for many of us. Also I have detailed a sort of mind controlling machine unleashed on the Earth in the 1960's on the Love Line 12 page. The parts of the machine I envision is not all inclusive and could have occurred with other events and the entire apparatus is not clear to me, only the effects of mind control in warfare, i.e. see Syria and Libya and Iraq and the USA banking system today and healthcare abuse and prisons for profit and the wars since the 1950's and 1960's.

Someone once told me that President George Bush Sr. had been altered while he was in Vietnam or afterward. There was some question about his arm injury. I often wonder about what has been done to many of our people. Could they already be dead and we deceived as to what we see? The implant in the arm or in the body is one of those things of which I am concerned. Because I was knocked unconscious when seeking healthcare and tortured psychologically and physically, I am very curious about all scars on my body. I have a keloid scar on my flesh according to a doctor I saw about 10 years ago. A keloid scar is something Africans get on their flesh and it is related to pigment in the tissues when the flesh is damaged and I do not know what caused the tell-tale scar. I saw a homeless or poor man walking down the road and holding his neck where my scar is and he put two fingers over his neck. Many of us are born with two strikes against us in the USA. We are enemies with at least some of the ruling factions of the regime and their paid mercenaries and syndicates. God save us all who are with God, even if in the cessation of life on a grand scale in some fashion. Beware of the lies by the war criminal factions and beware of mind control. If surrounded by the enemy or chased, you may be better off to flee, even if it brings you death, and peace everlasting.

I had a dream and the dream warned in a dire voice, "Beware the name change". That can mean many things, from banks changing names, e.g. Wachovia to Wells Fargo Bank, or President George Bush not being George Bush, or a child that is taken from a parent and held for several years and then having the child switched out. Or it could mean for us, "Who is that we are dealing with?". A twisted development.

Daily Foreword June 16, 2012: There are those who will create or name wars as holy wars when their true objective is to kill the holy. I was recently looking for a new home in a newe nation, having grown tired of the lesser minds in the USA of negative capitalism. I looked to Iran and Israel, two very similar nations with no casinos and no direct involvement in the ruling government in allowing of the government to create tourniquets on the people, i.e. tourniquets of predatory capitalism on the people.

Because the USA has begun to attack me when I seek healthcare, I stumbled across the fact that Saudi Arabia does not charge for healthcare in Mecca. The charge for healthcare in the USA under the current true ruling dictatorship is torture and abuse and robbery.

Daily Foreword June 14, 2012: For many of us the USA is a hated nation of crime and despair. Sadly also the police and government can not be trusted. The police are targeting innocent people in many cases. Those in power are no allies to many of us of long term American heritage who believed in positive capitalism. Beware of their placing surveillance or reported crimes on the innocent. I would applaud the rise of a new faction of benevolence in the USA. I at one time believed in pacifism, but now after being tortured and mained and seeing almost all things destroyed, I encourage our people to stay sober and to prepare as if in a war against our enemies who have come to power in the USA. We may better off dead than to have our children and grandchildren lead to poverty and enslavement under their regime and their system of brainwashing and control. Never allow them to inject you forcibly, you would be better off to fight to the death or kill yourself. They will often attack the innocent in hospitals and beware of parking on government properties, including VA properties. We are their enemies in many if not all cases. Extreme prejudice exists on the West Coast and Gulf Coast. I encourage people not to hate each other, but if you are attacked, you have my blessings in war. Pacifism does not work with our enemies who have come to extreme power in the USA. They will kill you, rob you, and leave you maimed and your family in ruins.

Sometimes the plasticine Rabbi would sing for us and play songs, and it is at times like this I sing to the plasticine Rabbi and play birthday hymns, MixeR Master F-DIC BOD Sweet Carol.. Perhaps it is time to form a World Holocaust Survivors Party (WHSP)? Rocket Man can't seem to find his way OHM in Braman OK.

Daily Foreword June 6, 2012: Todays post is on Page Love Line 12 and I have put out a video describing the same content. Love Line 12 has a more lengthy discussion with proven links. Many of us who serve in the USA military are being subjected to radiation and other phenomena which are damaging not only us but our entire genome. Mind control was initiated in 1961 with Tsar Bomba. See page Love Line 12 and also see the video put out today titled, TSAR Bomba 1961, Largest Blast Ever, Leads To Global Mind Control, Warfare Controlled.

Daily Foreword June 4, 2012: Dual existence, either in a physical vacuum or a split consciousness has been in my mind since reading of Nikola Tesla's explanation of how he thought he could control the human mind by mimicking the Hertz of brainwaves in the human mind. I had thought of mind control due to a laser stun gun that was taken off of the market due to legal considerations. The stun gun hit the mind at the same hertz as the mind operates. The alleged Tsar Bomba explosion may have utilized Tesla's invention of generating a huge power surge of a sort created from the power stored in the atmosphere of Earth and the Earth itself, or it may have been a nuclear bomb. The explosion may not have belonged to the USSR. However I suspect it was used as a power source to initiate change, possibly, perhaps in the war vein. So another question is, if the Tsar Bomba blast was not originated by the USSR, who was at odds with the USSR at the time? Count the felons.

When I was in the USA Navy onboard the USS Reid FFG-30, I was suspicious of one young man. We did not get along and he wanted to fight me once in my apartment I shared with another sailor in San Diego in 1982 before the new ship the USS Reid FFG-30 was made ready for us. My room-mate and he were karate chopping each other once and I came in and asked to join in. I forgot to take off my shoes and hurt my roommate when I kicked him. The other sailor, the suspect sailor wanted to fight at that time but I chose not to and abstained because I knew we would fight and tear up the apartment and I was half drunk, so it could have become vicious and we would fight until the other was unconscious. He later worked on some odd appliance on the boat that was said to be for shooting flak, which is like shards of metal coming out of a large roman candle looking device with six or eight tubes, and it was meant to detonate incoming missiles. The same young man had entered my apartment room once with my shipmate and I told them to leave. It was highly suspect to me, their not knocking. I have become suspicious of the tubes and now wonder if they were something else, perhaps a sort of experiment or other tool, perhaps a dual application.

Because I had a stroke and because dreams have mixed with memories after being tortured and injected in the USA in 2001 and 2004, I will do my best to separate the two, memories and dreams. I tend to dream of weapons when I am attacked, trying to discover what was done to me and how and any hidden meaning and messages that might be established. I seem to recall a dream or a dual reality in which an officer told me the suspect sailor was from the Third Reich. He may have been the one who put me on the "Queer" list or the "Guinea Pig" experiment list as I call it, which was found by our shipmate, a Gunnery man, a Van Gogh looking fellow who was later arrested and hauled off the ship for throwing computers and guns overboard after showing the list to some other sailors.

If I remember correctly, in dream or reality, or dual existence or dual conscienciousness the officer also told me, "The kid who entered your room asked your roommate to allow him to do so." "That kid is from the Third Riech" "You Can Go", "I mean it, You Can Go". "They are screwing me too." Now in what I call Queer speak that would mean I was related to the undesirables and possibly of the Congo, or the ship was not safe for me. The officer could have meant the suspect sailor was from a cleansing group of sorts, a selective watchdog for an inbred sect. Considering I had a relative who was likely a slave, circa 1860 in the Florida USA area, I suppose the officer was correct on the ship. I am at least partially Congo. I should have never joined their guinea pig service. As a Jewish woman I knew long ago said, "We are all in God's hands.". Can Do! Can Go! Congo! I would like to have that mixed fight now, or perhaps just go, somewhere, anywhere out of the USA for a while and all negative capitalists predatory capitalist nations, no casinos and no disparate drug laws or tourniqueting of the public with imported drugs. It appears after my news post,saintrambone google groups, yesterday regarding the USA and UK being taken over starting in the 1960's after the Tsar Bomba blast, linked below, that someone shut down much of the internet for many people. I also contacted the FDIC's discrimination hotline yesterday, another agency on their website, but they are a load of b-llshit and would never rehire me. I told the hotline about the close call of my FDIC boss's neighborhood, Rocklin, doused in jet and or diesel fuel in 1999 and of a possible fight that occurred at the Roseville FDIC office in 1999 and how my boss seemed different afterward, "we-uh-d". The San Bruno Gas-line explosion of 2010 was likely due to inside deals at Wells Fargo Bank and Wachovia Bank and the stripping of money from some syndicates accounts by some other syndicates, with collusion inside the banks with banking regulators and perhaps a judge. I would kick their asps if re-hired when setting traps for collusion and bribes and SARS mishandling. Broadband works but ATT U-Verse is having issues. If you have a wireless connection, it might behoove you to remove any wireless networks that are not yours that are on your computer. I am feeling a bit dieR.

Where is the gunnery man, the Van Gogh looking fellow now, who found the "Queer" or Guinea pig list in 1983? He threw the computers and guns overboard when he discovered it, then he told many of us about the list after showing it to some shipmates, and then he was arrested and taken off the ship. I would like to go to Turkey with him now and see our old ship, the USS Reid FFG-30, now Gelibolu in mothballs. I would like to go to the moon also to see if a sarcaphagus from Troy was in the hole that Nasa allegedly blew up on the South Pole of the moon, circa 2009. Could there have been a colony inside the moon? How would gravity act there? Could it be modified to be habitable inside? Perhaps, where, W here--more Queer speak? I would rather have myself and all of my kin dead than to be a bunch of slaves of any sort. Cloning Earth?

I had a dream last night regarding forced injections in the USA. A young doctor in training was ordered to assist in injecting a young boy about seven or eight years old with Halperidol. As I filled in the details from the real-life conversation, I realized I pondered upon an ethical question, the Hippocratic Oath to help and and not harm in medicine. From details in the real conversation, I turned to my imagination in the dream, and the boy looked like myself. The young doctor would not forcibly inject the child when because he asked the child to stop running around or be forcibly injected and the child calmed down. The young doctor was not approved of by management but his opinion was outwardly respected by a supervisor. The child was actually allegedly injected later after he allegedly starting running around again out of control. The hospital was in the South East USA. In my dream, I could hear him saying, "I am the Rocket Man" (music link.) . Now lets suppose all parts of this paragraph are real. Some parts are real. It would be wrong to inject the child forcibly because his brain may have already been traumatized, and hence the imaginary world in which he liked to see himself. A private room with a landing pad, a bed and some cookies and milk would have worked better, with consultation with a therapist at a later time, after rest and the seizures in the mind could stop. Brain seizures are often acted out in impulses toward activities by the patient.

Daily Foreword June 2,2012: We in the USA are children of the world Holocaust. Many other nations are the same. The idea of American ideals is finished. We are in a new era of greed, and torture and abuse. Even the government is robbing failing banks with laws passed in the 1990's, the FDIC Act of 1991 and the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999. The FDIC has those who rob failed banks and the list of failed banks is large, and they have omitted the largest bank failure of all, Wachovia Bank from the list. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is not a corporation but an agency or perhaps a crimes syndicate. A more material loss is the right to our own bodies. I would welcome the end of this time, but I have been horribly injured in the USA, starting when just a baby and in my adulthood after informing on FDIC crimes and other government entities crimes.

It appears we are in a time of fascism and war is the name of the game. I try to rise above it all, but as a Pacifist I was knocked unconscious and given a stroke due to injections by those who are bribed by those who destroy our people with their laws and their abuses. When I look at Italy I see the alleged end of fascism, a nation and a people ravaged by war and corrupt warlords in the past and likely the present. I do not like fascism because it makes people more like the Bonobo Monkey, which is the type A blood in most humans and is a cannibal. All of us humans, even type B blood have Blood type A in us. I look to God for an answer and I know what it is. Training the young with modern tools such as the internet so they can be creative engineers and solve the Earth's problems. I do not feel it will happen.

The FDIC should be shut down because they do not abide by the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which was made defunct by the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 and they do not mention that fact.. What use is a grave robber to us other than another thief, a carrion eater of fallen wealth. Beware of the Jacksonville Florida area as it is a FDIC butcher hub. I was harassed in the area and the FBI or a syndicate tried to set me up in 2012, including having a helicopter hover over me in Palm Coast Florida at a beach with likely Spanish mobster and Italian and other government mobsters assisting and then I was led to another area East of Jacksonville for a discussion that I was warned not to attend. The FBI can not be trusted. Many of them are a fascist tool for an international fascist dictator and have likely killed many people to advance their true bosses agendas of world financial domination. Some may want to consider fascist political parties to counter their Spanish and other warlords, but I would prefer another nation, a holy nation, that rises above the negative predatory capitalists in power in much of the Americas and much of Europe. It is my prayer their fascist dictatorship regime in the USA is replaced by a holy regime.

In another matter, I, a government crimes investigator, and others who were police in the USA have been forcibly injected by men who are in the federal government who are in fact war criminal felons. Their mask is aided when we are injected forcibly with unknown chemicals that are likely designed to kill and maim. My prior boss, the regional director of the FDIC in San Francisco was George Masa. George Masa had a long history of indifference as he allowed me to be terminated wrongfully 2000 and I noticed in this article linked here from 1986 when George Masa was apparently in D.C. that he approved of ripping off the American public in over inflated prices for real estate banking loans. Remember the S and L crisis 6 years later in 1992? I viewed something or had a dream or recollection of someone doing something to my back once. I have an area that has abnormal protrusions from the spine. When I am in the area of electronic devices, I will sometimes get a stinging sensation. It could be nothing, but it could be mind control. Never drop your guard. Never serve the regime in power who are under the international war criminal factions of predatory negative capitalism. Let us push for their destruction of casino gambling in the USA and the removal of liquor from grocery store shelves. Let us push for equal rights to medical marijuana in all states and urge the young to use none of it. We are slaves to our enemies.

In my efforts to determine when the Earth was overtaken by something akin to the likes of Attila The Hun in the acts of utmost ferociousness, I look to the blast alleged to as the Tsar Bomba of late 1961 and likely the coupling of another device to the blast of energy that enabled overtaking of the Earth, likely in some manner we have not been made informed. It was likely not a bomb but another utilization of Earth's energy for military overtaking. I also believe that the UK was taken over at that time or soon thereafter, as was the USA. A key indicator of corruption and predators in your midst is the presence of casinos and forced military drafts to attack nations of little consequence such as Vietnam. The first casino in the UK was in June of 1962. The arrival of nuclear bombs in the UK was first protested in 1958. Those bombs are likekly held to the rulers throats like knives in the UK. The Aldermaston marches in the UK were stopped in April 1963 due to likely being put aside by those who conquered the UK and moved the nuclear knife to their throats and some of the conquering parties henchman to the thrones of the UK in some form unknown. The Vietnam war military draft was heightened in 1964. The USA has been robbed basically my entire life and I can only guess at what else has happened. I made a fool of myself going into the military of the USA, and being turned into a guinea pig and they altered me so my future children are harmed before birth from what they did to me near the Los Angeles military in Long Beach in 1983. Also, the FDIC proved to me that there were people being murdered there after working for them in 1999 and 2000. The prior FDIC boss was murdered around 1991. They are robbing America silly and had me in a coma until 2011 with blocked out memories. This is a shifting war. Imagine what Nikola Tesla would have done to catch our enemies in this act of war against us. If we can not be free, we should welcome the end of time of human beings. Beware of the lie of who is really the ally. The face is not known when the mask goes skin deep. Here is today's post on a news group with a comment at the bottom about mind control and subjugation of the species.

Daily Foreword May 28, 2012: Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone's latest video on Youtube discussing bribery and corruption and murder and maiming of innocent judges, bank examiners, and journalists in the USA. The banking industry is rife with multi-billion dollar money laundering schemes and other financial crimes, while those who work in the field are paid very little and are not given protections unless it is offered by those who benefit from bribes and corruption. Those who are supposed to prevent it are being overwhelmed by those who are corrupt. As the old saying goes, "Money talks and bull-sh-t walks" and "Money is the root of all evil." We are being robbed and maimed and murdered. We are under attack in the USA. I was censored from DC Indymedia and it appears the same happened at and often from LA Indymedia. I have reposted the video at Indymedia in New Orleans to test for censorship there of the video linked above in this paragraph, and it too was censored. The USA is a lost cause, with the enemies to mankind controlling ourselves and our media and most of the internet.

When I was at the FDIC in the year 2000 in San Francisco, I was in one of the bosses offices. It was one of the ARD F-DIC Sweet Carols as I called them, one step down from the regional boss, the Masta, who would not even take the time to meet me, instead remaining hidden behind his wall and and guarding his door was Sweet Carol who was in the way. That F-DIC Masta looks remarkably like another of those in highest of finance today under another name in Government office, and I wonder if he is the same F-DIC Master of that year. ARD F-DIC Sweet Carol told me I was, "In a hole I could not get out of". I was at the top of the F-DIC tower in San Francisco so it created a dilemma for me, to figure it out. I have figured it out.

I would like to wager Pascals Wager that I will get out of the hole ARD F-DIC Sweet Carol said I could not escape, the Sweet Carol dilemma as I call it. With Pascals Wager it does not matter if I win or lose, it only matters if I do what the true Master wants me and us to do. I got out of that F-DIC hole and into another, the stroke which I can not escape in totality but enough that I can be heard. There is but one God in the sense of who is my master, whether dead or alive in this flesh. He or She may speak in many tongues, but we know when he hear the truth. We must be wary of deceptions in our era. Very often Occams Razor type of logic is more about being simple and the more complex and mystical connections are overlooked. Some times we humans are not using our intellect to see other dimensions or answers to other problems in known truths. However, when dealing with simpletons, I look to Occams Razor type logic to derive the tests that point to answers, i.e. Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama as the food funds thief. However, even that investigation did not ascertain other thievery that may have been occurring, inlcuding thievery of oil out of Mobile Bay and bribery paid to those who were in charge of the legal contracts for natural gas sales. Of course then there is the issue of the "Red Herring" effect which is a distraction or lie. Of course, as in my case, when a federal officer sends out an alert on me that I am in a crime or committing a crime, such as when I try to investigate government crimes, that is a red herring or a distraction or lie. By finding out who sent out the false report or the damaging report, you can discern who is in an inner circle of the enemy to our people who are in power. They may be accepting bribes as well. I will call this reverse type logic of the Red Herring, a Blue Herring, since it will often lead through law enforcement. You start with the source of the Red Herring and work backward until you find the sender, the Blue Herring. It likens to the comedy of the Pink Panther as I envisage when Inspector Clouseau follows the report back to Lt. Dreyfuss who gets kickback bribes from the Commissioner who gets kickback bribes from the Jewel thieving ring and drug and casino money launderers, headed by the Pink Panther.

What is "material"? is the question I asked at the beginning of my investigations. Life is most material, such as starving inmates, or a murder of someone such as the San Francisco FDIC regional director erroneously labeled suicide some time around the implementing of the FDIC Act of 1991. Next is the money issue and I usually do not get involved unless it is in the millions or billions or trillions of dollars. I think many criminals in law enforcement and those in the syndicates trying to mislead law enforcement will use the Red Herring tricks of the trades. The USA government does that to many of us when their syndicate bosses try to stop us from having government involvement. The abuse we suffer under in the USA if we are honest about government crime is like being in Hell, painted into a corner by the devil it's self, another ignorant ape with power. I am sure many men and women are in insane asylums or prison or graveyards wrongfully due to the acts of those who are in power and who are truly the working man's enemies on American soil and in airspace above.

When a question is more complex, I have to deviate from Occams Razor and find a solution that is more akin to Pascals Wager and the Sweet Carol dilemma, an open question and a closed end answer. For example the FDIC murder of the F-DIC head in the early 1990's in San Francisco and the falling burning aircraft with ordinance that almost hit me in Braman Oklahoma in 2004. I had to look a long time and was sick from the stroke but I eventually looked toward Xu and Xu of the Bank of China out of Macau and I had hypothesized for days, weeks, months, years, decades after doing tedious research to find missing variables. I arrized at the Zhendong weapon I theorized upon on page Love Line 12 of Mobile Audit Club website, and I might have driven through radio-active particles on December 7, 2004 late at night in Braman Oklahoma on the night of the crash and explosion I witnessed first hand.

I look at life like a game of Dodge Ball Ard F-DIC Sweet Carols, and I will wager on it Master. After all, when I was in terror and sick from the injections and torture after FDIC employment and investigative journalism work. Those I investigated and who are guilty are sick in the mind or weak or poisoned but inferior under Pascals Wager.

What Sweet did not know, is that I was likely was abducted as a baby for a short while and my truly loving mother tried to cover it up for whatever reason, or perhaps she did not know what was happening due to technology, and perhaps she too was victimized. I was injured horribly when just a little baby and I still carry physical scars and a few faint memories. I even remember the time of Tsar Bomba at 11 months old in 1961 and then Vietnam in the 1960's and all of those men being killed and killing themselves upon return and my generation was to be next. I stuttered horribly. Then I learned to control the stutter and then I learned to control my mind, and I have done so in greater precision than ever before, recalling things long since forgotten. Many of us are products of our environment.

Daily Foreword May 27, 2012: Bribery is a way of life for many cultures. In the USA we common Americans of long term ancestry are under attack if we are in banking oversight. Bribery is being used to have people put in prison or insane asylums or assassinated if those people are problematic to modern warlords in power in the USA government or in the banking industry. The amount of money involved is the issue. Trillions of dollars are passed in illegal banking and financial crimes in the USA. Federal banking frauds judge, Thomas Crane Wales in Seattle, was likely killed in 2001 for not accepting a bribe or influence. I was attacked for investigating crimes in government in 2001 and have been under attack and excluded since that time in 2000 when I left the FDIC. The FDIC had terminated me in 2000 when I would not drop an EEOC complaint. I was testing them in a way and they failed. I would not go behind closed doors with a stranger I barely knew because blood was on the FDIC floor from the early 1990's and money as a bank examiner is always on the table. We should have protected employment in the banking regulatory industry.

The problem is that if the top bosses are killed or manipulated to behave corruptly, such as in a bribe or a forced medical alteration or a scientific subterfuge method, they can have many of us terminated as they were doing in San Francisco in the year 2000, just as they do today. Collusion becomes a way of life and the next step is another war in natural progression of their acts. I will take an executive level job in Federal Bank Examination if I can peruse FDIC and Treasury OCC offices at will for corruption and mishandling of paperwork. I would do it for per diem and airplane flights with my current pay for one year. It will not happen. We have predatory leaders who are paid off by casino leaders and international and national drug lords and whorehouses and many other industries of the predatory capitalist vein. The USA is not the only nation on Earth and it definitely is not the best. If a nation has predatory practices in monetary manipulation or gain for themselves, you will be next. You can count on it. The only catch is that if humans are starving, they become insane and would commit any act for money. Education and use of the internet for invention is the key to the future for possible positive capitalism. Enlightment using the modern tools given to us, and if we strenthen our mind and body and spirit we will go beyond the constraints of the past. Otherwise we die. If we have to live as slaves of mind and body and spirit to negative capitalists, I would prefer death of myself and of any kin who are suffering, even if a million bloodlines away in the family tree.

Because I have been under attack since 2001 after FDIC employment where there was a sanctioned murder, likely due to an ongoing bribery and payola arrangement and due to crime syndicates in the offices and in the banks, and because I have recently had a narrow escape when a cop or syndicate member alluded to bribing the doctor I was visiting to say I was insane based on my handwriting, and due to the torture I endured in Flagstaff at FSMC in 2004 and LA VA Westwood in 2001, I no longer believe in the lies of America, such as liberty and justice for all or any other claims of fairness and virtue the regime in power has taught many to believe in. By teaching us these lies, they teach us to drop our guard. They will often pamper the young and then at the first opportunity, destroy us as adults.

We must protect ourselves from the immigrant groups who are most subject to bribes and those Americans who are subject to bribes. They are immoral and have no conscience.

The banking industry is often their target, but anything with value can also be taken by our enemies. The healthcare industry and the military are just some of their tools to get to the banks and we are simply in the way of their war path. All things valuable will be taken including children and land and lives. I foresee acres of grave-sites in the future in the USA being taken away and used in housing developments and for sale for other purposes. It does not pay to buy one's dead family members graves and tombstones in this environment in the USA. The irony is that the mistreatment of the American Indian led to the same burial ground decimation.

Under current conditions, the USA is a lost cause. Do not drop your guard to the government or government assisted and sponsored entities. Just like at the hospital where the doctor declined the bribe, the next doctor might take the bribe. I encourage people to pair up when going into anything the government supports so that one may assist the other if an abduction starts to occur.

A big problem of today in the USA, is that we often do not know who to trust. For instance, in 2001, I went to court, having done nothing wrong under the constitution. I was simply a traveler with a moving van and truck. The government in Los Angeles treated me like I was Timothy McVeigh, who they claimed was a terrorist. I was offered the chance to run by a guard after going to court once. If I had ran, one of two things would have happened. I would have been set free, or I would have been damaged, perhaps killed, and labeled something worse than what I was labeled at the beginning.

I was presented with one of several options for healthcare last week if I wanted government assistance. I could have gone to the VA where I was injected and tortured and labeled by federal officials who control the USA and who are paid bribes like a third world mafia in some sectors. I could have gone to a clinic in a military town like San Diego where many are loyal to some warlord in power of their ethnic group. I chose Santa Cruz because I know that some of the Jewish people there and they are without a doubt of the veil of God. We can not even get healthcare in places like Flagstaff Medical Center in Arizona or the LA VA in Westwood due to their being indebted to warlords in government or due to their inability to resist a bribe. I also had BC/BS insurance in Flagstaff in 2004 and they had me sign the papers before they injected me and knocked me unconscious. Do not sign the insurance papers before you are ready to leave and all services are rendered. Do not trust all medical facilities. We are in a state of warfare and martial law in the USA. Some of those in pwoer are like Al Capone and some are like Genghis Khan, etc. The USA is no longer safe for my people.

Daily Foreword May 26, 2012: On May 24 I went to a city clinic for healthcare in Santa Cruz. Allegedly someone came in and tried to bribe the doctor with money to say that I was insane and needed confinement. It appears that Indymedia is now blocking my report so I have put in on newsgroups. Google Groups has to be searched for now, even it is being buried. Here is the link on the Holocaust Newsgroup. We are having a holocaust in the USA of today also. I later asked for employment in the same post and put it on an Alabama newsgroup. Alt.California has not posted it yet. Therefore Alabama may have more freedom of speech than California. How strange?

Here is a link to the article with other supporting information at LA Indymedia.. Indybay Santa Cruz deleted the last post so I reposted the article again without the picture on Indybay Santa Cruz.. The Planned Parenthood clinic was the doctor's office in Santa Cruz. I thank God and my friends in Santa Cruz from stopping my abduction and torture. The last time I went for health care in a state hospital or government facility was the Flagstaff Medical Center in Arizona. I was knocked unconscious with forced injections simply for getting my flesh checked for a possible toxic spill burn. I wanted my vehicle checked for radiation also. I had been in New Mexico and the government wanted to silence me. Remember Wachovia Bank and Casa De Cambio Puebla, and remember Las Vegas and Xu Chaofan and Xu Guojun and Yu Zhendong of Bank of China out of Macau. I fought powerful people. I want my job back at the FDIC San Francisco. Please pass it on to the FDIC Board of Directors in D.C.

I had arrived at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Santa Cruz at 11 a.m. and was told to come back at 2 p.m. for the appointment. When I arrived at 2 p.m. I went to the clinic and was taken to a waiting room and had to wait a long time.

I was very concerned I would be forcibly injected and incarcerated again simply for seeking healthcare. I was a jounalist and was first injected in 2001 with two injections forcibly at a federal facility in Los Angeles, allegedly the LA VA Westwood, and the first two injections were under the orders of federal police. Many of them work for men no different than Al Capone was in his height of power. I was forced other medical procedures in 2001 and was taken to court to sign documents under duress and chemical torture. In 2004 in Flagstaff Arizona I stopped to get healthcare. I waited a long time and finally some people came in the room and forced injections upon me and knocked me unconscious and held me for three days in their insane asylum. A short time afterward I went to a doctor in Mobile Alabama and I was told I had a stroke and that I was partially blind. I was very sick from the injections and stroke and forgot about the diagnosis until 2011.

This visit in Santa Cruz was the first Doctor's visit I had in a state of federal or city hospital or clinic since the abduction and torture in Arizona in 2004 which was allowed in their Law, Arizona Title 36-520 law, which was implemented in 2001 before 9/11/2001. In all likelihood George Bush Sr. had been tampered with and the same goes for George Bush Jr. Sr. had been a captive in Vietnam and some questions were raised about which arm was injured in Vietnam and he also seemed to be insane in my opinion or working for the wrong people.

In Santa Cruz California's Planned Parenthood Clinic this week I was very lucky. The doctor did not take the bribe I was told by someone that he was offered by someone who alleged to be with police or some related agency. The doctor said my writing was scribbled on the paper in which I described why I did not seek VA health care and wanted Santa Cruz Planned Parenthood healthcare. That was going to be their basis to substantiate their claim I was insane. I was very nervous, the writing pad was scratched, and my hand writing was atrocious at birth and is worse since the stroke from forced injections.

I was warned not work for the FDIC in 1999 by another veteran. I have not been able to get a job since because they blocked me from employment. In 2001 I was injected and tortured and lost my right to be a freelance journalist. In addition I had the stroke so I do not deal well with stress now.

A gay man works at the clinic and was in drag. He is a wonderful person and very helpful. Even he seemed to be a little upset after he saw my dilemma. Here is a joke for that wonderful man, "It takes a freak to be dieR". We were all guinea pigs on the USS Reid FFG-30 per my opinion and they had us on a list as Queer if we were slotted for tests. How odd. How strange. How queer. It is better to be queer than a guinea pig, and if you are a Queer guinea pig, well, that is dieR. YE-O-MAN....Gunney!!! That is humor, sort of.

I, Kurt Brown, publicity name Saint Ram Bone, am currently seeking employment as an accountant or communications professional and I have degrees in both. I am also trained in medical laboratory technology and biotechnology and computer science, and have trained myself in some physics principles. The positive capitalists in the USA are dieing off quickly..

Daily Foreword May 25, 2012: I am encouraging young people to flee the USA if possible. The holy nations are the nations without medical torture for profit and predatory financial practices such as casinos, and unnecessary forced military enlistment, and disparities in laws from state to state, and without criminal syndicates in banking oversight. Some nations have to have militaries because they are under attack. I see Iran as one of those nations and Israel. If those two nations united, the mid-East would likely blossom again. Look at Iraq, a blood and oil soaked battlefield and those in power ordered the attacks and they are not Americans in power. Their healthcare for many of us is nothing more than torture and subjugation.

California is one of many toxic waste lands. The USA did not win World War I and II. The world lost in World War I and II and all wars since that time.

Because I trusted the government to give me shelter, I was tortured and maimed. I was an investigative journalist on government crimes in finance and medicine. I was a federal bank examiner. Wells Fargo Bank has been playing games with the finances and will be the next bank to fall unless they are allowed to launder money from the dope and casino and tax thievery businesses.

Daily Foreword May 23, 2012: Today, I had another scare in the new America. I thought I was going to be injected forcibly, detained, anod tortured yet again. I am Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone. I went to a city clinic in Santa Cruz California to get some health care. I explained that I had VA health care for free but did not use it because I was injected forcibly, forced to sign documents under duress and chemical manipulation, and through a series of events I had a full blown stroke with memory loss. The LA federal police and the LA VA and the Flagstaff Medical Center were able to escape the lawsuit I could have pursued because my memory was knocked out of the stroke diagnosis in 2004 and the resultant partial blindness. The memories came back in 2011. When I was waiting for health care for quite a while, I thought I would be injected again. Fortunately I was not injected but when I left, I went to where I had parked. I had a parking ticket. I did not read the fine print on the parking sign because it takes effort in a stroke condition with partial blindness. The first question I would ask in court is, "Where is the parking limits sign?" I have a sense of humor about sh-t and a gift for "Queer Speak". Also, right after I parked, I heard a large jet overhead and it sounded like a military jet. I thought it was diving for us. I looked up and thought of the alleged supersonice Korean jet that went 20 times the speed of sound. I think it was likely a Soviet jet or those who are robbing the banking systems and ravaging the Earth with war.

From the clinic, I felt that I had to go, or is that two go? In thinking on resonance between every cell in our bodies and the material significance of Nikola Tesla's work and large claims, I considered the "Two Go" concept. He said he could split the world in two with resonance. He said he could control human minds by mimicking the hertz of brainwaves with energy and resonance, i.e. similar to the H.A.A.R.P. project if someone is injected with chemicals for a coupling effect with smart waves such as from H.A.A.R.P. It is ironic it is near the North Pole at the north point of the longtitudinal lines. Imagine if Tsar Bomba plucked those strings, the resonance could create something unreal with many consequencs for the one with the eye and body in the buck-I key hole. In 1961, the Tsar Bomba shockwave went all the way to the Mesosphere, thereby to satellites. The Soviets likely had a H.A.A.R.P. type of set up on a satellite to capture or relay the directed energy. That is theory, but we seem to have lost a war, and the we I speak of is most human beings. Ironically too, when I went to the drugstore to pick up the prescription yesterday, the woman messed up the refill number. When I went back to the store to correct it, a very fat man who I had rented from at his alleged girlfriend's house on the beach in Palm Coast Florida in February of this year was there in the drug counter line. I had found the room rental on Craigslist and a 50% probability exists it was a ruse of some sort, perhaps syndicated police or simply syndicates. It appeared to be him, and he was wearing dark sunglasses indoors and chattering nervously. I am not 100% certain it was him but I fear Florida more than California and all things therein due to marijuana profits and cocaine profits being mixed in the money laundering of the federal syndicates. Florida is the red zone for marijuana, the first place Al Capone would want a business in today's prohibition. If it is the fat man, in my neighborhood now, the message is "Go away."

First if we create a high powered resonance in our bodies where all cells are expanded and agitated, then you can create a body double by using Bubble Theory Technology or a variation therein. The spontaneous combustion point can be translated into the spontaneous doubling point of all constituent chemicals of the body if all constituent chemicals are made present and then to duplicate with the original and separate. It is like inserting two donut holes in a donut where one was before, and pushing one out to the building next door with a combination of wave types and resonance and energy. The inside of the moon may have been that building in reality, as NASA allegedly blew up the South Pole of the Moon on October 9, 2009. Or were they making a room to move their booty from the hi-jacking of the Earth. The key is agitation, or extreme resonance and then a snap, or point of duplication as in making another bubble in bubble theory. Of course if you could control peoples minds and split the person, you could possibly get possibly twice as much work or put one on vacation. Imagine if they could duplicate anything they choose, or perhaps subdue our conscience. The world is their oyster, and that oyster can have flesh eating bacteria. Think about it Federal Sweet and theiving Sheriff Possum Jack. Nature has a "gotcha clause" written into it. As an aside Rotem or, where are you now? She came to a temple I was in once. Lovely Lovely..

When I was in Long Beach California in 1983, a ship from the UK Navy was in my port in Long Beach California. My boss had asked me to go to the Argentinian coast at the Falkland Islands war to be a Quartermaster on the ship there. I told him to say "When", but the move never materialized. W and hen means what? I later saw a man at the enlisted bar in Long Beach from the UK ship. One of them looked just like me. He said, "You look like you could be my brother.". Another of my quartermaster shipmates told me I should fight them, to "Put up your dukes". I told him I did not like to fight unless I was getting paid. I would have to rob him and it would not be right, besides, he looked like my twin brother I never had.

Instead of my taking duty in the Falkland Islands War aftermath in 2003, we were likely taken into a toxic waste field, perhaps a sunken vessel or dumped nuclear waste, or being tortured off of San Clemente Island some distance off shore with some new technological device. I was taken off of the navigation duty as Quartermaster after a few days of going back and forth in depths that originated off of San Clemente Island California due to my getting sick and delirious from the heat and constant exposure on the bridge wings. I think we were taken into a deep depth in an experiment or a nuclear spill of some sort. It was very hot on the bridge wings of the ship, sleep was almost forbidden, and it was so hot that I became delirious and the other men were agitated as well. I bent the aluminum superstructure when I hit it with my fist to blow off steam while becoming angry with another boss, a cherry boy. I could not believe how much my fist indented the structure. It was weakened. The captain had said, "They are trying to kill us" when I mentioned the heat and delirium I ws experiencing.

I suspect that many of us men were used in the experiment and many of us likely had children later whose genomes were altered by our presence in something we were not warned about. It makes me think of the USS Eldridge Experiment or the experiment at Bikini Atoll, the Castle Bravo nuclear blast. I was on the USS Reid FFG-30 in 1983 and early 1984 and that ship was later sold to the nation of Turkey and renamed the Gelibolu. Wikipedia said we called the ship Reidski. I called it dieR, or a floating piece of sh-t, so Geli-bolu was appropriate when it was sold and re-named in 1999, the same year that the Financial Services Modernization Act was passed in the USA, allowing for banks to become megaliths in financial services and banking.

The FDIC Act of 1991 had allowed banks to be butchered quickly. 1991 was the same year the FDIC regional director was shot in his head in San Francisco FDIC. Ironically after Wachovia went broke due to being kicked for money laundering in 2008, and while payment $160 million in a fine was being set up to be paid, Wells Fargo Bank had to pay a 1.2 billion fine for fraud in 2009. Wells Fargo bought Wachovia and no money launderers were pushed out of the bank. It was a set up, where Wells Fargo Bank was hit to pay for the disaster at Wachovia Bank. The Wells Fargo Bank fraud was a set up with a paper trail as requested by those who had the power to orchestrate payouts to criminals in the federal banking oversight regulatory agencies and a few bank employees and possibly even the judge. The shareholders have to pay for these deliberate setups, and eventually taxpayers. That is why I am hated by federal officials. I do not back down. The reason being, "I do not fear death". I was likely split in two long ago if you know what I mean.

It could be that some have resonance more apt to splitting, or special apparatus. When I was in the Ninth grade in high school, a Tesla Coil was brought to my school. We all put our arm to it one at a time in single file, and when I did the scientist cranked up the charge or changed something to make it different or stronger, and I had a sharp pain in my arm and I curled back in pain. I seem to remember something odd happening and no one cared that I was in pain. A blackout perhaps? Or a splitting in two. I theorize. That is what I do when I am in a dilemma of life and death such as today at the health clinic. Many of us live in fear of being tortured while trying to get health care if we go after billionaire criminals in the federal government of the USA or their associates in banking. Money is the root of all evil they say. So, if money is the root, what is the tree? Think about it....the tree of life, and one can not exist without the other it seems. The only thing that really matters -- life and sustenance. And by the way, for the federal war criminals paid mercenaries with badges, I no longer own a gun. I am not afraid of death and I am not pursuing criminals who blow the F-DIC heads heads off in offices like San Francisco, circa 1991, the the year of the F-DIC butcher butcher..

I would like to have a laboratory to practice with some of my theories and models, so if you have one or finances for one, please contact me. I need work badly. I would have jumped into traffic today to die instead of being injected and tortured again wrongfully. I need good health care and I need work. I want to thank the people of Santa Cruz for allowing me to go to the Doctor without being injected and tortured and maimed. I would prefer outright death. I would have had to go. I wonder if I can split this parking ticket in two, no need, or is that know knead, or know need? Queer speak, its what a womans momma's boy does when he wants to split the heir. Now about that falling jet I heard, was it shot down over California with something like H.A.A.R.P., perhaps from outer space. Fat man, go away if you followed me from Florida.

My dead eye dick invention or speculation of existing invention would fit well with the sort of mind control device I am considering from outer space. The use of sensing points on the spinal vertebrae and combinant engineering in the oral cavity with links between the two could make a sort of controlled person or a sensing device as well. Like all communications, the line could be cut at some point. Also the explosion from Tsar Bomba could have been manipulated to encapsulate the Earth's entire solar system to the ectosphere. The bomb may not have been a bomb but utilization of resident energy in the Earth's fields as Tesla theorized for his inventions. A bomb that large would most likely have a lot of radiation filled particles scattered on Earth. A cleam bombm would be more like Tesla's theories on electro-magnetic power in the universe. The North pole gets a lot of ions that stream to the south pole along longtitudinal lines.

Daily Foreword May 22, 2012: The aspect of mind control is very real and very possible. Of course if you have been forcibly injected with chemicals as myself and some other members of my family have been injected forcibly in the USA, you can be manipulated all the more easier. Nikola Tesla said he could manipulate people's brain waves. The mind operates in the 6 hertz to 8 hertz range most of the time. A stun gun has been patented that operates at the same Hertz as brain waves but it was pulled off of the market due to legal considerations..

The huge HAARP antennaes are something that caught my attention. One video in particular had a man who knew of it who hinted at something strange going on with the HAARP project. It is linked at this video and he says, "Pulsing it does not matter, yet he moves his hand in a non-verbal manner than says it does matter. It is as if he is saying it is hidden or behind you or it can control the mind. He moves his hand in the video as if someone is sticking a needle in his leg. The man I am speaking of shows up in the segment shortly after four minutes of video. If you have been injected, you may be subject to mind control with this technology more easily. Or perhaps he is saying in his non-verbal that it sneaks up behind you.

I often feel sick. I often forget I was diagnosed with a stroke after being injected and overdosed in 2004 and 2001, all with federal war criminal faction approval in the USA and their controllers internationally. I would have preferred death and hope we can be made free in life and if not then in death. The USA government and many Americans treat each other as enemies. Historically our ancestors killed and imprisoned and enslaved each other. We all carry genetics from both sides of the battle line. It is my opinion that we or I never had a chance in the USA under current constraints in my life from 1960 until present. I am encouraging young people to run for their lives to better nations. Iran and Saudi Arabia do not have casinos and neither does Israel. Iceland does not have have a military draft or casinos. Canada is not the only option for refuge as a nation. Canada is not much different than the USA at this time. You can dig shelters to hide in the event that those who allow us to be injected and tortured and robbed in the USA are attacked and killed or maimed. It may be useless to hide. I prefer healthy fertile ground. Another nation that is a nation of holiness and not insanity. True holiness is hard to find. Perhaps in the underground?

Daily Foreword May 21, 2012: Of all the insane things mankind does, I have never understood why alleged modern militaries drop large munitions, chemical and nuclear and conventional, on civilian populations (WW II Nuclear Victims Pics). One of the most absurd was first the nuclear bombing of Japan allegedly in 1945 and secondly the use of live test animals in the Marshall Islands in nuclear tests or wars or assassinations in the 1940s and 1950s. If some of those in power call you insane for your higher level thoughts, remember you are in good company and many have died in that fight as well when nobody seemed to care. Tesla and his theoretical explosions utilizing natural phenomena such as in the earth's ionosphere awakens me in the night, like a good cup of Joe (Largest known explosion, 1961, and I remember it to this day while I was wearing my 11 month old duty diaper. In 1983 our ship the USS Reid FFG-30 may have been subjected to radiation, either in a test or a sunken vessel in the Pacific Ocean not exceedingly far from San Clemente Island, off the coast of California. Of course I could have been used in experiments or endured unknown medical procedures afterward in the Long Beach California area.

Many things came to me in a dream after this was written. We were in a large amusement hall and it was as if I was a spirit or a fly on the wall. The speech was given by a man who I listened to in awe as he spoke of myself and my family history and my time and place and those things of which I and those there know about and of which I had forgotten or did not know in totality. Some riddles were left there, some unanswered questions of certainty, or were there?. I came to realize he was the cloth, perhaps the Messiah. We will all get to hear the toll of our own lives. It is the Mobile Audit Club way. I did not invent the term. It was written before I came your way.

I am adding this part of the post past midnight after making the other post yesterday. I awakened in a dream and a discussion was made about the cloth, the cloth or the veil that is God. In all harmed and abandoned or wounded children is the veil. It is covered with vomit and feces and urine and saliva and sweat. It speaks the truth about who the child is and where the child originated. The veil cuts through the child's very being and becomes part of it. Children from the ghettoes often think they are abandoned by God and many agree that it appears that way. But that is far from the truth. The greatest lessons are learned there. I was given the body of a slave, and while others had to work out, I could just sit there and be fit. I missed my opportunity to put my life in order for the higher being. I was who I was, damaged or no. I await death and was given a time line by count, but I will not say what that date is or time line because those things we never really know. There may be a task left out, one in which the messiah or God gets to speak or leave. Some things are better left alone in the lowly public eye and in other terms, it or we shall be forever scrutinized. The beast has taken to eating meat again, human flesh, and he delights in watching you eat it as well. The sporks were plastic at the meal and were covered with a resin, a resin to make you sleep while things were worked out from the darker side. Another childish ploy duped by the all knowing man or being who was speaking on behalf of us all. It is no wonder the man I called my father wanted me to be an attorney. On this date I would rather have my tongue worked out in death as in Hamaan. I know it may be mis-spelled but I like it this way due to to resulting search pattern. I do not trust the government and I do not want to enter their buildings and all the attornies I have known of were killed by a bullet, some by civilians and some by government men. I do not trust the FBI or Secret Service. They do as they are told most often, like hatchet men for the faction of government that is the beast, and it grows stronger daily. My writings are Straight From the Heart (music).

I do not trust many of the factions at the top of the USA government. They are like the lion who eats the meat of human beings. Those who work for them do as they are told. Some are paid handsomely for their egregious crimes against us, and most have others do their work while they hide. They are a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde monstrosity.

Daily Foreword May 19, 2012: I would very much prefer to try to cure viruses but I am cross trained in both finance and medicine and find finance too simple. For instance, I suspect collusion between insiders at Wells Fargo Bank and a judge in the North of California due to a 1.2 Billion dollar payout in a fine in 2009. The way it works is that intentional fraud is committed and intentional paper trails are left. The judge or courts have those in the background who agree to pay part of the fine back to the perpetrator inside the bank. That is what I suspect. In this list of banking crimes, I see some suspicious patterns and the Wells Fargo payout is the big one. It is ironic that Wells Fargo bought Wachovia, (A Partner In Crime?). Wells Fargo Bank has some rot that neads to be cleaned most likely as does the judicial benches in California in the USA. Perhaps not this one as I am not certain, but the ones who allowed this bank examiner to be prosecuted after being tortured and injected should be sued for damages on my behalf or shot at sunrise in my professional military opinion. I may attend a Wells Fargo Bank shareholders meeting in the near future for that bank and bring up my ideas if I am not killed or maimed or abducted again as I was after investigating FDIC associated banking crimes and murders. Wells Fargo Bank would not hire me. Are you surprised Sweet Carol de Masta of ARD F-DIC San Francisco? I suspect we are headed down the road to communism in the USA and no oil will be left. The list placed here are only the recorded crimes. The best are never caught. In the future communist state bring a cart or bring Nikola Tesla or someone like him.

Daily Foreword May 18 2012: If you are ever investigating criminals inside the USA governments, you must be very careful. They like to set people up for arrest and abduction. They will harass you to try to provoke you to respond. They will shoot you in the head and call it suicide. They will inject you with chemicals and torture you and call you insane. They will set you on fire in your automobile after causing you to wreck and call it an accident. They will kill people and say you did it. They will always keep you fearful if they ever get the upper hand on you, such as in being prosecuted for legal gun ownership or other victimless acts supposed allowed by the now defunct USA constitution. As an investigative journalist I learned their ways and their ways are not ours and their victories are not ours. Defend yourself and never trust all of the factions of the regime in power in the USA. Even their hospitals and all government controlled facilities are to be avoided if possible. We are among our enemies in the USA. The predator has been released in negative capitalism. I have urged the nation of Greece not to allow casinos such as the USA and not to allow disparate laws on marijuana and other drugs as they do state to state in the USA. To this day Florida is very anti-marijuana but it is imported from New Jersey and Mexico by the ton. The casino business is predatory by nature and in the end we all lose due to the nature of the predator, the negative capitalists who set the game up in the beginning. If they try to starve you, it is an act of genocide. After all, they drew first blood, and therefore they are our enemies till death. I encourage positive capitalism, even if setting up traps such as I set up for the thief who was Sheriff, Jack Tillman, in Mobile, Alabama. However, never expect the government to back you up in those instances. Imagine your worst enemies in power and you can visualize many of those in power in the United States. They hide behind a mask of anonymity and lies. I encourage positive capitalism and inventions and helping others. Do not be concerned about our enemies in the enemy faction of the regime in power. They never help anyone. Beware of them and never trust any government agencies.

Daily Foreword May 17, 2012: When I think of the travels of Buddha, I think Buddha was somewhat pampered because he always had something to eat. Not all are so fortunate as to have food and we must not forget them. In my own travels I have now reached a new beginning or viewpoint of sorts, but like Buddha, I have had food most of the time, although not shelter at all times. I was injected and tortured however under factions of the hated regime in the USA that is hated internationally. I have tried to stop people from being starved in a USA jail and I paid the price, many times over, thanks to Sheriff Jack Tillman and our enemy factions who are war criminals in the USAS governments. However I no longer long to be in California or to work for the federal government. As a matter of fact, it would be sweet relief to leave the jowls of the modern USA and transplant my family to nations I feel are fit and desirable. I can only glean from the mistakes of the USA to help other nations to avoid those mistakes, including a forced military draft, disparate laws on drugs such as marijuana from state to state, and casinos.

The only thing beautiful about California in reality is some of the people. I no longer see the hills as safe due to known cancers in women who bathed in the streams coming from the mountains. Radio-active waste was in those California hills and it still is washing down hill from the nuclear explosions in the Marshall Islands tests and warfare, in which the clouds carried radio-activity to the nearest peaks in large quantity. I also view the military as dangerous in California due to forced exerpiments on men in the Pacific and forced experiments leading to murder of veterans at their veterans hospitals. The criminal corruption in banking oversight has left me partially blind and with a stroke as I tried to stop the carnage of the American people and their finances from the Gulf coast of Louisiana to the Pacific Coast of California. I also can not seem to get employment and have suffered severe discrimination in California and in the USA in general. They do not want me either and I fought against it for a long time, but now I do not know if I really want to stay. The USA is just as bad all over really. I suspect an imperial warlord has taken over the USA and the West coast has become a sort of grease filled sewer and Florida is the same slave state it was at the beginning. I desire a nation without casinos and I do not want a military draft or coerced selective service enlistment either. Iran and Israel have no casinos but both have military drafts. Perhaps Sicily or perhaps Iceland? Buddha in the Devils Triangle, ever expanding in the quest for happiness and truths. Sweet Carol, Lodi? (music link)

Daily Foreword May 15, 2012: Before Libya was attacked by the war criminal faction of the horde that is in power over the USA and much of Europe, I was urged to go to Libya, perhaps to avert the war there, if possible. Ironically, all I wanted was a job and I am blacklisted from employment by that faction in power in the USA that is the enemy to the majority if not all of our people in the USA and the Earth. If they ever try to take you captive, they will likely try to inject you with chemicals. They are cutting our brains most likely when we are unconscious from the injections. Therefore, you are better to kill yourself if you have the option, rather than being captured and tortured by our most hated enemies on this planet and in the USA in particular.

Ironically, the only time I have been hit by a man and then turned the other cheek and walked away, I said a prayer. I prayed for vengeance, for God to help me from the hole that my enemy in power in the USA had placed me in. The date was around July 11, 2001. My tooth was cracked from the hit, split in two, a molar. I was to be released on 8/11/2001 from the jail. On 9/11/2001 as I was sitting in the dentists chair getting the tooth diagnosed, I was watching television at Dr. Blackwell's office in Mobile Alabama. Ironically in hindsight, it is as if the Dentist's office was in a different location from where I went many times afterward. Perhaps he moved his office, or perhaps the drugs the government injected into me and the subsequent forced medical procedures altered my mind. The world trade center got hit as I sat there in the dentists chair on September 11, 2001. A message to God, "I did not want that sort of vengeance, I wanted a job and to stop the murder and mayhem and starvation being committed by that faction of the regime in power who our enemies in the USA and the Earth, or to kill us all and or to remove us from the presence of our enemies."

I had been placed in jail in Los Angeles in the second quarter of 2001 for simply investigating government criminals, including murderers in the banking oversight industry and a thief who was a Sheriff who was stealing food funds and starving my people. The federal government had a syndicate attack me in the streets, then when I asked for help, they did not assist, and instead they attacked me again by using the thief who was a Sheriff, Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama, and some federal police started harassing my wife at her work and myself at our home. I did not know it when I arrived in Los Angeles and after my arrest on April 23 of 2001, but I had been placed in a medical guinea pig facility of the federal government in Los Angeles prior to going to court. Many had been killed there in experiments. I was injected and forced medical procedures, interrogated and maimed and tortured in many ways.

In God's eyes I did no wrong and did not deserve what happened to me in 2001. I now see the government of the USA as having a war criminal faction, a faction I would gladly go to war with in a holy war, if I knew I could win or get approval in God's eyes. The judge who put me in the jail in Los Angeles, told me, "Go back to school", meaning the jail.

Now over 11 years later and having lost much of my family due to abuse and or abduction by the regime in power, I still do not have a job. The FDIC and the federal government factions at top can not seem to stop money laundering and stealing from the American people. Their syndicates have us under attack and on the run in the globally hated United States of America. I have determined the USA government and their primary monetary benefactors, who are often are not Americans, are rotten with what I call predatory practices of a monetary sort. A faction of them gets the lion's share.

I have contacted the government of Iran to ask to allow me to stand at their border with other enlightened men who were formerly under the military control of a faction of our enemies in power in the USA and in their European nations. I want a peaceful mission. If the war criminal horde attacks Iran, or Israel for that matter, I would want to bring total enlightenment to the Earth, even if in the peace of the afterlife. Never surrender to the enemy in power was the lesson I learned from the Judge in Los Angeles at his school, the jail. I want the men freed from what I call The Other School of the Americas, the prisoners of war who were at Quantanamo Bay, or I want the death or removal of our enemies in power around the globe, inlcuding those in the USA, that is my prayer to God, in our Year of Clarity in the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy, 2012.

Turn the other cheek for the innocent man, the man of rage or insanity who is in pain.

Daily Foreword May 13, 2012: I have placed the news post from Love Line 12 regarding USA experiments and mind control online. I put the last two posts from Love Line 12 page regarding military tests mentioned on the LA Indymedia linked here. This post was deleted. The USA government censors the controversy of mind control and nuclear contamination in California. Our enemies rule the USA. We should applaud the destruction of the regime in power over the USA. If you are young, you should leave the USA for nations that are not predatorial and abusive. If you serve the USA military, know that your bosses are the enemies to humane mankind.

I view the government of the USA as a sort of shell government, controlled by banks from overseas. It is all for sale here. Protect your young. Protect yourself. Never trust the USA governments, as their government on the face of it is a lie. We have hidden dictators in power. They are not controlled by people of virtue. Never turn your back in the USA. They wanted to lock me up in 2001 for ever. I was investigating murder at the FDIC and thievery in government. If you are young, flee to other nations, nations without a compulsory military draft, and also try to find nations without gambling. Gambling is an indicator of criminal misconduct that borders on economic slavery and the USA is rife with economic slavery and predatory capitalistic practices and disparate laws on marijuana from state to state. Marijuana was pushed upon my age group through the media. Heroin poppies or Coca leaf production will be next with disparate laws or open importation over the border as we have now, and it is controlled by our enemies currently in power. Money laundering and illegal drug dealing are part of the casino and gambling show in reality, and in that is modern slavery. I and other members of my family and other veterans and bank examiners have been forcibly injected or killed and maimed by government officials.

Daily Foreword May 9, 2012: I have moved the more elaborate version of todays post to the Love Line 12 page of this site and it is dated May 12. The beginning version is linked here. The more elaborate version is on page Love Line 12.A shortened version of today's Post on LA Indymedia with request for a movie deal.

Daily Foreword May 4, 2012 : Todays post is a news article with links for proof summarizing the banking wars in the USA that started in 1991 in full F-DIC thrust. Many have been killed, and I am maimed for life and slandered daily by government officials in the USA. Here is the link to LA Indymedia and the new report with links for proof of the banking wars. I want payment or employment from the federal government. AS of today, has a house in Pacific Heights in San Francisco that costs 12.5 million dollars. I have been informed that I might be able to get close to the $9.11 Million dollar price. I will accept that house in payment Mr. President and hidden dictators pulling his wires. Much of it is on Quatrains 12 page of this website. You may have to refresh the page due to the size of it. The link to the 12.5 million dollar house is linked here at in Pacific heights in San Francisco. I think it is the same house as I have found here on You may have to sign in to equator to view the mystery foreclosed property. Who owned title? An FDIC mob boss and Casa De Cambio Puebla and Wachovia? Is it Wells Fargo Bank now who holds title or another government mob boss from overseas?

Daily Foreword May 1, 2012: Todays Post is a video about re-instating sanity in banking. People are being killed all over the place and we the American people are being robbed. Re-enact the Glass Steagall and get rid of the FDIC Act of 1991. Youtube.come saintrambone video titled, The Fall of America and American Banking and Other Industries, 1933 to 2012

Daily Foreword April 29, 2012: Todays post is a news post on DC Indymedia on how the banking bubble burst and will burst further due to FDIC openly butchering banks for sale and barter and the repeal of a law allowing the FDIC to stop collusion arrangements in banking that are used to shell actual net worth. The bubble burst after the roaring 20's and the failure of Wachovia Bank demonstrates the start of the second huge crash and we are in that depression now in some areas of the USA and for targeted individuals of the regime in power in the USA. I also attempt to get back into federal banking oversight so I can be your eyes and ears of the workign classes inside the F-DIC and Treasury. I am trained in medicine as well and know scum when it is in a sore, the American banking industry has a sore in its Treasury ass, and it is caused in part by the F-DIC.

To put it in laymans terms. What has happened with the laws of FDIC Act of 1991 and the Glass-Steagall Act of 1999 is the FDIC was given teeth of a large shark in 1991 and then turned loose on the fish in 1999 in a pond known as the American Banking system. It is like having someone grab you from the front by reaching down between your legs and grabbing you by belt loops in the bank, and then lifting and flipping you upside down and shaking you until your pockets are empty. I will work for barter to rectify this situation if hired. A first class United Airlines ticket on all travel and a Marriott or Hilton hotel pass port and dining at 80 dollars a day and healthcare that is not VA or government guinea pig healthcare and torture as I have suffered.

Daily Foreword April 26, 2012: Due to possible tampering with my body while unconscious or in a medical chair controlled by someone of the federal government or some syndicate or foreign nation whose talons are in our people in the USA, I have concern that what was done to me could lead to the detriment of others. I would kill those who injected me forcibly if I saw them trying to harm one of my loved ones or a fellow man from the world of God. It is a mindset and God would forgive me for killing them, I am as certain of it as a lion left at the gates of God's messenger himself.

Spying on others by utilizing medical transplants and alterations is one of those things you learn to fear if you have enough education to be conscious of it. I regret being in the USA military due to possible changes then, and afterward while in federal custody or federal syndicates control while I was knocked unconscious through forced injections. The West Coast of the USA has become volatile. Many would kill each other here and do rob each other and the nation on a regular basis.

The thing I have speculated I have become is what I call, "Dead Eye Dic", because of unnecessary dental procedures on myself in the US Navy and also unusual protuberances on the thoracic spine under X-ray. I have also lost partial vision due to forced medical procedures by the government and the syndicates associated with them due to a stroke. My wires may have been cut if there were any. Also, many could be controlled with simple chemical injections. The greatest thing about the greatest trap or lock, is that it is fool-proof only to a fool. Everyone else runs away.

In regard to that, I thought of Israel and how they are forced a military draft upon their young. I saw in a sort of day dream, King David standing behind a large arm. The man smelled like an animal who guarded him. I meant no harm and was just standing there looking at him. Then I began to wonder, "who is this man who tries to make me look like a threat to King David? It was Goliath. Goliath had him behind that stinking arm of his as if he was protecting him. Contradictions in logic are common among the insane. Goliath guards the USA and kills us at the same time. The chicken hatchery US.

Daily Foreword April 26, 2012: One of the greatest mistakes you can make is to join the USA military or any of their allied nations. Many of their alleged enemies are just as bad as they are. You must be careful in the nation you choose to reside. Also, be careful with military enlistment. They may think they have autonomy when in fact they are controlled by the enemies of the Earth's people, such as those who control the USA. Prepare your mind and body and spirit and seek out a nation that does not have negative capitalism, also known as predatory capitalism. Israel seems attractive to me but they have a mandatory military draft. They could just be more Jews being put into the guinea pig asylums of history. Positive capitalism builds a childs mind and body and spirit without polluting it with negative capitalist ideals and negative capitalists scars. Negative capitalism is also inherent in communist and socialist nations it seems. Best of luck. If they are to send you to prison or to the military or to a forced injections hospital such as the Veterans Administration or a state controlled facility in the United States of America, you are better off to kill yourself. Our enemies laugh at us in our suffering and enjoy stripping our meager belongings and our sanctity. I will be glad if God crushed them or tears them apart, or at least removes them from our presence. Beware of the USA due to those who control it. It is not we the people, it is them, those wealthy others who are at war with us. We should prepare for fight or flight. Do not allow them to take you captive if you can help it. Never trust the government. Never trust the enemy.

Daily Foreword April 25, 2012: Three things compose human beings, mind and body and spirit. In the USA when young, I was taught it was morally acceptable to kill for money and that we were to follow the leader in killing and that we would know which way to go by following the chain of command as it came down. In those days it was the President and your father. Vicious and cruel are those in the United States from many cultures and regions. I should have fled when young. Maybe there is no escape. Nurture your mind and body and spirit and abuse none of the above. Those animals surrounding us are just that -- animals. To kill for them or to trust in them is to put your head in the guillotine for future sacrifice. The lies we are told by media and those in power are like the lies you would see in a gulag concentration camp or a news reel recording you would watch while in an insane asylum. It is no wonder so many hate America. We do not have control of it, we being those who are of sound mind, sound body, and sound spirit.

One of the greatest proofs of the disintegration of the USA and self control therein in our time is the failing of Wachovia Bank. First they were stealing openly in corrupt investment schemes, stealing from the elderly on limited monies. Second the bank was laundering money openly, billions of dollars. The Treasury Department is likely gone as well. As a former FDIC bank examiner, I know that something went severely wrong. The government is also allowing hard drugs such as cocaine to be brought in and soft drugs such as marijuana. Those government officials get paid for their crimes and are not punished. They even allow soft drugs such as marijuana to be grown in some states while in other states it is severly punished. To some the drug is addictive, and to some it is their only medication.

The government forces the young to get injections of chemicals to go to their schools in the United States. We are supposed to trust them. We are likely better off dead. I am not sure if we can escape those injections. I was forced injections repeatedly and called insane when I was investigating the government abuses and those things they control such as hospitals. Where is there to flee and how far can you go? If the government starts a draft, you are better to run, maybe join the Peace Corps or leave for another nation. If you are a gangster, many will applaud you if you can kill those who force us to kill, particularly if you can bring more money, more food, and less suffering. It does not matter. They and or we are all animals here in that instance anyway.

I have offered my services to the USA federal government to head up a new sort of high tech and low tech dirty dozen of federal bank examiners to stop federally approved money laundering in the United States of America. We could branch over into breaking up investment schemes hatched by serial socio-paths. I have revised my request in my crew to be three accountants, one of whom is myself, three physicists, three engineers, and three sharp-shooter guards trained as asassins. However, I do not believe it would do any good unless we stop what I call negative capitalism or predatory capitalism because in reality it is based on exploitation of our fellow man just as slavery has done to all races on Earth at one time or another. In the USA, I would stop all gambling, make cannabis legal in all states, treat addictions to hard drugs as a social sickness and set up more of the alternate drug treatment facilities such as methadone clinics. I would also pull liquor and cigarettes from the shelves and make them be sold in their own specialty store such as marijuana, which could be grown legally for personal usage. I would stop all advertisements of drugs and alcohol and psychogenic pills on mass media.

In the end of times, it was prophesied that all things would be revealed. We can have much of that in our own life time if we choose to see truths and if we can remove the lies. The ugly side about mankind is that mankind is a cannibal unless a conscience effort is made to change. Negative capitalism is canabilism. Should I famine? Should I feast I will definitely famine in due time, but is not that the course of events in death? Jack Snatch Tillman remember 4-3-2001 and the federal warlords and their abuse of me. Act 3-2-1 is poetic in retrospect. I did not trap the man who starved men in cages in a long term thought, it was just time, the American date of 4-3-2001. By 4-23-2001 I was being injected and tortured. I jumped into the flames to stop him, to stop those murderers also at the FDIC. It stopped nothing, but it partially killed me and awakened me partially also. Partially, part of me forever dead due to forced injections and forced overdoses and forced medical procedures and psychological torture.

If I raise myself above them to see all of them, I see they do not have a leader, but a devourer. All things are devoured by a man who is more akin to a pig in its acts. When I think of that Alabama Sheriff nicknamed Snatch, he was the stupid one in the link, the target to take my painted target. It did not really work even though he was pushed out four years later. By that time I had fallen due to the injections and torture and I had even witnessed the Braman explosion to my exclusive entertainment. I also noticed after that I was beginning to speak fluent but broken Latin. Sequiem Fatale will be our final moment Jack, "It follows causing death".

Daily Foreword April 24, 2012: Yesterday, April 23, was the 11th anniversary of my being injected forcibly by federal officials after investigating murder at the FDIC and thievery by Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama who was emaciating his inmates by taking food funds for his own retirement account. My statement was recorded by LA VA Westwood police on 4/23/2001. I also believe that oil was being stolen from Mobile Bay in Alabama under a natural gas contract. I have seen that the Ukraine uses a lot of natural gas for their industry. That is an aside. The federal government claimed I talked fast so they injected me with chemicals, and I am sure the injections were detrimental in 2001 and 2004. I had a speech imepediment when young and it followed me into adulthood. I have overcome the impediment completely however since getting private treatment in 2010 for PTSD. I recently overcame a stroke condition from the forced injections in 2001 and 2004 and lost memories were regained from my FDIC employment in 1999 and 2000 and all the way back to when I was a child in the 1960's. I had repressed memories of a traumatic event when I was a baby and it led to the stuttering as a child. The government knew it in the Navy yet they ignored it when I plead with them not to inject me for it. An amazing and liberating change occurred for me, Kurt Brown, thanks to the therapy I received in the "private" sector in 2010 and 2011, and the therapist has a specialty in rape victim counseling. Being injected forcibly is just like being raped and the government allows it all the time in the USA today, especially with new laws since 2001 and old brutal ways.

The secret supersonic jet of North Korea that allegedly went down yesterday in the Pacific Ocean does not add up for me. I saw an explosion in Braman Oklahoma on December 7, 2004 late at night. It was a falling aircraft of some sort or a satellite with armed weapons or a large fuel capacity. I could find no reports of it when I looked it up. I detailed on Yahoo in comments on a story and I contacted ABC but I have not heard from them. It is all here on Mobile Audit Club, and Youtube saintrambone videos and and on the web. I do not believe we have control of the USA. I am not certain if average humans beings have control of the Earth. Remember Kismet, the path laid down for us by God is a pre-ordained sequence of events. Even if we die or are reborn or stay the same, this is how things are meant to be.

I had a dream last night. I was back in school and speaking with my veterans representative. I was in confusion but was explaining I had had the stroke and memories sometimes slipped. My representatives voice was cracking as if in bad electronics or emotional. I told him I would be finished with school by the end of Summer. I was not certain, however to interpret the dream in the sometimes off hand logic I am given by God in signs and such whether in battle or investigations or reminescing, I think the end of Summer could mean the end of Sumer, meaning when all of the mid-East nations have fallen, including Iraq and Iran and Syria and Libya and Egypt, etc.. I am concerned about Israel in the same manner due to a warning I received from a Neturei Karta rabbi, a somewhat ultra orthodox Jewish group.

Scene: If I do see the Judges in the after life who were sending me to the jail he called school or the other judge who set my bail to a million dollars, I will tell them in my Marlon Brando style voice with a strap around each of their heads, "Don't be a baby!. We are going to get rid of those strapping memories. Here have a syringe too in the arms and legs and you will feel it if I left a stain or a chemical wire in your arms or legs. We are going to keep you strapped in so you don't have any memories, just like a baby. Strapping memories." In this scene, I picture myself or perhaps God or one of their vanquished adversaries reading old testament scripture to them while their heads turn blue like ticks in the straps, while I explain or God or his emissary explains and extrapolates amidst recursion and exchanged discourse and simultaneously tightening and loosening of the straps. Or perhaps wearing my white laboratory coat and checking their heads for a wire that controls their minds through a Zhendong. Ironically last night as I dreamt and thought of the alleged North Korean supersonic jet and the explosion in Braman in 2004 and the forced injections I have had, one in each limb, 2001 and 2004, I felt a burning in my leg where the injection was and felt something strange on the top of the skin, like a clear chip, perhaps genetically engineered into the tissue. My number perhaps, the night my number was called. The anomalies, the horror, the comedy is whipped with the strapping young boy and the strapped old man. Moi. Center point. Next!"

I think the Judges and those federal police forces allegedly in line with federal money launderers are like a Bonobo monkey with IT's head stuck up its asp. I have contacted Barney Frank who is a Congressman of Massachusetts and I contacted the Treasury and the FDIC and the California Department of Financial Institutions to see if I can get a job overseeing SARS which are money laundering reports. I have asked for two accountants to accompany me with bullet proof vests and three armed guards, all former military men who I can pick. I think that despite my first statement to them, I should be armed as well. I am trained in close combat with firearms. I also want three engineers and three physicists of my choosing to work with me on the side.

A war broke out in Mexico when Wachovia Bank was stopped from money laundering. We had a gas pipeline sabotaged in San Bruno California in 2010 after the Wachovia money was confiscated earlier in 2010 and many were killed. I smelled sulfur in gas on the same highway, I-280, just North of Mountain View a few weeks to a month earlier than the explosion in San Bruno. I smelled it in San Bruno on the day of the explosion on I-280. It was a strong odor. Someone had likely busted a gas line but it did not explode near Mountain View which is closer to San Jose a few weeks to a couple of months earlier than the San Bruno explosion. If I stopped the money laundering at the source, there is nothing to fight over in large quantity. I would outlaw gambling in the USA like Israel if I was in control. I would legalize cannabis and make it be sold in special outlets. I would ban all liquor and cigarette ads and make those drugs be sold in specialty stores just like cannabis is sold. "If". I have been messed up much of my own life. I was traumatized as a baby. All parties responsible are now dead from old age. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems my dear old grandmother would say down on the bayou. (music)

The secret to my recovering all of those memories was time and a healthy long term counseling session for PTSD in 2010 and 2011 by a private therapist friend. I also took Sam-E and Vitamin B to ensure uptake. It is supposed to regenerate nerve cells. I had been overdosed and tampered with medically in 2001 and 2004, all with government approval. So few have allegedly been busted for money laundering since then, but so much was revealed. I am perplexed by the Bank of China thing out of Macau with Xu Chaofan and Xu Guojun and Yu Zhendong, whose names seem like a mathematical and mechanical model for something, a multi-use weapon and tool. I am also perplexed by the Wachovia Bank thing. Who was in control in Washington D.C. or elsewhere who allowed that bank to launder billions of dollars. Was it a trap? Was it a profit seeking venture? I have earned nothing from it. I also concerned about the "domino effect" in the Mid-East and want all wars stopped there, all conquests ended, and for all trouble making leaders to be checked for alteration by the Zhendong or other means. Oil thievery is all the rage since 2000 obviously. I was also told of a bomb that Nasa allegedly exploded on the South pole of the moon in 2009. The moon looked different to me one day in Winter of this year from the West Coast of the USA as I looked West at it over the Pacific Ocean at an approximate 60-degree view from the horizon. I was looking for packed ice on the moon from streamers of liquid vapor and gas coming from the Earth as we near the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. It looked like the moon had been fractured from the South Pole on that night, with striations going from South to North near the equator of the moon. I am not worthy of life but I live, or do I? Remember The Wire. Remember the Zhendong key to mind control.

Daily Foreword April 17, 2012: It appears the war in the USA has been escalating again and the government is not telling us. In 2010 in San Bruno California a South San Francisco neighborhood (pic links) was decimated with an intentional gas-line explosion and many were killed. I smelled the odor on Highway 280 South of San Francisco but kept going. I feel remiss as a journalist. I should have pulled over and typed into Indybay but they often delete my stories. I was injected and tortured and or attacked on several occassions when reporting toxic spills, thieving sheriffs, murderous and or attacked federal banking regulatory officials including myself. I also did not report the explosion I witnessed in Braman Oklahoma in December 2004, the falling and burning Zhendong as I called it later. I will report these things in the future on LA Indymedia if witnessed. If I am tampered with for my journalistic work, I want them to see the victims in the San Bruno tragedy. We had the same thing almost happen in Rocklin California in 1999 in my FDIC bosses neighborhood, the man I jokingly call the "man of little justice." His neighborhood was evacuated. He said it was jet fuel. They reported it as diesel fuel later.

Because I am fearful of performing investigative journalism in this matter due to the stroke and partial blindness I endured for reporting those things mentioned that I witnessed and for which I was injected forcibly, I will let someone else ask the questions of the day in the San Bruno tragedy in San Francisco that occurred on 9/9/2010.

"Were there any banking related officials living there, banking regulatory officials, or judges in the banking regulatory industry?". Also we need to ask the big head of F-DIC in San Francisco, both in 2001 and in 2009, "Who do they think might have been involved in a retaliatory strike from Bank of China or the Wachovia bank money laundering fiascos that we have witnessed." I ask pointed questions so they hate me. Pure logic cuts bull sh-t. I could have likely been happy with one of the dead women there in San Bruno as a wife if I had stopped it. I should have reported my suspicions. I have been beaten down and tortured in the USA. I urge the people of San Francisco to recognize me for my efforts in the past, and to forgive me for my being remiss and not reporting this event. Today about Pacific Grove California (4/17/2012) I was told a Monterey area neighborhood was evacuated due to a busted gas line, including a daycare that was nearby. I would like to have a job with the city of San Francisco, maybe Sheriff or ARD F-DIC or in the Treasury OCC as a bank examiner. I can stop this sort of thing before it starts in some cases if I am at the top of the money oversight heap. I can reduce more if I am on all bank charter issuances in California. I want to oversee SARS nationally and run my own crew and methods for examining and reporting, statistical, systematic, and investigative like a surgeon running science tests. I may even appear at suspect or odd bank charter issuances.

The year of the San Bruno explosion in 2010, Wachovia bank and their associated international syndicate's laundered money was taken by the government and their syndicates. Now this year many of us are under attack with lies by the federal police who are in the pockets of international syndicates in banking and drugs and gambling who control the USA. I was harassed this year by federal warlords with accusations of being dangerous so that I could be silenced and run out of the United States or imprisoned. I have been informed that in Alabama, old warrants, or warrants that did not exist, are allegedly being revived or created against people for small crimes so that retaliation, including murder, could be initiated against our families. I will keep you informed here if there is any spilled blood. They inject many of us with chemicals claiming we are insane. They are insane sociopaths like all historical war criminals. 5 men were killed in Tulsa recently and the claims were that it was race motivated. I do not believe it. We should protect our own and hold those accountable who harm or kill family members. Federal FDIC types can not catch a money launderer because those at top are syndicated war criminals. We need a new government, perhaps a dissecting of the USA into smaller nations. Let the best nation builder win if there is a full out war. Wells Fargo Bank bought Wachovia bank and their money launderers came with them. I believe Wells Fargo is wet, meaning money laundering. But someone is likely soaked. Which bank is soaked F-DIC Sweet Carol? The government in power writes laws to keep us in chains. Never trust the regime in power.

If you are young and if you have no college scholarships, I recommend leaving the USA for a nation that is not a negative capitalist, predatory capitalist nation. When they tell you that you have to join the military, or have you sign up for killing, be very careful. Negative capitalists make money off of your death in war. Any nation with gambling is a negative capitalist nation. Any nation with drug laws that act like a tourniquet draining the people is a negative capitalist nation. I recommend you tour some nations. The mid-East seems more pure than the USA according to what I have read and it sickens me to see Libya fall into the hands of the war criminals in power on the Earth. They are stealing the oil and natural gas just like they do in the Gulf of Mexico and in the bays along the coast. I am sure there is something equivocal to what I have endured and the conclusions I have come to in the old testament. I will have to consult a favorite Rabbi or Priest or a dozen. I believe God throws things in our face in an odd way if we harm others. For instance, if you harm children, you get to experience that as a child yourself, either at the moment of your act or sooner or later. I have to have comedy with horror to the ease the pain. Some ask why I sometimes laugh briefly at funerals. It is a sort of coping, not a character flaw. So they may think I am a demon. I am just different. I have been harmed many times and it has taken its toll. A rabbi saw me laugh while he was playing his guitar. He thought I was insulting him. I told him I had PTSD and inappropriate laughter some times. I was thinking of the holocaust and I was glad to have him there playing for us. Jerry Lee Lewis, Great Balls of Fire. music link.

Comedy Scene: Truth based. A Roseville Bank Charter Issuance in California. My FDIC bosses neighborhood was just evacuated a few days prior due to fuel spillage or pumping into it from a pipeline in Nevada. A smelly man with greased hair and a new convertible shows up from Reno to get a bank charter. All of the other bank examiners are letting him apply. I jokingly give him my Jimmy Cagney impression, hold my belt like a gangster, bite my lower lip, shake my head "no" and say, "Yu! Yu!".

Remember Vietnam. Remember the holocaust prior. Remember the cannibal and primary forebear of all of mankind, the Bonobo Monkey. In the movie Forrest Gump, when they said, "Run Forrest run", Forrest should have run in the other direction from Vietnam and taken Bubba with him. I have lost all faith and hope in the USA. Many of our families are under attack. Some say we will have to live like boxers.

Daily Foreword April 10, 2012: I have released a new post on Google asking journalists and accountants to find out where the buck stops in the USA on SARS, suspicious activity reports, in banking oversight. Wachovia was allowed to launder money in the USA and hundreds of SARS were accumulated most likely and not reported. Why? Read all about it at this Google news post.

Daily Foreword April 6, 2012: Things have changed in the USA. They went from bad, i.e. Vietnam war, to worse, ongoing wars and raping of the financial system and all human rights in the USA. Protect your young in all respects. If they have been taken, they are likely better off dead if in the hands of government war criminals. The banking industry has gone under the influence of those who control drug laws in the USA and those who import those same drugs to addicts. It is a no man's land. The USA regime in power is not worth fighting for, but if you are cornered, you are better off dead than to be taken alive. I say this due to forced injections and medical procedures on innocent citizens in the USA. I suspect new weaponry of a physics variety is being used also. We could be in a sort of manipulation that is hard to fathom, including mental manipulation and physical manipulation. You can count on this sort of uncertainty increasing in the future.

First Wachovia Bank went down, and no lower level bank examiner in the USA could speak of it, and then I went into a Wells Fargo Bank in 2010 in Santa Cruz California and the whole bank was run by recent immigrants. Men such as myself are pushed out and down, extremely prejudiced against by the war criminal factions in D.C., California, Florida, Alabama, etc.. Those who really run the show stay hidden and control higher technologies in a new type of multi-faceted war. Never trust the USA governments or their negative capitalist allies. Protect your own flesh and blood and kin. Demand children taken by child protective services be left with alternate known to the parents family members. We can not trust strangers in this era of high technology warfare and greed. Some mean well but they too can be manipulated. May God/Allah be with you.

The imagination is the limit in todays world with coupled and hybrid technologies. Imagine if you will, a new war criminal controls your mind and makes you think that you are looking at your child on the couch. The program runs every day with the same routine you have known. Now, suppose they have created a dual existence, meaning they can move matter, or a human, from one vacuum in space to another, and they have taken your child. You do not know it but the child is gone. Now this may be a bit advanced, but that is exactly what appears to be happening in much of the banking system as illustrated by Wachovia Bank's downfall. Of course, our enemies some times fight like boxers and we will also have to bring out brass knuckles on occassion to crack their mask and poke in the hot poker to crucify another pig behind the angelic mask IT wears. That is the nature of a boxer's life. Some men are not civil. They insist on war. I have no hesitation in seeing them killed because I have been maimed and others have been also. But was it men or machine that maimed me, and was I under psychological control? Never trust the governments of the USA and likely any negative capitalist nation. Always maintain reasonable doubt.

During the beginning construction of this website I was sick from forced injections, torture, stroke, and more. I have changed my belief in their system due to my tests on them and my recovery of my memories. Your guns are useless except against lower level thugs. The government has henchmen with new weapons and our new immigrant enemies are anxious to kill us with weapons issued to thugs. The syndicates of the Earth are as powerful as governments. I do not care if the inhumane are killed and they do not care if we are killed or maimed. This is the eternal boxing match. I am thinking of going to the World Press Freedom Conference in Tunis, Tunisia on May 3, 2012. I want to make a religious pilgrimage afterward to Egypt and Israel and perhaps Saudi Arabia and India. I will have to pass through the War Zone in Libya and later the alleged closed gates of Iran. I will want a native escort in Libya and I want to warn servicemen that they may be fed to a lion while they are in a state of delusion. Guess which side wins? There are three sides in actuality, the two fighting and the one harvesting oil and money and more.

It also took me a while to figure out why Timothy McVeigh's convict number was so odd, considering his loving of the USA constitution and his likely innocence due to my investigations. His number if interpreted was 12/24/1976, i.e. to return the day of Jesus's birthday and the bicentennial year of the USA constitution. I too when injected and tortured was given a number, the middle number 911. 911 had not responded when I contacted them at the federal police. I ran tests to detect murderers at the FDIC, and the tests came back positive. Mankind is blind or I am completely out of it. Look at President W. W is in fact two fangs and not a letter. Look at Barracks Oh Bama for President. I think his name is like our numbers and both are a result of MAL-WARE. Look it up. The deal with Xu and Xu and Yu was very odd, and I hypthesized a new super weapon from their names presented to me. See youtube Saintrambone video Zhendong. "The program runs so nicely boss," the slave or dissident programmer would say. Look at what is happening, "Incoming, Barracks! Oh Bama!".

It is good to have a sense of humor in the era of writing mal-ware. It is better to do your own physics manipulations to protect yourself, if you can. I had a dream of a severely depressed man under mind control. He tried to kill himself 5 times. Each time he would awaken from the state of mind control, alive. After the fifth time he just sat and stared. It had altered his mind. Body snatchers can't compare to this dilemma we have entered. Are humane men in Tunis Tunisia? It was allegedly a place of slavery and piracy long ago. Europeans and Africans were sold there. In South America one tribe would eat another not long before that or during that time. God, where art thou?

Scene: Libya dessert, a huge rolling dust cloud follows an armed band of escorts for a few international journalist and one hyper-posed fag atop the vehicle in silks from the Kings ransom. Its Abdullah. Ahead, the Zhendong government of Egypt has amassed a barracade, with one flaw, Mal-Ware, controlled by Abdullahs friends, Godzill and Mal. It appears that Mal-Ware had a hand in the naming of the nations huge failed bank. The name Whack means to kill or maim for profit. Ovi in latin means Ovum, or the new life seed for our economy in the USA. The Bank of Whack-Ovi and the Bank of Wachovia, no longer exist and were swallowed by the older bank of Wells Fargo. Your money is in a hole that is difficult to retrieve. It is part of the Sweet Carol Dilemma exposed to me by an F-DIC whore.

Daily Foreword March 26, 2012: A war is waging in the USA, and a new tool is being used. I have released a video today on this weapon theory. I call it the Zhendong, or the Zhendong effect. It is my belief that the names Xu Chaofan, Xu Guojun, and Yu Zhendong were made up names when the men entered the USA. The names were used to help us see the truth possibly in the overtaking of the Chinese and the Americans. Their names are in fact a mathematical and mechanical model that explains a new weapons method, what I call the Zhendong. Wells Fargo was likely taken over before Wachovia Bank was hit and swallowed by Wells Fargo bank. This is theory Sweet Carol Federal F--k. Here is a post on LA Indymedia with links.

Because Indymedia is sometimes deleted, a re-posted the news story in a Google newsgroup. It does not have the links but all proof can be found by Google search of the key terms. The story from LA Indymedia without the links is at

Those days that I played music, I was happier or hiding, trying to mend the strings in my mind. Ironically I set off to find my dead, including myself, on a young girl prophet's design, dark as it was, and I found it, close to it, death eternal in bright flash of light. Nirvana's Lithium song epitomizes that long drawn out feeling in an empty hall where only the spirits are allowed to converse when dead. Those memories of life and those human weaknesses and the indifference inherent in some of the teachers. The rule was thou shalt not kill. So many have been killed wrongfully. Make way for Timothy McVeigh. Let us take a look at Xu and Xu in another way. China was ripped off bad since 1991, the same as the USA they say. I have a question for F-DIC BOD Sweet and Mob AL Snatch, "Who is allowed to manifest themselves in embodiment in the hall of speech in death?"

Movie Scene :: F-DIC BOD Sweet has a light turned on it's head. It is the new milennia from the center of the galaxy date, and all things are down hill until the end of something, a year later approximately it seems. Sweet's Gargoyle wings pop out of their sleeves like shiney new penises covered in interim flesh white and red and blue. It says, "You have gotten your self into a hole you can not get out of". I reply, "Is it the vacuum caused by the Zhendong? Am I too be hit by the accelerator gun and the CHA o fan?

The explosion in OKC that knocked down the federal building was likely not set off by Timothy McVeigh. The building was destroyed to make way for a new method, a new way to obtain money illegally, or the OKC federal crowd caught something happening in the computers so the building was destroyed. Wachovia Bank was likely set up in the same way Timothy McVeigh was set up. Some were guilty perhaps at Wachovia, perhaps not, but someone knew what was going on. Wachovia Bank was likely robbed of dignity and money in the same way that I was. To this day I am hounded when I am in the USA. I have considered leaving the USA and may find my place on the Earth. It is not here in California, nor Alabama, nor Florida. Our children are being taken by our enemies in power from our families.

I have a peculiar knack for choosing the perfect song for the event or publication of anything I am involved in. I think, since those who made Zhendong seem to have links to Asia, "SEEM TO", this song came to my mind, Red Rider's Lunatic Fringe. Like a poem, the song's lyrics match my sentiment in this hunt "In one of many Devils Triangles".

Daily Foreword March 21, 2012: Latest video titled FDIC and Treasury Aided Wachovia Money Laundering, Murder of Judges, Maiming of Me . I believe that Wachovia management, much of it was set up to look guilty of crimes so the bank could be robbed and then swallowed by another bank. I also believe the Bank of China out of Macau whose alleged bank managers, Xu and Xu and Yu, laundered millions and then came to the USA may be a lie. The clue was in the bomb that almost hit me in Braman Oklahoma. X and X are on the horizontal plane and Y is above in the sky on the vertical axis. This is theory. We are being duped with technology. I have been accused of many things. I expect it. I am the best investigative journalist in quite some time. That is why the FDIC terminated me in 2000 from San Francisco. Their Asian or Latino mob boss was apparently and likely at the helm at that time in San Franciso's FDIC, but with technology you can not tell who is always in front of you, it could be another nationality with their hands on a joystick. Our enemies are attacking us in Calfornia and much of the rest if not all of the USA.

We are long term Americans, including our Latino and Asian positive capitalist friends. Beware of our enemies inside the USA. They use collusion to break the will and the harmony and the wealth of our people. Beware of their technology, as it has a noose for you or a needle of drugs to make you into a guinea pig. Ask former Sheriff "Jack Snatch The Fairy Possum" Till-man about his 360 thousand dollars thievery round about 4-3-2001. Those in power are often a God-less people and they are doomed and we are as well unless we can remove the negative capitalists from our shores and our skies. You are better off dead than to be captured by our enemies who inject us and torture us.

Just as in Judges 6 of the old testament, the American people have worshipped an idol. That idol is the dollar, to be obtained at any cost and sacrifice or sin. The ten commandments were thrown out the window for some, and on the back of the dollar was written, "In God We Trust". I held up a dollar and I did not see God in it anywhere really. Another lie on another idol is all I see in the negative capitalists dollar. I am thinking of starting a church, and all are invited to attend. I will tend toward the more orthodox but it will be a free thinkers church with all reform church attenders invited, whether Catholic, or Buddhist, or Protest, or Jew, or Hindu, or Rastafarian, etc.

Also due to the size of the explosion in Braman and Xu and Xu's alleged arrest earlier that year in 2004 at points to the North and South of where the explosion, almost hit me, I might start an astronomers club. I do not have the software to know where all planets are at, but I thought I saw something hovering over Monterey Bay California through my binoculars, lighted and large. Was it what was shot down in Oklahoma or was it planet? Astronomy software forthcoming.

Daily Foreword March 9, 2012: I live in a mathematical universe fashioned by a retard. I am a native. 8/11/2001 I Kurt Brown was scheduled to be released from forced injections and torture by federal war criminal factions. I was a FDIC bank examiner and later an investigative journalist, free-lance. on 9/11/2001 Fuji Bank was hit in the World Trade Center Towers in New York. On 10/11/2001 Federal Banking Frauds Judge Thomas Crane Wales was murdered in Seattle. FBI Says Anarchists did it. I say it's the enemy inside the US, not us. We have enemies inside judges seats who helped to kill Wales, indirectly or directly. They helped to have me injected and tortured and I am now partially dead and those calling the shots murder those inside the USA who are on the side of right and judicious processing of government owned funds. Wales and I believed we were protected in illusory human rights afforded by protection from the knight in shining armor of government. He is dead and I am partially dead, a positive correlation from the negative side of the equation in the banking regulatory and oversight industry. Without men like Wales and myself, believers in the goody two shoe edict of government with a knight in shining armor looking over us, you will have Few Man Chu and Don Giva Futk and no change in your rear end or the front pocket for that matter and you will be robbed of life limb and property, just as I was, just as Wales was.

On the other hand, I did not know Jack until 4-3-2001. I chose that date to run my test on Sheriff Jack Tillman, a concurrent investigation on a thief I suspected because it was poetic in a spiritual sense, all elements combined. I was tortured for it. The working class has been conned. The enemy in government wants me dead, starved, or imprisoned, and always robbed and poor. We would kill each other on the West Coast and in much of the South East. They try to kill us, those in power. They gave me a stroke and ignore their crimes. They used mind control. They have statutes of limitations on concentration camp style abuses. I welcome death now but I am half dead.

Everything has an opposite effect in life. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and if those things are done in unison, such as two bouncing balls, you can measure correlations. In the way banking frauds Judge Wales was killed in his home and it was labeled an anarchist hit, and I say it was a banking provoked murder, I too have suffered a lie. The government said I was not attacked in 2001, after St. Valentines Day and running a test to detect murderers associated with the FDIC in San Francisco. They said I was insane and started injecting me with chemicals and torturing me in other means, before and after arrest. I have lost faith in the USA and many nations. I see many in the USA live behind bars in their homes. A monkey in a cage. Perhaps they are the mathematical geniuses, and I the retard. At least they can leave their darkness.

Write me a report Federal Sweet Carol explaining the significance of: 4/3/2001 and 8/11/2001 9/11/2001 10/11/2001 and Xu plus Xu equals Yu. Whose 483 million US$? 911 that would be me. Positive Correlation Cubed if you include FDIC Head in the early 90's San Francisco. Choose your medicine and your career path wisely children. The venom runs a bout.

Daily Foreword March 4, 2012: When I was a child and the Vietnam draft was going, I saw no option but to do as I was told by mass media and the government who gave me the public school to be indoctrinated in and kept. I saw no hope at a certain age. You do not have to be like that. The world is a big place and you can run there if you choose, but be careful for traps. When you travel you are vunerable to attack by human predators. If you are 18 or older, perhaps after college, think about it. You are nothing more than the next and the next. Life is travel when young, if you can stay alive without compromising your self or your values or virtues. More than one dead whore ran to California who started out as a prom queen. I was warned not to go into the military and then I was warned not to try to gain employment in California. It is over populated and there is a lot of hatred and favoritism and murder. Some suck a penis for a job in California. That is what a Sweet Carol told me redundant at the F-DIC. You are better off selling coffee in Amsterdam or at a Dutch colony such as Seattle or Perth.

Daily Foreword February 26, 2012: I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former investigative journalist specilizing in uncovering government crimes would like to request that the federal or state gun weilding lunatics quit harassing me while at the local Wal Mart returning merchandise. I have been harassed and endangered with lies and abuses by something resembling the war criminal sects in the USA and California as of recently. I want my job at the DFI Governor Brown. I will never cry "911 or Uncle". Many of my enemies want me in jail or dead. I just want to work as an auditor over the working mans finances. Governor, I want a job and to be left alone. Whose my clay pigeon? That is an FDIC joke that President Puck can relate to "O-Bama". I asked a military young man recently, "Whose my guinea pig?". The young and naive put on the uniform to be abused and sometimes killed under federal abuses. The government betrays many of us and we warn each other to run from them later. I was warned not to work for the FDIC. Risk is a matter of protection or lack therein. The F-DIC head needs to cover up. They are diseased.

Daily Foreword February 25, 2012: It appears that the government crime syndicates may be at war with us again. I was harassed repeatedly in Florida recently and finally left. When I was in Mobile Alabama the day after Fat Tuesday, I was told that the police were beating the living hell out of some people at the parades. Also I saw a wrecked vehicle on the way out ouf town and the officer was wearing a bullet proof vest and speaking with the pinned in driver. I was told the South East is starting to look like Afghanistan. We do not have the freedoms of old Afghanistan. Most do not care who lives or dies here. It is as if the poor live in a war under a government controlled in some sectors by mob bosses. I never cared if a syndicate snake was killed when I was young and I do not care now. Never trust the government. Beware of traps. They are a negative capitalist and predatory sect of lower animals. The days of their rule is numbered. Who is next? Beware of being targeted by those mob bosses henchmen in government. They hate guys like me because I do not bow down to them unless knocked unconscious with needles and such.

Also, when re-entering California on I-40 near Las Vegas and the California line in Needles, a Chinese national with broken English stopped me before entry into California. A mandatory agricultural stop and inspection is known to happen and he wanted to look in my ice chest which held water. I think he was a Chinese national working for the Chinese crime syndicates. The Bank of China lost millions to money laundering from Macau Bank managers who allegedly came to the USA. I am speaking of Xu and Xu and Yu. The Chinese national at the border crossing said, "See Yu in San Francisco". I heard that Xu and Xu were in prison in Las Vegas and Yu ran back to China and is now dead. The land of freedom is no longer the USA. It really never was a land of freedom. Maybe Yu have my 9.11 Million in San Francisco ARD FDIC Masta Sweet Carol? Beware of trickery by the syndicates. We are no longer a nation of one.

Daily Foreword February 17, 201: As I watch on mass media of alleged fleeing of the masses of lesser multitude out of the USA, we must ask, "Are they leaving to survive in the event of a natural international catastrophe pending, or are they leaving due to harassment by the dictatorship in power with their clay pigeon president this time around, Obama. It sounds like a clay pigeon, O-Bama. I left Escambia County Florida due to harassment and the oil spill in Pensacola and the Gulf of Mexico. Now when I am in Flagler County Florida, I am often harassed in a sort of, "Look out, here he comes", sort of way. The USA government has become a negative capitalist entity. It is ironic the police always drive nice automobiles, and their syndicates, but those they harass drive older junk vehicles. I wonder how much a Roman's head sold for in Old Sicily on a bald saturday night seeking Hair?

Daily Foreword February 14, 2012: To set the record straight to the armed and dangerous and lethal war criminal sect in power in the USA and their lesser hate groups of like kind, I do not carry weapons since I have left the work as an investigative journalist on government approved and covered up murders. Also to allay the llittle old lady in the elevator with her Nazi descendant boyfriend, I do not have a blade, unless you consider my hard ARD F-DIC Party Clown pocket utensil, good for cleaning teeth an orgasm. Florida has an old folks sect and the war criminal sect of the Earth is always looking to cut out your heart or your wallet, just like California. Think of me as Hunter S. Thompson without the guns.

Daily Foreword February 13, 2012: It appears the government is putting pressure on many of us from the lower caste who are from poor cities like Mobile Alabama or their outlieing third world communities of white and black and mix. Many of us from Alabama have been forcibly injected in Alabama or in California and Arizona. We are the lower caste.

Those in power from the outside want us subjugated completely. They are using new methods and old methods. One person I know has tried to commit suicide due to the abuses of our enemies in power. They are currently trying to make me commit suicide. I am often followed and harassed. What they do is us the Yenta effect, the same as the Nazis used on Jews. They tell the restaurant or store owners I am a wanted felon or armed or a danger to the public in some way. Daytona Beach is eaten up with these types. They want us to react so they can rob us.

AFter all, they drew first blood on myself and have killed other veterans and bank examiners. Death is preferable to living under the rule of our enemies in the USA. Florida is a hostile state also. There is no shelter in the USA.

Daily Foreword February 5, 2012: The weather looks dismal due to the wide reaching drought and increased temperatures in some areas of the USA, and the Earth. Many do not understand the nature of the area in space that we have entered. The government calls it La Nina Winter. That is wrong and an outright lie. We are experiencing the Milky Way Galaxy Center Clear Sky Effect which is drought on Earth. I have a video with detailed notes on Youtube titled, Milky Way Galaxy Center Clear Sky Effect, 2 Years or 7 years of drought?

Daily Foreword February 4, 2012: Todays post is a video titled USA Holocaust Forced Injections Continuing, PTSD Effects, Possible Genocide Soon . They have tortured and maimed me.

Daily Foreword January 30, 2012: Todays post is a youtube video of myself, Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone, discussing how the robbing of the international banking system from this former FDIC bank examiners perspective is related to the possible global meltdown of the the polar ice caps sometime one week before or after 12/21/2012.

Daily Foreword January 26, 2012: Youtube video by Kurt Brown Saintrambone on the Censorship on mass media of the "Milky Way Galaxy Center Clear Sky Effect". My biggest question, I know they injected and tortured me without mercy to get a signature in 2001. Now the Question in 2012 is, "Are they planning on committing genocide against us? Have they taken all international black market monies and built them an escape hatch? Are we being led to the gallows? Do they practice mind control on those of us whom they have injected forcibly? I know of others who have been injected, police, for no reason, in the USA, not just bank examiners. Were we over run prior to the alleged Vietnam War? Is all of human kind a prison slave waiting for the gallows?

Daily Foreword January 24, 2012: The USA government is a tool of an international war criminal faction that is not controlled by us average Americans, at least not as we were told and conned into believing when in their schools when young. Someone told Newt Gingrich to take off his mask. There was a likely takeover utilizing masks and stunning weaponry as syndicates fought for power in the USA banking regulatory system, which is the Treasury Department and the federal agency the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). It was said to me that the United Nations lost their human rights. I wondered if they were forcibly injected as I, Kurt Brown, former FDIC bank examiner was injected. I suspect the coffers of the USA government were being robbed all through the 1990's and into the present. They are likely getting money to protect themselves. We may be facing genocide on this planet on a large scale due to natural occurrences that are forthcoming soon within the next year. Let us hope that if they have taken our DNA to recreate society with themselves at top, that they too are killed. The United States of America is something like Hell for many of us. But so is much of the Earth. We should teach our young that the government can not be trusted.

Daily Foreword January 16, 2012: Today's news post is a Youtube video about a Yiddish word, Yenta, because the regime in power uses gossip to destroy and attack many of us in the USA. The crime syndicates of government are in fact a tool for those who are war criminal and who keep all of us, all of our kind, down and out. I was threatened with severe bodily harm recently in Miami and would not have known if a woman had not cried for the badged war criminal not to kill me. I was just having a meal and then a rapid evacuation of the large intestine. As Poltergeist would say as he left the toilet, "Is it clear yeta?" They are targeting many of us with rumors and lies, including myself. I was just an honest journalist long ago, a humble yet naive believer in the old American laws of truth and justice. It does not really exist. We should free each other when possible if we are suffering from our enemies in American government who practice "Yenta". It is nothing new, cannibalism among humans. For todays music, Grace Jones, Corporate Cannibal Youtube music.

Daily Foreword January 11, 2012: Some notes regarding travel in the USA. It is not safe anywhere unless you are out of crowds and away from the grid that is set up by the ruling predatory sects in power. In Daytona Beach I was being harassed this evening. I would not stop on Daytona Beach itself again. I always announce I am coming to ward off or innoculate those who know of their bosses syndicate ties. The syndicates fight for the international monies in money laundering and drugs. I was told that Daytona had been bit. It appears that the government sets up hate groups as mercenaries, paid. They are not hard to find if you pay them with tax dollars of the money laundering war criminals in power and their guinea pig medical estate, the VA and hospitals such as Flagstaff Medical Center near Las Vegas. When going to get my Whopper Jr. burger, the waitress was told over her headset, "Run, he's a terrorist." The Peruvian looking woman ran out the door and out of sight. She did not return so I turned to park in the lot and go inside. A man came out with the sandwich with what appeared to be a white dried gelatinous substance on his face. I ate the burger. Now I am sick feeling from it. MY Pof Ad was down today also. I must make the government nervous when I contact women and tell them of the truth in fields in which they work.

After all, I was put in LA County Jail after being tortured to sign documents and I now have a stroke. We should resist the criminal element in power by uniting, and we often do, as I was helped recently to undo hardship inflicted after torture with false allegations on records that are now cleared. I ate the burger.

Daily Foreword January 10, 2012: (A recent news post link to LA Indymedia on Milky Way Galaxy Center Clear Sky Effect. It's Wicking Damping Out there in the Pacific, Milky Way.). The El Nino winter by mass media is a lie. We are having a drought caused by what I call the Milky Way Galaxy Center Clear Sky Effect in a video here on Youtube. This Milky Way thing is a real trip once you get to the center of it. Remember Theta? It is a Greek Symbol of death and it describes in one letter, the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Now, am I under attack again by war criminals who want to silence us? And who are those guys with heads whose brains are over 6 times the size of an average humans in the brain component, stretching back like an African hairdo but made out of flesh and brain, darting here and there. That's a joke, sort-of. Of course what do I know, I have been injected repeatedly forcibly in the USA and there is a seal of Solomon in my seeing eye and the other is awash. There is no repair just as the likelihood of medical tampering by malicious sorts. I want my 9.11 Million Dollars from the FDIC. See the former FDIC chairman of the Board of the FDIC, now at the Bank of Hawaii, then see the FDIC BOD and ask to see if a man of little justice is still alive, and well, as I hope so, and the same goes for J.C., or maybe that was J.T. that horses ass. The game is big, and the mind is shallow. 9.11 Million or a settlement. They deny their ravages. Are We coming into an era of gendocide. Abandoned, or were we or I conned. The eye of the needle approaches December 21, 2012 as we cross the center of the magentic boundary, or maybe someone has flipped my switch. 9.11 Million and ask Xu and Xu to check their pot head with some gold dubloons, payable to the midget with the big brain. Wiseman, where art thou? Sue? 911 to myself. I was being harassed in Miami by the syndicates in the police there. Dope and money laundering bosses wanted me out and they are in the government and have ties.

To those concerned, I do not bother myself with audits of your crimes syndicates and upper level government and corporate predators any longer. There is no need to send out police goons, young punks, etc. as I encountered in Fort Lauderdale at a restaurant. A young lady likely over reacted when one showed a gun. I do not suggest carrying them unless investigating killers in the Treasury and FDIC etc. Then carry a brown paper bag to conceal it and toss it at all costs if you do not have a permit. A bad don takes no guff from armed distractors. I once had a Muslim girlfriend in Vancouver B.C. and a Jewish girlfriend in California. The border patrol harassed me going in both directions. I eventually stopped trying to drive across. Perhaps that is poetic humor and someone once harnessed the magnetic fields at point theta, which we cross on 12/21/2012. I think of various stone ruins that some humans did not understand in a technology component. In partiuclar the Egyptian Pyramids, the Aztec Temples and any Mayan structures, and perhaps stone structures such as the alleged footprint of nature in Sri Lanka. If you shift the poles of the Earth they may line up on the energy at the equator in the oceans and in the aurora at the North pole. Poltergeist scene and request, the old guy outside the FDIC BOD meeting, "Sweet, tell masa I want my 9.11 million ta-now. Stop pimping out the American people and realize the inside of your needles forced upon us is about to become a different color and nature." Scene swap, Wiseman from Blood on Rosewood, "Sweet, it's a different nature of a different color but it all comes out the same in the end. We need large spaceships, perhaps Zepellins, but I forgot we were monkies who could see no end".

Daily Foreword January 7, 2012: Today I updated page Love Line 11. Beware of the USA governments and their police state and other similar nations where there is open struggle and resistance against oppressive powers. They are trying to put people in jail this year most likely. They like to control and rob of us. They write corrupt laws and their government is as a result for all intents and purposes, our worst enemy. Beware of the "willows", the traps. They would kill many of us. They are not like us most likely, those in power, and their followers are paid mercenaries on a dieing planet that is most likely slated for execution for the benefit of the selected few.

Daily Foreword January 4, 2012: A foreboding warning came to me in the night in a dream. The irony was that I was thinking of Libya earlier that day and the tortures I and much of my family have endured under the ruling regime in the USA and their government they control. The warning came from a man who appeared like a tall angel, a soldier of God perhaps. Perhaps he was not that tall and I was laying on the ground or about to get up from the ground. Perhaps he gave me marching orders and I am to pass them on now to our people. He said, "You are better off to shoot yourself in the head than to surrender."

We are in a conflict since birth in the USA. I once thought I had someone to help and assist or oversee those who are over our society. It is a vicious world, with no remorse, no pity, and often devoid of moral virtue or character. The government is a thing that may pass due to the drying on the vine of Americas wealth due to global climate change, drought, and oil depletion.

The one problem with the Angel's warning in my dream is mind control. The enemy in power could have us self destruct.

Daily Foreword January 3, 2012: As a scientist who is the Devil's advocate against forced military drafts and compulsory registration for selective service, I would like to file a class action law suit pursuant to doing a psychological effects study or have someone else do so on the effects that the Vietnam draft had on those who were children at various ages during the 1960's in the United States. We know the effects on some of the teenagers, death and being maimed.

After being exposed to the results of the draft on the television and in our neighborhoods and families, I think it had a severe impact on how I would view my teenage years and my life. Their alcohol is still on the shelves also, stacked from toe to ceiling, yet their cigarette ads disappeared from Television. I remember 1968 as being the big year or about that time, as Wiseman my neighbor in lowly Mobile Alabama allegedly killed himself upon return and I became critically aware that because I was a male and from the poor, I was next.

The government in power is a killer of ourselves. The irony is that the world is always in flux, and anyone with enough education in the sciences and psychology will know there are often correlations in patterns, such as in action and re-action. That is another matter that deals with the dynamics of physics and the "apparent" results we perceive.

The military draft of the past and compulsory registration of the present, is initiated by those who have control of the informal goverment ($$$) and therefore of the formal government. The effects of being in a state of forced warfare is like being lined up to be killed.

I later regretted going into the military and then working for the FDIC. The military was nothing. The FDIC was warfare. It is the irony that martial law came down right after I was pushed out of the FDIC, and the NYC Twin towers fell down. I have had a stroke due to forced injections in 2001 and 2004. I want payment for the PTSD of being an 8 year old in Vietnam Draft era America. I want a class action suit or a new regime. Keep your rice pudding in California and mix it with your grits in Alabama and soon you have gonzo beans. They had the nerve to call me criminal for simple gun ownership. I feel dead from the stroke and injections. It would make the world cum if we sued the USA for their abuses in a huge class action suit.

Also, of all strange things was in 1999 in Roseville California FDIC. Something happened. You can read about it on the most recent Love Line pages or Quatrains pages. A mask in the crowd. Was it surgical, an ongoing ruse, or perhaps a knocked out shot where something was going on and it was just a cheap mask the man was wearing. I am not sure. Did they do something to me, Kurt Brown, FDIC bank examiner. My co worker quit, running out of the office. I wanted a million dollar piece of meat. A reward. Those at top and fighting at the FDIC must have someone on our side. In our age of technology, you would be a fool to believe the mass media on anything, including 9/11//2001, OKC, and who it is that controls these G-d damned United States of America. Something happened in Braman in 2004 December, an explosion, and I was told it was an armed drone thrown off course by someone who sacrificed their life for me. It was late night December 7, 2004 as I traveled. I heard that Sparks Oklahoma, nearby was collapsing underneath in 2011, allegedly over-drilling for oil with new techniques. The explanation was impeccable, stupendous, and likey another damned lie. Gonzo beans are at the hypotenuse arena. See nearby Ames looking at the sky like an eye. The government had to have seen the explosion and yet there was no mention of it. Did they get pink eye in their red eye and Xu and Xu of the Bank of China is likely a ruse or a rip off. I want Xu and Xu and the representatives from bank of china to meet with me if I am given a reporters opportunity. After all, I was almost killed and they were allegedly North and South of me earlier that year before being hauled to Las Vegas allegedly. What a great movie script and, how long was your needles Xu? Xu? Yu? Fore?

Daily Foreword January 2, 2012: If you are young and if you are from the poor and working class and if you have no special attributes such as extreme physical and athletic prowess or extreme intelligence, you will likely have a somewhat average life in the United States of America. That will mean your life will not be extraordinary and if you make the slightest mistakes in the traps the government or society lay for you, then your life will be like HELL. For proof, go count the homeless that huddle in cities in hidden corners and parks and count the prisons fulls of men and women.

I recommend for the young to seek other nations and leave the USA. Beware of traps such as the military. The Bonobo monkey is present in the human species as an underlying construct. Many type A blood individuals display the temperament very well. I am speaking of people such as Koreans (many asians), the remainder of the American Indians (they or we were wiped out and most are inter-bred with other blood types), and the Nordic North European, which is primarily blondes and ironically Hitler allegedly aspired to make all inbred on that principle. I was discriminated against in many states by many people and tortured in many cases. We are all a mix of all blood types, i.e. human. My mother had ways of telling me things. She said my mean grandfather, her father in law in Alabama said, "Get off of my Porch you little nigger.". I was likely sitting on my part Indian grandmothers lap, part of the Poarch band. "I reckon.".

I used to be a journalist who sought the truth. They say the truth will set you free. Run young people, while you are still free. I would have saved myself from the time I was a child until I was 18 intent on fleeing any draft subsequent to or during the Vietnam draft. If I had no real future with scholarships and such, I would run from the United States of America. I would choose a small nation that had respect for their people. Best of luck. Make your own choices but beware of the traps. To this day I am targeted by what I see as Bonobo humans. They like to play games. Gang warfare is their favorite. Every history book should show all traits of the Bonobo monkey as humans are at the very core, a bonobo primate. We should strive to move away from their cannabilistic side, all humans, but there are many appetites in life.

Todays music is a small memory from the embryonic period of Mobile Audit Club website. It is from Quatrains 3 page and is titled Circle of Lebanon IV (music). It has a sort of strange appeal, like one would find in a graveyard and wrecking yard of humans in a place called Earth, or maybe just a chemical reaction called life.

Daily Foreword January 1, 2012: It is official. I was told I was diagnosed with an apparent CVA by a doctor, meaning as a result of medical torture, I had a stroke. A vessel burst in the brain likely in 2001 during injections and made worse in 2004 with more forced injections and I was knocked unconscious. It was diagnosed by medical professionals in 2004. I just remembered it. I got confirmation that records exist of my seeing doctors and my diagnosis of a stroke. I lost some of my vision that year and was not sure of the cause, but I knew I was made very ill that year. I was under attack severely since 2001. My work as an investigative journalist, starting with the FDIC, had a seedy side.

It was after being forcibly injected at Flagstaff Medical Center and knocked unconscious that I had the stroke. I suspect the goop on the tongue depressor the medical professional put in my mouth was a warning before I was knocked unconscious. God bless those who help us on the inside. But in this world, you can not tell if those who try to warn you are trying to help you or get you killed. Those who try to release you while you are in the custody of sociopaths may or may not be trying to get you killed.

I am saying I could have run in early 2004 from Flagstaff Medical Center. I could have run in Los Angeles from federal custody in 2001, and both times I was forcibly injected and both times I was given other medical procedures, but I am not sure what Arizona's FSMC did to me in 2004 due to being knocked violently unconscious with drugs. Someone was going to give me the exit both times. Arizona Law Title 36-520 states that the officials of Arizona can detain you for suspicion of insanity. Arizona Law 36-525 says they can call you insane if you flee.

I Kurt Brown, was not under arrest but knocked unconscious and detained for three or four days.. I wanted medical treatment and to leave, not to be detained and tortured. I had BC/BS insurance and they had me sign papers first. Very odd how a war criminals sociopathic mercenary of government can command those in healthcare and make money from our suffering and destruction. I was really sick that year after the intense stroke making me lose some vision, uncorrectable vision loss, but what the government did to me in 2001 was basically try to give me a nervous breakdown and to force me to cease all government investigations. Sheriff Jack Tillman, thief, can attest to his and their attacks against me as it is on video in Mobile Alabama from 4/3/2001 at high noon. He answered the test to see if he was thief, and he brought witnesses, but he did not know it. I run audits without looking at financial documents because I seek things as a laboratory technologist would in medicine.

Ironically, I ended up being in a known American holocaust and torture camp, the Los Angeles federal facilities in Westwood where I had been injected in 2001 and where other veterans had been killed in experiments in 1999. The government allegedly took an MRI of the head, but there is no DNA check on a MRI scan, so you can not trust a gulag state of healthcare nor their medical records. I served there in Long Beach in the Navy onboard a USS Reid FFG-30, did I knot? Quartermaster with a quarter to lend. I had no idea I would see sociopaths over me in that fashion almost twenty years later.

I like to end notes and segments here on Mobile Audit Club that match the content in life experience. Today, on the first day of the last year of the world apocalypse per Mayan observation while on mathematical spin in astonomy (pics), or perhaps just another sequel in the in and out of the Milky Way galaxy, I like to hear a Three Ring Circus, but first with Julius Fucki I present Entry of the Gladiatiors (music). Remember the mask they wear is not always that funny. See the Love Line and Quatrains pages, the latest the greatest post recovery revelations and recollections. My three circus is medicine, finance, law, and the truthful reporting of all perversions therein, including Sheriff Snatch 4321.

Daily Foreword December 20, 2011: (LA Indymedia News Post from Love Line Page 11 of Mobile Audit Club Regarding Recent Explosions IN California and Torture In Arizona and LA, 12/29/2011) As I approach the 30th anniversary of my arriving in California, I lament coming into the state. I have been targeted by hate groups in government, those who rob the American people on every front. Although I have met the most wonderful people and the most awful people in California and Arizona, I regret it because some people have made me sick with injections forced upon me and they tortured me when I did not deserve it.

It is as if a war has waged and I am laying in the battlefield wounded, now with a stroke due to forced injections and a brain embolism and I am recalling now in 2011 what happened in 1999, 2001, 2004, and beyond. My vision is like a tunnel. Racism is fostered and humanitarianism is not rewarded by those in power. They can be made to self destruct if they can not be beaten.

The military might as well be a sham to keep our worst enemies in power. I am talking about the enemies of mankind. I have a scene based on my life in California, "A battlefield has a man with a severe headwound, much like a stroke with part of the brain gone, he sits up with the wound and starts to regain consciousness of the time before the battle, the various battles, and his head wound from those battles. He sits there looking at rounds are fired from all directions. He can not die and he wants it finished. If he could only call all of the angels of darkness in their meanest half into one locale, that is his wish, to finish it, as he feels he can not die". I should have left California in 1983. I knew many of us were medical guinea pigs in the military. I met the serial killer Randy Kraft that year. His brain was likely damaged by chemicals injected by the government or he was set up for the murders. I would not drink his drink or suck his pinky dink in 1983, and I would not do the same with my FDIC boss in Hawaii in 2000.

Daily Foreword December 19, 2011: Something odd happened to me in April of 2001 while I, Kurt Brown, was in federal custody in Los Angeles. I believe what they did to me is a test we should run on enemy combatants and our people in our ranks to ascertain technological alterations or changes in technology apparatus that may have been implanted into our people by our people or others. I was given an MRI of the head for no apparent reason and it was conducted by an Asian woman who was working for the VA and who was taking orders from those who use the FDIC and Treasury to gather wealth as in the spoils of war.

The reason I think a Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) scan should be given to enemy combatants in the future, captives in the coming wars, is to determine any implants or changes in the body or skin. We should check ourselves also, and things done to the CNS should be checked also such as my "Dead Eye Dic" invention or as I see it, a theoretical re-creation.

On the page Quatrains 12 page of this website, I detail a technological mask that is like a line on the face when it is not activated. Under MRI it would likely show structures and things along the line, such as what may appear to be crystalline or structures chained together chemically. Of course there is always the chance of mind control and image projection from space. What the government may have done to me is uncertain. I urge people to not drop their guard and not to serve in the military of our enemies in power. Behind their mask is a war criminal, and I do not know if it is a foreign nations mercenary or a local group whose behavior is akin to the Bonobo monkey in wanting to dominate all things. The day has come for war. Let us welcome it so that we regain our human rights and our captured family members from our enemies in power. This is a technological war and we are losing. They are also taking children from families and by doing so are ensuring the compliance of those children to the sociopathic ideals of the war criminals in power.

Daily Foreword December 13, 2011: Latest Youtube Video "Rocklin, CA, Jet Fuel Soaking Retaliation For Failed(?) FDIC Banking Laundering Arrangement". Recent updates regarding the F-DIC wars, where trillions of your, our, dollars floatings among the sharks and crab traps, is now on page Love Line 11 and the Quatrains 12 page here on Mobile Audit Club. Rocklin California was sprayed with something akin to alleged rocket fuel in 1999, forcing the alleged evacuation of my immediate FDIC boss at the Roseville California office. You must see other revelations on this ongoing sequence of events. See those pages aforementioned and link it to Braman Oklahoma in 2004 with that explosion I witnessed first hand. Xu and Xu who the f are Yu? Boss who cares? Abaddon or not to Abaddon. Warnings are ignored by those blinded in sight of mind.

Daily Foreword December 6, 2011: The USA has become a dangerous nation to try to cross in a vehicle due to forced injections, and abuses by government officials. The federal government is being run by sociopaths whose crimes are equal to or worse than Adolf Hitlers. Recently I was terrified in Arizona while crossing that state in an automobile. I never stop inside the state of Arizona because I was forced injections and knocked unconscious in 2004 at Flagstaff Medical Center. Their Chairman at FSMC allows forced injections and was mayor. We should demand payment from those who profit from our suffering and we should demand payment for monies robbed from us. We are not allies with some of those in power. They drew first blood.

It appears that federal war criminals control various website portals and have removed some of my warnings on Flagstaff Medical Center and Los Angeles Medical Center. What I said was I stopped at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004 and waited for hours after saying I needed a likely toxic burn treated. The staff then came in, placed a tongue depressor with goop in my mouth, then they forced needles into my thighs knocking me unconscious. I was held for three days under a Title 36-520 law allowing those war criminals in power to abuse us. They charged me over 1400 in cash and had me sign my BC/BS Insurance papers before I was injected. Our enemies are in power. We should assist each other when we are under attack.

The Flagstaff Medical Center took and said they lost my car and house keys thereby putting myself and my wife and family at risk and hardship. Considering they gave me a stroke with the forced injections, I am horrified of them. The Veterans Administration health care facilities are just as dangerous for myself and others. Once the the government has those who turn against you in place legally, they can call you insane and or criminal. I urge people not to use VA or state sponsored healthcare if you are ever attacked by them as I was. To this day, I am given the "banana boat" treatment by government, meaning treated as an insane criminal and they will often try to get me to pull a gun. I encourage the importation and development of new weaponries to defend against government and civilian enemies in power. I urge our people to protect men like David Koresh who was killed by insane sociopaths and merecenary parasites who work for the USA governments, often nothing more than gestapo of our era.

Recently a police car rushed up behind me when I was traveling past Flagstaff Arizona going West. He followed me but did not pull me over. I would rather be killed in an automobile accident or shot dead with gun fire than to be injected by them again. We are enemies with the regime in power.

We do not have a democracy. Our current dictators stay hidden and are the filthy rich war crimininals of international corporations. Their merecenary parasites with badges attack us in this hated parted of the Earth. Never trust the government. Remember Vietnam.

See the Love Line and Quatrains post that were recently made. The video Rocket Man by David Fonseca on Youtube illustrates a scientific view of how we can be deceived by one enemy with superior technology. I will elaborate in theoretical scientific approximations with possible hardware and other emulation methods later on the Love Line pages on how this sort of deception can be manifested. For the man whom I likely witnessed dieing in the explosion in Braman Oklahoma when the armed drone fell with a passenger who jumped aboard it and averted it to save my life -- A triangle on the tomb of the unknown soldier with a blip at the center of the hypotenuse seems appropriate.

I see your cookie now starting to crumble Tanoue Macau. As an aside, some aspect of Ho Chi Minh a dual matter, a set aside? In particle out particle, and why Xu and Xu enter from Bank of China in 2001 and why does Tanoue step out of the F-DIC Chair? Ta no Tanoue till now ta now ta naw. Mmmm. I dead reckon like a navigator in shee-it, monkey shee--it.

Many Asian and Mexican nations leaders would cut your tongue out and feed it to a Nordic dog, or as in my case they fed me to the syndicates that killed federal banking frauds judge Thomas Crane Wales, per my estimation. The hits were likely ordered out of D.C. with interests in Nevada, California, Seattle, Vancouver B.C., and Macau, gambling and money exchange hubs in Mexico and elsewhere. Even if they take our tongues in media such as Youtube, we now know where we stand in relation to each other. Everything Is Beautiful (music video) when we confiscate Ricardo Montalban's paradise or Yacht in Hawaii held by the Bank of Hawaii or by associates. That is if President Landon or their FDIC hook-up in the orient money laundering is Donna Tanoue, former FDIC chair. She stepped down when the Xu and Xu duo came from Bank of China in Macau to shack up in the USA. Allegedly. In my opinion Taneou of the Bank of Hawaii now is the Tokyo Rose of money laundering if my retirement home is not bequeathed in a grant, or a job. After all, after a stroke, post-FDIC employment, and while investigating crimes in government in finance and medicine, if neither a job nor a grant is granted as requested, then check, check, check, the Devil's Triangle. Of course I jest, but I might have a prayer, or a book or two.

Daily Foreword November 30, 2011: I, Kurt Brown, was informed today of a possible reason Donna Tanoue left the FDIC as FDIC Chairperson in August of 2001. A woman of Asian descent descended upon me while in travel this week. She was in her yellow raincoat and had an entourage. She said, "They tried to take over".

I assume the messenger was with Taneou. I do not know if she was talking about the FDIC or the entire world government structure of corporate megaliths. They are the informal government, a sort of hidden dictatorship if you have no major asset holdings. They control the formal governmental show.

I Kurt Brown was terminated in 2000 allegedly for poor performance at the FDIC. I had filed an EEOC complaint. I also did not go to my lady bosses room at the Bank of Hawaii bank examination for the FDIC in 2000 because I was in fear of needles or she was a mule, meaning a male trans-sexual. This is a San Francisco job and she was a stranger. They kill and eat each other for big money. I don't pull out my penis or stick out my neck when lions are out.

I may have been too harsh on Donna Tanoue the President of the Bank of Hawaii. She may not do money laundering. I do not know which syndicate is taking over. There are too many. I do know that someone was so disgusted with what happened to this FDIC bank examiner and journalist that they told me they wanted me to be President of the Bank of Hawaii. They smiled. Money can flow here and there if no reigns are tied.

I was told she was one of those on FDIC management who after the Federal Police had me injected with chemicals, they wanted to incarcerate me for five years in April of 2001 when I was reporting and fleeing Sheriff Jack Tillman, thief, and federal syndicates in the criminal sector. I was homeless because I took an FDIC job and was pushed out. If I was wrong about Tanoue, I apologize. If not, then let's share the misery and split the financial gains.

I was running tests on the FDIC in February of 2001 to see if they have murderers. I was attacked and cornered but did not engage in a gun battle because no one fired at me in February of 2001, not with a gun any way. They tried to make it look like an accident with a cross tie flip of the vehicle and cornered me afterward. I would like to meet Ms. Tanoue some day if I have not already. I may take a trip to Hawaii to clarify what I was told, if she will speak with me. I never persecute the innocent. The people I spoke with doubted innocence. Who controls the needles used against us? See the Love Line 11 Page for the links to Bank of Hawaii and Donna Tanoue. I will keep you informed if I apply for a job at her bank. The injections caused me to have a stroke, or it was other medical procedures, perhaps unrequested electric shock at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004, around February, and likely ordered by Las Vegas syndicates for some reason. I may need a bed to lay down my half dead head if I go to work as Bank of Hawaii. This is the image of Tanoue in the song Rocket Man by David Conseca on Youtube. I was told the video was choreographed as art to the facts of what happened when the alleged armed drone aircraft landed near my vehicle in December of 2004 and exploded. There have been reports of people finding pieces of an aircraft in the area of the blast. It was big baby, like nuclear dirty bomb. If a man jumped in the drone as they said to save me, I wish he would have left fate alone. But perhaps it is the message I deliver that saved me thus far.

Daily Foreword November 28, 2011: There are those who like to throw stones to run people away from cities in the USA and the USA in general. Some run you from employment in federal monetary oversight and some run you from your native banana republic American city. I recommend we be like boxers and throw stones back, but you have to make a living from it. No waste. Whether Mobile or San Francisco or Los Angeles, it is all pretty much the same, but with unequal and different liberties and many traps, in what I call the willow effect of drugs and alcohol and gun ownership etc.

Today I put a post on the Love Line 11 page about Donna Tonaue, former FDIC chairman and how we have likely been deceived by those who discriminate against us and who have come to power in these hated United States. The Bank of Hawaii likely has an interesting Tonaue tale till now with the Bank of China out of Macau with Xu an Xu being held in Las Vegas allegedly. FDIC San Francisco and Sacramento FDIC and the bankers out of Reno who came to California from Reno Nevada have a link also. Xu can back me up on this. Xu and Xu have been injected forcibly and likely have released information on their 2.3 billion dollar banking heist out of China and the USA casino and bank accounts. I want my $9.11 million or a job at the FDIC or at the Bank of Hawaii as a special audit team member to see what is happening. I will sleep on the love seat. Just give me a first class United Airlines ticket and a love nest on the sofa with lil miss Macau Tanoue and I will live on my IUD.

When I envision life, I sometimes see the peacock, whether in life or in war. The souls of the living dead (lol) are scattered like stems of an army, each in its own cloak but hooked to one body of one peacock. Jack Snatch and federal warlords, the ole bass tirds, knows of that which I speak if he or they exists at this time in their right mind, They often do not. Indifference is a brutal aspect of wars and boxing matches and the rule against futility in nature. Now I am being stoned in a way to leave the South East USA. The irony of life is that some never see the truth. I discuss how truth is perverted in our culture on the quatrains or love line pages recently. We become delusional in a sense and deny truths as matter of fact and label the truth a fallacy, a sort of denied existence that over rides our senses and common sense.

I imagine Jack having a bad trip as Satan's peacock dances to the Kinks, Low Life tune, on his breast and snout. I have a sense of humor and two videos just out, one is the Hand Over The Hand in Government and details why we are abused in the USA, and I also discuss some more fear and loathing in Pensacola in this video.

Daily Foreword November 26, 2011: The USA government owes me over 9.11 million to be paid from monies in the alleged Bank of China account. It was stolen USA currency. Xu and Xu's cash is elsewhere, or was. The injections they received in Las Vegas would allow full inquisition and truth. I have nightmares of being injected repeatedly as I was in Los Angeles in 2001 and in Flagstaff in 2004. Like a wounded child I cry or beg for the wounded lamb. Give me my daily Sweet bread. Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, FDIC bank examiner survivor and holocaust victim in the land of the cursed, those lands controlled by international corporations. Those who pull the voting stick should stay at home and choke the chick.

Daily Foreword November 25, 2011: It appears the federal police and local government crime syndicates with badges are trying to have me, Kurt Brown, killed. They did things to see if I would pull a gun while I was in Pensacola Florida with harassment in Mobile Alabama also. I have had a stroke so they may want me, Kurt Brown, dead. I do not care if they are killed because they have drawn first blood on myself and others. The cowards in charge stay hidden in the informal governmental dictatorship of corporate billionaires. The last time the Sheriff or federal warlord came to see me, I was on a blind POF date. It turned out to be a hoax. Immediately afterward the oil rig in the gulf blew up. I heard it from the hill of my home and it seemed God or the dead had lead me to hear it, a slight metallic sharp ping. I was in New Orleans and someone brought a gun to greet me I am told. I will accept donations of guns and ammunition outside of the State of California. I may buy a camp and school to organize against our oppressors over the USA governments. The bonobo monkey eats their own, and so does man in a way. Let us turn the tide and throw the enemy dictators out of governments and lets put their puppets to work as grave diggers.

The federal and local Alabama police in Mobile had turned my wife against me by harassing her at work at a hospital and attacking us while at my home. I was basically an international bank examiner at the FDIC San Francisco.

Daily Foreword November 24, 2011: They like to intimidate and torture us. They use the "Willow" approach, whether with fake women, drugs, or alcohol. They are our enemies.. They are known enemies to the American working class.The irony of life is that the government that is bad, will take things of yours. Some times they take children and grandchildren. Some times they take anything and place them in crime scenes or they will place something in your possession that is incriminating. They are like a snake and cities like Los Angeles have the largest ones, and nations like the USA. Either way is very effective getting rid of someone. Sometimes they just fine you a million dollars for gun ownership. They torture you. If you have guns stay from government and all they control until you have put them away. We know we have become enemies in the USA, warring factions. Our enemies that have come to power want to disarm us. They have hurt me, causing a stroke and other maladies, and I feel nothing for them.

The "GO" word is coming down. The BP oil well explosion was intentional per my estimation in the Gulf of Mexico. The largest oil find in the US history in one location was being taken by a foreign held oil producer, BP (Asset Holdings). The BP refinery explosion, one of the largest in US history, was likely intentional a few years before by Americans who were cut out of work and oil profits by foreign oil producers and Mexican workers.

It appears that BP is not paying the little guys in their settlement as I have not received my Pensacola payment claim.

The USA is a nation that will always be divided on race, greed, wealth, and religious perversion. There is no need to fight for them. They are controlled by sociopathic war criminals both in the formal government and the informal government, which is really international corporate money and a few dictators who do not care if we live, die, or are maimed.

In closing, I have a "Honest Bank Examiner Joke or Hunter S. Thompson" He awakened and said, "It appears someone has left their suicide note at my head."

Daily Foreword November 23, 2011: During the explosion that almost hit me, Kurt Brown, in 2004 in Braman Oklahoma, I was recently hinted to about something I had not thought of--Someone was killed when the explosion hit or before, as it was burning in total or with a large amount of rocket fuel, as the sky lit up like a huge fireball was coming to the ground. The fireball about the size of two burning cadillacs in one mass or a bus in the distance, like a large rocket trail in a way but it appeared to be ablaze. When it hit, it was very bright and very loud, larger than USN missiles. It was like a small nuclear blast. That was December 7th late night almost December 8th 2004 that it exploded. I was on the interstate between OKC and Wichita when it hit in Braman Oklahoma and I was going North toward Wichita. I drove a short distance after the explosion and one car came flashing their headlights and driving South and skidded to a stop for a moment as if I would stop. F-ck you foreign nationals pretending to be American government employees and f-ck you inbred mongrels picking up a paycheck for the warlords.

Some may ask does Kurt Brown toy with the devil or does the devil toy with Kurt Brow? Let's ask Kurt to "Come As You Are (music)". I know it same old song.

I ignored the flashing headlights of the vehicle and kept going because our enemies in power had allowed me to be forcibly injected withhout cause in Flagstaff Arizona earlier that year in 2004 around February, under a law they allegedly passed in 2001. They are like the Soviets and to kill them would mean even less, those who pass laws that help our enemies within our borders and outside our borders.

They put pressure on us, therefore we should put pressure on our enemies by looking at their industry in our nation and putting legal pressure to crush them and to remove their formal government stronghold positions. The law of God should reign, true compassion for the American people, not forced halidol injections, not forced medical procedures, not murder, not starvation in prisons, not a prison state of mayhem, and not 400 dollars an ounce of addictive green prozac, marijuana, sold and grown by foreign nationals in these depressing United States of America.

It was hinted to me that it was a drone (unpiloted craft) that was released from some sort of other air-craft. Emotionally the person who told me said, the person who set the thing into an incorrect orbit jumped into it immediately before it was launched. He did it to save me. He was burned. The irony is, I immediately thought of the game of Chess as it relates to war and initiation of war or removal of strategy. Chinese checkers with a new twist soon follows. Life is no game, but I am half brain dead in stroke from being drugged repeatedly and knocked unconscious with government approval since FDIC employment. Some of my memory has been returning after prolonged PTSD treatment by a friend and not a government guinea pig asylum. I am still sick from the injections, the stroke, and what they did while I was unconscious, and I continue to quiver a bit like a dieing animal. If someone tries to kill me like that again, let them do it. Do not sacrifice yourself. That was my chosen death date. God hates me some days. Someone else has taken my place. May he rest in peace.

Perhaps I too am already dead, half dead. I would like to be paid. The D-FIC would not hire me, not yet, and I am partially blind and have had a stroke from tortures and punishments and my teeth are a bit loose from being knocked out after trying to help starving inmates by stopping a thief Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mob AL. and I really do feel like the medical guinea pig, "Dead Eye Dic". How about paying me or hiring me, $300 million of Xu and Xu and the Heimlich Maneuver's currency will do. See Youtube saintrambone money launding macau and las vegas.

In conclusion, those of us with imaginations are thought of as insane until a new solution is needed. I like to make comedy in my daily struggles. Leave my destiny alone. Pee Wee Herman's Tequila dance Youtube is how I dance on the cock of the Sheriff Possum Man and his over-fed F-DIC fiends internationale. The explosion in OKC was likely of the same device and not as proclaimed with McVeigh and a truck of fertilizer. Nuclear waste is cheap and available.

Some say America fell when alcohol was legalized. Perhaps they should keep it in the closet like marijuana. Alcohol is a terrible drug with horrible consequences. Not like the governments forced Haldol which is much worse. They do not care if we are killed or maimed.

The international dictators over the USA are nothing to us, just wealthy overlord warlords. I have heard the same thing about Egypt, and even some Jews are fearful to walk in what they considder to be Pseudo-Yisroel, the fake Israel. The followers of the international dictators are often mercenary parasites. We need better escape methods first, secondly shielding weaponries of an undetectable sort. Our divisions are likely not as expected in reality. We are likely deceived on many levels. It is too bad he missed the mark, perhaps not next time, Rocket Man (music) is Braman.

Daily Foreword November 22, 2011: Someone told me that it was the Soviet Union that cut me in 2004 in Flagstaff Arizona at the Flagstaff Medical Center. They told me we lost control of the USA long ago. The point is I will have to extract payment I suppose or forego it in lieu of something else. It started in LA in 2001 or in San Francisco in a murder of a regional FDIC director approved of by a syndicate in the USA. A pseudo-American greaseball injected me 2001. In lieu of healthcare at the Los Angeles Medical Center (LA VA Westwood), I was tortured.

Daily Foreword November 20, 2011: Today I was told by a friend that someone they knew thought I had manic depression because they say my eyes were blinking rapidly in some of my, Kurt Brown, youtube saintrambone videos. In other matters I have offered my services to the Bank of China and I am in search of work if you need employees with my skill set. . It appears that the link is now censored at LA Indymedia. was uncensored in the year 1999 but now it is a throttle hold by the Bonobo monkey triad and their mercenary helpers on the West Coast of the USA. We would kill each other on this Earth if someone dropped the red flag. Sometimes I hear a song when I am writing and it matches the mood, sometimes in Jest. So Happy Together (music) is the the joke from Allah today, as we meld together.

Also here is a link to the Bank of China Financials (Google link.) If you look at a five year chart of Bank of China, I first made the link 5 years ago between the bomb I saw, and Xu and Xu and the Bank of China and the mercenary syndicates in the USA. The question is, who is the Bank of China president Xiao Gang brought in in 2001 in one article, but in 2003 in another article. How far would he go and why was I attacked in 2001 to this date? Bank of China is suspect to me due to the Macau and Las Vegas connection. If you saw what I saw at FDIC you would beware. I like to brainstorm things on the web. That is how I found out about Xu and Xu of the bank of China after the explosion that almost killed me and soiled Braman with likely radioactive waste. Brainstorm Bank of China and associates in view on Google Search 1990's to present.

Because of a forced overdosage of halperidol, also known as haldol, in 2004 when running a test on Flagstaff Medical Center and getting treatment for what appeared to be a toxic chemical burn, I now have symptoms of Haldol overdosage such as Tarde Dyskinesia which includes rapid blinking of the eyes. I was very sick after being knocked unconscious in 2004 in Flagstaff and after being injected forcibly in 2001 in Los Angeles, all with federal approval.

Sadly in 2005 a doctor in Mobile Alabama at a medical center told me I had had a stroke. I was feeling sick since 2004. I was going to sue Flagstaff Medical Center or the federal government in Los Angeles. But I forgot about the conversation with the Dr. in 2005 and the stroke I had had. I just noticed my head hurt a lot and memory was not what it was and I was always tired. He said one of my pupils stayed dilated, indicative of a stroke. It is strange how the memory works. I still feel sick from it, and I hope to sue but I may have to let God handle it or his or her medical mercenaries. A Sweet Carol of the fed told me say my case is weak because I forgot. Aint That A Kick To The Head, My Bloody G-d Damned Head.

I need a better lawyer. I was told they did not take cases over 5 years old by an attorney in Flagstaff. I do not think I can sue in their hostile governmental environment. Jews could not sue Adolf Hitler in the torture chambers either. Nothing has changed in the USA for us. The blinking of the eyes is embarassing but the feeling of stroke goes deep.

A stroke instead of medical care is treason, guilty and punishable, even if I forgot about it. What brought my memory back was some natural medicine and a year of PTSD counseling. It could have been brainwashing or punishment Hell in 2001 in the Los Angeles Court system while listening to the federal war criminal directorate from the Los Angeles Superior Court system whose whim is orchestrated by federal war criminal profiteers and the informal governmental international syndicates. $9.11 Million would suffice Sweet Carol. Sweet Carol is the messenger. Do not harm him or her. It never pays to do so. It is kind of like killing a dragonfly maggot. If you are an attorney who can take my case, contact me by sending an email to,

I was warned by a fellow veteran not to work for the FDIC when I was in college. I should have listened. They had killed a regional director prior to my arrival in the office. The maggots crawled in and out of the F-DIC. I hope the veteran who warned me prospers and lives a life of peacce. Auditing and investigations in highest finance, banking oversight, is a little like Hell. Yesterday as today, money is the root of all evil, and the bonobo in all of us set the rate of exchange at a pound of bonobo cannibal meat per pound of bonobo cannibal meat.

Daily Foreword November 19, 2011: A mother bird in the wild whose chick is handled by a human is killed by the mother when the chick is returned to the nest. In much sympathetic fear, I understand why. One example is of something different than what was left behind arises, even in the bird kingdom (education link).

If a human child is abducted by the government that is in power, there is a strong likelihood that child has been tampered with or dealt with in an inhumane and cruel fashion. Every thing and every one at a certain point is for sale. We are "Told" what to do by those over-riding factions in power whose control is exerted through the informal government's highest point which controls the formal government in its entirety in "material" positions. I saw dogs of war greased up in and through the California and D.C. FDIC. Whataya Want From Me (Music) you stinging sweet federal war criminal bass tirds in breeches?

Beware of buying property in the many US locales. Live there for a year or more before purchase. The federal mafia in many towns is like a Mexican or Geman razor held to your throat with orders given by the Asian Attila the Hun. Pensacola and MObile should back off of our native people. We increasingly do not care if you are attacked like the regime of Adolf Hitler, yet you are more than a simple German, you are Bonobobo underneath. Pensacola and Mobile federal authorities are like an invading force lately. Once the oil is gone, they will turn against the people. Prepare. It is fight or flight.

Daily Foreword November 18, 2011: (Random Thoughts on Video on Youtube today "Military Towns, Fear and Loathing, I Am Under Attack Again.") On September 11, 2001, an attack was made on the USA Pentagon. A concerted effort to overthrow and dismantle the ruling factions over the USA was instigated. I was attackd in February of 2001 and the governemnt ignored my calls. I should have seen it as a hit sent out by the informal dicatorship over the FDIC, as they had killed the prior FDIC regional director in cold blood and covered it up, or they set him up in some fashion in San Francisco FDIC to make him shoot himself. That is why I was hired there. They wanted a street vagabond with a doctorate education and a rat's appetite. But who are "they?" Do we have a faction left inside the USA governments? Is it a ruse?

The government tried to call me, Kurt Brown, insane in 2001 in February and later in April and some still do to this day. They will kill anyone. They will take your children and grandchildren and call you insane. They have no remorse. They are like a pack of animals at times. If you accept government assistance you are at risk of being attacked and arrested or used as a guinea pig experiment in healthcare or as a tool for some end. They feel entitled to you and that you are indebted to them. I do not care if their government is removed. They are an increasingly indifferent dictatorship.

As one veteran told me in Los Angeles Medical Center at the federal holocaust camp in Westwood/Santa Monica in April of 2001, "Remember, they drew first blood". They changed the name from LA VA Westwood so computer links would be broken to them since that time. I had worked for the FDIC overseeing millions of dollars in 2000. In 2001 they were calling me insane. They cross the line when they use those lies to kidnap members of our family saying we are not sane, yet they have no proof of insanity. I just add up the numbers, and some things seem to have a void, a hidden face, like the dictators. I would wager something like the Third Reich is in Switzerland with contacts to Asia. Type A Blood is a cannibal in the bonobo. They eat their own. So does Europe and Asia. It pays to know who you are, even if those around you are insane.

They have no right to our bodies or our children or grandchildren. The children they take are in the hands of war criminals who lie and destroy all things. They feel more comfortable taking everything, including childrens bodies and adults livelihoods. We are not one with them. They are enemies and their crumbs they throw us are disappearing remnants of what once was a life of plenty.

Daily Foreword November 16, 2011: Never trust nor support the abuses of those controlling the USA governments. They are nothing more than tools for wealthy international dictators. If those dictators were killed, most of us would be better off. Vomit on the USA flag. Do not salute it. Do not trust those who work for the government. If they attack you with needles and such, you have my blessings in your escape and my applause if you kill them if they corner you. We are nothing in America. We are chased and hounded like animals, like the enemy. A Dirty Bomb, nuclear, went off in Braman Oklahoma in 2004 and the government did not report it. They use and abuse many of us medically, forcibly.

Daily Foreword November 14, 2011: Today's post is a video tutorial describing how money is laundered from Las Vegas and federal war criminals in the USA to Macau and how their currency is turned into dollars in the USA. The government forcibly injects innocent people in the South West per new state laws and old federal dictatorship clauses. My enemies in the federal and state and city governments in my native city of Mobile Alabama beat me back from the doors when I try to investigate. I caught their Sheriff stealing yet they denied it from 2001 until 2006. To this day, I feel basically hounded by federal war criminals when I enter my home town, the Village of the Damned, the Mobile Alabama area. They tear up our vehicles when we are not near them, and they steal from us from coast to coast.

I Kurt Brown had a stroke and was too sick to pursue a legal case in 2005 against the Flagstaff Medical Center or the Los Angeles Medical Center, a federal healthcare and torture facility, and felt hopeless in the years 2001 to 2004 while being injected forcibly, and tortured psychologically and physically.

It does not matter if they are killed, because they have drawn first blood. That is a quote from a federal veteran who saw me in chains in 2001 and where other veterans were killed in experiments. Our enemies have strangled us. We struggle from the bottom. We have no rights. I would welcome the end of time, but like those in the extermination camps of history, I am biased, I am half-dead.

I would like to see the King of Africa Town (Prichard) take over the city of Mobile and I would like to be an economic and human rights advisor. We would have to include the Prichard and Downtown Mobile area proper as a new voting district and we would have to raise money from foreing oil producers in the Mobile Alabama area.

I met a man who said a King of the Yoruba tribe was taken to Mobile years ago. I would like to meet him. We may be related. One of my ancestors was most likely a mediterranean or African/European mix child around 1900 who was either abducted or orphaned and you never know, but perhaps she was one of the descendants of the King of Yoruba or perhaps Solomon. America is a terrible place and always has been. My great grandmother was used like a slave on a plantation near Ocala Florida her entire youth. I was an 8 year old boy during the era of Vietnam approved forced murder of USA teenagers, and at age 40 I was getting my first forced injections by federal government in the USA. My middle number is 911. It seems to be all there in Revelations ironically, even though I tend to be more a Jew but can not speak a damned word of Hebrew except, "Go in peace and prosper". Yoruba. Whose my Ruby?

They make us sick. They make us unemployed. They make us half dead. The healthcare at Flagstaff Medical Center and LA VA Westwood (Los Angeles Medical Center) is worse than the movie Misery. I did not know a war was waging in America until I was attacked by federal war criminals in that most hated city of Los Angeles in 2001 while fleeing Sheriff Jack Tillman, Alabama thief, and the federal war criminal aristocracy in the South East USA. Someone should do the Heimlich maneuver on the FDIC and Treasury for lending trillions overseas to the old third reich in Switzerland while denying Americans loans on their home's true values. The time will come that men will be men again, lower men, apes, killers, predatory homicidal cannibals, much like many are today, and increasingly so.

Daily Foreword November 11, 2011: Youtube Video Comments Regarding Rape and Electric Shock and more by federal war criminals in USA. 9.11 Revelations is no joke as that number is associated with my name by "The beasts over the USA".

SOS, no joke. Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, appears to be a possible target of harassment again while traveling, most likely by the federal government syndicates, this time as usual. I have a revelation from Revelations 9:11 on the Quatrains 12 Page. I was trying to stop government torture of American people, from both sides of the border. We are at war it seems. I hope their side loses and that they are killed before they can draw first blood on me or us again. The Nazi syndicates of the USA governments should be destroyed. They are a tool for hidden dictators of the informal government, which is like those of Adolf Hilter which stood behind him but hidden, most likely from Switzerland. To this day that Swiss Warlord likely directs war criminal governments such as in the hated United States.

The government has those who hack into computers using a blue-tooth type technology. I had to reload my security suite and restore my PC to an earlier date in Bakersfield California. I was told that someone had me under surveillance there. A young man in drag or a woman stood near my PC as Starbucks while I was online. They had a hand held device like a phone or small computer and the Security Suite aborted and some unknown update occuured. We are being robbed by the international dictators and we have no human rights under their government.

On the radio they were discussing forced injections on Arizona and New Mexico. I had forgotten about it, but they put a tongue depressor in my mouth acting as if it was routine medical care and then they knock you unconscious with haldol. The taste of the depresser will be odd because they have a chemical in it. I suspect it was Electric Shock preparatory chemical agent or if it was for the injections that followed and knocked me unconscious.

I had spit out the ingredients on the tongue depresser out after she put it in my mouth at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004. I only wanted medical care. I want that hospital to pay for what they did. We are enemies with the government in power. They assault the innocent. The war is now. The war is never lost or won. Kurt Brown. See Quatrains 12 on this site.

I proctect those who can not protect themselves. They attack me, us. I was being harassed in Texas and further to the East. George Bush Jr. was likely killed just as his father. I have a suspicion they have a fingertip technology with an arm held gadget. That is theory. No Texan would treat us like animals, or would they?

The international corporations in the USA should be pressured to pay socialist party dues so we can have a candidate who supports human rights. We should exact payment in the American way. Whose turf are you on traitor? Let us applaud the overthrow of the governments of the United States and beware that they will put a knife in our back, needles in our arms, and give us other medical tortures.

Daily Foreword November 5, 2011: Long ago I was in touch with Hunter S. Thompson, who was a journalist and author of the book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I was in touch with Hunter briefly online. I was on probation and exile by feared government syndicates during the period 2001 to 2004. I used various nicknames during the period of 2001 to 2005 when I contacted him. One of them was Jungle Jim. I heard him reference Jungle Jim and it appears Thompson was beat up by the Hell's Angel while interviewing them and another Jungle Jim might have been involved. I was beat up and injected forcibly with chemicals by the federal and state governments for investigating crimes in finance and medicine in governement. Here is a video link of Hunter S. Thompson describing his ordeal. Beware of all USA government contact. They have gone hog wild with forced injections of various chemicals and forced and often unknown medical procedures. Leave the USA is my sentiment. The USA government made a two trillion dollar loan to some Swiss Banks recently. I would recommend that Americans become permanent tourists in Switzerland. Go to where the money flows so you can eat. Au Revoir Mon Cheri USA. Hunter's final note was, "Never Call 911". I explained to him what happened to me after I was attacked in February 2001 to determine if killers were associated with the FDIC and NTEU of San Francisco. I called 911 and instead of helping me the Sheriff Jack Tillman who was a thief I was investigating took my gun permit on 4/3/2001 and the government began to attack me viciously over the next several years and even to this day they have illegal employment discrimination orchestrated against me as a Federal Bank Examiner and I am often treated like a criminal if I am recognized. 911 became my middle number. Hunters sentiment and message before he allegedly blew his brains out, "Never call 911" is ambiguous to me. Is he saying do not call me or do not call authorities? Both? I want Sheriff Snatch The Fairy Possum to enjoy his ride on the "Devil's Wing", hallucinating hack. The same old sh!t. Once In A Lifetime (music).

You must remember that human kind is not kind. We are predators and often killers. If you want the history of the human see the Bonobo monkey. It is our common living cave man from the trees for all of mankind. The bonobo is a cannibal, and is the smartest of the apes excluding man, which is a matter of opinion. Beware of California and Alabama and Arizona and Mississippi, etc. They lay traps for us. We have no human rights. We can be easily deceived, and like a cat, toyed with by something on a stick or technologies. The informal government is a dictator and all "Material" political and bureaucrat seats of the formal government are appointed by that informal government dictator(s). Six of one and half a dozen of the other it all comes out the same in the end. I weep to God to help me, us, sometimes, in my own way, even if in death. It is the nature of a holocaust victim on this Earth including in the USA. (Late Post, this Houston Indymedia news clip about the Earthquakes(?) near the hypotenuse of the "Fear and Loathing Devils Triangle" has been hidden by those who censor the voice of Americans. I have put it on Newsgroups as a result. It is all here on Mobile Audit Club

Daily Foreword November 3, 2011: The Department of Financial Institutions of California, the D-FIC has not contacted me yet regarding a D-FIC exam I took recently. I Kurt Brwon was sweating on the "Notice To Appear" affidavit and when I read it I believe God made me make a piece of exam paper out of it and he took my right hand and had me draw one long line at a diagonal of 45 degrees from 2" from the North corner and 2" from the South corner. It is a surgical scar sort of thing from a guinea pig, a sort of low relief thing. I would prefer to sit on the FDIC board of directors and relay all large international loans over my own youtube site at the FDIC and Treasury. Two trillion dollar loans to Swiss banks is a big Bozenski of our era, while we can not borrow two grand to buy a Florida thatch hut. Who's catching whom? A Bovenzi is not enough, I want the BOD, F-DIC. We seem to take sides and then kill each other while someone else directs the show. The line is drawn and it is a surgical scar. To F-DIC BOD oversee or to Bob F-DIC BOD over sea? That is the Sweet and ARD F-DIC Masta BOD Over See Question? People Are Strange (music) and even blue whales have scars, usually more scars as they age, much like humans.

Farm people know things. A predators eyes are in the front of their head and a preys eyes are at the side of their head. If I had known that as a child, I would have viewed myself and others differently. PG&E is playing games with their crooked colleagues in the "Let's try sorghum" blame game, an alleged new sort of power source being tested. That amazing Yellowstone National Forest East of Fresno will soon turn to a acid rain forest as they shut down power plants in the South near Los Angeles and crank up the junk burning power station in Fresno. Take it from a Gulf Coast refugee. Nature counts as well as an accountant or better. You lose. They are playing games with investors in the power game again. All bets are on the table that they are tampering with many of us Americans and Mexicans when we are knocked unconscious with Haldol or similar drugs in Arizona and California forcibly. I have a witness to abuse done to me after being knocked unconscious if the witness is not removed. That is the way they are. It is a game to them, the predators. Many of us do not care who is killed any longer in the USA because the formal government mask over the informal government faces makes the true beneficiaries of the predatory practices against us indiscernable. Prepare for the Tri-Lateral Brown out that will darken the city of Angels and trickle to San Francisco. Don't shut off the power in New Orleans, not at Cali 420 but at AZ 520....LOL.

Daily Foreword November 2, 2011: Todays message is a video I made regarding abuse at Flagstaff Medical Center in Arizona and some notes about witnesses to abuse after the injections. Those witnesses could likely be put out of employment, killed, or tortured in some other manner. To me, it does not matter if federal warlords who turn against us are sued. I would prefer to kill them but the Bible says not to kill. I will take the money in lieu of blood. Beware of the Flagstaff Medical Center and the Los Angeles Veterans Administration hospitals. Beware of all government contact. The informal government is a few dictators who control a lot of money and they are international in scope. They do not care about the poorer 90 percent of Americans. The "material" federal governmental seats of power are controlled by them. When they abuse and torture us, it does not matter if they live or die. It has been this way since I was a child in the 1960's in the USA. It has been said that many young men were made to think they were in combat during that time and assassinated and maimed. I trust no one in government now due to their usage of needles and medical abuse to force their will on the innocent. Something happened to me when I was unconscious. The federal government and or Flagstaff Medical Center should and shall pay, so Help US God. They are also injecting fleeing immigrants with haldol, beaners. Human beings are not animals. The score needs to be made even. 9.11.

At LA VA Westwood many of us federal guinea pigs, forced medical recipients have been forcibly housed, injected, forced medical procedures, some of us dead, one of us alive that I know of. I should have known. They were killing and ordering the killing of us as children in their "selective" draft and later those surviving are often treated like animals or less, guinea pigs. Run immigrant, run veteran, run bank examiner, run for your lives if they try to attack you with needles. You are better off dead than to have a Hole In Your Head (music). The syndicates attack me from the police like I am a criminal and the criminals often attack me like I am their prey. Who am I? An informant FDIC bank examiner and freelance holocaust victim being totured in the haute places of the USA, Flagstaff AZ, Los Angeles (Westwood) CA, and Mobile, AL. I want to thank God and his subordinates for looking out for me. But I really think it is time for some payback and those monies I mentioned are there in Las Vegas under federal syndicate cuffs. I want my cut for surviving and for a finders fee for that chinese or american or canadian or any nations missile.

The truism of my life is, "I should have known". Some things many of us know "a priori", at birth. The USA government was ordering young men to be killed and harmed when I was a boy and I was to be next, and that was circa 1968. In 2001 I was forcibly injected by federal USA government paid employees and I had done nothing to deserve that sort of treatment. They have done more four years later in Arizona at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004. I should have left the USA when I was very young. Now I am too old. I have always hoped that those who caused us to be killed would be eliminated. Now, they eliminate me with needles and medical procedures and people stand silently by, helpless to help or indifferent. Flee, flee for your lives little ones. It is the same old story.

Daily Foreword October 31, 2011: The triangles overlap and intercede, self contained. I audited and investigated and worked in what I call the Devil's Triangle, Los Angeles California, San Francisco California, and the village of the damned in Mobile Alabama. It was a late judgment call on a Sheriff in 2006 in the Village of the Damned that I reported in 2001 as a government thief which has helped me to prove my innocence. The Sheriff and the federally syndicated mercenary types of federal banking oversight harmed me but his and his federal thief associates have lost some of their venom. The Sheriff was harming inmates due to the Sheriff's thievery of food funds and other funds and the government allowed it. We should not allow their government to stand in the South East and Western United States.

Now I have run another triangle not by my own choice but by divine judgment. I have melted some of the legal salt in the wounds from those who harmed me in government. Now I may have a lead on a Nuremberg type of assault on the people of the USA. Beware of Arizona. They are injecting people with chemicals, and the federal government is doing the same in Los Angeles California. When I was knocked unconscious in 2004 at Flagstaff Medical Center something was done to me behind closed doors and it is not in the medical records. It appears I have a witness. I want to be paid one way or another.

Think of the beauty of the design Jack Tillman and federal war criminals in LA and Mob and SF. One large triangle of which you are a piece of my evidence and the evidence and truths span the nation, LA to Mobile to San Francisco.

Jack Tillman and I met on 4-3-2001 when I ran a test to catch the wiley Possum Man Sheriff who was stealing food monies. The date was not a random date, it meant something and I had to discern it. I could have been killed on my birthday within 8 hours of the time of birth on my 44th birthday. The explosion was in 2004 in Braman Oklahoma. It was the hypotenuse of the Devil's Triangle in the USA per this auditors opinion. Kelly predicted it circa 1976 when she died in a car crash. I missed the death date twice. There are more triangles out there Jack, too many, all as gruesome as the last, and you and yours do not make things easier. You are like animals, not leaders. Some times the battles are won or lost before the battle is ever fought.

Daily Foreword October 28, 2011: Recently I was discussing with a law enforcement official the forced injections I had received of Haldol (halperidol) which knocked me unconscious in 2004. I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone or nickname Angel, former Freelance Investigative Journalist and federal FDIC bank examiner in California and Hawaii. I was knocked unconscious in early 2004 at Flagstaff Arizona Medical Center when visiting a hospital to have a burn on my neck receive medical treatment. I was forcibly held down and injected and knocked unconscious per the law passsed in 2001, the law Title 36-520.

I have been told by a law enforcement official that while I was behind the doors they did something to make me lose some of my memory. Halperidol is also used as chemical persuasion against government dissidents in places such as Russia and to keep Mexican immigrants from returning to the USA and I know I was hit with a double barrel load of that or something similar or a mix of ingredients.

I feel a black void that I never felt before in my mind, like memories and words erased. I have symptoms of Halperidol overdosage and electric shock or worse. I no longer have the the Blue Cross health care insurance I had at the time of the abduction in 2004, which I think helped precipitate the abduction and I suspect that some syndicates in health insurance make some money by allowing the forced abductions. Electric shock or chemical memory loss is the same. I am told that I should sue the Hospital and federal government if I can have someone come forward about the electric shock or unprescribed cocktail of chemicals in the syringes, one into each thigh.. I would split the multi-million dollar reward because that persons life would be in jeopardy.

America is controlled by a dictatorship, an informal government, international in scope.

When I get that paycheck that will be determined by my attornies, I will feel like a 50 foot queenie (music link) when I stand by my 9.11 million dollar Queerest of the Queer House Talisman painting. It has been 10 years since the FDIC in mid 2000 forced me out. Something was strange there. I would say a split personality. Son of Sam Uncle Sam Sister Sam.

Now partially blinded and possibly brain dead by chemicals injections into me and I have been told something akin to Electric Shock therapy was inflicted upon me, while I was unconscious. I would recommend you flee to an attorney if they try to abduct you, even if it means your death while crossing the Interstate 40 in Flagstaff Arizona while fleeing those treacherous war criminals and medical profiteers of the pirate stature of the inbred and ignorant. This law allowing this was just passed in 2001 by another group of thieves and their followers, medical practitioners of torture and embezzlement. Law enforcement often tells no tale and what I heard made me tremble in my darkness, like a man who realized what he had endured, but only years after the medical torture.

Daily Foreword Octover 22, 2011: Today the D-FIC test was taken. My cat pissed on my invitation papers which I had to sign and turn and then return. What else are you going to do when you are squatting in broken down warehouses and living on the dole. I make humor in my horror. It could have been tears because of that song by Johnny Cash Hurt (music link), and the memories of the hell I endured since FDIC employment in 2000 and afterward. The torture by our enemies, their weapons their needles, their corrupted laws, their monkey men with guns, leaves a needle stain on my skin. A stain forced upon my skin and my record by the dictators in power and their new and old laws, Arizona and Federal, all war criminal in nature against innocent human flesh. Things got a bit nervous in Oakland at the D-FIC test today.

My attorney assistance to clear the F-DIC syndicate legal charges against me and the charges by the theif I caught, Sheriff Jack "Snatch The Fairy Possum" Tillman, was obtained by a therapist who was my lover and she persuaded me to go back to work in a regular job after 10 years. I think I put a pussy in my vein at the D-FIC test picking up my cat. I might have to think about it. It is hard to argue against that sort of logical persuasion. I have tunnel vision from being poisoned while in forced exile in Eureka California in 2003/2004 and I was rubbing my eyes at the Oakland test site. Glasses can not correct the situation. The skeleton in the closet of the test site with the gun and badge ridiculed me, mimmicking drug usage or asserting that claim. I am blind you son of a b-tch.

Often I made jokes in Yiddish because I felt I had been in a holocaust state of existence. I called myself Tin Goiter because my vision was suddenly a slit like a snake. Tin Goiter I read meant malleable neck in Yiddish. I wanted to run from the USA, it was early in the year of 2004 or around that time. I may have had a stroke from the dope the federal government allowed to be injected to me in 2001 and 2004. The poisons were definitely sprayed in my window in my eyes in Eureka California while in forced exile as well, creating a sort or redlight effect in vision for a few days.

Pay me with the ARD F-DIC writing stick. .

Daily Foreword October 20, 2011: The informal government over the formal government in the USA is a dictatorship. Therefore our formal government is in reality a dictatorship, bought and sold, and it is not a democracy representing us. Many of us are tortured as in a holocaust state of existence if we challenge the formal governments abuses and the police and law enforcement are often corrupt and abuse and rob us as well. Those who control the government have no remorse. Their buyout of the American political system and the resulting bureaucracy and their new laws leave us with no choice but to applaud their downfall. On 9/11/2001 some of the informal government was destroyed, but a few knocked down buildings would be a far cry from killing all of those filthy rich war criminals around the globe who control us as in a holocaust state of existence.

The abuses and torture I Kurt Brown have endured since 2001 has made me change my perspective on my own life and the men and women who surround me. Many in America are like soldiers. They do as they are told and they do not ask questions. They kill, they maim, they inject chemicals forcibly and torture people, innocent people, on the command of the formal government which gets their real marching orders from the informal government.

The thing I have often sought as a journalist is the truth. Since 2001, I have been maimed by government officials. They do not care if I am killed or maimed, therefore I do not care if they are killed or maimed or harmed in other ways, including the abduction of their grandchildren as they have abducted mine. They do not call family when they have no respect for the family. We are enemies in America with those in power over the governments in many instances.

There is no remorse in America. If they start to inject you with chemicals, I encourage you to fight for your life. Run for your life and get an attorney to negotiate your being released from the APB by police or leave the United States and spread the word to the American soldiers in the combat zones, including brass, and try to seize some power. The Mexican Indian, the European of the extreme North, and the Asian are the same blood type, like the Bonobo monkey. The African has it underneath, just beneath the surface, a recessive gene and Uncle Tom was always eating prime cuts while those in the field suffered. Many sell out. It was also common in the holocaust. I would prefer death rather than to sell out my people to my enemies in this life.

I was injected so many times that it has made me sick, after all of these years, with extreme symptoms of halperidol, aka Haldol, overdosage. I had a tooth knocked out when an inmate was taking my food as I ate in early 2001 in Los Angeles. My crime was no crime. Never trust any one in government. I was originally trying to stop inmates from being starved by a Sheriff in Alabama who was a thief in 2001. I was partially blinded by poisins while in forced exile in 2003/2004.

I was attacked on the highways while running tests to detect if murderers are associated with the FDIC and NTEU and after having a Sheriff in Alabama brought under financial audit for thievery and inmate starvation. An explosion almost hit me in Braman Oklahoma in December 2004 and earlier that year nearby two Macau bankers were arrestedfor alleged thievery of 482 million USA dollar equivalents. To this day I am beat down when I try to cover news in Mobile Alabama's government. I had survived an attempt on my life in early 2001 that the government ignored when I was running tests on the FDIC San Francisco. I have changed. America is not what they claim. Run from your enemies in power if you can. If you can not, I encourage you to fight them to the death. You are better off dead than to be captured and tortured. If you have guns, beware, as war criminals will say you are a threat and take the guns and your money and label you a felon or insane. That is what they did to me. I would have killed the man who murdered the FDIC director if it meant the American working class would not be robbed by him, or, them. It is a violation of God's law but man's law says a tooth for a tooth, and I too have to eat.

Never work for the government is my sentiment and if you have no other job options, just know that you are nothing to them and that your relationship with them is tenuous at best. Never expect them to care if you have suffered a crime. Many people in America hate each other just for existing. I will support a military dictator to overthrow the dictatorship in power if they will be humane to us and treat us as humans once the war is over, doing away with laws such as Arizona's Title 36-520 law and re-instating the Writ of Habeus Corpus. It does not matter if they are killed. Protect your own. They would kill you and in a sense we, many of us, are already better off dead. Never surrender to them. Fight to the death if you have to. We are among enemies in America.

The one thing I sought as an adult after years of education was the truth. It is said the truth will set you free. They say life is an illusion. Therefore death is an illusion. A partial truth in each account and a null and void in between on either side of the four spectrums, alternating densities and distances. It is a spiritual and metaphysical concept. They would cut out our frontal lobes and place us on treadmills to keep the machines running if their oil ran out. There is a horror in the Earth and a sick Bonobo laughter among mankind. I am that Bonobo missing teeth. Get tin ready for meet Some Where Over The Rain Bow 9.11 Million (Youtube music).

Speaking of Xu and Xu of the Bank of China out of Macau, their names translate in mathematics as X or times or an unknown variable, or X on the X axis, and Y as on the Y axis, and U meaning the union of sets. Beware as Xu and Xu were allegedly arrested near where I was attacked in 2004, and Yu was arrested in Los Angeles. Xu and Xu were allegedly arrested in OKC and Wichita in 2004, and I was almost killed in a rocket blast in Braman OK in late 2004, not that the FDIC and NTEU or the Secret Service or the Treasury or the FBI or the President or Senators and other federal syndicates really give a Sweet Mass of Sh!T if I live or die. The 9.11 Million dollars would show they cared, after all they wrongfully forced upon me that unlucky number and a holocaust of horrors. ARD F-DIC SWeet Carol should know I am like the Pink Panther when I investigate crimes and I bring a Sweet Transvestite to help me out. Are Xu and Xu and Yu's names computer generated you fake federal f-ck?>

It appears the D-FIC bank examiner test is in Oakland and not San Francisco. It is a good thing because of the Purple Haze in San Francisco. I might want to re-live an F-DIC experience with Fidel N Castro. Oakland is a more or less a strangled community, but Mobile and New Orleans had their nuts cut off, much like the F-DIC. Can Too much D-FIC make one sick? To be D-FIC or to not be D-FIC? That is the question.

Mr. President, do I exist at all after those injections that you still allow per your laws in Arizona and Caifornia, etc. ? Why do all of you on Snob Hill hide behind fences with spears? "They built their walls around them." That is a quote from a Rabbi who loves the Jewish people but fears for those in modern day Israel due to a line from the old Talmud or Torah. To be or not to be Yisroel? God give us shelter, something other than Castles Made of Sand (music link) and a broken down truck and Hurt (music link) by my enemies, their weapons their needles, their corrupted laws, their monkey men with guns. What have I become my Sweet Test Friends?

In closing, I picture this scene at the D-FIC test site in Oakland, a large room with that cold cheap fluorescent light, a pale set of walls and naive school kids and drop outs taking the test while a bureacrat in neck tie watches. I pull out the syringe and push the drug into my arm under tourniquet. I will explain to the government official that the government made me addicted to it, with forced injections of haldol. I will then take the test after a brief nap of haldol overdosage. Outside will be Marla who will ask, "You Dead Eye Dic D-FIC?". I make jokes like a holocaust victim because I am one actually. Even in the United States in our grand golden era of civil rights and individual liberties. Want more Sweet Jokes with Marla USA?

Daily Foreword October 19, 2011: After over 10 years of unemployment, being in a holocaust state of existence and working as a freelance investigative journalist for at least 8 of those years, I, Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone, have major angst about a job test this week. I am expected to enter a USA government building in Oakland. You can only imagine how I feel. I dodged Serial Killer Randy Kraft but the needles of the government got me, four needles, that I think of as the mark of the four horse men, and lies on legal records kept me unemployed. They killed some of us and they should have killed me and tried. Mankind is imperfect. There are those with megalomania for mankind. We are captives to a planet and any king is just a passing thing here, a thought, an idea, a megalomaniac in a prison.

I remember when I was injected forcibly, the first time by a smirking government official of the fed in Los Angeles and I just stated that I protested the injection in 2001. It did not matter, he did it anyway, claiming health care, and then came their false claims and their ignoring of the evidence on Sheriff Jack Tillman I presented and my test results for murderers at the FDIC. The second time I was injected was in Flagstaff Medical Center in Arizona in 2004. For reporting a toxic spill and seeking heathcare for a suspected toxic burn. I put up moderate resistance and screamed for someone to help me. I was held by at least 5 or 6 and only one person showed any remorse. I could have killed them with my hands and wonder if as a man among men if I should not have killed at least a few of them. This my body. If it is damned to your needle filled Hell, let's kill it, in one more fight to the death.

To me, it is as easy to kill someone as is to rape them with a needle. I am not inhumane. I would prefer to kill someone rather than torture them as those in power allow others to do in the United States.

Those in power, or IT, is inhumane. We are duped and this war is lost. They killed some of the men in Los Angeles with heart experiments where I was tortured and forced to sign documents. They pulled my heart into the dirt. The judge in LA said I was going back to school when he pushed the F-DIC war criminal knife and the Alabama thief Sheriff Jack Tillman crew's blade into my side by sending me away until a scheduled release that was supposed to be 8/11/2001. If they start to inject you, I would give fair warning by asking all God fearing to stand back, because there is about to be a few dead sinners amongst us. At that time I would conduct the birth control test and maneuver. Wipe that ass.

I hope the judge in LA knows what he has done and that those syndicates attached to the FDIC know that we know now that we were never one in this wretched sector of prison planet Earth. A bomb almost hit me in December 2004 in Braman OK, or perhaps the injections at Flagstaff screwed my brain to the rivets of Hell earlier that year. Either way, take it from Xu and Xu and the alleged Bank of China scam, give me 9.11 million times two, as one of the chunks is for my attornies.

We are at war and you have won. Your enemies will tear your hearts out once they catch you. Janis Joplin sings it best (Youtube link).

We do not give a damn about each other in America, the prison state Negative Capitalists empire, it seems. Our positive capitalism was taken when those in power lost their military might perhaps. Could an entire Earth be subjected to Psy-ops? Of course, like crushing a bug.

I believe Hunter S. Thompson the journalist may have heard our calls on the web before he died in 2005. His message was "Do not call 911". My middle number at one time as of 8/11/2001 was 911 and I had called for help from police after St. Valentine's Day in 2001, and only got horrid abuses and tortures. Even when the charges were expunged there were many lies from the event on my record.

We thought the war was lost, we thought the war was one. Sometime I feel like Hunter S. Thompson as a journalist. Some times I feel like Archimedes when I re-invent weapons of war or power supply sources. One of Mine is the Dead Eye DIC and I am it or part of it. Like a myelin coated axon of the central nervous system, I may relay the signal, my senses, or perhaps lose control of my senses, but to whom? This is theoretical of course, I just have scars to prove it and I was detained in a hospital known for federal war criminal medical atrocities, LA VA Westwood in 2001, and later Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004.

To be at the D-FIC test or to not be at the D-FIC test, that is the question. A friend who is a therapist said I should go back to work after their friends helped remove FDIC crimes syndicates and Sheriff Tillman's illegal road blocks to employment and lies on legal records.

How many women does it take to make a man whole? Or is that a man hole? ARD FDIC Sweet Carol, how many holes do you have? I feel your pain. Duped in carnage like a canary at a beggars banquet, the meal, corpse delecti in lieu of Habeus Corpus. Lord Where ARt Thou, where you is, where it is you be at?. Beat me with a cane pole and call me D-FIC....may be, may be not. San Francisco should wager on it, whether I will show or not. Sweet? I gotta dime. A gorilla has a pear.

Daily Foreword October 12, 2011: The targeting of people by the three monkeys and their associates on the West Coast of the USA, the new age German Judge who destroys innocent veterans in Los Angeles, the angry Mexican DA Who wants to get paid by a millionaires attorney, and the Asian woman on the federal payroll who informed me I was being forcibly injected because I spoke too quickly according to the records of those who injected me. All there in April of 2001 except the one with the needle who injected me with unknown chemcicals, the federal treasury department police. Of course in Flagstaff Arizona in 2004 I was knocked completely and violently unconscious, allegedly for the same reason. Our enemies have come to power. It is better to unite and overthrow them, beware of their technologies. I understand Alabama has issues considering the FBI likely smuggles not only marijuana but other drugs. I think they should just let the imprisoned Germans and the imprisoned Africans there grow what they need in Alabama and Florida, legally. But no, the enemies to mankind are the monkey tribe within and emanating from each one of us, held hostage by the three monkeys of the Western State of influence in this sector called the USA on Prison Planet Earth.

On 4-3-2001 I annointed the federal government who I call Jack, or Sweet, or any name that fits. They starve us in many ways. I placed the apple in my mouth and made it taste sweet for Jack who was in my crack at the city council gate, and like all sh!t, he passed out, but five years later after having me tortured and destroyed in my career, lieing on records and more, but in 2008, we had another date. Investigative journalism is a damned lie in a crooked state of affairs in the federal governments war colonies of the devils triangles criss crossing the USA, including and not limited to Mobile Alabama, Los Angeles and San Francisco California. In another matter, I want A penny per gallon or some of the BP Shares. I want my cut one way or in influence.

When I see mine suffer under a beast of a human, I put a apple in its mouth. Freckle faced dead eye dic is invited to the DFIC test, that is me as a bank examiner again. I am seeking volunteers to lift me there in Sweet Stiff Jack Up Dress, and to help me since I am in the feminine version of the FDIC, which is the DFIC in San Francisco. I may need a bed as a special accommadation since I have Tarde Dyskinesia from those forced haldol injections under the Bush Jr. group 2001 to 2004, and the other abuses in 2000 and 2008 until present. Do not inject a bastard, bitch. I will make the first sweet and Dire cup of Kraft coffee, Dic. I will listen to PJ Harvey on Youtube as I have a dancers pole (youtube dancer) installed in my pink pastel office and a chambre de couche.

In my mind I picture my first bank examination back in California if I get an DFIC job to replace the FDIC job. I will say to ARD F-DIC Sweet Carol, the messenger for the federal mob boss out of San Francisco and D.C. F-DIC, "We will have to get a dancing pole that is more fit for you Sweat Carol. This one is made out of aluminum. You will need one made out of steel with an anchor to a floor and ceiling, stud." After all, we all know that the D-FIC is what shot out of the F-DIC. Who is master if nobody matters? Where Is My Mind? (Youtube music.

Some say I am death because I used myself in my tests in high finance murder investigations and in investigations of known and suspected medical torture chambers, LA VA Westwood and Flagstaff Medical Center, Arizona and California, and due to tests done to me, forced medical procedures and likely experiments and more, perhaps while in the USA Navy and maybe in some slum hospital at birth and definitely at LA VA Westwood in California and Flagstaff Medical Center in Arizona later in life, 2001 and 2004. The Dead Eye Dic medical procedure has an aspect of death come t life much like the movie Joe Black, but I am much more like a high dollar St. Valentine's Day clown, no offense, but I tested to detect murderers that day in 2001 and was punished. I wanted to see if there murderers among the EEOC FDIC and NTEU and EDIE discriminators, and management there. I was attacked but I do not know who was calling the shots, but considering they kill each other out West and around the world, it is no wonder, but I survived. No one pays like me. 9.11 million from Xu and Xu 483 million dollar escrow, F-DIC BOD-a-bee, that bomb almost hit me in Braman OK in 2004 December 7th late near midnight. See what is fishy at Bank of China in Macau and you might find it is a Red Herring slipped into the USA banking system. I am as my friend called me, Dirt Brown, the Clown That Came From The Hole In The Ground. 9.11 million dollars or the private office and a first class plane ticket or escort on all bank examinations and the same pay the prostitute, the ARD F-DIC Sweat Carol. PTL

Daily Foreword October 10, 2011: Fleet week was in San Francisco this past weekend. The jets hurled over head, military transport came in over Golden Gate Park. I shuddered as I watched, wondering if the federal government was up to no good again. They often tell us to look at one thing and attack us from our blind side. I was tortured for legal gun ownership in 2001. I was investigating a murder at FDIC San Francisco of the biggest F-DIC head there. i was also investigating and fleeing Sheriff Jack Tillman and federal warlords in Mobile Alabama. Tillman is now a proven thief, but he and the federal warlords destroyed me for over 10 years, my career, my marriage, in ruins. I have none of that now. I am for hire if some one needs a provacetuer who specializes in medicine, finance, and if needed, hard ball carnage and trickery of the fight. I like to invent things. I re-invent the medical atrocities done to us, the humans of this wretched planet. Some get you by the throat, some get you by the brain, and they all get you by the balls. My rates are reasonable. I do not endanger myself unless I am paid and if I agree on a spiritual level. I am a Jack of All Trades, a dismal failure to some, and the guy who feeds the starving at the back gate of the devils empire. Ask Jack and federal gestapo USA. I play like the child in the fight, a ballet dancer with a thousand knives, a thousand and one appointed wives. What Hell hath Heaven wrought for you today Snatch. Lets sing and listen as the blood from your hearts trickle down your sleeves. Youtube Gothic Female Piano Music. Now, who touched one of my wives and made her bleed from her heart while she was healing the sick. She turned from me because of you and the harassment by the Secret Service because I was a free-lance investigative journalist, a dieing breed, and she was a slave to heal yours. I would let you bleed and hum the anti-thesis to Sweet Carol Load Eye motif, which is the Indian burial tune that rings like a Sacrificial Melody. Do you feel it Jack and clannish federal types, when the blood you spill hits the knives?

Snatch and company, you practice g'neivah, which is Hebrew, to rob secretly. The USA is a dieing or dead kingdom. Everything is for sale here, and the heart is a dieing slave wrought by a kingdom bent on the pursuit of the fallacy of gold. Yet we must eat or be eaten alive it seems. Some do not have the intelligence of an inventive and creative human, therefore they often simply steal from others and are protected by laws written by others of the same sinew. Some push me back into the light while others urge me to stay away.

Daily Foreword October 9, 2011: This site, this journalist, seeks truths. Know the Truth, then the Truth will set you Free. That is a quote from John 8:32. It is ironic that 8 is a Jew's lucky number and three times two is the Devil's calling card. I have pulled out a house of Jacks, lackies for a bunch of crooked queens and pseudo-kings, and one ace of aces who watches over us in some bizarre way.

Daily Foreword October 7, 2011: As I, Kurt Brown, have gotten older, I realize that we are in a fight for survival and that the enemies to my people rule the United States of America. Their lies are rampant. Their wealth is impressive. Our poverty and suffering is astounding. Therefore I no longer turn to man for help and do not experct change.

We do not have justice in the courts or in employment. Many of us are discriminated against. I am an American holocaust victim.

Daily Foreword 10/6/2011: Warning, the government uses directional microphones when the alleged President or of others of material significance speak to the general public on mass media outlets. Due to editing and directional microphones the average person or reporter is never heard if they are controversial. The USA is a lie, a lost cause, and resembles the USSR in their harsh abuses of us. Who rules this damned nation? Who wages wars on all human beings around the Earth. Mankind is a vicious animal when the bones are on the table. Protect your young, run from the needle bearing war felons in power in the USA and all other targeted nations.

Daily Foreword 10/4/2011: It appears there is a lot of nervousness in California. A true feeling of a Gestapo state for this out of work investigative journalist. I work for myself so I am hated by government officials and criminals and both at the same time since they are often one in the same.

But the good news is that some want me to be hired at the DFI of C, whereas before I was at the FDIC and I was terminated because I could add two and two. It all makes sense after a ten plus year hiatus of IUD vacation and journalism with time served and being injected repeatedly with haldol by government officials. I survived the FDIC and then I had to come to my senses and apply at the Dept of Financial Institutions in California. I only did it on advice of my new friend a job therapist. Beware of federal and local mafia of the three monkeys, some with badges . They spray mace on things and people and steal your money and belongings. We should remove our enemies from government but we can not.

The freedom of California is a False ad kid. The signs reads keep out or get a felony for almost anything. It is a gestapo trap of the three monkey bonobos, the old Nordic Nazi, the Mexican Indian Nazi and the Asian gestapo. Many of us are in the same trap of the same blood so do not think you are priveleged. I think some of the federal banking warlords would kill to keep me from working at DFI of C. My therapist would eat them like a hambone in a graduated argument over a bowl of clam chowder. I am the best they ever had at the FDIC. Beware, the USA has become a trap. We no longer have the Writ of Habeus Corpus.

I Kurt Brown have been under attack again, the passive aggressive sort of stuff that idiots pull who work six tiers down from mob bosses and government officials. Sweet Carol, I urge you to get an MRI if you are sleeping with MAsta in the F-DIC trap. A wire in the head and a bad nut at the F-DIC. The world is a lie. We have no democracy or equal rights. Is it really time for another war or are we just on hold as always? Never trust the government. Never trust any body inside because the sociopaths are there and stay out of view like wall flowers. Never trust anyone in todays high finance environment. The world has always been at war over money since the first gestapo monkey ate a green banana in front of the others, bonobo triad of California and D.C. and their international controllers. An informal group of dictators control the USA formal government. Beware of California.

Daily Foreword 9/28/2011: Many of us live in a state of terror and disillusionment in the United States of America and the Earth. The government has no limits in their abuses and they relegate war criminal powers to their lessers. I Kurt Brown no longer do investigative journalistic work in the United States because the government now allows forced injections upon journalists such as myself. I have been injected several times forcibly and knocked unconscious on one occassion with Haldol. When I was knocked unconscious I had been placed in exile and Sheriff Jack Tillman thief was in Mobile Alabama who I had been investigating and I was investigating a murder at the FDIC prior to that. I was traveling and was running a test of the Flagstaff Arizona Medical Center by reporting a slight burn on my neck in 2004 needing treatment after being exposed to what appeared to be toxic waste in New Mexico. I was knocked unconscious after being knocked down. I was injected in Los Angeles forcibly by federal officials in 2001 for being parked outside a VA Hospital fence. I have symptoms of extreme Haldol overdosage. The Soviet Union used the drug haldol to break peoples will in this article and now so does the United States (wikipedia link). It definitely succeeded on this journalist. I hope they hang the Czar of Russia and the military dictators over the United States with some tubes made from tourniquets. I now suffer from many side effects from overdose of Haldol. The federal government has opened the door to its usage upon us without a court hearing since 2001. I, Kurt Brown, suffer side effects including and not limited to Tardive Dyskinesia and it makes the eye blink excessively and strange loss of motor control of the arms at times and other symptoms that are even more crippling. I would sue them but they are military dictators in power.

Daily Foreword 9/23/2011: Onboard the USS Reid FFG 30 (pic link) in Long Beach California, or we may have been in San Pedro or San Diego or elsewhere, our gunnery guy who also controlled computers threw the small arms, hand guns, and his computers over board. He looked like Van Gogh when the federal police came to get him. He told me after or before he did it, while dripping sweat, he was going through the ship, he said that things were on the computers about us, a pigeon holing. If I could turn back time I would make them release my shipmate. I would have let them taste our gun. We were medical guinea pigs, many of us, outsourced. It was circa 1983 and Nobody Walks In LA (youtube link) was the rage, large tits, long legs, attainable, and Randy Kraft, serial killer, was soon to meet me, a sailor, a hitchhiker who would do no alcohol or hotel sex with him, in 1983. Randy Kraft was or is a guinea pig that went rabid, he was fly boy, Air force, prior, and was in San Quentin per my last inquiry. His diary called me his Angel. Sweet Carol and her Masa F-DIC of FDIC BOD mob should ask who else calls Kurt Brown their angel. Randy Kraft, poor bastard still lives like a guinea pig. I was the Quartermaster on the USS Reid, I called it Dire. I hated the captain. I worked with him often. He was aloof and had big teeth but survived Vietnam, so I knew his day was done and the wire was likely already in his head. He made me wonder if the wire was in mine. I should have taken over as Captain Kurt, and I wants to get paid for holocaust stakes. The whole G-d Damn rat infested ship, 9.11 Million per guinea pig sailor and three times that for any deformed children and twice that amount for sailors who are sterile and have no children. I am sure all of the children born after the injections have deformities.

In this proposed movie scene, I see the hi-jacking of the ship by the guinea pigs of the USN and who take the ship outide of LAX airport, drop anchor, allowing for the clearing of the LAX airport air control tower before firing a guided missile into the spider looking monstrosity. In this proposed scene, when our past Captain wakes up after his injections and our day long melee before payment, I play for the men, a song for being underway like we always did, this time, my song of the day to the Captain, Good Morning Starshine (youtube link). I hope he was not killed in the experiments at LA VA Westwood in 1999. On this morning scene, Nobody Walks In LA and nodoby flies either, except daredevils and warlords.

Down below ships lurks the experiment we thought as the experiment Godzilla. He was a large guinea pig medical experiment African American man who also showed contempt for the folly of man, and with whom in a discussion of the deaths of four men on the boat and the crushing of their bodies, allegedly on the North abutment of the St. Vincent Thomas Bridge in San Pedro. I later tested the bridge at a high rate of speed in my car with a fellow quartermaster. I realized we were being used as medical guinea pigs and often to no good end. The man was large and surly and he lurks below, the experiment, Godzilla (Youtube music video). I am the experiment I now call "Dead Eye Dic". I relay information even when unconscious and keep an eye on the captain, and later in FDIC bank examinations, one year before 9-11-2001. Ironically I have hypothesized a huge increase in birth defects in veterans children due to injections and experiments, the usual and the extraordinary. There are many of those children in Los Angeles and beyond. A favorite game of the women who followed the boat was, "Who My Baby Daddy" and it is in music video. Do not abandon your chilren, they are but small fry for a bunch of warlords. (LA Indymedia Link with a piece of todays note and a pic of the sold ship that was the USS Reid FFG-30)

Daily Foreword September 22, 2011: Todays comment is in this video and in the description. The youtube video is titled "Loss of USA and Other Nations, Writ of Habeus Corpus, Impacts Finance and Medicine and Young". The USA is under military rule in a dictatorship with a series of people assigned limited powers of the formal dictator. The loss of the Writ of Habeus Corpus rights and the dictators writing of the Arizona title 36-520 law proves it is over. Let us applaud the over throw of the international warlords in power and the removal of their formal governmental power. They are our enemies. We have lost all human rights. This nation is like Hell so many of us do not care if it burns. Many bow to the lesser kings. I recommend you flee their traps. Find a better place. The USA was done when I was young, during the Vietnam draft, and it just got worse.

Daily Foreword September 18, 2011: The USA is and was a place to be feared and loathed. Who controls the USA? Some say it is the informal leadership network which holds and manifests the formal leadership network. Looking at the wealth of the USA, it appears the West Coast has won. They own the right to selling dope to the rest of the USA. They steal our wealth when we are traveling. We have no human rights. When a nation loses the rights under the Writ of Habeus Corpus, i.e. the right not to be held illegally and without a court hearing, then it is time to slit that nations throat if they threaten your nation. The USA has no rights under the Writ of Habeus Corpus. Those in the informal leadership stay hidden. The best we can do is flee if we are young.

Daily Foreword September 8, 2011: Todays Post is on youtube, titled Fear and Loathing in the Devils Triangle.

Daily Foreword September 6, 2011: Because I Kurt Brown investigative freelance journalist and comedian in the rough in audits and investigations am fond of the man who the movie Fear and Loathing was based upon, I approximate my life to his in this video, "Fear and Loathing In California" on Youtube.

Daily Foreword August 30, 2011: A travel warning to those on the East and Gulf Coasts from the USA. A sort of war is waging on the West Coast, California, and Arizona in particular in my experience. If you are on any sort of probation, do not stop for any reason in Arizona because they can inject you with chemicals and knock you unconscious and basically rob you of money legally, you and your insurance companies, Arizona Title 36-520 law. On the West Coat the federal government is a sort of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. She comes on Sweet and and then She gets mean with forced injections and overt discrimination against the poor and we are being harassed in particular by Mexican mafia, aka cops included, in the green triangle in Northern California. Highway 99 is unsavory in the way a Mexican brothel stinks, but much worse since it is in the streets and I saw who was running the banks in the area when I was an FDIC bank examiner. The scum of the Earth runs this part of the Earth much like much of the South East under the international war criminal horde.

In California, gangs in government of Mexicans, Asians, Clannish whites and other groups from D.C. and links to Europe and China and Mexico leave us homeless and in the cold in the end, robbed. Do not protect them. Protect yourselves. Beware of contact with their society. Even the veterans of children may be impacted by the injections into the veterans before the children are born, or perhaps even injections into the children themselves. They will not tell you this and there will be and is random selection on who is hurt the most. I am trained in medicine and finance and am slowly learning law. They have written laws to defend themselves, their war criminal empire, and not the poor among us. I have read where many were killed in high federal banking oversight and even veterans in lower federal experiments, and they did not deserve to be killed. I was harmed with forced medical procedures and our society allowed it to happen on the West Coast and on the Gulf coast we are basically treated as subjugates to a foreign dictator with no remorse. The highest and the lowest get cut down these days so defend yourselves as if in a holocaust state of existence.

The world is run by Blood Type A people. They meet in the West. The composite of mankind is an ugly grim image. I blame it all on the f-cking bonobo. F-ck and f-ck and f-ck, anything and everything, and eat their own, the bonobo way. Mankind, the crazy and stupid horned up ape, seeking Gorilla poon-tang with a Rhesus cup.

Now for some Zydeco for us children of the swamp who do not see nothing to report to those authorities with guns and badges and needles when our people are fleeing for our lives. When the icecaps have melted, we should start alligator farms in the swamps, saltwater crocodiles, and feed them what attacks us. Zydeco music youtube link.

Because I love a good comedia, I will share a thought, a vision of the past the present, the future. The scene is the swamps of New Orleans after the flood, a city at one time, now under water with tropical foliage here and there. Sheriff Jack Snatch The Fairy Possum of Mob Al and the federal dynasty from the nearby Village of the Damned is lined up on a airboat brigade of three. Captain Kurt, myself, am in the crocodile business in those apocalyptic fringes of this future scene and I am the disposal business and am disposing of those who are against humane treatment of humans. It is a sort of cleansing by blood bath but Captain Kurt's crocodile outfit, head to toe, is all the rage due to declining beef stock and thereby it is the new all weather tarp and leather, crocodile leather. I exclaim to my catch .22 crowd as we leave the former slaves who are untieing the boats so we can take the scum of the Earth on its way, "It's for the syndicates, Gang Way!" and go full throttle to the outer salt swamps.

Daily Foreword August 28, 2011: Forced injections of chemicals into alleged insane asylum candidates has been a favorite of political subjugation around the Earth. Now the USA has been engaging in this behavior and I am encouraging people to run for their lives by sending some children out of the USA. It appears those in power and their government and their supporters are soon to be toppled with ensuing chaos or degradation to follow. I found an interesting link on Wikipedia about Forced Injections. I Kurt Brown was compliant during both sequences of forced injections I Kurt Brown endured after FDIC employment and returning to investigative journalism work in medicine and finance and targeting what I see is government war criminals, the criminally insane.

Never trust any thing or any one in government in the USA and those who control them. Beware as we are being strangled from work and property and the well being of our own lives while a few wealthy compound their wealth, when many of us are better off dead than to be under their rule. Many humans and cultures are like animals who each other. There are many ways to starve another. 2 trillion dollars was allegedly recently loaned to Switzerland from the USA. I could not get the FHA to approve a loan that was short 2 thousand dollars to sell a home in the USA. Those in power do not deserve to to rule the USA. They do not know how to rule and they do not care about average American citizens.

I applaud the rise of the Humane Humans around the globe and the destruction of the prison state empire the war criminals, the criminally insane, have built for themselves, our enemies in power. Many races will eat each other like animals in the human race. The inhumane are famous for it. I approve of retaliatory strikes against those who profit from our being abused in the USA and other nations. We should unite and link across the Earth. The Humane with a razor blade. Their laws are written to profit them and abuse us.

It was said when we lose the right to a trial before being held, then a military warlord has come to power. Since that mililtary warlord injects the innocent and robs the citizenry, I approve of "IT's death". They did not mention the laws passed in 2001 in Arizona allowing forced medical procedures, particularly the Arizona Law Title 36-520 on the Forced Injections link at Wikipedia. To Californians is about dope after the 420 pot exercise, the hard core needle and unconscious dope, Arizona 520 excercise, forced injections and not voluntary. I believe we will see a war to save our grandchildren from these infidels.

Daily Foreword August 23, 2011: This is a message to the now failed and taken federal government and it is a direct proof that we are not being given our rights in the United States. The Writ of Habeus Corpus says we have the right to not be detained illegally. This is in direct conflict with Arizona's Title 36 Law that is number 36-520 which entitles the government to inject you forcibly and detain you, including at hospitals if you are simply seeking medical care. Military tribunals of the enemy sect have been in power in the USA and now they are stepping upon most of us. Our existence is a floating abyss in the USA, and I am a long term USA citizen of many generations. My father told me to be an attorney. I did not but I heard the voice of an attorney or a rabbi say that the Writ of Habeaus Corpus should be contrasted to the abuses in Arizona's Title 36-520 law.

Those over the governments of the USA are criminally insane and or plain stupid. Mankind is this way in history as many illustrate. I theorize on fine weapons of war, I mean subtle weapons. I am trained in finance and medicine and physics to some extent and I started doing this after working at the FDIC. Beware if you are a veteran in accounting as we are not invited to long term employment like they claim. I theorized on a weapon already made my government and based it on my own scars that are unexplained and the illegal detention in an American holocaust camp in 2001, LA VA Westwood, known for forced experiments and approved of murders. They killed some of us there in 1999 in heart experiments. They hate us and I warn others not to use VA health care. I theorized on the taking of people to death and back in my "Dead Eye Dic" invention. It was for surveillance and a theory, yet our criminally insane leaders would say I was stating it as fact. Never defend them. We need no nation like this, let it fall, let the people regroup. I foresee a shattered wartorn nation but it will be free of current warlords criminally insane with a high level of technology. Never trust the governemnt of the USA. They will betray you. They are not us.

"Habeus Corpus", to the warring sect has been written by warring flies as corpse delecti." The federal government injects you and they do so with impunity, like Mexican or German or Chineses law reigns in Los Angeles. They need no excuse. Run for your lives in America if you are young. Never own guns in the USA unless you hide them and beware if you are traveling in California, as most of the police who are not of our bloodline hate us and will abuse us if they can. Do not bring guns into California. The homeless and those parked on roadsides are searched for weapons primarily and any thing else they can use against us. I prefer that all young people have some of their children leave the war criminal horde and their criminally insane leaders in the USA. That way we survive if the USA goes up in flames. We have no human rights. It does not matter if the wealthy and their ruling sects are killed or maimed. They do not care about us. We need a leader to overthrow our criminally insane war criminals in power.

Here is a video I put together on Youtube about Habeus Corpus versis Arizona's Title 36-520 law. I also discuss in the written comments on the video, some more thievery by another crooked cop. Not all cops are thieves, but after seeing former Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama with his 360 thousand of stolen cash and now a cop in Healdsburg California stealing $15 down in a shakedown of a traveler, I no longer have faith in the law enforcement in the USA or the leadership of the war emperors in power over the USA. I encourage people to view them all just as you would in a holocaust. Mankind is an ape and some demonstrate it more than others. Try to use higher intellect and walk with dignity in all aspects of life. The USA is not our nation. Prepare for war if a war breaks out, as that cop would likely rob you and kill you and rape your women. Many are like that in our society. Our rulers are often nothing more than the criminally insane and they remain hidden like snakes and put up front their public relations people. There is a chance that both Presidents Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. were not in control of their own volition, perhaps medically altered or swapped out in some fashion, or not really as claimed when they were in office. Some would follow a criminally insane war criminal to the end of the Earth. Others would hope he would drop dead and all of those around him would change or follow suit in death.

Daily Foreword August 15, 2011: The USA is a hostile nation for humane human beings and I urge you to beware, take cover, and protect your young. The federal govenment forcibly injected me, Kurt Brown, freelance investigative journalist and former FDIC bank examiner, in 2001 in Los Angeles. Some of us are being forcibly injected in the USA. Some of us might be at the last supper sooner than we expected to eat. It is said they have triggers, time bombs, of new chemical sorts, and I wonder about the outcomes of those injections, and the logical deduction is insanity, death, mind control. Beware of forced injections in the USA. We may be better off dead. Kurt Brown, founder of Mobile Audit Club and Youtube saintrambone videos

It was likely Secret Service, a man who appeared like a small Italian or Mexican, and it was on LA VA Westwood property and he had a large german looking nurse watching him do so and a African American LA VA Cop . I was left conscious as far as I know after the injections. I was subjected to other tortures at LA VA Westwood in Los Angeles, not just injections. The witness at court who was going to slander me was a Vietnamese looking woman, a psychologist who worked for the government. They had said they injected me because I spoke quickly, claiming mania. The woman was not there while I was being injected but she was there during some other forced medical procedures before the first court date on May 1, 2001. My crime was to be asleep with my belongings in transit after FDIC employment and unemployed. I was working the freelance investigations on the Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama, now forced to resign, and the bloody FDIC murder. I had a speech impediment as a child and they knew about it in the US Navy, where I would speak quickly to avoid a nervous stammer in speech as an adult. They had no right to inject me forcibly in 2001. We, I, am as good as dead since the injections in Flagstaff Arizona in 2004 also, at Flagstaff Medical Center under a new law, Title 36-520, for allegedly the same thing. It is a lie. I think I had a stroke or they did a partial lobotomy and or electric shock or they overdosed me on the tranquilizer that knocked me unconscious. While unconscious they likely inspected me for military upgrades, genetic appliances added to the CNS or other hybrid technologies, or they did some hidden medical procedure on myself. I despise them in the way the dieing of the holocaust despised their captors, in the way those people who were driven off of cliffs in so many nations despised their pursuers. In this world, it is fight or flight and they drew first blood. What options do we really have? Do we have any?. There is nothing friendly about the current state of affairs in the USA or Canada or Mexico.

The Secret Service (SS) was in court and threatening me all the way in 2001, even impersonating my attorney once when locked up, with an LA County Guard announcing the agents as my attornies. The SS agents came to tell me what would happen to me, which was basically the end of my accounting career and the end of my investigations of murder at the FDIC where I worked. The big money is an abyss. Let the rich fight it out around the globe. Let them dig their own graves.

I was later on probation on a plea extracted from me under extreme duress of threats with medical torture. Now expunged, the lies of the regime still haunt me. Never own a gun if you are challengeing their crimes syndicates, even if they attack you, as they did me. In my opinion, let them die when they are attacked, but what if an innocent one of them dies, then what? Nothing is what happens. They pass the money like flies passing puke to eat.

If they attack, flee if you can. Do not allow them to take you alive is my sentiment. Many are like filthy grease balls from Italy under Hitler or Mexicans under Fox. I was injected and knocked unconscious in Flagstaff Medical Center in Arizona in 2004. I was on probation from 2001 in the plea they extracted through force by medical injections and torture by men and women who are ordered around like our enemies in the federal government. My crime in 2004 was I thought I saw some toxic waste in New Mexico and wanted a burn checked on my flesh. They later said I was speaking quickly, although I sat silent for four hours. I had no weapons and had signed insurance papers, BC/BS insurance papers when I entered the ER at Flagstaff Medical Center (FMC), they then had a guard stand over me for four or five hours and then they injected me forcibly. There was 6 or 7 and only one man, a darker complexion man seemed to show remorse. I wanted to hit him to make him change sides, but i did not. I was compliant with all demands. They are a horrible people over that government and I hope God brings them a horrible punishment for what they are doing and what they have done to myself and others.

It appears the Arizona government is our current war criminal in the USA. I am a specialist in that I use myself as bait in my investigative journalistic work in finance and medicine. The Arizona Secret Service and the Flagstaff Medical Center and their corrupt government in Arizona failed the test, just as Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama failed the test. Tillman was a former Sheriff who was starving his inmates due to his own hording of food funds for his own gain, just as the law allowed. I caught both of them, the Sheriff and now Flagstaff Medical Center, the Arizona government and the Secret Service with their horrid excuse for government. He who draws first blood tends to lose the most, in the end.

It appears a man named Kevin Walsh is in jail and tortured under the Arizona Title 36-520 law, just as I was, by Secret Service agents. There are some interesting finds in that Article. Nevada and New Mexico passed the same law I have been told. I know Arizona has it, I experienced it and I feel half dead and and welcome death since the series of abuses 2001-2004. It gives a certain sense of freedom amid hopelessness, like those moments before death, which we all get to experience they say.

I wanted to run in 2004 in Flagstaff from FMC, but the law at Title 36-525 allows you to be declared insane if you flee even though you are not insane but in fear of needle weilding maniacs in the money starved state of Arizona. That is what I read at Kevin Walshs links on his site. They can detain you for a year. Therefore, per Arizona's Title 36-520 Law, if you stay, you are injected and likely get a lebotomy or raped or something else. If you run you are declared insane and incarcerated in nut ward, if the police do not kill you first.

I have special fears because I target syndicates in Nevada when giving my reports to the public if I think Nevadans are involved. Murder is for hire in the money laundering business and I like investigating things close and naught, meaning I cover the USA and into China and Canada these days. I meant no offense to George Masa at FDIC in 2001 when I was investigating a murder at his office that occurred approximately 10 years earlier. Masa allowed me to be terminated, they say poor performance, I say because I filed an EEOC complaint and wanted to address many issues, including a supervisor at FDIC who wanted me at her hotel while doing a bank audit in Honolulu. I missed Randy Kraft serial killer by not going to his room and I definitely was not going to let that FDIC woman(?) have the possibility to inject me with needles or make me like a new medical thing for a Navy Guinea Pig experiment. I feared being manipulated because I was being placed in mob bosses banks in a few banks prior, one a bank charter issuance in Roseville and another a greaseball Latino millionaire bank president sweating in Sacramento. Now Highway 99 in California is a dragstrip for whores and dope at one point. That is new. I feel a bit like Jesus returning to the temple. Open and paid for, like filthy Mexico, but in plain view. They make me sick. They are a predator sect crawling up the F-DIC and the USA. If they are going to whore, they should do it like the Amsterdam people and keep us safe. We are in epidemiologic risk increasingly and do not need added pressures.

. The USA is a lost cause and you can not stop the international syndicates because our enemies have come to power. I was knocked unconscious, had no weapons, and was injected after I had signed my BC/BS Insurance papers at Flagstaff Medical Center in early 2004. Sheriff Tillman was not out until 2006 and I know many of us in finance at the highest level have been hunted and killed. Thomas Crane Wales was a banking hit, not some punk Anarchistic. Wales was a banking frauds judge killed on 10/11/2001. If he was innocent and if he was in the way, the syndicates in banking regulatory systems and accessory to them would kill him. Nevada or perhaps China or Canada is the culprit, you never know.

I put a Travel Advisory Comedy on Love Line 10 of Mobile Audit Club. I fear those who allow these atrocities like a Jew would fear Adolf Hitler, or a Libyan would fear the regime in power over the USA.

I urge the young to find a humane nation. The barbary state of profits in the USA will leave you ill or dead. I am maimed as a result. Never trust anyone in the USA governments. It is much the same in other nations if not all nations most likely.

Daily Foreword August 3, 2011: The thing to remember in the event the current ruling factions are attacked in the USA and around the Earth, and because the regime and their paid followers allow and inflict forced medical procedures on the innocent in the USA, the thing to remember is, "Remember, they drew first blood".

The government trampled me while I was running tests on them as an investigative journalist. I have not recovered what I was, but I have become something more. They do not care if we are killed or attacked or maimed and their regime has not cared about us since the time we were children in the 1960's. Therefore we do not care if the hidden regime is decapitated, but what will follow?

My advice is to view them as you would the Bonobo Monkey. As a result you need better thought and engineered methods of escape and defense. The governments of the USA are likely run by the Chinese or Soviets or someone with high level skills in social control. We could be deceived about many things. Our suffering indicates that if they are to take you hostage, you are better off to flee and if you can not escape, take your own life. I was injected repeatedly, knocked unconscious with injections to my horror, and forced medical procedures before court. Whether in Los Angeles, Flagstaff or Mobile or San Francisco, we are among our enemies. The American lie is being spilled out in our streets and in the back rooms of hospitals in our blood. I pray our enemies are decapitated. Remember, they drew first blood. We may be better off dead. Never trust the ruling regime. Never let them in your home. Our bodies are sacred. Theirs are nothing to us as ours are to them.

Daily Foreword July 26, 2011: This site is meant to warn the young who follow along behind me in time that we are among savage beasts in mankind. All flags of all nations are symbols of hatred, including the USA flag. If you do not believe it, try to enter any nation at a border crossing and you will be treated with hatred, fear, or disdain. This is the nature of mankind, like that of a Bonobo monkey. In the USA, we want a new power to over throw the enemy that has risen to power. We are targeted in vendettas by the ruling regime in the USA, whether California or Alabama. I was targeted after FDIC employment and my work as an investigator of a murder at the agency labeled suicide in San Francisco's FDIC. Do not believe their lies. Do not assist them if they are attacked by their many enemies. Mankind is not kind, but a beast, and the flags of hatred ironically are wrapped around the military dead. Vendettas are common in the USA. I was targeted by war criminals controlling California and Alabama government. Any state that has or had a monopoly on a drug like Marijuana is obviously no ally to those who are addicted in the other states. Any state that stomps on federal bank examiners who are honest are no ally to our people. We need to clean out the federal government in California. Our enemies deserve death for they have drawn first blood on us veterans in the USA. They deserve to be attacked. Do not be one of them. Never trust them. Never drop your guard to any government agency or agent. If they are to take you hostage I recommend death by suicide or fighting to the death. I would like to see family's like David Koresh's family protected in the future if the enemies in power attack us . Their hated government officials are not our keepers. We are treated as the regime's enemies. They steal the children of the poor. I invite the removal or the deaths of the regimes war criminals for their crimes against me and my family in these g-d damned United States.

Daily Foreword July 24, 2011: Those who rule over us in the USA have a large number of unethical people who wield extreme government powers over us. I recommend never dropping your guard to anyone in the government or those things they control, including hospitals or the military. The government is taking children from homes they prefer to target, making claims the parents of those childrens homes are extremely harmful and dysfunctional. The government should contact all blood line family members and friends of family to help oversee children in alleged dysfunctional homes. The family is persecuted without a jury trial.

We know the government kills veterans in experiments in Los Angeles California and they also allow people to be attacked by thieves who are sheriffs like Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama who attacked me when I was attempting to report his thievery on 4/3/2001, and the government had it on film. The federal government has attacked me ever since. I was made to sit in on a bank charter issuance in late 1999 in Roseville California when I was an an FDIC bank examiner. I was made to sit there most likely because the man applying for the bank charter from Reno was in some way linked to something not right. I was used. In 2001 they were attacked in September in New York allegedly. Fuji Bank was one of the targets hit in New York. The cue is that if you kill us in San Francisco, we kill you in New York, or is the cue different. I do not believe anything I am told by those war criminals in the government or their media. The judge told me in Los Angeles to go back to school, meaning jail, after I was injected and tortured before court while fleeing Sheriff Jack Tillman and the war criminal horde at the FDIC at the federal oversight level and they also had killed a regional FDIC director and they tried to kill me.

I learned in the judges "school" to watch the beauty of things rot. I would laugh if I saw his bosses head rolling under a horses hoof. It would delight me, like eating a popsicle made of a dead dogs frozen head when I am in a fight with the dogs of war from Hell. They take our children, therefore they could lead us to believe we live in a society, when in fact we are in a factory of misery. Let the good times roll.

Daily Foreword July 20, 2011: Those who rule over us are brutal. Those who rule over us are absurd. I was going to apply for a sort of Bank Examiner job for the Department of Financial Institutions of California. They state, "We will check all criminal records regardless of outcome." To me that translates as one horde of monkies swings a king banana, the lawmen with guns, at those of us who often have tried to stop corrupt lawmen with guns. I am an investigative journalist of governmental financial crimes and medical crimes first and foremost. I examine crimes in finance and medicine. Sheriff Jack Tillman in 2001 was working in conjunction with murderers from the federal government in trying to stop my investigations of their FDIC and Treasury related syndicates and international ties and their associated murderers. Tillman covered his thievery for five years and was pushed out of office in 2006. I had reported starving inmates in Mobile County Jail and that Tillman had taken my gun permit when doing so. Tillman and I met at the government door step on April 3, 2001. On April 23, 2001 at LA VA Westwood I was injected and threatened before court. Never trust the VA to give you shelter or decent healthcare. They kill very often and they are controlled by the killers at top of thel filthy USA government and their international controllers.

The USA is a lost cause and all of the precepts of democracy and human rights is and always has been a lie. Their followers call us liars often. We are the survivors of the American holocaust most often, and many of us want our enemies to die or get off of the stump. They leave us nothing and now take the children of the poor and demand allegiance and compliance. I urge young people to flee states like Alabama where the government takes children, claiming altruism and protection of the young. Our enemies would cut our face off and lead us into their ovens. There is no remorse among they or their sects. They are like the bonobo monkey gone mad.

For some levity in today's post, a true FDIC story with a link to the top executives of DFI. Think of this scene as being similar to the Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas movie investigation coupled with a touch of Pulp Fiction. One of the men who is linked there was at a Bank Charter Issuance meeting in Roseville California, I was there with the Spaniard and the little junior Greaseball. We worked for the FDIC. The man applying for the bank charter was from Reno Nevada. His cologne made me sick it was so rich. His rings were heavy on his fat little fingers, he drove a convertible luxury car, and his hair was jet black and thick like a dog. He likely got his bank charter. I remember the California DFI examiner with us FDIC bank examiners. I wanted to get in on the cuts from any syndicated action but I am sure those of the predator sect with the Masters of Disaster having their way with the big DICs, our bosses at the F-DIC. We were having it their way. We were all present and I added predigested numbers to get predigested scores. IT is ironic this was the only bank charter issuance I was on as a FDIC bank examiner, and it was around October of 1999. I was being set up to point to that bank. After all, murder was at the new bosses F-DIC feet from the old bosses F-DIC head and this new bank smacked of Reno Nevada Macaroni.. I was put at the head of the examinations of a few of the many apparently Mexican or Italian bank stead, one bank president sweating millions and then this flee bag billionaire making me question if I was on the right side of Son of Sam Uncle Sam. So bleed me you filthy rich bastard, I wish you dead is what I prayed for the big DICs after I was tortured a year later by federal mafia with needles and other forced medical procedures. I was put out to pasture early from the FDIC. I am for hire and will lay traps and tests for those who cross us. I wonder what all is being done to keep our children safe when their government abducts them. Everything is for sale here. Sometimes it comes for free with a spice of hate. It is the cannibal in mankind and it originated in something like the Bonobo monkey, the dog ape.

Daily Foreword July 15, 2011: One of the greatest disappointments I have with myself is forgetting the lessons I was learning when I was eight years old -- The government will kill you. Those in power over the government are the rich and they do not care about the poor. I joined the military at the age of twenty-one in the USA. I should have taken my existing children and fled to the wilderness. Suicide would have been a better option to me than going in the military. The people of the USA hate each other and steal each others money, children, and lives away. I am a scientist and I am 99.99 percent certain that the USA governments are doing hybrid medical manipulations on the populance. Here is a link to my latest Youtube Video regarding this tragedy with our children. Many of you veterans will have children who are infertile and any inherited conditions will be exacerbated by DNA and RNA recombinant drugs, chemicals, and various methods of human augmentations with various technologies. The reason the children will suffer is because the conditions are made worse by genetics implants of other creatures DNA. They have killed some of us veterans in experiments and I am maimed after my enounter with those government officials who are controlled by the enemies of humane mankind. USA Veterans should be aware that their children may be infertile due to genetics alterations and implants in their body and coupled with hybrid technologies. Examine your children at birth for unusual hyper-manifestations of inherited conditions. This will be the first indicator that they may also be infertile. I was from the South East USA and was stationed in California. The war never ends in the Pacific Rim. May God be with us and I urge all of you to beware. We are surrounded by our enemies including in the closed dictatorships of the South East USA. They are a lie. Applaud the rise of a new dictator with an iron boot who can give us our human rights, or let us hope we can flee from those in power, or that we will be harvested by the creator.

Daily Foreword July 6, 2011: In this life, I fear for my loved ones and my kin and kind, as we are like animals in a cage, shot with darts, bullets, drugs, and mass media of the message put out and approved by the captors of the planet. I have been through an American holocaust but I see it as a world holocaust. The human animal is directly and heavily related to the cannibal that is known as the Bonobo monkey. Human behavior from all indications is observed in both the capture of the human and the human as the one who captures. Our lives mean nothing. I question every thing now, every thing from birth to death. I try not to hate those who injected and beat me down, but I pray for their controllers to be done away with or that God will have mercy and destroy me for all eternity in this form of a subjugated animal. My woes started after FDIC employment and that of an investigative journalist investigating government crimes. I try not to whimper or whine, to try and be a man. Like a man, I can not deny, I do not care if my enemies are trampled with drugs and high technology tortures with monkey constraints. Let us do unto others as they have done unto us. Let us applaud when the warmongering hordes are knocked unconscious. Let us applaud when we have regained our lost birthrights of self determination. I consider them to be my enemy, our enemy, and their followers as nothing more than apes or machines. It makes no difference to me if they live or die. They do not care about me or mine. I applaud their overthrow by a dictator and his forces who can get our human rights and our lives back. It does not matter if the Earth as we know it ceases to exist. This is life. This is Hell. Never trust the enemies in power. They control everything it seems. If you own weaponries, beware, as they are obsolete and the government will torture you for owning them. Prepare for the enemy by knowing when to hide and to live or let die. Kurt Brown, former investigative journalist on government crimes in finance and medicine. WE could have been controlled from birth, deceived. It is my hope that the enemies to mankind die sour faced and writhing in anguish and pain as they or IT has done to me and mine. America is nothing. Let it dissolve and beware of the ensuing waves of warlords.

Daily Foreword June 26, 2011: The latest posts with videos by myself are listed on Mobile Audit Club's Love Line 10 page in the first segment (On slow internet connections, reload the browswer a few times to load the full page with links as of today.

I urge all of my people in the USA to protect their young. The government of the United States has proven themselves to be war criminals pitted against the American people. Who ever it is that controls them, they do not care about our adults or our children.

The government killed many veterans in Los Angeles in 1999 and I was tortured there in 2001 with forced injections and threats and other medical procedures. After the injections I am not sure if I went to court or they played mind games with me, but I would like a full retrial in Los Angeles Superior Airport Court and I would like for my star witness to be former Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama. On 4/3/2001 we had an encounter and it was caught on tape. The federal government has syndicates who want us to be dead many times. Some will starve us. I hunt both as an auditor, investigator, artist, and scientist, and sometimes divine right. I was an FDIC bank examiner prior and was hunting killers within for fun and profit at that time as an investigative journalist with a medical and financial background and accustommed somewhat to the underworld of the United States since my childhood when I was a nippet at a drunkards heels eating Po Boys and drinking beer all day.

I am Kurt Brown. Many of our grandchildren are being stripped from their homes by Social Service Agencies controlled by the government. The government and thier paid followers can not be trusted in any fashion. IT is absurd to trust a known killer and a known rapist, a rapist who uses medical procedures like a rapist with a penis to force subjugation of my people and they use warfare around the Earth to take what they want to steal.

Many people in the USA do not care for each other. They would kill each other on a bias or for money. I encourage young people to see the USA for what it is and to see the human race for what we are. If you look down any human's throat, you will find the Bonobo Monkey. Study that animal and you will study mankind in his most basic form. Learn from his animal nature to rise above, to that of a "truly advanced" human being.

As I said, those in power over the government have paid supporters, lawyers, assassins, medical torture specialists, advanced modern weapons experts and physicists. They will attack us in many ways. What I foresee in the future for our population is a mesmerized slave. The government or another war criminal entity stripping mankind of every thing, while those at top take everything. Beware of California and do not believe the lies. I came there hoping for work years ago and endded up in years later in a torture chamber at a government facility in West Los Angeles California USA in Westwood, forced out of work, and labeled criminal and or insane.

I turn to my people and say to protect yourselves against the beasts controlling the USA and the Earth. If they are killed, it is because they are an animal on the attack. Do not support them in their foray of death and pillage. Protect your own. Let us pray there is a benevolent God who watches over us who can alleve our suffering soon. It was said "The truth will set you free." I have sought the truth, highly material truths, and because of those trusths, the war criminals in power have had to set me free, but they still target me. It may be over already for myself. We are imprisoned animals here on Prison Planet Earth. Your children are nothing to the warlords in power. The governments control most of the wealth at arms reach. We should protect our own. That is all we have. I do not care if the regime is toppled and severed. They have committed war crime after war crime against myself and others. The best thing you can do is flee. They will kill each other or someone will kill them and us. Sometimes death is preferable, even if in a sacrifice. Never let them take you hostage is my sentiment. Never approach their government buildings and hospitals if you have the werewithal. Never trust anyone in the governments of the USA. This is Prison Planet Earth from what I can see. The top layers of society are increasingly proven to be controlled by our worst enemies. We are no longer one with them or IT.

Daily Foreword June 11, 2011: It appears the Russians or their German counterparts may have taken over the United States. We are injected and tortured by the ruling regime in power. They took over likely long ago, either around the time marijuana was bought and sold exclusively in California around 2000, or they took over in the 1960's and had many of us killed in Vietnam. We are going to war in the USA. I encourage you to protect your young. When our enemies in power are removed, we should rejoice to God and hail it as one more step toward the awakening of the Messiah. Never serve them. Beware of traps. If they are attacked, it is because they have war criminals in their ranks. I am for hire now, blacklisted by the enemy in power, I need employment and healthcare where I am not treated like an animal. I hope my enemies are vanquished or killed.

Daily Foreword June 8, 2011: Today, I might have been poisoned again. In 2001 I was injected forcibly with no remorse by federal war crimimals inside the USA. I should have never trusted the Veterans Administration because they were the only ones I did trust. Trust no one in government or in those things the war criminals control including hospitals. The people of the United States apparently hate each other as Los Angeles exemplifies. It is my hope their state of terror or those who control them are removed around the Earth even if in our own deaths. I was in California, in Dixon recently, and I am sure those mafia syndicates I have opposed would approve of my being poisoned there. The government is a killer ever since I was a child. That thing at top that allowed me, Kurt Brown, to be forced injections in 2001 and 2004 while doing investigative journalistic work or fleeing their war criminals in government such as the now ousted Mob. AL Sheriff Jack Tillman and the federal FDIC and federal EEOC and NTEU offices in San Francisco and of course that most hated killer, headed by men we never see, Washington D.C. and their controllers overseas etc. Their syndicates want us to kill each other and tbey attack us like we are cardboard placards. I do not care if their syndicates are served up in a souffle for fish food and the war criminal regime is toppled and over run by veterans who will find they are used by war criminals who do not care about veterans or their children. Some things have no price, such as the spilling of our innocent blood or the corrupting of our genetic code or medical health. There is no United States of America for us. Do not believe the weathy war criminals in power who lie and take and destroy and laugh at our suffering. They are not what they seem, those in power. The war is likely eternal for us as mankind is truly a savage and easily manipulated animal as history illustrates.

Daily Foreword June 5, 2011: A recent change in California is open and allowed prostitution and drug dealing, not far from where an FDIC regional director was murdered and labeled suicide and not far from where this former FDIC bank examiner was hired and later tortured under federal crimes syndicate approval. The time for economic warfare has hit with new lows in Calfornia, with the sale of humans as medical experiments in Los Angeles, proof is at Mobile Audit Club site, and the formation of a town around a collection of hotels that cater to drug dealers and prostitution on the street. The stretch of highway is Highway 99 in California between Bakersfield and Sacramento and the hotels are on the West side of Highway 99. The syndicates won. I should have executed those who attacked me with needles. The American regime has gone to the dogs of Hell. Never again serve their nation, their people, nor trust those warlords and their police in power. It is as if the leadership of humane conduct is an animal over prison planet Earth. Beware of technological warfare. Some of us were damaged at birth in the USA most likely. Some of us, many of us, are better off dead than under those who behave as our enemies. My motto is, never let them take you alive. Some things are worse than death. This is a medical and financial holocaust and we the lower caste humans are for sale like fodder for the fire. Protect your own.

Daily Foreword May 20, 2011: This website was initially a publicity vehicle to have some war crimes stopped in the USA by the ruling regimes in power and the police and military and terrorist agents they control. The USA is no different from any other third world country increasingly. In some ways it is worse. Everything is for sale and many are maimed and wounded and killed and attacked and prostituted in many ways, including forced medical procedures. We are at extreme risk due to technology and the greed factor. We have lost it seems. I warn you that mankind in the USA will destroy you for a dollar. There is no justice and there is no gratitude. Protect your own and protect yourself. Those places where the government builds prisons are even worse. A state of fear and hatred exists. It is a form of Slavery in California and Alabama. It is my hope the regime can be restructured so that we are not forced to live under the heals of those who are our enemies and who attack and abuse others for profit. I warn the young. Do not ever trust any one in government or any thing they control. Always maintain a reasonable amount of doubt. Their lie is that we should care for them. We are on a prison planet, prison planet Earth. I wish you the best. I repeat, beware as all is for sale here, including you and me and all of yours. Do not kill for the war criminals in power. Do not do forced injections for the war criminals in power. Do not assist the war criminals if a syndicate is destroyed in their ranks. They are in it for the profit for themselves and their followers who are like minded war crimianls, lower animals of the Bonobo Human sect on Prison Planet Earth. Beware of the USA. It is a dangerous place. Much if not all of the Earth is no different.

Things are never as bad as they seem. We have no secrets it seems. Therefore in our era do not assume you can keep things secret. There are ways to detect things without being there. "Do not tell me any secrets and I will not tell you any lies". Remember the Dead Eye F-Dic procedure Sweet Carol combatants.

That was an old Open Window Edict of the Dutch Home Owner experience. They Dead Eye Dic-ed Me Sweet Carol. The FDIC can terminate you for filing an EEOC complaint when the mob bosses want you out during the first year of employment. They can fire you for anything. But they can not stop you from investigating murders in high finance, such as the FDIC where Sweet Carols new boss sits in the last bosses puddle of blood.

They are a hateful lot there in San Francisco and Washington D.C. FDIC. The money arrangements are supple but opulent, no pun on the opium connections and drug monopoly by a monied and connected sect, rolling the Die in Vegas as well. To compare movies to my work, I sometimes feel like Serpico, sometimes like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but most importantly, I feel like a chimp used in medical procedures against my will, LAVA Guinea Pig in Los Angeles in April of 2001, Flagstaff Arizona Medical Center knocked me out when I, Kurt Brown, was running a test to see how they would react if I discovered nuclear radiation burns on myself after passing through New Mexico. I actually had a burn on my neck, saw some things that made me suspicious such as apparent toxic clean up or wash down trucks on the Interstate. That being knocked unconscious at Flagstaff Medical Center was in 2004. and was allowed under the Chapter 36 forced injections clause enacted in early 2001. I wondered if the sects are fighting government and they are examining those of us who were in the military and highest of finance to see if we are a Trojan Horse of sorts, or perhaps they were finishing a medical procedure they had started, or they damaged me horribly when I was unconscious. I wondered if about a medical test bringing me in and out of death, a medical test while using other apparatus and growths and such in the human body, or perhaps tampering with my brain to destroy me. After all, they overdosed knocking me unconscious and I seem to have had a small stroke in 2004 in Flagstaff at that time, maybe in 2001 in LA when they injected me there at the federal fancility in Westwood near Santa Monica. Personal note, "Sheriff Snatch, I am your Trojan Horse, the keyed numbers are 4-3-2001, 360 Thousand, get it, got it, good, 360 degrees in a three way. For you science buffs, I present a theoretical construction with the disk as Snatch and the other two he-men in a mathematical construct in this linked image.. I like Big Butts is todays Music Video. Sheriff Snatch should reply with the femme vocals in this music video clump, My Hump

I look at the dead veterans in LA used in experiments, the murder at the FDIC covered up, the starved inmates under corrupt thieving Sheriffs, the horrid torture I endured for investigating that and more, including that of an international war dictatorship that simply reminds me that this universe is not perfect and is subject to change and one day may end. We are prepared for it if we really do not give a damn. Non suffering in exterminations, that is what would be ideal if we are forced medical procedures. When they inject you like a rape victim, sometimes knocoking you unconscious, you will wish you were dead. My request to Sweet Carol of the federal government is that if they inject me and or knock me unconscious, please kill me, but do not torture me, so help me God, as I will hope for a tumultous cloud to come down on all our heads. Challenges and rewards. Beware of the humans who are like lower animal thinkers, some of the sects in power through force and subterfuge, not virtue.

Daily Foreword May 12, 2011: It appears the hostile overlords of war in power over the government and police and sanctioned crimes syndicates inside the USA, including high level banking mercenaries who are global in scope, and also low level police and crime syndicates who do as they are paid to do, are back at Americans throats. A simple trip to the store can turn into tantamount harassment for many of us innocent Americans, including this former federal bank examiners who reported sanctioned murder and financial abuses in highest government office. The mafia boss is in power over the FDIC and his boss is else where. Our enemies strip us of all that matters and soon we will have to mount a counter offensive or perish it seems.

That is why no one will care among us when their crimes syndicates buildings lay in rubble and we start to see a new horizon, one of mankind leaving a dieing prison planet Earth either in space or in a tomb. Look down any humans throat deep enough to the genetic code overlap of multitde of generations past and you will see the Bonobo monkey, a bizarre sexual cannibal with no end to appetite of sex among the many fauna of Earth including the Rhesus monkey and the Gorilla. The Bonobo attacks and eats their own, and the human will do the same thing, starting with money and material resources, and if starved mankind will eat other men. We all carry the bloodlines of the Bonobo monkey, the most promiscuous animal sexually in the history of apes. Mankind has an ass that smells like an ape and a mind to match. Beware of the lies taught to you by the dope dealing warlord government of California, D.C., and their banking crimes syndicates and oil thieves internationale. Never trust the governments if you work for them or those things they control. Beware if you have young. Many of us have to leave it to fate. If you can flee, best of luck. The USA lie was done by 1959, the year the forced Selective Service registration began, if the lie of the USA did not end sooner.

Capitalism has been turned against many of us. Some do not care. Some shield their eyes and ears and mind from the truths in front of us, war crimes paid for with blood money and blood is drawn. Murder, torture, medical abuses, and the war is now and it appears we have lost. They will win their own throne of ashes with their offspring thrown in. Better off dead than taken alive by anyone who is paid to abduct any of us, inject us with chemicals, or imprison, often for being in fear of our enemy in power and their mercenaries paid for with the blood dollar. Negative capitalism is shit and no one cares if the current regimes in the USA and worldwide abusive dictators are flushed. I heard a joke today, someone said you "Have to get along in the federal government." I laughed and thought of the murdered FDIC regional director of 1990's in San Francisco, and I thought of myself being tortured at a federal hospital in Los Angeles with orders from FDIC aasociated federal syndicates, and I thought of the dead veterans used in experiments in Los Angeles in 1999 at that same facility. I propose we get along by taking an eye for an eye. Our enemies drew first blood when tbey injected me forcibly for testing for covered up murders at the FDIC. I recommend my enemies run next time. We are going to applaud the ongoing and coming wars. Never trust anyone who works for money for a warlord in power.

Daily Foreword May 4, 2011: This website, Mobile Audit Club, was first used as a publicity vehicle when I, Kurt Brown, was under attack as an investigative journalist investigating government crimes in finance and medicine in the area of land known as the United States and part of Canada. The government has those who will try to kill you, imprison you, or put you in an insane asylum if you go against their war criminal overlords overseeing the USA government and their armed bureaucracy.

Since this site started after 2001, the USA economy has crumbled, and the USA credit rating has dropped to a lower status and we will soon have currency similar to Mexico, a third world currency.

We do not have human rights in the USA under the current rulers. Human beings are thought of as nothing in the USA and abroad under the current ruling sect. Our children and grandchildren are at extreme risk. Since the government has injected me forcibly with chemicals and tortured me and because they have killed other men in medical tests and in high finance seats overseeing the banking industry, I now see the USA government and their controllers as war criminals.

The best we can do is hope they are removed. It will not happen without force and we will likely have chaos after the modern version of the world emperors crumble. We are at extreme risk, whether we are children in school, nurses or medical people in hospitals, or soldiers hired to serve the war criminal horde in power, or accountants and attornies in the highest of financial oversight.

Many of us in the USA are being pushed into the lower caste and our enemies scoff at us from behind large mansions and huge plots of privately owned lands. We will have to fight back or flee. We can not fight the enemy in power with conventional methods or weapons. We need new technologies to discern the truth and we need new technologies to free ourselves from the controls put over us by our enemies in power.

The people of the USA are no different than the people of Europe or South America or China or Africa. We are all descendants of the Bonobo monkey and the Bonobo is a meat eater and cannibal. Human beings are much the same. Protect your young, and if the USA ruling sect is destroyed and if new national boundaries are drawn up, I encourage you not to fight mass wars. Protect your own, even if from the war criminal horde waving the American flag or another flag. We are not safe. We are now entering the era of technological warlords here on Prison Planet Earth.

We are on our own. Their mass media is a sham. Their health care is a ruse. The USA is nothing. Many Americans want to kill each other on sight or rob or maim or imprison. Never fight for any nation with mandatory military enlistment. Never trust any nation that requires the young to sign up for possible compulsory enlistment in the military. If you do sign up, such as in the Selective Service, be prepared to flee the USA. My enemy is in power. We need new ways to discern truths due to technological deceptions. We need new ways to hide. We need new advanced weaponries to defend ourselves from the war criminals in power in the USA and overseas.

You must remember that the people of the USA and the Earth are often paid to commit war crimes against the people of the Earth and they have the approval of our enemies in power around the globe. Americans will do anything for the money if they have approval of the warlords in power. They will inject you with chemicals forcibly, force medical procedures upon you, torture you psychologically and physically, imprison you in jails or insane asylums, or execute you. They will harass and intimidate you and your family. You should know that your enemy sits next to you in elementary school. They are the future paid combatant of the warlords in power in the USA and much of the Earth. Where you can hide or seek shelter is a good question. Be armed and prepared in your home or camp and never be taken hostage alive is my advice.

The joke of the lies are often in front of us. Many do not understand or care about the American way of life as was intended in its purest form in the beginning, as it was an ideal that was never truly met in reality, but it was often sought after by some, an ideal of a greater existence in all facets. One joke is this, a true joke -- The USA government closed the Long Beach California Naval Base where I was stationed. They then allowed the importing of cheap Chinese made AK-47 rifles, a sort of assault rifle, to be imported at the location of the closed Naval base. I had defended an armed vessel there 20 years earlier and carried handguns onboard a missile loaded frigate. The government tortured me in 2001 for being asleep with a gun after I reported an attempt on my life in which federal treasury police, secret service, did not respond. The joke is on us. How many dead at the hands of those cheap rifles? Many most likely. I always believed in never firing unless fired upon, and that never occurred. I was attacked, injected, tortured, many times, with government approval, for doing nothing other than tests for journalistic stories I was engaged in investigating.

Another true joke is that many of us do not have any secrets and that the vast majority if not all of us can and are spied on at any moment. The "Dead Eye Dic" medical procedure mentioned in this website is a true phenomen of likely occurrence as evidenced by those medical procedures and observances I have endured and witnessed. The stakes are high and if you sign the bottom line with the government, they can alter you, and they can use those things against all common people who do not have a clue about genetics engineering or natural sciences and engineering and medical apparatus. I would gladly go back to work as a bank examiner not as a Dead Eye Dic in the FDIC, but as a Dead Eye Dic in the Treasury. I want to audit the Bank of America. The honest ones need men like me in a sort of watchdog position.

Do not ever trust those over the USA government. Never volunteer for their military. If they are going to try to take you hostage, and if you have the weapons, you are better off to try to flee, and if captured then kill yourself. I should have done so in 2001 before I was forcibly injected in Los Angeles at a federal facility and forced other horrid procedures and tortures after running investigations on approved murder at the FDIC and thievery by a Sheriff in Alabama now terminated 4 years after I first reported him. I trusted them. Never again. I wish you well in surviving and overcoming the ape like warlords who are in power around the Earth, Prison Planet Earth, including the hated nation of the USA.

Daily Foreword April 6, 2011: It appears the USA human is no different than the Mexican human. We are nothing to the government in California, whether poor American from the South East USA or poor Mexican from Mexico. We are nothing to the ruling monied class of California. They are at the head of the nation of hatred and will devour you as fast as a slave trader in Alabama of antiquity or present through Washington D.C,. channels. The government should have killed me. They injected and tortured me and ruined my career and my life. They should execute us when they torture us with injections and abuse. I applaud the overthrow of the ruling war criminal sect over the USA and hope that the American military of LIbya bring back a leader for the United States, a veteran who spits in the face of the ruling international war criminal faction in power over much of the globe, if not all of it. We are better off dead if not freed from this planet as a species, instead of a nation or a pig in rut.

Daily Foreword April 5, 2011: A truth based joke today, because most people in the USA will torture and inject and kill and maim people for money, a man who was used in a high technology medical manipulation who worked in highest of finance in federal banking oversight was myself. This is the scene of the joke and I am speaking to Sheriff Jack Tillman former, and the FDIC board of directors and the EEEOC and the President on his wire, "Nothing is worse than dieing and being brought back repeatedly. The headaches are horrendous. Then, one day while I was dieing or going back there in my consciousness, I saw something, a life form similar to a man but whose eyes were red if red at all and whose body was not like any other I have witnessed. To me, it was a pure life form of the dark. They seemed to rule the waking world when I came back out of the dead zone also. Nothing seemed the same, all was fake and contrived by them, as if their mind resonated an illusion for the living of life. So I grabbed one of them while I was there and another grabbed the one I clung to and the federal experiment doctors drug all of us back and turned us all loose. Both of them should be going off right about now. One is shorter than the other. I had breakfast with one of them today. Snatch the federal pussum, it is time you and I discuss a cash settlement. Therefore, if 4/3/2001 and 360 thousand in 4/3/2005 for Sheriff Snatch and federal posse, with 4 points back to 2001, the amount 4 times at 360 degrees is 360 thousand times 3, therefore you owe me now 1 million 80 thousand dollars. Take it from the Snatch The Fairy Pussum account, 2001 to 2005. Due an asset forfeiture if necessary. Snatch has an F-DIC Sweet Carol Ranch."

One thing my father taught me long ago, when our neighbors were being thrown into the lawnmower blades of Vietnam forcibly, "Money, It's A Crime" (Youtube Music Video). I am going back to my first memories Snatch, to Prichard, what is now Africa Town. I want to build something out on Lott Road for those of us who have a Lott of scars. Your therapist likely agrees, you should pay up to alleviate your guilt related tensios.

In another matter, an African Kings descendants are alleged to be in Africa Town, Prichard Alabama, sing long ago. I met a Noble Man from Nigeria, a man from the area of Yoruba tribes, who pointed me yon way. Prichard was my first memory Jack. Snow was fallout from the Paper Mill. Prichad down off of Paper Mill Road I would call it from my tricycle. Is the King in the house or in yon street? We should allow him to open a marijuana dispensary to help wean the crack addicts of Africa Town, if the King so chooses.

Daily Foreword April 2, 2011: Thinking back on what took ten years to clean up with constant criminal abuse from those law enforcement and government agencies over judge's benches in the Department of Justice and other police state types of agencies, I want to commemorate April 3, 2001 as the first day of Sheriff Jack "Snatch The Fairy Possum" Tillman day. A day that recognizes government criminals who are allowed to torture us for their own betterment and wealth. Sheriff Tillman had stashed away untold millions and was starving inmates and he took my gun permit when I was going to report him on 4-3-2001 in Mobile Alabama's city council meeting to be a food funds thief starving inmates. I set the trap for him and found he was the thief when he took my gun permit. I had been investigating a murder at the FDIC and was striking back for employment abuses at the FDIC San Francsco. They killed the prior FDIC boss. I realize now that the Lions eat the lions share. When we are attacked by the lions of government, we do not care if the lions are eliminated by any means necessary. So even though Sheriff Snatch The Fairy Possum day is on April 3, it also marks the abuse by government around the USA, not just in some small possum hole such as the Village of the Damned, Mob AL, but the entire Prison Planet Earth. Perhaps we should also mark April 3 of each year as the son of man day to commemorate those who suffer among us under the pawls of those who act as selfish enemies against human achievements and achievers. I would like to sing to Sweet Carol, the fake smiling face of governement the Big Boppers Chantilly Lace and Jerry Lewis's Great Balls of Fire, because I know a Sumu wrestler who wants to sit on your face. Sheriff Snatch, Jack Is In The Crack. Here is a Youtube Video about adult medical abuse and torture and child sexual abuse and it commemorates Sheriff Snatch The Fairy Possum Day (video). Both victims are naive compared to those who hold the most knowledge of how to get away with abuse.

Daily Foreword March 29, 2011:  The federal government of the United States is like an invisible hand over the California Department of Justice.  The California Department of Justice has wronged myself, Kurt Brown an investigative journalist of government crimes in finance and medicine.    The federal government with California Department of Justice assistance with assistance from criminals in government oversight in Alabama have labeled me a felon for gun ownership wrongfully for seven years, and in my estimation, for the entire duration of the sentence imposition, 10 years.  The case was expunged in Los Angeles Superior Court for legal gun ownership in 2004 after I had survived an attempt on my life and I got no government assistance when I requested it.  The California Department of Justice hates me or is being paid off by the federal money laundering crimes syndicates in gambling and other accepted crimes by the state and their financial overseers  who control the gambling establishments on the West Coast. 

Never work for the FDIC or the federal government in their large financial operations as an accountant unless you also have a law degree and knowledge of high technology murder techniques.  The government crime synicates murdered a regional FDIC director in his office in San Francisco California in the early 1990's and called it suicide.  I was attacked after working there in 2000 and called insane in 2001 by those enemies of ours in power over the federal government.  They hate many of us.  The crimes syndicates are taking their slice of the wealth and high technology and high finance gangland warfare is becoming all of the rage in national and international government affairs. 

If you are from the South East poor or even Washington D.C. poor, and if you take a job with the federal government, you will likely be a target for elimination from the employment ranks, just as what happened to this veteran and many others much like myself. 

California welcomes you with a smile, and strips you of your rights and belongings with a scowl.  We are nothing to many people.  We are one in the same to those who will attack you and rob you of everything.  We do not care if someone destroys their government warlords.  They drew first blood.  They want war.  We should welcome someone to arrange to even the score.  The West Coast crime syndicates need a wake up call in Washington D.C.  Let us approve the removing of the war criminal heads at the Department of Justice in California who allowed this auditor and investigative journalist to get hung up at the Department of Justice in California illegally for the past 7 years.

Their wealthy do not deserve wealth when they are war criminals among us.  They deserve the war criminal guillotine of international oversight.  We are nothing.  We have no human rights.  We should applaud the downfall of those who torture and abuse and rob us around the globe. The people of the USA do not control the military. We would likely leave this planet, but we are caught in a fight to the death and we the average humans are losing.


Daily Foreword March 19, 2011:  On March 17th or 18th I was driving near the San Jose California area, but out on the coast.   The alleged nuclear reactors of Japan spewing out just a week earlier.  Something got into my eye and it burned like fire.  I thought of radiation carried by fast moving upper currents of wind in the troposphere and the sand pellet that was energized with radiation that hit my eye.   I thought of the lies of the government, the attacks by those who are in their inner ranks, our version of the Gestapo in the United States.  They are opposed to us.  We are a nation, a people, and we can not see the dividing line between ours and theirs, theirs of the delusion.

I once thought of California as a place of refuge.  Now I see it as a place of predatory advantage for some, and persecution and subjugation of others.  I came here to work in their military long ago in the 1980's.  Later I became a hated man, one of the guinea pig medical atrocity victims who blew the whistle on their crimes in finance and medicine in California.    I want out of the USA.  I want out of the control of those who control the USA and other nations.  If they control the Earth, I want out of life, all of us, free and clear, in death to the new kingdom we part.

They do not care about us.  They tortured me, Kurt Brown, with medical procedures and threats in 2001 to make me sign papers.  Those signatures have ruined my life because the government ignores when wrongs are made right later.  The signatures were made invalid by a later court but our enemies in the Department of Justice have left me labeled a criminal for simply arming myself with legal guns after I was attacked when investigating the truth about a murder labeled suicide at the FDIC San Francisco, an FDIC controlled by the war criminal horde in power. I will laugh when they are dead, those who torture us in the USA and beyond.  They had no remorse and killed many of us.  I only hope we can discern the truth of the matter and get rid of our enemies in power, however it has to be done.  I think we will end up dead first, but I welcome death now after years of torture on Prison Planet Earth after FDIC employment.  Never work for them and never trust them with anything.  Those at top deserve to be toppled across the globe.

If you have a gun, and if you are caught with it in California, and if you are investigating criminals at the top of the war criminal empire in the USA, they will torture you and make it seem illegal for you to own guns. They will use other lawmen who corrupt in other states to assis, as they did using Sheriff Jack Tillman, food funds thief, in 2001, who also took my gun permit illegally when I was going to report him.  You can simply be moving your belongings and be found with guns and labeled criminal for gun transport.  We are in a war in the USA.  The enemy is being attacked always but we are the ones suffering.  I welcome the end of human time for their war criminal acts.  I am American Holocaust Number X 017 911 84.  My prayer is that God takes his scalpel and carves off the affliction and that we have a new leadership to overthrow the chains of tyranny from other nations and other people or beings without humane hearts. We are not slaves nor their lessers, and we should not assist the enemy in power when they are being attacked. 

If you are caught with a gun and if you are an independent poised against the enemies war criminals who have come to power, I recommend you run for your life.  If they catch you, I recommend you kill yourself.  Nothing is worse than being detained and tortured and stalked for years by the war criminal horde in power, whether in a federal torture chamber such as a Veterans Administration jail or hospital or a jail such as Los Angeles County California Jail. They perform suspect medical procedures on many of us and I belive that the changes sometimes have an impact on the genetic structure, including our newborns.

I will applaud the rise of a new party, a new people, to slit the throat of those who torture us and kill us and beat us back from employment and government.  They are a God less crew in power, full of lies torture threats murder and maiming.  America is nothing, a lie, and many of us are better off dead. Many are wealthy, and I once respected their mansions, but I see carnivores, carnivores who want to kill, and I want them killed. We are not one. We never were. Mark my words on this solemn day.

Daily Foreword February 27, 2011: On 9/11/2001 in the USA when the Twin Towers were being hit, I had a dentist who was looking at a split tooth, a molar, in my mouth, knocked out while I was basically being tortured to sign papers in Los Angeles, the VA as plaintiff, the Secret Service holding the rope from the FDIC and Treasury. I caught the federal government involved in murder and banking crimes syndicates and they caught me asleep in my vehicle and naive of their treacherousness and war criminal nature against veterans of the United States in Los Angeles and California.

Now, damaged in many ways from the American working class holocaust, I prefer death but am tortured to live, to love, to wait for the fight to the death, the finale. An excellent dentist, a Dr. Blackwell of Mobile Alabama was looking at the split tooth on September 11, 2001, one month after my, Kurt Brown's, release from Los Angeles federal and state hostilities. Ironically, I would find that both sides of the tooth would eventually have to come out, in the same way the two towers of the World Trade Center came out.

Blackwell and I saw it on the TV. Hence, I proceed to introduce you to one of my classics, my former FDIC bank examiner and investitgative journalist tooth and your financial empire represented the by Twin Towers of New York City. You see, my house was stolen out from under me in the way the tooth was cracked in the way the towers fell. My tooth became a sort of Edgar Allen Poe version of his The Fall Of The House of Usher. Welcome to my nightmare. What is next? I have seen my Braman destiny partially fulfilled in 2004 as Kelly predicted, a girl who predicted her own death and left her imprint upon me. Such divine thought, such wrecklessness, such a meteor slung at me or a rocket from yon field near the Kansas line and ironically Braman Oklahoma, which is right next to Blackwell Oklahoma, and like Kelly, it was almost in the "Truk". Here is a video demonstrating my feeling about government health care abuse and torture by Tool, Rosetta Stoned on Youtube.

On 4-3-2001 I reported to Sweet Carol, Mob AL FED and Sheriff Jack "Snatch the Fairy Possum" Till-man and crew, "Jack is in the crack and your kid's ain't coming back." 360 thousand dollar bills came from Snatch's crack, the remainder of stolen inmate sustenance funds, amid a jail of starvation in the "Village of the Damned", Mob AL, as the children withered within and without. Snatch is paid a handsome bounty for having hunted auditors such as myself, sort of scythe..

Daily Foreword January 15, 2011:    When I think of those who run the USA government and those other governments that are warmongers on behalf of the war criminals in power, I think of my enemy and how he and she have deceived me and my family since young.

They sell liquor and cigarettes like it is candy.  It is sold in front of our children with no remorse about alcoholism and cancer.  Now they are selling hallucinogens that are worse than Cannabis.  These drugs are sold over the counter.    The government also takes children from peoples homes, and claim they are doing the family good.  The USA government has no true altruism.  The people do not care about each other and the government is a deviant warlord who deserves death. 

Shelter your family from the war criminals and their design and their lies.  Let us pray we can organize around the Earth to escape this dieing overcrowded planet.  If we can not escape, let us pray for the deaths of our enemies in power and their armies of bureaucrats and warlord supporters. 

Never serve their government.  Protect your young.  If you are to be abducted, I recommend fighting to the death or suicide.  David Koresh was a man who did not like the beast in power.  Timothy McVeigh did not like the beasts in power.  Now I and many others see our enemies and their lies are as prominent as ever.  We are alone here.  Protect your young. Invite death if they try to take you or yours.  Our enemy has us by the throat and the womb.  Let us pray God and his army will kill them before they kill and subdue us.  We are no longer allies with them and theirs.  We need not pretend.  They do not care if we die, and we do not care if they die.

Daily Foreword January 1, 2011: Here is a post on Houston Indymedia with links to some recent videos I made on Youtube regarding high risk tests on 12000 children with a genetically engineered swine flu vaccine in Oklahoma. A possible quarantine could result. In another matter, once when working for the FDIC, I pondered the reason the regional FDIC director was murdered and labeled suicide and I wondered if someone was not paying their fine. I am not sure if it was a bank president or the FDIC Regional Director who did not pay the fine to the FDIC or others. I have been attacked and hounded by their government and thrown aside. Beware of your enemy in your perimeter. Everything you have is at risk, including your children and grandchildren. We Americans of the lower caste are nothing in this new game of profits.

Daily Foreword 12/12/2010: I want to commend those people who have struggled against the federal government and their war criminal supporters in the USA. Since my birth in the 1960's, their government has not cared about the citizens. Many citizens do not care about each other and would rob, kill, and rape each other if allowed to do so. I see the USA government as our enemy. They injected me with chemcials to force me to sign documents in 2001 and they are stealing children from people's homes. It is my hope their governmetn can be destroyed and their war criminals in power brought to justice and hanged or jailed. The America many of us know is like a living Hell. Let us applaud the destruction of the USA government and the toppling of the war criminal empire that now abuses us like animals. Do not let them take you hostage. Kill yourself if you have to. I had the opportunity to do so in 2001. I should have taken it. Now I wait for 2012 and pray all of our enemies in power are killed and that we are set free from their tyranny and abuses. We are deceived. We have no allies in their government. We are not aligned and we applaud each others attackers when we are attacked. This is no joke. America is the sh-t.

Daily Foreword 12/10/2010: Of all the mistakes I have made, it was thinking that the government, their mass media, or any thing else matters to me. Their millionaires do not matter. Their corporations do not matter. Their rally to war or not to war does not matter. Theirs is a lie and mine are scattered to the wind, debilitated at birth by toxins designed by man and then snatched out of their family's home by that over riding government in the USA, those who I now consider dangerous enemies of my family on this wretched soil. I hope mine get to read of the wiser ideas of Mobile Audit Club, to heed my warnings, to see our sinking little ship of gullibility being swallowed by that greater thing that is a ravenous, indifferent, and caste like society. It can not be helped if you always follow the same dictates.

Some times the lie is in the delusion. Do not allow their military to have you, now their governmental people are doing diabolical atrocities under the warlord's rule who is in power internationally. Many of us are better off dead and will be soon, and I hope it is quick and that we are not interred in their governmental torture chambers in the interim. The state of California is a state of prisons. Alabama is a state of hatred, avarice, and self righteous greed. D.C. is a city of plunderers and warlords. The third world effect is to make all who enter, and who are poor, lower than the dictators and their subordinates. They label us criminals shore to shore. I am sure the American Indian endured terrors of this nature. The world prepares for war at all times. Flee them if you can hide and if they are killed, remember they stabbed me in the back, literally, arm to arm, leg to leg, with needles. Their enemies are in their living rooms and will devour each other. We are not one. To them, the we, are already dead.

Daily Foreword November 27, 2010: Of all the truths I discovered during my work as an investigative journalist on government crimes in finance and medicine, is that crimes are approved of and rewarded by those inside government and I have proof. The saddest thing is that the government used me in forced medical procedures. A veterans child who knew of these things asked if any of my children or other veterans children could have been affected by genetic experiments on the veteran. The truth is that we are all vunerable, as if in a new sort of jungle, a new sort of war, a technological game of predator and prey. The same game. New methods. Same effect. They approve of their crimes against us. See Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama who was going to steal or abscond 360 thousand dollars of inmate food funds. He also helped the government to torture me after I had fled their assassins in February 2001 during a test of the FDIC to ascertain if murderers were present in the federal government against federal employees. Tillman stopped my reporting his thievery and took my only right to defend myself, my legal gun permit on 4-3-2001 in front of numerous deputies. The test for a murderer at the FDIC was the first test for Mobile Audit Club in a sense, and the second was to see who would answer the door when I was going to report food funds thievery at the Mobile County Jail. The Sheriff's thievery was ignored, covered up, and he gets paid twice what a paralyzed veteran receives in retirement pension. Another instance is the LA VA Westwood hospital where forced injections and forced experiments were common. It was ignored and the name of the facility was changed to West Los Angeles Healthcare Center. Also to this day, Chapter 36 laws allow forced injections on the innocent in Arizona. It feels like a gulag state prison when I am on Arizona soil due to my being knocked unconscious with forced injections there and robbed with government approval. I recommend fighting to the death to escape. Next on the list is the FDIC San Francisco, a large federal banking regulator, where a top man was killed and I was pushed out. They are lower down the totem pole but the banking system is being robbed. Laundered money and other crimes are the best bet for them it seems. The tax base is left with the blood money of the working class. The truth is that our children and grandchildren are in peril. Our lives are meaningless to the tyrant who controls the horde in power. Mankind has repeated his atrocities against mankind once again and I am sure that soon the wars will erupt in earnest as we struggle to free ourselves from a design of madmen.

Daily Foreword November 25, 2010: I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, have had a stoke or aneurysm since forced medical procedures by federal government officials and those they approve of in the USA in 2001 and 2004. I was an investigative journalist of government approved crimes in finance and medicine. I will no longer pursue work of this nature. I have discovered many ugly truths about the world government and the local government. Prior to freelance investigative journalistic work, I was an FDIC bank examiner and a thorn in the side of the foreign syndicates who rule the federal government's FDIC in San Francisco and FDIC in D.C. No one responds after you are attacked if you investigative high level financial crimes in the Treasury and FDIC and high level medical crimes in the federal healthcare network, including the Veterans Administration hospitals and state hospitals. I will not use the VA for healthcare, and neither will I use Flagstaff Arizona Medical Center or any hospital that allows profit for torture under a clause in their chapter 36 laws. I am blacklisted from federal employment, and the VA and Flagstaff Medical Center lied on their medical records. My health began to detoriorate after forced injections in 2001 by a NTEU approved syndicate lackie on federal property in West Los Angeles, now known as the West Los Angeles Medical Center on Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles. I was knocked unconscious in 2004 in Flagstaff at the FMC. No one cares who lives or dies in the high finance arena of banking regulatory oversight and banking regulation and the government does not care for anyone's human rights. The current government will steal everything from you, including your children, your grandchildren, even your genetic code, your own genome. What they do with those most prized entities is anyone's guess. I see my enemy when I look through the fences of the warlords government. I dread every aspect of the caged and tortured existence they create. We never were one and they or IT is as indifferent to that fact as a mercenary among the adversaries corpses and those whom they have maimed. They or it maims us in many ways. If you can, flee with your children. If they are to take you and your children hostage, relieve life of all suffering. Some things are worse than death. This life is not perfect and nothing in it survives anyway.

Do not own guns if you can acquire chemical or other methods to relieve yourself of existence among the cannibals who often rule mankind. Sometimes man is like a dog or wolf that eats others and fights incessantly. It is at those times better than average weaponries or escape routes and methods are needed. THe government persecutes gun owners. If you are ever found with one out of bounds, meaning in a restricted zone such as the homeless often frequent, they will say you always have a gun and use you medically. I had no gun in 2004 but the government injected me and tortured me. I want their governments overthrown around the Earth, and their weapons eliminated in nearby space or seized upon the overthrow or our deaths. That is my wish, my dream. We are not free. We are captive as bulls in a pen.

I urge young people to listen to the law of God when it over rides the law of man. We do not need it written down if we have it encrypted in our being, that of a human being. Being humane means not forcing medical procedures on others and I urge the young to view those in power as a syndicate, capable of diabolical things, and good things. We should not work as their mercenaries and not expect mercenaries attacks against us. I urge you not to join their ranks. There is a high probability it will kill you directly or indirectly. What comes around goes around. 360 degrees 360 thousand. Ask Sheriff Jack Tillman, former 360 k thief and his federal warlords in Mobile Alabama. The torch burns the flesh at 360 degrees, albeit flesh succumbs to heat. Ask Jack, he will be back in a flash, as, "Snatch Jack", right along, 4-3-2001. It is ironic that a Flap Jack is cooked at 360 degrees fahrenheit. I have cooked one and the truth came right along. The entire paid off lot of bureaucrats start to waffle when they are asked pointed questions that point at they and their superiors, war criminal retards in power.

Do not count on their society's lie. Law and finance are being consumed by predators. Slavery to a rank and file has arisen, and it is to a lesser sect. Murder, medical atrocity, a life bought and sold and not on our behalf. Making do on less and living outside of the loops is what will have to happen, and the loops are the traditional city jobs and locales. I am not sure. I am thinking of checking out of their society. Do not let them take you hostage if you can. Do not own guns. YOu need better defenses, undetectable, to make your escape if necessary. Death is better than capture by the federal warlords in power over much of the earth. The governments are controlled by corporate entities and they control many nations. The people are mainly nothing more than slaves to a will ironwrought.

Daily Foreword November 9, 2010: Many USA citizens of the Eastern and South Eastern USA will not travel by car through the states of New Mexico and Arizona. That is advisable to avoid those traps because the the Mexicans hate many of you Gringoes, and the more German of the Third Reich variety are always present and they both want to rob the American citizens. In Alabama the government beats the locals to the ground and jam chemicals up their nose. At Flagstaff Arizona medical center they can abduct and inject us. The USA government does not give support from law enforcement when attacked by governmentally associated syndicates such as the Mexicans, Italians, and NTEU syndicates. Let us cheer with God when our enemies are removed from power in the USA. Protetect your young. We can not trust their government, the government of our enemies.

Daily Foreword November 8, 2010: The people of the USA of my family's lineage should heed this. The USA government has a lot of money and use it to lure people to sign the dotted line and become subjugated in their entirety to a group of rulers who are at the head of the world governments. You are better off dead than to sign the dotted line. Many groups hate each other in the USA. Many individuals would use you in medical experimenets like they use veterans and children. You and I and most of us are better off dead in the USA. Let us pray for God's children to close our eyes for eternity in our time of suffering. The government is nothing more than the glue between our eyes. We are already better off dead. Let us applaud the downfall of our enemies in power in the USA and hail the rise of new leaders with better visions, or let us pray for and assist those who can give us death eternal. Many Americans are like the war criminals of the past. They will do anything for the money. I applaud their removal from positions of power or all of our deaths. Do not trust anything in the USA. The war within the USA has escalated. We have no rights. Kill us is my sentiment.

Daily Foreword October 10, 2010: Are you one of us? We are the military people who spent a lot of time at the Doctors office and had dental or medical work that was not necessary so that large metal appliances could be put in our mouths or elsewhere? Do you have any strange protruberances from your spinal cord or any thing unusual you can not explain in your physiology or response to certain stimulus? Does your back hurt in a strange way and you can not identify why, or perhaps migraine headaches with memory lapses? Have you been jumped in your home or knocked unconscious at a hospital or other facility? You may be one of us. One of the medical freaks of the government who are put into high finance positions as auditors and investigators, and we are often killed, promoted, or just toyed with and forcibly injected and forced medical procedures. I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, formerly an FDIC bank examiner and later a journalist who aimed for their nuts, specifically thief Sheriff, formerly, "Jack Snatch The Snack Fairy Possum, Till-man" 360 thousand and counting, the FDIC San Francisco where the top FDIC man had been killed in his office in the 90's, and the LA VA hosptial in Los Angeles California's Westwood where we veterans are forced medical procedures and tortured and killed, sometimes living maimed in more ways than one, such as targeted selection in the destruction of "veterans preference" re-hire, to No Re-hire and back to the hospital torture chambers, Guinea Pigs Americans of the lower caste. Veterans are nothing in a signature of a war criminal FDIC and EEOC federal felon..

Life seems like a nightmare. I want my 9.11 million USA dollars or a high slot in the Treasury or FDIC. I prefer those slots due to the fact that the IRS should not collect taxes if they are stolen by criminals in the Treasury Department and FDIC. I was almost hit by a rocket in 2004 in December in Braman Oklahoma. I know why. The Xu and Xu and Yu trio allegedly from Macau's "Bank of China", a gambling island outside of China was not the cause of the appearance of 482 Million in the USA. It was Treasury money on the way out of the USA. I want it now ARD FDIC Sweet Carol and federal war criminal posse in D.C., San Francisco, and Beijing.

Daily Foreword October 8, 2010: I urge my fellow citizens to beware of the USA governments. If they have been in proximity to your children and family at birth, you are likely better off dead already. They use us in ways we had not imagined. The people in America do not like each other and kill each other at will or allow others to torture you and take what they want. Cities like Los Angeles should be avoided and if the USA is divided, such as several nuclear blasts, let us hope their government remains face down dead and that we do not have to suffer under them again. If they try to arise and start their abuse again, let us welcome the suicidal death of all of humanity. WE are not allies. We are not friends. Do not turn your back on the enemy inside the USA government or their wealthy financial war criminals. Applaud their deaths in the same way they applauded the raping of the American people of money and human rights. My prayer to God is that they be killed or we all be killed so that we do not have to suffer under the enemies to mankind. America is nothing. Do not hesitate to kill the enemy if they try to violate your body with forced medical procedures. My prayer to God is that he assist us in crushing the enemy in power over this wretched nation.

Daily Foreword October 6, 2010: Since history is our fore-seeing forecaster, we can accept the fact that much greater wars and conquests are ahead. The USA is no different, nor much of the world, where we were taught when young to know our place among their oversight. The key to survival is fight or flight. Some people have formed communes, farm communities, and more, to escape the mentally ill and barbaric humans overseeing the USA governments. Some may say you need to design or obtain your own weapons in the future to survive. I think you need escape if you can do so. Mathematically your chances of survival are greater. I ran tests to discover truths. The truth is that we do not have a nation. We do not have security. Their illusion of a terrorist out there leaves themselves out of the picture. Some say we may all be dead in 2012. Some say I hope so. The closing of the mis-firing universe from this portal for all humans could be at hand. Or perhaps just a longing for an end to the suffering and abuse under the hands and watchful eyes of those who are nothing to us as we are nothing to them.

Daily Foreword October 5, 2010: Someone once told me that you can not win at another man's game. I found out that those who travel and work in the inner parts of our society in the USA lose. You can not win when those in top positions lie, cheat, steal, kill, and abuse us with forced decisions such as forced medical procedures and forced signatures on legal documents, and lead us into financial traps and ruin. You can not keep secrets about them or from them because of the possibility of transferring all thoughts and data over your own central nervous system. I became suspicious of this being done to some veterans and military personnel. I suspected this might have occurred in the Los Angeles and Long Beach California areas in the 1980's and sooner. I was later in the 1990's hired into some higher finance, FDIC, oversight offices where a murder had occurred and had been covered up, such as the FDIC's head man on the West Coast in San Francisco California in the 1990's. He was replaced by a man who was basically a discriminatory talon for felons out of Chicago via D.C. and what ever piece of sh-t controls them or it.

The medical procedures for eavesdropping and human central nervous system over-ride is best seen in a rudimentary example by a man named Kovacs at Stanford University in the 1990's, and even at that time the research was likely farther ahead in some sectors. I believe you can utilize the central nervous system with some changes and abutt it to the peripheral nervous system, tissue, and bone and teeth, and utilize medical attachments in the mouth and body. A sort of peeping Tom from the other side of the wall in technology. We all have lost. The game has changed because some of us have died in experiments and no one cares. I think someone in Los Angeles should pay for what they did to myself and the other veterans.

America has changed in the amount viewable due to the loss of media censorship override. But many do not care for each other and seem to want to bring back the start of the old wars and old ways. It is as if when I was being forcibly injected some of those doing so did not seem to have human hearts or human minds. I wanted the end of time at that moment. Never surrender to them if you can help it. The best thing to do is avoid the government and their followers. If you are cornered and have a gun, I would recommend suicide, because I would rather have been killed in April of 2001 than what I endured during that time and afterward for three years, including more injections in Flagstaff Arizona in 2004. Kill yourself if you can instead of being taken hostage by our enemies in power and their paid combatants here in these damned United States if you think you are being taken in illegally and for no reason other than the orders of the war criminals in power.

The world has not changed. The lie and the abuse has not changed. Life does not look back. The South East USA is worse than a third world in some respects. The West Coast like D.C. seems unattainable to this veteran and many others kicked aside or pushed out through force and in many cases killed and maimed. The lie is obvious, the indifference will bring more wars. Many of us do not care about each other and view each other as enemies. Hatred comes in many forms. The federal government calls some of their hatred "medical care, VA or federal Treasury warlord killer style, internationale."

I will shop around the Earth and find something somewhere, perhaps in the closet of the imagination. Beware of their lies, their game. You and I are truly nothing to many of them. Many of them, of us, behave like lesser animals. The key to survival is often to leave the center of the pack. Their games leave us losers. We may have a needle in our head since birth, in a sense. Who controls anything is a good question. Abandonment. Never trust any bureaucrat, any government official, and pity our children fed to their system like slaves of the mind and body on this wretched soil in many if not all sectors of the Earth.

Daily Foreword October 4, 2010: The illusion of safety and the screaming alarm that something is wrong all of a sudden. Nothing changes without time over space and time over space gives the greatest change. I, Kurt Brown, former journalist and federal bank examiner and veteran, am labeled as a potential terrorist in the USA and have a no-re-hire order above my "veterans preference" listing by the federal government. The problem is thatI want to audit them and return money to the American Treasury coffers. I was a federal bank examiner or was part of the crew that followed the syndicates in regurgitating numbers. The lions eat the lions share. The pig leaves a rut. What else is new? They do forced experiments and forced medical procedures against us. I was thinking of going to a law school if allowed since my career as an accountant and journalist is dead. If I could pass a measure to bring high tech equipment into the courtrooms and judges chambers. I do not trust those at the top at this moment. They allow war criminal atrocities in the USA.

Daily Foreword October 1, 2010:  Predatory tactics are practiced by corrupt lawmen and bureaucrats across the USA.  I have discovered they will do forced medical procedures against at will and have likely done so in covert maneuvers for years.  Sadly enough they try to cripple many USA veterans who are not in their syndicates by either maiming or killing us or imprisoning us or starving us.  I urge my people to try to leave the USA if possible due to the deterioration of the inner structure of the USA and all things that ever mattered.  Some have tried to go to war with them, with it, some have tried to investigate them, to investigate it, but it always comes out the same.  You will lose.  Let them stay behind their fences and walls and if you can separate from those segments of the world controlled by negative capitalists and others who abuse others. 

The USA has become like a third world nation.  A Mexican runs from the border patrol, a veteran and federal bank examiner and journalist runs from would-be  federal government medical practitioners who have ill will against him or her.  There is no end to their war.  There is an end to their world and many will usher it in with a loud clap and an amen when their world is ended, their control.  Hatred fills America's cities as hunger and greed sets in.  Flee if you can, flee to a better place not over run by negative capitalists and those who have been enemies to our people in the USA for many years.

Daily Foreword September 27, 2010: The author of this website is moving on to other things and will not be posting as much on this site. The American and world holocaust, the human holocaust, has raged my entire life, since the 1960's in my life time. I have discussed many things of past, present, and future on this site. I will continue to add things, but not as frequently. Medical atrocities for profit, indifference, and greed in higher finance regulation by the government for the profit of a few is a modern form of piracy, including warfare profits against many of us, and it is tolerated and endured and often those who suffer love to see others suffering in the streets. Be true to your self, your loved ones, as you will find in others eyes in many cases you will not matter. Stop forced injections of our people in the USA. If you can't stop them, perhaps it is time to consider the options. When I was being injected in Flagstaff Arizona against my will in early 2004, one man acted like he did not want to do so. I should have punched him as hard as I could and shattered his nose and begged him to stop the others who seemed like indifferent war criminals.

The strangest thing that happened during the writing of this site or immediately before was a bomb or meteorite or something landed next to me while traveling in Oklahoma in December of 2004 north of OKC. Some alleged money launderers from Macaua, an island off of China, were in OKC and Wichita until September of 2004, and were caught with an alleged 482 million dollars. Where I was almost hit was right in between those cities. It was like a warning. It is as if we are being lied to and have lost or being encouraged to beware. If you can, separate from their government and their society. We are often like chatel and sometimes like animals in a cage, medical experiment guinea pigs in the millenia of warfare against mankind. America is a lie and hatred and racism and geo-centrism and ignorance and subjugation are all the rage. They will not last. You do not want to be in their cities when the killing starts. There is no mercy with them. There is no hope with them. Separate from them if you can and leave their wrecked society is my sentiment. They treat us like nothing. In the South East they groom to children to conform to a lesser existence. The time has come for change. It will likely be brutal in the end of this era, more so than now.

Daily Foreword September 23, 2010:  Recently someone said that much of our problem here in the USA can stem directly and circuitously to Russia, aka the old USSR.   Considering we were forced to fight the Vietnamese when young in the USA if in that age group, then you will know that Russia made the weapons sold to the Vietnamese to kill Americans and or French or Vietnamese people. 

The fact that the limits of technology are only restrained by ethical or moral principles, the tincture of the human mind with chemicals or in biological engineering or other methods has already begun and is used extensively on select people.   The problem is that technological knowledge does not equal higher moral intelligence.

The USA financial systems have collapsed for many of us or we are dead or maimed or labeled with convict or asylum numbers by those in the head of the foray that is now the United States.  Warfare seems to be their primary inclination worldwide and it is directed upon us honest citizens, often by higher government and always with disregard for our well being. 

I mourn when I see the recruitment posters of the USA military hinting toward a life of federal or governmental employment.  They are as syndicated and exclusive as the Third Reich of Germany, except theirs has a higher echelon and the rest are fed lies to enter on their financial documents, such as those of banking regulators, or they are fed to the medical guinea pig asylums conducted by their exclusive sects.  Their lessers will beat you to death or arrest you or shoot you upon commands given by those who are nothing more than the war criminals of history reigning in our presence.

Russia likely has a huge space program, or perhaps it is another group, and we are left in the pigs pen, Prison Planet USA.

Daily Foreword September 18, 2010: Betrayal is an odd word with many depths of penetration. Sometimes betrayal is not intended, and we call them accidents or acts of ignorance. The other betrayal is deliberate and uncaring for the other person. In the cloak and dagger world, you can not always be sure of what is betrayal and what was a beneficial act that seemed like an aggression.

Betrayal has its own divine karma. The knowledge of a wrong decision after the knot has been tied and there is no escape from the decision made and some of the subsequent consequences. It does not matter if the betrayal was intended or accidental, the effect is the same on one level but the depth of divine karma in retribution in deliberate betrayal may be of greater depth and penetration. In that is created a change, a change of consequence and a change of effect.

I suppose all of the anger in my rant was because of betrayal, betrayal against myself by the government officials with what appears to be forced medical torture against myself, Kurt Brown, surviving FDIC bank examiner who became an investigative journalist on murders at the FDIC. I can only send my regrets to those whom I have betrayed by accident or ignorance. The rest of you who betrayed me should think real hard before they betray an individual or a group, such as in forced injections, orders to give those forced injections, and all associated strong arm procedures by those who betray us.

I would like to assist in divine karma in righting a wrong, a murder, a death, a suicide, of top banking regulatory officials in the USA government by coming out of retirement and going back to work as a bank examiner or investigator of highest of finance murders and manipulations. I will also investigate areas suspect of being involved in clandestine and forced medical procedures, and other human rights atrocities such as starvation and usage of people in forced medical procedures. There is something known as national security, of course, but there is also keeping people in the know. We are always behind in technology. The cutting edge is always cutting, just like present time is now time past until a moment from now.

I wonder sometimes. Is hyper vigilance healthy? I often felt like I was in the land of betrayal, from East to West in the USA. Who controls the betrayal and to what point does it become abuse and not assistance for the greater good? Discrimination is some thing small minds ruminate upon. Geo-centric, racial, and of course the constant warfare given energy by betrayal. Perhaps it is as inevitable as intentional and unintentional betrayal and resultant divine karma on its many levels.

Daily Foreword September 15, 2010:

Sometimes when I think what I, Kurt Brown,  have suffered in the USA, forced injections and forced medical procedures, torture, and exclusion from government and blacklisting me as a criminal when I was not, I want to see their heads of government toppled and laid to waste in their streets of gold.  When I see the USA of the South East starving and the drug growers of Northern California prosper, it makes me want to destroy the capitals of the South East, take control, and strike Gold, reducing the West to a lesser controller of their own opium throne with no more access to the stolen oil off of the coast, and no more dope at the price of California gold for that impoverished South East corner of the USA.

G-d D-mn America if ever there was a slave caste of black, white, or tarnished reds yellows and grays.  Never trust them.  Never turn your back on them, their government and their followers and their wealthy benefactors.  Assemble in mass empowerment if you can, if you dare, but they are an ape and listen like an ape and they are internationally controlled like an organ grinders monkey on a gold rope with a bayonet for you.  The way we are, many of us are better off dead.  Lesson learned.  If you can leave, do so, if not, bring your own rope.  You may wish you had it for personal purposes.  Like cyanide.  They hate.  They make money through rape with chemicals.  They deserve to die like war criminals if you can catch them in the overthrow of this heinous empire of spit and venom.

I will cheer when I see it going down, if we can ever regain the control of the soil under our feet.  The South East is soon to be in flames and no one will care.  Who knows where the opium rope of California will grow, likely into that alleged Austrian whores glove box, coated with dope and gold, the capital of the state of California.  Sleazy and better overthrown, just like that down South.


Daily Foreword September 8, 2010: Recently I discovered that many computer novices are being hit by leaving their, "Default" door open on Facebook. All privacy settings are "Off" by "Default" and you have to manually change the settings or risk having all of your friends and acquaintances preyed upon, often for hateful and blackmail and childish purposes.

So in turn, I look to Facebook where I have written an accounting to my old shipmates about those things of a war criminal nature I discovered through my tests. Check yourself mates, there is something strange going on in Los Angeles, as you can read on this Facebook Article about FFG 30 and Los Angeles forced experiments if you choose. All I can sang is Fats Dominos Ain't That A Shame (music video)

Daily Foreword September 5, 2010: A warning. DO NOT EVER STRIKE BACK at government officials if they try to forcibly inject you. They can send you to prison. I recommend that you run for your life and do whatever is necessary to flee them. The USA government is a cold calloused killer and should always be viewed as such.

If you are ever targeted by the government crime syndicates, they will do any thing they can to remove you from their path. They will inject you forcibly with chemicals also if you come near them or trust them and then send you to court on any charge they can muster. You do not trust anything the government controsl and that includes many hospitals or any facility controlled by the USA federal and state and local governments.

Daily Foreword September 4, 2010: Someone asked me what the website called Mobile Audit Club was.   It was started as a publicity vehicle to sound the SOS that I was under attack around the same time as the WTC was being burned down and that an FDIC Regional Director in San Francisco had likely been murdered and not a suicide per the official reports of the federal police. The government behaves in a prejudiced manner, syndicated, and increasingly violent both within government and from the outside populace. Considering the government forced medical procedures on myself and others, I consider it worse than rape, worse than death. Because of that I want the current leaders and their abusive followers removed from power over our cities and states. But what could replace it in our current state could be worse, although I doubt it. I am prejudiced. I was injected forcibly and repeatedly, knocked unconscious, forced medical procedures, and basically tortured and removed from mainstream employment and no one cared really in the federal government or in society, outside of family and friends. They set me up and shot me down. I do not care if their government is overthrown and the nation segmented, but you have to remember that which follows and they are themselves a brutal bunch around the globe. A peaceful solution can be had but not with current leaders. It will eventually turn into the same old thing, as the inbred nature of man in a pressured situation may prove we are nothing more than lower animals, fighting for crumbs and for our lives. I am cynical and aging with a plethora of knowledge in genetics engineering and medical technology, finance, and social manipulation through mass media, and of course the technological factor which has no limits in covert and overt warfare.

I am Kurt Brown, investigative journalist in medicine and finance at that time covering government sanctioned crimes, and since that time I have retired or I have been pushed out from the front lines of federal banking oversight and investigative journalism on government approved crime syndicates.  I was set up and shot down, injected and tortured after discovering the truth -- the top lions always kill with impunity even among mankind. The more barbaric the times, the more vicious the lions, the lions called men and women if you round it out.

The Mobile Audit Club evolved at least in my mind to a loose and close knit group, far flung, with positive growth activities directed toward human kind, open discourse on topics, and an exchange of ideas and information.  I suspected some covert activity in some cases during crucial events.  A cold hand gripped the South East USA and the South West USA, and in that sense the entire nation.   Some struggles are not worth the fight and usually the smarter ones figure out a way to get out of the way during those fights, blood baths from this former FDIC bank examiner perspective who sees the approved and  syndicated San Francisco and D.C. FDIC and likely the Treasury, EEOC, Mint, etc. and so on.  The best thing one can do is to realize the drawback of government work from the beginning, money, other peoples money, and your own blood on the floor or someone just like you.

I do not really believe in violence and see it as the opportunistic side of the lesser side of mankind.  It lingers there like a dog in all of mankind, waiting to fight.    I once owned guns and had a gun permit.  First they took the right to speech, then they took the right to gun permit, then they took the guns, then they injected me with chemicals, psychologically tortured me and took my career.  But I see them as less now, almost feeble, and capable of the most diabolical acts I can ever imagine.  Their kind will rot in their own hell, like a bunch of retards, toasting their young on open flames for devouring.  I am speaking of the drug companies and chimera humans.  I am speaking of the price of a human body for manipulation for various reasons in a medical capacity.  I pity many of us.  But then again, self pity is for those already face down.

Mobile Audit Club, what a season we have had, and we are down in the ninth and here comes 2012.  I remember a school teacher who told me she would like to see 2012 and the Mayan calendar mystery and expected  her own death most likely by then, around the age of 72 now in 2010.  Sheriff Snatch, bring twin beds.

Daily Foreword August 26, 2010: Truths are what I, Kurt Brown, discovered through tests I have performed since 2001 in medicine and finance. One truth is that we the common are abused medically in the USA due to a changing environment of laws and persecution and prosecution. You should never trust anything or anyone associated with the government or their followers. Keep your distance. They use us medically, kill and torture us, and rob of us everything, and then expect us to respect them and their laws. When it is time for me to die, I will wander off like an Indian and find death. It is better to suffer a while than to be abused as myself and many others have been abused in the USA under the hands of the government and those they control.

Another truth is that USA government money is not worth fighting for or dieing for. Many accountants and auditors and lawyers associated with the government controlled money supply are killed by ordinary citizens who are angry or we are killed or tortured by the crime syndicates that define the USA and the government itself. The VA Hospital and Federal Facility in Westwood California is one Holocaust camp that abused and maybe still abuse people. They changed the name of the hospital due to their record of human rights violations. The killing of people in government law and government regulators over finance is not so uncommon. Those who are in control of the money supply are given no respect dead or alive if they stand in the way of the crime syndicates at the top level of government. It is a paycheck and that is all when you work for the government, as the ruse of comaradarie and trust is non-existent once the syndicates inside government start to attack the innocent. Those who work in the high finance regulatory industry at the highest levels of government regulation often know the truth but they can not speak because they are paid, and in all likelihood they are either in on the take, and if they speak out they could be killed and no one would care or notice, no one who controls the USA military and police.

Human rights are nothing in the USA. The government rewards those who abuse our human rights. Starvation of inmates by corrupt Sheriffs is approved of by the government in the USA. The injecting of chemicals into the innocent and compliant, and usage of people for profit in forced medical procedures is becoming more and more common.

In other words, underneath the USA is nothing, a place as debased and devoid of ethics as Adolf Hitler's Germany prior to WWII or Rome during the era of slavery. Protect yourselves, and if you can separate from the government and their entities for eternity, do so. I now view them as those people who are not my own, almost like a machine or predatory animal, and I have to keep my distance, having even considered leaving the USA. Where would one flee? I was attacked in Canada also. They are untrustworthy and ready to use me and my people like lesser animals. The federal and state war criminals will not get another needle into me unless they shoot me.

My days as an investigative journalist in medicine and finance has led me to discover truths. We are not given protection of any form. The money supply is controlled by world crime syndicates. The government will use us like animals and steal from us. Many people do not care and many applaud the suffering of others. It was the same in pre World War II Germany from all historical and present indications. Protect yourselves. Protect your young. Do not believe their laws. As one bank examiner told me, "Watch your back, and cover your tracks." We are not welcome as equals and we are among lesser animals masquerading as humane humans, as we are predator and prey. I would not mind redefining the roles if we ever have a political party of American Negotiators who turn against the international dictators and their syndicates in control of these G-d Damned United States of America.

The irony of life is that it does not matter how much violence people use, it always turn out the same in the end of that effort, "Stake and Fries". That was a battlefield humor joke. One is on the stake and one fries.

Daily Foreword 8/20/2010, August 20 2010: Islands of serenity is what most people seek today it seems, or perhaps it is just me and a few others. The nature of the Earth has remained the same since the beginning for human existence and existence of other things. Nature does not look back I have heard, just like time.

It seems we are a fractured nation in the USA, but what else is new. Considering those of my generation started their lives looking at sanctioned genocide through the forced military draft of the poor sent to be in the "alleged" Vietnam conflict. At some point someone grabbed the bull, that is our society, by the nares and led it to be bled. Not slaughtered, bled, as in dialysis, in some ways, a fate worse than death.

I pity the veterans of the USA who require health care on a regular basis. Considering the USA government approved a limited genocide in the 1960's and were doing forced injections and experiments on the veterans, children, and this bank examiner, and others in the populace in the 2000's, it would be nice if the genocide regime was replaced forever inside the USA. But this is an Earth thing. The best you can do is to seek shelter, create your own islands of sanctuary. I urge my people to not have any thing to do with the USA governments. I made a mistake. First I was sent to their schools and trusted their judgment. Then I trusted their military, their government. I was naive. Protect your own.

Your enemy is more like a lower animal using advanced tools and ape-like methods against you and yours in many instances. It is not worth dieing for their money or their wealth. Do not expect much from government and you will not be disappointed. The saddest part is that they pay people to attack us and they allow it. The flip side to that is that many of us, oridinary people trying to do what is "right" in government will often will be killed or tortured. Who are they in control and how did they come to power, and can this thing, our society, be improved upon, and how? Change will come through force most likely and likley to be removed through force and infighting or their own poisoning. The USA in that sense is no different from Rome in ancient times.

The rule is to stay alive and unharmed and unchanged, and that is the bottom line. Their lies are lies. What can be done? The saddest part of society is that a capable group of leaders emerge and they soon die, and then new old ideas like the ones thrown out come back into play. Slavery, genocide, caste setting, and now the spectre of alteration of the human genome and the use of our bodies in diabolical medical goals. I would slit my wrists before I would have anything to do with the government if I could start over, back to the beginning of their brainwashing and genocide of my generation.

Even in the songs they allow, they move us to genocide. Note the lyrics from My Generation by The Who (music video) says, "I hope I die before I get old." Acceptance of their fate for us through inoculation of the new message, accepted genocide and slavery and caste setting sanctioned, a war within the species. The lie is in the acceptance of the idea that wars of the future will be fought in the same way they were in the past, and more wrongly is the idea that mankind himself will not be changed to accommodate the war within the species, perhaps to the detriment of those who suffer under a delusion or illusion, the lie regardless.

Daily Foreword August 17, 2010: Today while riding down a California interstate near the Golden Gate Bridge I read on an overpass written by a graffiti specialist, "Swing Me, Sweet and Sleepy". Someone was obviously thinking of the F-DIC, FDIC. Perhaps they were welcoming bank examiner Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone back Sweet Carol of the ARD FDIC. Swing Me Sweet and Sleepy F-DIC.

Daily Foreword August 13, 2010: High technology medical procedures unbeknowst to the individual are likely being taken out on an increasingly large scale. What was true yesterday, may not seem as true tomorrow. For instance, after discovering forced medical procedures in the federal government, upon this former FDIC bank examiner and who was included among many other veterans, and after the harassment by those factions loyal to those who suppress many of us if not all of us, I have to wonder, is the change required so slight or subtle that it would require an extraordinary maneuver to make that thing that tortures us to loose its grip. They target us many times. Likely targeting us with ulterior motives at most if not at all times. For instance, arresting someone or detaining them repeatedly, each time doing increasingly more harsh medical procedures, including being unconscious. We would be better off dead than to trust their lies. The lie is in the beginning. The lie is the end, but much more obvious, because you learn to discern the lie. They have always sold us it seems, For The Love Of Money (music video).

I tend to intermix comedy with the true nature of the abmominations in power very often. When the federal syndicates first started targeting me in early 2001, I believed I could get their assistance, excluding one thief, but it turned out that I could trust no one at the top of their structure as it seems our people are for the most part dead, pushed out, or silenced in some fashion. It was Sheriff Jack Tillman, now terminated for starving inmates in Mobile Alabama, 360 thousand dollars known stolen, 16 thousand dollars reported.

In this scene is my favorite actor, Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now phase, but he is eating a possum he has cooked and speaking with the former Sheriff Jack "Snatch The Fairy Possum" Tillman and the federal local syndicates owned by the corrupt members of the Treasury. He says, "I once met a man" and then he chews and sucks the marrow from the ribcage of the possum meal, "The man was more like a rat because he fed upon other men, the men for whom he was paid a kings ransom to be their care taker." "Sing About It Snatch, Sigh-Gone, I-Rack, I-wrong". Then the Brando character slings the rack of possum and says, "This Snatch tastes demented leaves queer." He then stands with a sword and decapitates Snatch and three of his contingents from the federal focker posse.

Daily Foreword August 10, 2010: The Pogrom, or the forcing out, initiated against the Mexican population in the South West USA, has also been initiated in the form of prisons and political exclusion in the South East USA of many of the natives of the region of all races. Who benefits? What is the true purpose? Who allows atrocities such as forced injections and forced medical procedures upon our people in the USA from high levels of government? Someone once told me that they lay traps for us in government. The cure to that is to lay traps for them, those who initiate and who have drawn first blood against us, and to never surrender to our enemies who are among us.

Daily Foreword August 7, 2010: Often in this website I speak of the technology factor in overriding societal and invididual autonomy and control. To lose the control of one's self is the end. Once someone told me I should never have surrendered. I thought I was among alliances in Los Angeles near their federal facility in 2001. I did not mount a defensive. I trusted the VA, I trusted the federal government and all components therein. I was naive. I was injected forcibly. After you are injected forcibly and threatened and sickened by stress and have SS men and women come to see you from the Treasury Department, you know you have already lost. Therefore like a convict in a POW camp that is Earth as I have experienced it as an investigative journalist who was an FDIC bank examiner with medical and finance and computer skills, I became desensitized to their suffering as well as my own. The cutting of the ties, the floating to the bottom, to meet flotsom and jetsam and one day to hope to find A Place Called Home, and wear our PJ's like Harvey(music video)

Daily Foreword August 10, 2010: Recently I drove over the Golden Gate Bridge. Some say it had a terrorist strike and some say it had a retrofit. The butch guard lesbian said through clinched teeth in mime faction she wanted to "f-ck me" or she said "f-ck off". My gnome mascot, Saint Ram Bone with Buck Teeth and Big Balls was stalking tunnel walls for F-DIC Sweet Carols balls.

Daily Foreword August 6, 2010: A man said to me the other day that the federal government had trephined me. He had a tear in his eye. At what level did I die? I was in the San Francisco Bay area. That is where it escalated at the FDIC and the federal government. Perhaps to trephine means to drill a hole in the head, for whatever reason, in my case to likely plant an implant or to cut one out, as that is my take on things, as a former FDIC Bank Examiner, and one of the veterans forced medical procedures in Los Angeles under federal care. Some of them died. I am just maimed healthwise and in my career, but I have invented another career, indifference to almost everything, like a man in the battle field dieing who stares out across at all of the others, some moving, some not. Indifference, no horror, just indifference.

I found a scar in my mouth that was verified by an oral surgeon in Los Angeles and the scar could not be explained after being forced medical procedures by those wearing federal masks of anonymity. As I looked at my bald scalp I thought I saw a cut from the top of the head near the hairline and it followed around by the ear and there was an indentation in the scar line over the right frontal lobe near the top and at the back of the frontal lobe. My ex-wife, the Nurse Ratchett of my miserable life told me it was a suture in the scalp where the bones form. I had to program her computer to make it print or operate. I wonder if she was qualified to exam hidden medical atrocities by those like the federal war criminals in California. Never turn to the VA for help. They do not help. They destroy. They have lost federal control and it is all exterior to our well being. I only wish I could be so certain as Nurse Ratchett about the other scars, Sweet Dreams are not made of this (Anni Lennox Music Video)

I make jokes but I have suffered horribly. When I see the decadence of some on the Earth, and the cut throat nature of the syndicate types, it reminds me how loathsome some can be in life. No amount of money is worth getting your head blown off or your head operated on or your terrorist threat level elevated just because you spoke up. When the government has you listed as a terrorist, they are allowed to attack you and your property. I have been attacked many times since 2001. I caught some of it on video. Nobody cares. It is as if we are all dead. A joke, To trephine, but what about my knocked out teeth?"

Daily Foreword August 5, 2010: Recently I made a proposal to the President of Iran, Ahamadinejad, and in that proposal was a request to have a request for a movie to be made similar to the movie Misery, but based on true events of freelance investigative journalist , Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone,  on medical and financial crimes and his experience in the American and world based holocaust that is ongoing.  I wanted to title the movie "Remember The Wire, Meat Monkey"    It appears the President of Iran also made a request for a collective effort among world leaders to herald to a change, and in that was likely a change to having international conglomerates of all nations and people of the Earth to lead space colonization efforts with mass produced food, not weaponry, using genetic engineering concepts applied to the weightless or weighted space environment and restricting those products to that environment.. 

I have also made a request to find other Kurt Brown's I have seen on the web.  One is a fruit tart painter primarily in the state of California.  The other Kurt Brown is myself, a triangle traveler who seems to deliver his own messages from Hell on Earth Heaven maybe, Hell on Earth Heaven maybe, forever seeking that place where it will not be.  Flo-re-da the re-tarded state, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the blind governor of California a state that allows forced injections on the innocent and compliant?  But who is governor of Arizona, and Nevada, and New Mexico?  As they also allow forced injections on the innocent.  I have asked Kurt Brown and other Kurt Brown's to assist in a synergistic effort to see who can find the Queerest of the Queer among the Kurt Browns of the Earth.  I think the women of the Earth should try to reform the queer side of the Kurt Browns and exorcise the Queerest of the Queer demon from within (painting link on Quatrains 1 Mobile Audit Club.   But the women can not ever exorcise the things done to us medically to put us away, or in my spot, so we erase the painting and paint a new day or a new wall.  It is always the same some days.

The thing about life is that it  leaves a queer feeling insane.    After all, if the world has gone ape shit, why not extinction like Dirt Brown, Kurt Brown, who came out of the hole, in the, ground?  Then it means that it is time  to breathe in the flames or the water.  Breathe Prodigy(music video).  Extinction of the species always seems so mean always the same, like someone playing with ape shit, it just goes away but you have to hold your breath anyway.

For you would be Goodie-Two Shoe American volunteers in fighting the war criminal scene that has wrenched away the American dream, you might be mindful of the international situation and dilemma we have. Some cultures are open to bribery. Some cultures will do anything to you medically. They will eat a monkey, they will eat a cow, they will eat. You can be devoured in war like a stick of dynamite. You can be devoured in medicine like a guinea pig caught out sleeping at night. The Federalies have made me sick with forced injections. It is like having oil flushed into your veins and your mind. It never leaves you behind. I want my 9.11 million dollars from the FDIC swift recovery fund. They destroyed everything I had. They try to justify it by destroying our reputations. I feel like I am in a Sicialian style war very often. Dirt Brown, Osso Ramdella.

Daily Foreword August 1, 2010: On money laundering, I, Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone, a once naive goodie two shoes bank examiner for the FDIC San Francisco, a blood soaked office, thought that we could stop money laundering.  Then I saw the filth that stood by as another passer by FDIC bank examiner was hired and fired.  Then I realized, sleaze and grease always leave more than one with an out eye.   F-DIC, Treasury, Mint, the who knows who who ties a knot in the mind and snatches the wallet from the rear and the fore.

So, as a lesson, money laundering is approved, but who benefits when in currency exchange, for example through casino outlets, although you could go straight to the bank.  That Bank of Hawaii where I was part of the FDIC bank examiner crew had a stick or an F-DIC in Ho-no-lulu Hawaii, maybe perhaps, but most likely Sac a tomatoes Sacramento and where ever Nevada travels.  The war players of the future will be two bit players acting with virtue.  The one controlling D.C.  F-DIC Treasury Mint Media "Medical Experiment and Torture Wards" should be tried, but I am as a victim of their abuses in April of 2001 onward will accept payment of my middle initial carved into my corpus by them $911 million US dollars or some percent greater than one therein.  Or perhaps a front line job on controls in the Pacific Rim, executive level, or a job never to see them in the fore.

If a nation such as the USA launders Chinese currency, it makes the USA more money because they have just picked up more Chinese Yuan than they have lost in the equivalent trade of USA dollar amounts.  Therefore real spending power of the nation laundering the foreign currency is making more money.  The same goes the other way also, if USA dollars are laundered in Macau, then naturally both Macau and China will profit. 

If money is laundered in its nation of origin, theoretically the money supply should stay equal for that nation. However if it is illegal drug money from the federal syndicates, the laundered money does not matter because it was not collected taxes and was in fact money that was already out there among the masses. The taking of casino winnings and business profits from other businesses in money laundering schemes leaves the concentration of the wealth in the hands of a few while many are losing the money because it is money being taken away from the betterment of the masses.

The irony of some of the ancient philosophers from the ancient far East is that they moved away from Capitalism or our form of it.  Is this our form of capitalism?  I suppose it is, and I once swam in the bays of Los Angeles and considered them pure water, like at Terminal Island. When we were swimming there while I was in the USA Navy, Joe Bananas at terminal Island prison would keep calling me and my crow, "Dead Souls, Nine Inch Nails" (music video) and I would have to heave big easy bundt hole. That part was a joke. Another joke is that in Alabama the Copeland clan of attornies has tossed some money at an African American woman who has set in the senate seat and taken a sh-t on the working classes of Alabama, and has V.D. Figures in his pocket. A sad thing that her husband died and she nods her head up and down in agreement with that sh-t down town. Could she be already controlled? Lost her soul? Her cerebral cortex control?

. The Mob AL Councilman Reggie the Veggie Copeland favorites funnel money like the rest of the power structure. Copeland blantantly disregards the masses with the rest of the grinning crown of expatriates of our masses, our forced leaders, subjugators, and they do the same thing, treating me, to many us, treating us like nothing from the outside, not clean, while the money goes rampant in corruption from the hands of the working masses through the funnels set up by those who control them. It is a natural sequence of events, a bridle and a chain, and nothing has changed, not in this part of the world nor Los Angeles or Flagstaff or even San Francisco. I was almost shot in Canada. Cat like reflexs, o17 million sounds good too Jack ass federal hump, good for nothing lube duckey, killer in drag, "San Francisco F-DIC started it, first blood, there, and then in Los Angeles at the federal facility Westwood, a wop and a china woman with a hump and a federal badge stumper, that is what you get when you walk out in front of the headlights in Los Angeles, one of the most corrupted and vile places on the face of the Earth, and when they die, those who tortured us, no one will whimper from their cages.

Daily Foreword July 30, 2010:  It appears there are those in Mobile Alabama who want to continue the harassment of myself, an American Accountant who turned in war criminals in power, and who is to this day harassed very often in a passive aggressive and aggressive manner.  I would wager it is some associate of the federal warmongering horde poised against us common people.  Those war criminals in power in their closed government will often harass you to try to get you to harm them so they can kill you. 

They are usually very ignorant but they are like the war criminals of the past and will kill the innocent just as they did David Koresh, the Regional FDIC Director in San Francisco, Federal Banking Frauds prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales, and I have been attacked many times almost flipping my vehicle on one occasion and shooting me up with drugs on other occasions. 

Today the federal criminals or their associated lesser paid hate groups  posted one of their people outside of a Bruno's super market in Mobile and he made his mouth like a vagina when I walked past him and he left a coke on the post when he walked off.  Afterward some one in a newer truck came driving frantically across the lot in front of my driver who was driving. 

When they go beyond passive aggressive techniques, it is my hope that God will be with you in the event you fight the war criminals weaponers bearers to the death and that you find and isolate their controlling factions so it does not re-occur or that you snap some of their supply lines, including oxygen, because many of them, who ever they are or what ever they are, do not want us to breath as free human beings either, free of forced medical procedures, free in mind and body and soul.

It will never happen with these lesser leaders pretending to stop decay.   I hope the international government is pulled out of Afghanistan and Iraq but that is over there. I hope I, Kurt Brown, am taken off of the terrorist watch list, and that our people are freed from their torturous prisons for past due debts. They are likely used in manipulations similar to what I and other experienced in Los Angeles. Otherwise, if I am not taken off the Terrorist watch list, the modern forced exodus, the pogrom, what is there to lose in the event of a war, and if you cross the line with my blood kin, which the governments think they own. They do not own us. Many of them would enslave us and likely have done so in some fashion. Let's pretend we are dead, perhaps they will allow us to sleep when we are homeless and cast down. I laugh at their censored news broadcasts. Nothing and more nothing, many unable to catch the lies and the materiality of the atrocities committed against us without notice, or simply laughed at by the followers of the enemy sect in power.

The time has come for our men to be men, but we are like rats in a cage praying for death. Words are not enough. The elections are a fraud. The only way to cause change is to cause as change was brought about in the past, but with a new vision or a permanent death. Mobile is one of those cities, but they never do anything right anywhere. Los Angeles is another, Flagstaff to OKC, it is always the same old stuff. The bomb that hit OKC was likely a series of bombs that did not make it after being shot from outer space or nearby. That is a theory. I was almost hit by a meteorite type bomb or rocket on December 8, 2004 just North of OKC.

Their government is a world wide enemy.  Many of us are better off dead than under them.  If we get the chance, in the event their war criminal faction's strength is weakened, we should remove their closed and abusive government through force of will and with the will and hands of God.

I have investigated in the past as an investigative journalist many things in the USA and I have discovered the United States is not worth fighting for, but our people are and we should applaud those parents who can break away from the grid our enemies have designed for us as children, their trap, their maze in the lower caste, treachery from every angle by those who would and do slit our throats and our wealth.  To see the war criminal regime go down is inevitable, but it will likely be a welcome end if mankind is eliminated because many of us are tortured and harassed just like it was in many other war criminal nations in history.  We hate the USA governments war criminal police forces.  They make us move.  They harass us.  They target us. 

  We hope their war criminals in power behind hidden masks are killed or pulled from our shore.  God give us strength in any coming holy wars against our enemies in power and their followers.

This is a joke an my version of Andy Rooney, "The federal Treasury police who are like Sheriff Snatch in Mob Al who starved his inmates with government approval, are in it for themselves. They align their key power players for employment. I, a honest FDIC bank examiner who turned to investigative journalism after being forced out of the FDIC, am still attacked for my being involved in exposing the sanctioned murder at the FDIC of the top F-DIC head, regional director, on the West Coast and Pacific Rim, circa 1990. Nobody cares because the money is on the table and those people, many on Earth, will kill for money, any time the opportunity avails itself. For my honesty, I have been put on a terrorist watch list obviously with the USA government since February, St. Valentines Day, of 2001. I ran a test that day to see if murderers were associated with the FDIC. I offered to have sex with the mess of them and the replacement boss as a joke. I insisted on being a top. It was just to get their attention really, outside of the emails regarding money laundering. It is done all over the Earth, and it is part of usual business for that cut throat slime in power in the banking regulatory seats.

I don't care if they are killed in the coming wars because theythey had me tortured and would have let me die in the streets and likely tried to have me killed in February of 2001. They did not pull the gun in my face, it was dark, but they cornered me and my vehicle almost flipped. What I would do today? Neve involve myself with my enemy unless in a forced confrontation. We hate you Uncle Sam, Xu Xu Su, Las Vegas Too.

The message on 911 2001 was if you attack us, we attack you. The number handed to me in April of 2001 was 911, it was part of my X number in California as a result of caving in to injections, forced medical procedures, and psychological torture. I only wish it would have been an extra-nuclear trick larger than life itself to extinguish our suffering for all eternity on 9-11-2001. I wonder if I could use that "Terrorist List" as a reference and get a position as a suicide bomber with the gypsies in the Napa outside or inside of the Wall in the mid-East or in Mexico USA. I will send our enemies Snatch, like 4-3-2001, 360 thousand dollars worth to last an eternity. They would and do starve us. I applaud their removal or our total deaths as a species. They, IT, is not our leader, but our subjugators, perhaps, a lesser ape.

The war criminal horde has engulfed my region and they are all from the lesser sects of Europe, Latin America, Asia, and some in the USA have turned to attacking their own, and that is a known common place event in the historical records of the USA. I hope the foreigners control and their industries of pollution and lesser design are removed in the future and put in their own filthy back yard. A specail note to my "new friend, "They don't give a sh-t about you boy. Get used to it. Sing me a birthday line, three part harmony, in 5th fret without and with acapella, and be sure to accentuate and direct the inclinations when penetrating the surface of the ear drum.

I have said it before and I will say it again, I would never torture my worst enemies as the LA VA Westwood did in Los Angeles to many veterans including myself. If I was to kill those who allow those tihngs, it would be in my eyes an act of love, debased love, based on the premise that our bodies are our temples. You defile me in life, I beckon your deaths. Los Angeles is a horrid place. Let us applaud their cessation from the USA and back to Mexico or the Phillipines or Japan. So when it is coming down in reverse, just remember, I requested the medley, my sort of Old Fashioned Love Song, coming down in three part harmony on a Three Dog Night (music video)

On April 20, 2010 I was misled by the enemy in Pensacola Florida to a lie in which they would harass and try to provoke me at Kirin Restaurant. I thought it was a set up when they wanted Ruby Tuesday's. I had to run the test. That afternoon, at my computer, an entity came to me and told me to go outside. Wheh I did and was facing the Gulf, a loud sharp ping was heard after or during an explosion. I did not know what it was. 11 men were killed on an oil rig. Men who were just like me, workers, as I had been in their shoes many years before when a teenager. I would rather sit with those 11 men than any of that filth in drag in Washington D.C. or their puppet state governments oozing with filth and lies and ignorance and corruption of a new scale. High tech warfare leaves us chasing our tails, or running like rats in a cage.

Daily Foreword July 27, 2010: Their government, our joke, my personal acquaintance, like holding Satan and a lost tribe, here is the USA and some rules you may choose to follow.

Never trust any thing the government touches, never believe or listen to any of their mass media that is censored, which is all of mass media in the general public of the USA.  They teach you to trust them and then they use you like a tool and hold you to  the lower strata of society.  View it as a war on Earth from the time you are born and you will see that some want you to devour you.  Let them kill each other.  They will in due time.

It is best to have total avoidance from conception until death but it will be a slow and difficult process barring  extraneous variables and many of us are already so damaged or so old it makes no sense to be hemmed in.  They want us in jails, prisons, asylums, if you get in their way.  They are like the planet of the apes, unleashed in all their fury.  If you are an attorney you are better off.  Their tongues are their whips.  Of course an attorney from the new Austrian stripe in Switzerland, such as the head of Roche might point you a different way, but considering the international financiers East and West, took it all through that whore we know as D.C., it does not matter.

 If you start young and never have much to do with their government or their traps such as their inoculations and their schools or their poisons and that includes crystal meth and alcohol and tobacco products, and if you open the door to the Earth, you may find the way out.    It seems like a lot of if's but many of us are hoping some of these fat foreign bastards are eliminated.  Since they stole the wealth and my health, we should treat them to the Shanghai surprise like they do us.  They strip our bones out West, in my case in Los Angeles and Flagstaff.  I passed the test, twice, Flagstaff and LA.  I hope some of them pay with money or their lives for their war crimes.  I welcome my death because of their war criminals inside the USA governments and those who control them and because I was tortured by them and harassed in the modern version of the "pogrom".  Some things never change, let's have the war.  I welcome it.  I welcome their controllers deaths and removal if they violate us through force.  The new third Reich is on Government Street.  Let us watch them die, Live at 5.  Don't count on it.  It will likely be us.  I welcome it.  We should move to have the war criminals regime overthrown.  They are not a democracy.  They are an enemy of mankind in this area.  One ape to another.  Don't touch it.  Their enemies will let them die when they try to kill and torture and rob us.

Beware of their methods.    Beware of technological tools.  Some are complex, some are just a cover up.  The hate groups have taken on a bit of a vigilante style justice.  Many of their social inbreeds would rather run a knife into you or shoot you than have to go home with the wife and a night cap.

The USA is going under for many of us like a cannon ball.  But it was always like this for me when really young.  I always looked at the dust, the dead when I was young, when it was in a light beam.  From my bedroom window I could see so much so high in the tree and never stop staring at that speck of dust. 

Apes and warfare.  Let us applaud the rise of the syndicate wars.  Let us applaud the downfall of the international subjugators and their corrupt and abusively horrid war criminal regime and their counterparts in power in closed government seats.  Let us applaud the rise of a new century.  Let us their end their tyranny.  If they take our lives, we take their lives.  If they attack us, we attack them.  They are not ours.  We are not theirs.

As a final aside, I once owned a car that I sold when I was in college for my first degree. I heard on the news that someone tried to rob a bank or some other allegedly large money supply and it broke down during the robbery. That large car was always such a piece of crap, kind of like Karma Police, Radiohead's car.

Daily Foreword July 23, 2010: Article from Quatrains 10 on Dirty bomb in Oklahoma and $482 Million of alleged Chinese Money Launderers money now stolen by federal syndicates in USA. Likely taxpayer rip off scheme now listed on LA Indymedia.

In my request, Kurt Brown's request to the IRS in San Francisco to have leniency on an elder relative in their city under audit, I offered two months of free labor as a degreed accountant to remove the debt. I requested that because myself and my family appear to be under attack, and I applied for an international auditor job in San Francisco for the IRS in 2009 in San Francisco and I was attacked near my home near Pensacola Florida that same year. It makes me wonder if the government "for the people" has ever existed in my life time. Lately they seem to want to slit my wrists or throat or blow me up on one hand, and hand me a mere pittance of what I made as a bank examiner in the other. The police and hate groups made me move from Pensacola. They have a sort of "pogrom" there. That is information for you would-be Northern California transplants not quite in the military cuff down South. My Outlook Express email with Comcast suddenly had to be registered under another port after I sent the email. Required to have Certified email via the hob nobs of not-so-Uncle Sam. Comcast got rid of newsgroups also. Perhaps I should get rid of Comcast and not-so-Uncle Sam on my emails. Never make an honest request to the government. The international enemy of Americans has seeped in through technological warfare and bribery and common rot. The USA is like every other nation, some holding its bleeding arteries.

Daily Foreword July 21, 2010: Recent posts were made on Love Line 9 and Love Line 10 of this Mobile Audit Club website. To those federal war criminals who had me attacked in 2001, I got a glimpse of your face. A glimpse. You will not last. To Sheriff Jack Tillman and the federal war criminal horde who are in severe diabolical mode, eat a locust, eat a lotus, and listen to Johnny Cash sing Your Personal Jesus.

It is ironic the Lotus with the three tiered base in front of Macau was the inspiration for one of the most diabolical weapons on Earth. Money laundering and murder and mayhem is the new Pacific Rim. Take it from a surviving FDIC bank examiner turned investigative journalist. Remove the mask of the lotus and you still have not found the source of the onion, in this game.

The entire Earth, every nation, is designed so that some take and some give, and some give more than others. Because of large casinos in China and the Thailand and the US and Australia and many other nations, the concept of money laundering has changed. It is as open as a 7-11. I was pushed to pay a bribe once when being ripped off in a business deal. I would have rather seen him vanish. The Earth is a cesspool kids, grab a tird and float. That is the way it has been and will be till the end, and I hope the toilet is flushed soon. Our enemies will devour us till the end. I have lost faith in all American government and welcome an over throw of the idiot's regime in power. But it won't happen. It was designed that way. Stupid South East USA forever impoverished. Stupid me, trusting that sh-t in the federal government from the outset. Used in the high finance war and spit out by the truth. Bought and sold. Happy capitalist camp is closed in the USA, its a new horizon, one of high tech maneuvers.

Just as in this article in the Washington Post on a conviction of alleged money launders from Macau. They were caught in 2004 in Oklahoma. I believe the money may have been USA funds and some of our people were cut down, or paid off, along the way in translation. I, a former FDIC bank examiner exiled and tortured, was in 2004 almost hit by a meteorite or something along side the highway near where they were caught. I was in between where the two men were. I was near Braman/Blackwell OK, and they were in OKC and Wichita respectively. Isn't that weird Sweet Carol. I was offered a bank examiner job again they say in the private sector but I do not like to spit blood between my teeth, or perhaps I should wear a bite guard and take the Job.

The reporter job never materialized afer my first degree, but I did meet an interesting fellow who was an actor in Pink Panther Movie series and a poet. I did a story on him and was inexperienced in interviewing artists. He said he would like to have a skate board that levitated a few inches above the ground. His name was Eugene Walter and I am sure he would agree that the psychedelics are better in Amsterdam. Alcohol causes long term brain damage and short term psychosis and they always put it with the casinos. It is used as a tool or weapon against the people. A highly dangerous drug is placed in pretty containers in front of our grandchildren. Our parents were duped. Keep it over there, away from the general public, sold from a nook and cranny. And Eugene Walter did not offer me sex. He offered me Sherry. I declined. He offered beer. I declined. I miss the simplicity of hopeful college days. I might just settle on this home made helicopter and pick up my 9.11 million dollars from OKC Braman's fantasy row and the allegedy Macau bankers imprisoned in Nevada now for alleged money laundering is China. That money is American and 9.11 million dollars is mine, due and payable. That explosion next to the Interstate in December 2004 indicates an outside angle and I want my share of the frijole stuffed rice pilaf. F-DIC murders and attempts on my life Dic-taste that mr. mrs. pay me 9.11 million, Tute Sweet F-DIC. Otherwise it could be a Mobscene (music video).

Daily Foreword July 18, 2010:  Many people on Earth do not care about each other and will rip each other to pieces.  The ones who often say, "Look at that one, they caused the problems", have not looked at the entire picture and quantum energy shifts.

The USA government or those that control them have used many of us in forced medical procedures.  If you were in the military or high finance or around people who know of these hidden things, silent things, hideous acts made necessary by escalating use of technology in war, then you may be subject to a recall by the medical practitioners. 

The USA government has geared us up for this atrocity by passing laws allowing them to forcibly inject us and detain us.  Beware of the South West USA.  I see it as highly dangerous territory controlled by mankind's mortal enemies.  Much of the USA and the Earth is that way.  Mankind is a ravenous bastard and bitch devoid of much humane constraint.  We would eat and kill each other and history proves it every day.  There are no righteous unless housed away from the sewer that is our society.

Beware of Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada as they openly allow injections and detainment.  Their Chapter 36 laws and some of the laws therein look like something that came out of the Devil's handbook.  I would not see the submersion of that region under the soil as being consequential.  Los Angeles is the same way.  At the doorsteps of Hollywood in Westwood California is a federal facility  that engages in heinous atrocities.  I was abducted there and injected and tortured and made to bow down in front of my enemies.  I should have killed myself.  Death is preferable to being taken hostage by our enemies in power. 

I never use VA health care now.  I would rather take a stick in the eye.  Us Veterans have had an eye full.  The South East USA is headed for trouble they say.  The world is already at war.  It is nothing new.  These medical atrocities are new to my discovery.  I trusted the government.  I was a backward brainwashed school boy.  Now, I do not care if they are toppled.  We are in a sewer and that sewer is Earth.

Daily Foreword July 16, 2010: The irony of life is that it pays to not judge others.     Some jump to quick assumptions.     The mad man at your door may have been tampered with medically as a child or in the military or just poisoned in some fashion.   Like a bad movie skit, he wiggles his fingers and toes while on his stump and sings, "Everything is Randy with Kraft".  Some people do not see any deceptions coming on a large scale.  I would have rather been put down, killed like an animal, than to be tortured in early 2001 in Los Angeles for doing investigative journalistic work on a murder labeled suicide at the FDIC San Francisco. Of course it could have been a convenient set up, a 'mark' targeted for suicide, but I doubt it. They wanted me to kill myself, they being the syndicates hiding inside the federal monetary oversight agencies and their police forces.

The IRS would not hire me, Kurt Brown, in San Francisco in 2009 for an International Auditor job, yet now they are targeting members of my family, the poor working class and the geriatric there in San Francisco. With many unemployed in the USA, our banks are loaning trillions to international banking syndicates in covert and overt deals worked out with predators on American soil in short lived "shill games" in high finance. I was warned of this coming challenge, a redirecting of financial energies by a retiring paper mill worker when I knew nothing of banking oversight.

The tower of power has ripped many of us to pieces and then they spit in our face.  I made a mistake working for the federal banking regulatory agency the FDIC.  A fellow disabled veteran in college with me urged me not to work for them.  He did not say why.  After I saw where the death had occurred years earlier at the San Francisco FDIC office, I became suspect, the suspect they wanted out of the office, the eye in the clutch.   They know I know the truth. I was told, "Many Veterans Have Gotten An Eye Full".

Some things hurt worse than others. Murder labeled suicide is an interesting parody. Their game if you are labeled a terrorist is to set illegal traps for you. It is all very cosmic to a little mind.

The Rolio Polio disease of government agencies overseeing government agencies in banking regulatory oversight added infinitum is a textbook case of the end of Stalinist inertia and the beginning of Marx's Das Kapital.   Too fund the many at the top it will cost you.  I will do it as one man for one half with a crew of engineers that I hand pick for the job.    The other half can be your half wits. It appears our families are in danger and under predation, again.

I was injected and tortured by the federal crime syndicates and my health will never be the same. I was partially blinded and they ignored it while I was in forced exile. I was attacked in 2009 while my ex-wife, a living nurse Ratchett of sobriety and divination in nursing saw the entire thing, and the government labeled me a paranoid schizophrenic, saying it did not happen. As a joke, "Should I laugh and be glad the next time a building such as the WTC in NYC falls down, due to the fact that I am a 'Paranoid Schizophrenic' according to those federal police who did not answer calls for help when I contacted them in 2001?'". I need George Carlen the comedian to assist with this interview.

The little mind watches the little things and ignores the big things. You can count on that one.

One of the most disgusting things I have seen was recently when Governor Riley of Alabama was apparently drunk and he was with EADS officials from Europe and he said that "EADS is Here to Stay." His face was real red and his hand was held real high and his finger hung down like a poisonous datura, and he is like Datura, a rag weed of noxious elements except to some spaced out Hindus. A scary weapons carrier screams overhead. I want my space ship to get us out of here. As an accountant auditor artist medicine man and computer programmer, I am considered a terrorist. I was on the phone with my protege' and he said we both have dangerous digits."

Daily Foreword July 12, 2010: Those who run the USA governments, particularly in the South East, are really nothing more than a fascist resembling a Nazi with an American flag and a support crew of would be assassins with every color skin, and all carry money stolen from the gold and oil owned by the people. Mankind is imperfect, but the more ignorant and clannish nature of the extremes of mankind in color tone come out in places like Mobile Alabama. To this day I am labeled as a terrorist by the federal and local government for my reporting governmentally sanctioned crimes and my life is put into danger. Let us hope the terrorist regime and their supporters and controllers are removed from our existence. The American flag to me is a terrorist symbol due to the abuses allowed by those controlling the USA. It will be easy to applaud their deaths, even if the end of time, and those who control the USA overseas are eliminated. They lie about us and label us. Never trust them, never back down to them. I applaud all who fight those to the death who abuse us.

In one instance in Mobile Alabama a man was on probation and he allegedly had some THC (marijuana) in his urine. The government's solution was to lock him up. Years ago, it would not have mattered to me what they did to him. But I know the USA government and their war criminal empire over the USA in the USA governments and those who control them overseas, do not care about us as human beings and will use and abuse us while we are blind to their torments tortures and robbery of all things, including our bodies and minds. Our enemies are in our borders and they want to devour us. It is natural for us to applaud their deaths. Some men, even if he is a Foehl, he has a right not to be locked up, not for missing an appoinment with the dictators gunmen with badges and not for alleged drug usage. "If" he should receive anything, it should be treatment, and not being locked up with questionable practices done to us on the inside of our enemies jails. I hate those who control the USA governments in the same way the traveling poor, the so-called Gypsies, allegedly hated the Nazi party. The traveling poor wanted them dead. They suffered the same holocaust we the poor are suffering in much of the USA since my birth. Vietnam was not what it seemed either and the war continues, but it may be more of a target that is hard to see or seek that will truly end this thing.

It is time for a Sigh-Gone community in the South East United States, the South West is already there, dead in my eyes due to their forced medical procedures in war and finance, used against the American people. Beware of race hatred fostered by those in power, two groups predominate in the South East and the Mexicans are closing in, we know they are opposites just like the Mediterraneans knew of North Europe and South Africa. They hate many of their own in the same way. We are all turned against each other. Let us welcome the end when it arrives if we can not be free from the tortures of lesser men in the evil empire controlling the USA governmental police and military forces. The Secret Service told me, "The Trust is gone." My reply is, "We no longer have the delusion of being one. So what? Who cares? Who dies? Goodie -Two shoes took the bat long ago. Syndicated chocolate shit with a stripe of vanilla always tasted like shit. Go to Hell. You are already half way there in your leaders progress for themselves, and themselves alone.

The joke of the day is that the ugly side of those controlling the American government have no remorse. They dunk you and if you don't die, they make you eat puke, and call every slice of it Apple Pie. Who hides behind the mask? We all know you are about to die, as someone or something that evil would have to have found many formidable opportunities, enemies or obligators, to liquify your every asset, your very being, as even a captured body is now worth more in body parts than his meat and his soul, and bank accounts to boot would mean another devouring period. Underestimate the risk, understand the delusional part and the ephemeral (short-lived).

My achilles heel was that I owned a gun long ago and that I trusted the government. Do not believe in the right to bear arms. Do not trust in anyone or anything in government. Lesson learned. Now die or perhaps we are DOD, debtors off dead.

On one final note, when looking for explanations for human behaviors and certain physical characteristics I look to the primates who are the constituent donors of the blood types known to man, type A blood from the Bonobo Monkey, type B blood from the Gorilla, and Rh factor from the Rhesus monkey.

As I sat pondering the women I have known and now in hindsight what had attracted me to them, I looked at my animal desires inside and asked which one had the cutest canine teeth?  The one with the cutest pearls of course, you can see their canines in the photos above.  Anyone ever been divorced?  Har Har. Goodie Two Shoes (music video)

For you federal warmongers who keep injecting the innocent and attacking the innocent "Goodie-two shoes" non-syndicate types among us, I want to quote to you what a VA Employee in hushed tones told me after I had been injected by a federal agent in April of 2001, "Remember, they drew first blood." This war is international, it never ends. The goodie-two shoes have never been atoned and they are dead or out of the way.

Daily Foreword July 10, 2010: If you were a forced or coerced medical procedure in the United States government, and if you were in some highly material job, such as being in the military or defender of the Treasury as a bank examiner in a covert investigation of murder, it is probable that you are at risk of being forced to go before medical specialists inside or outside the United States against your will, if they have done so to you in the past. That is what has happened to me, and I believe I was used in a double blind sort of test or observation, but the other side likely knows of any technological trickery. How many sides to the war there are, I do not know. One of my greatest fears is to be forced medical procedures again. If it is to occur, I would hope that those trying to force me to do so are removed from existence, and I am talking about those calling the shots. We are not animals and I would prefer death if I could not get free from them. No amount of money or suffering is worth what I was put through and what I still suffer from, post traumatic stress and to some extent continued attacks and extreme hostilities. The truth is, you must know the lie before you can even guess and speculate about the truth. Many of you are likely brain damaged in schools or hospitals or with the drugs issued, a cocktail for the cats meow, your young on the banquet table. The war never stops, or perhaps it never started, existence seems to depend upon war or the delusion or illusion therein.

Life is an illusion. I was watching a film of myself as a young child, reaching with my right predominant hand. Strangely as an adult, I reach with the left hand. They taught me to trust them. They taught my mother to trust them. I only wish I could build a compound for my human society, a city devoid of the abuses of those who rule over us in this God forsaken place, the Gulf Coast of the United States and Los Angeles and Flagstaff in the South West. The best bet is to avoid their major constructs, washing your hands of their government and maintaining some ties into the families and friends left behind. If you start to starve, death is preferable some times. The third world is like a burning ember of chemically induced retards, waiting to die, and the USA in many ways is no different. Don't Call US, We'll Call You (music video) should be the sign put outside the communities extraneous to the larger government rule. Maybe we could name ours, "Sigh-Gone". They were going to force VA medical care (oversight) when I was in forced exile in 2003 and 2004. I chose to see a South African who did not give a damn, as long as the money was on the table. F-ck you Bi-George.

Daily Foreword July 7, 2010: Changes, are like breezes, but some things remain the same. I listen to my instincts and look around and sniff the air by opening my eyes and my mind. I was looking at the abysmal state of Baldwin County Alabama and the federal government bordering their East and West, Pensacola and Mob AL. I, Kurt Brown, was attacked in Baldwin County Alabama in 2009 and I saw a deputy parked nearby afterward, and I was ambushed in a single-blind test most likely, and I was the only one in the blind.

It appears the Sheriff, Huey Hoss Mack, has initiated a war on alleged drug dealers, "Attacking them" in Baldwin County. The keyword there is that "he attacks".

I, a free-lance reporter and auditor, Kurt Brown, who pushed for Sheriff Tillmans termination in Mob Al, was attacked in 2009 in Baldwin County. I and my ex-wife were attacked by street felons and had done nothing in 2009 in Baldwin County. It was likely part of the war on anyone who the federal syndicates want to target. I know more than most do in Baldwin County about the cut throats of government and the true nature of high finance warfare, which is really every kind of warfare, but some financial wars are more subtle.

I was later assaulted in Pensacola in 2010 allegedly by undercover law enforcement there. We need a new government. The war criminals of some governments and their associates try to push some people out of town, including their cocking a pistol in a restaurant and putting things in my food and on my person. They do not care that I have been in an American Holocaust camp. They like us there and want us dead or robbed and out of the way. We take it on the chin like a Chink. Who is under the mask of government? It pretends to be a monk but is a diabolical bastard very often, likely a drunken technological wizard on the war path at best. Our children are at risk. I welcome the rise of a new government. They torment many of us and their supporters act like we are supposed to take it. They like calling us hate mongers if we complain about the American holocaust state. To some people it does not matter if th current alleged leaders or war criminal profiteers are pushed into the burning oil disposal sites they are creating, their "progress". The water is a sewer and a cesspool, and the food is not safe to eat, so take your pick. Progress to them is a rope on our necks and chains and shackles upon ourselves on the roadside and in the prison farms.

Huey Hoss Mack, Sheriff who wants re-election, take a note, no offense. You claim 30 percent reductions in costs while increasing pressure on your innocent population, often calling them drug dealers, taking all that they own, and extorting money from families on crimes from long ago and often from families who have nothing makes you look real bad. Your cost cuts are nothing. The city needs to handle finance, you should run the business of Sheriff department and let the financial wizards handle finance. Also, do not make those "non-violent inmates work outside of jail to pay off their fines" as you have proposed. You are bringing back slavery and reducing the work for the "free" "non-imprisoned" population. We should diminish jail population to cut costs. Many are non violent offenders, many are youthful or mentally slow offenders. There are other ways. They are not animals. We are not animals. From the looks of things, you shall not be let into the kingdom of heaven either. But maybe we are wrong. Free our people and take their names from the internet. Your people are our abomination. The aboma-nation, Ala-bama. I was told I was in a hole once. You too are Down In It with Nine Inch Nails, (music video). I have a feeling the greed and indifference of men like Mack and others in that political party and affiliation in that county will make us numb if they are cut off in an attack. Protect your young. We were fed to wolves when young and now the den of apes. Many of us are Monkey Meat, "for sale on the hoof" in medicine and warfare.

This is a joke: I and Sheriff Mack and Sheriff Tillman and a black associate of mine who is like the living Bubba but of more intelligence and who symbolizes the degradation of our society in the South East is there. The man has just been arrested for possession of Marijuana and he is in cuffs, white hair on black skin. I will simply call him Bubba to discquise his identity. Bubba to Kurt "Kurt, get me out of this shit". Tillman to Mack, "I caught this nigger with an ounce of grass". Mack to Tillman, "Yeah, we gonna take that nigger's car, his cash, and his grass." Kurt to cops, "Look Snatch and Mack, he has paid his due. When he was young, he served many years for this father's Mountain Dew." Mack and Tillan to Kurt and Bubba, "Shut up you two, this is the Tri-nigger State" and the two cops do the high five. Because deep down they are looking for a man who Has A Hard, A Heart Shaped Hole (art video). Of course it could just be another triangle, "Pop Goes The Weasel" 3rd Bass (music video)

Daily Foreword July 6, 2010:  General Petraeus of Afghanistan should  have a Medical Resonance Image (MRI) performed on his central nervous system.  He could be a remote control sort of combatant or usurper of funds.  His pen controls billions of dollars. 

The thing many do not  realize about high finance is that it is an all stakes game, and all stakes are on the table all the time, like it or not.  I see some who do not know my whole story and what I have gleaned from medicine and finance.  What I know would make you feel like a bag of bones on sale.

You can couple the human Central Nervous System to other apparatus and entitities and genetic constructs.  You can relay that information and receive that information or be controlled per others instruction.   There is a no holds barred struggle for many things through history.  I suppose any thing any of us have to say or think is just a matter of our own interpretation.

People are ruthless in the end.  We always hope for higher level beings in leadership.  Humans above the animals, but we are treated as animals in many cases by men and women who are lesser leaders and lesser humans.  The people are a shattered lot and no one notices.  The truth is, many just wait for death and bide their time in their stress relieving acts.

I have lived in the South East USA where it is primarily under-educated and poor, and I have lived in the North West USA in one of the most affluent areas where the populace has a huge educational attainment and the wealth seemed to drip like honey from a hive.    Humans do not vary much and those with the money are sometimes like alligators and sometimes the poor are more like dogs nipping at your heels wanting you to fall and drop your meal.

The government hates the poor of the USA according to some indications.  They would rather have many of us dead or just chopped or used in experiments or in a sort of new slave state.  Many of us would like to kill each other.  Many are going to succeed.  In places like Mobile Alabama the government gives the names and addresses of all of those arrested by the government.  It does not matter if they are guilty.  They were arrested.   The same thing goes for other Alabama counties with pictures and other information to go with the arrest information. 

 There is no sense of privacy or  human dignity here.  Many hope for 2012 to be the final year of mankind.  All of those people on those lists of people arrested are published by the government on the world wide web and they are at risk, either they themselves or their families at their home addresses.  

I wonder how many of those inmates and how many of those of those inmates families are killed, or attacked, or tortured, or robbed, or raped, or used in medical procedures or sold outright as a body for stripping in the medical parts market.  Your body is worth $250 Thousand dollars sold stripped down for parts according to a report I read recently.

If you are not educated in the world today, you likely do not know what is truly "materially significant" in this world.   Our bodies are not considered a sanctuary but instead a "Meat Monkey."  The person next to you, might soon be the last person either of you see for eternity, growling at each other, laughable animals.

Daily Foreword July 5, 2010: Today's post is a call for actors that was advertised on Los Angeles Craigslist Talent Gigs, but it was deleted so I moved it to Los Angeles Indymedia. The prospective title of the movie is Remember the Wire Meat Monkey. It's philosophical imprint is astounding as Aristotles comment, "I think I am therefore I am", which in some sense is changed if you stop at certain health care facilities of federal and state abuse.

Daily Foreword July 3, 2010: Today I took a dump on a nature trail in Baldwin County Alabama. Their government holds our families hostage in demand for extortion payments and they are likely no different than that enemy horde of mine in Los Angeles and use our people in medical manipulations or other abuses, and they may not even know it. I gave them "a dump" this time. In addition, I may have been followed by a pretend-like family, I am not certain. After all, I have been informed the FBI and Secret Service are scared of my pen and computer and camera and medical and financial auditing skills and have labeled me a terrorist. Their bathroom is not marked on that trail and I did not want to be accused of any terrorist act in the building that was there. I left them a long stinky one out in the open, just like they like it, shaking the bush. I left them "a brown" and little Me Me will do the same if given the opportnity. I have learned my lesson. A war criminal empire is the planet Earth. No one really cares who lives or dies here for the most part. The anonymous mass, and the rest a damned lie or a close relative.

Daily Foreword July 2, 2010 I am a man who still has a child's innocence in some ways, an innocence that has been wiped out over time. I urge you to use a "minimalist" approach when getting medical treatments for your child.

If the USA government will use veterans in heart experiments in their quest for profits and the fountain of youth, and if they will inject and torture me before a trial for daring to stay alive when I could get no back up from the federal police when I was investigating a covered FDIC murder where I had worked, they will not care for your children.

Beware of all drugs and all contact. Your worst enemies are always watching to devour you and everything you have. I welcome the end of time due to the tortures I endured and the investigations in medicine and high finance I conducted. But I am an American holocaust victim, a grown man, most of my life spent. Protect your young from the medical profiteers and their government incompetents, some of them our out right enemies, if you can. Spread the word. A tarball on a beach is nothing compared to the risk you put your child in when predators want to make a profit. Minimalist means minimal. If they are not sick, why use it, and some may even argue the idea of vaccinations such as the polio vaccine. That is very different from the annual flu vaccine, or is it? It depends I suppose. Perhaps a private medical technologist or lab tech to prove what is in the vial is what is needed. But there is always the risk of hidden chemicals and motives and it could be the second injection that gets them.

I often wondered if the attacks on 9-11-2001 were because of my work and investigations, the dark eye borne of high technology. I was tortured by those federal and state profiteers. Now I see them as mortal enemies, many of them, with their evil directives. Stay away from me you federal and local monsters. For those of you who blaspheme me, look over your children and count how many of them I am trying to harm by warning you of what I discovered. Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, freelance scientist and observer, freelance investigative journalist. I am partially blinded and wrecked. Leave me alone is my message to those who may want another round of attacks against myself. Or perhaps God wants to give you a high hard one that knocks the socks off of 9-11-2001. I don't really give a mass shee-it.

In one final matter, beware of taking your children on to the beaches. I heard a news anchor in Mobile Alabama tell a lie and the mass media paid news person said the fumes were not an issue. That news person is a liar and a very dangerous one. I was at Romar Beach Alabama recently and a large oil slick was on the beach and in the water and the temperature was around 90 degrees. I stood on the oil slick for a few moments and became slightly intoxicated, so much so that I had to leave the beach. The fumes increase when the sun is out on the slick and as the temperature rises so does the evaporation rate of the fuel. You are putting your child in a gas cloud very often. The equation to prove this fact is PV=nrT. The equation define is (Pressure x Volume == Number of moles x Natural Gas Constant x Temperature) Learn it and heed it, and if you do not, you might bring a naive and happily brain damaged child home from the beach. When the temperature T goes up, so does the volume V. If you can, take your children to where you know there are no fuel slicks on the shore or in the sand. Liars on mass media make me want to puke. It reminds me of the Jaws movie where the politicians say, "It's all safe", except brain damage is more insidious than a shark bite and more difficult to prove.

I learned my lesson in 2001. The federal government and the VA I thought I could trust pulled out something I did not expect, forced injections and forced medical procedures. The same thing happened but more violently in Flagstaff Arizona in 2004 after reporting a toxic spill, with a toxic clean up truck in place, in New Mexico and seeking treatment for a burn on my neck to FSMC. Their proponents say we are wrong. Their proponents deserve a harsh and brutal wake up call for crossing us. We are not animals on animal farm, and they are not our allies and their paid followers often behave as our mortal enemies on this animal farm known as the United States of America.

Daily Foreword June 29, 2010: (updated today with revealing scientific theory on cause of oil spills and plane crashes is on Love Line 9). Before I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, was forcibly injected at two major hospitals in the USA, and forced medical procedures and forced interment, I was speaking with a Dr. Eugene Schoenfeld, a brilliant man with a some-what non-conventional view on health care as is espoused by the current leaders of the medical establishment.  Those who truly control medicine are also in the federal government, regulators of medicine and the federal government is in large part controlled by the international syndicates and those seeking monetary profits. 

The conventional USA medical establishments truly do not care about your health or if you live or die.  It is a matter of profit, and for that, I see them as the rest of it, a farce, a lie, a forced to be reckoned with and best avoided. 

Dr. Schoenfeld often recommends marijuana for his patients if they feel they need it and outside of being a radio personality from long ago in the San Francisco Bay area, one of his primary specializations is the recommendation of marijuana for patients who will benefit from it.  There are an array of Cannabis Clubs selling THC products in California from 80 dollars an ounce to over 500 dollars an ounce.  They call it compassion, and I call it a syndicate, just like the American Health Establishment.   

The USA government or those or that in power, has syndicated everything since we were children.  The killing of some of us in Vietnam was arranged for a purpose, profit, and to eliminate or use some of the populace.  The same thing goes on today in other areas.  Of course, in our era, you have to ask when you are being lied to and abused due to the technologies being employed on human beings. 

Mind control or other matters could leave man in a quandary of existence or non-existence.  It is a philosophical question in some instances.

I no longer use any state or federal hospital.  If I am to get ill, I should die, even if by my own hand or that of a friend or simple detorioration.  

I am a chemist and could make my own cyanide I suppose.  It would be good to keep on the shelf for illness or Armegeddon, or a nasty ecological event where death is imminent.  

Dr. Schoenfeld said, if I recall correctly, that he had a patient come back from Vietnam addicted to opium.  He said he would have recommended for him if he could have because he had other complaints and he was already addicted to the drug and benefited from the usage of the drug.  It struck me as rather odd at first, but considering that Oxycontin is sold over the shelf and its abuse is widespread and it is an opiate based drug, I can see why Dr. Schoenfeld would say that.  Why not?  It is already out there in the USDA approved form. 

When I was in Eureka California in forced exile in 2003 and 2004, a Sheriff Deputy I spoke with there said that opium production in the area was considered a problem.  The marijuana growers are accepted there with a doctors recommendation, however tacit the approval.    I know that in Vancouver B.C. Canada it is alleged that  the Iranians smoke opium very often also. 

The problem with opium is that it should be considered a last resort.  A sort of anesthesia before death, due to the debilitating qualities of the drug, which resemble alcoholism, opium is best avoided until the final days of death.

The USA government does not exist except in the Treasury and it is a bizarre thing, where you get to look in the window, albeit briefly, if you dare.  I was called insane  for investigating a murder at the FDIC after my FDIC employment.  Of course, I do not care now if I am killed.  My post traumatic stress has left me indifferent and the constant abuse and lies by the government, having labeled me a terrorist, with their hate groups in tow, has not helped.    I live and love among my enemies.  Those who abuse me and attack me.  They do not care if I die.  Sometimes, I wish them ill.  To this point, I have always walked away.  Do not let them control you or your emotions.  They are in many cases like insane children.  View their mass media reports as that thing out there.  We are here with our American holocuast.  Theirs mass media is really a cover up of lies, liars, and more lies.

I met a young man who came back from Vietnam and killed himself.  His name was Wiseman.  They programmed him to kill himself.  There is no mention of him on the web that I can find.  They say his name is on the Vietnam Memorial.   Brass tacks scratch rocks, sow what?  My message to them is to pin their medal on an ass and send it to Obama with a prayer via Alabama's wiley Riley.

The big question we must ask is, "Are you for real?


Daily Foreword June 27, 2010: The recent forced release of the General McChrystal in Afghanistan and the discussion of "cross fire" hitting and killing some Americans not being friendly fire, coupled with the General's statement that we are fighting a war for the Reds (meaning Russia) indicates that our enemies have seized power in the USA. The Russian Government Home Page will not accept my re-entry into their website ever since I presented them with the idea for the movie, "Remember The Wire", based on forced experiments in the USA. The science likely started in the USSR or Germany or China or where ever scientists crack human skulls. We are no longer one in the USA. I have been under attack just like many others. The cowards of the federal government like to disarm honest citizens in the oppressed regions and areas. Then they try passive aggressive techniques for whatever purpose. They treat you on the one hand as if you are the mortal enemy, and they never let up, and on the other they may or may not recognize you as alive. Some times we are better off dead. Some times it makes you glad when the cross fire is reversed, I just hope the cross fire hits the targets that cause suffering among us peasants or lower caste in the USA. Their lower ranks peons are just cowards with authority or they belong to the rising power groups. I recommend communes, syndicated gangs, and other social anamolies to disrupt our enemies grip on this land. We are not free. We are now what I heard one black man call, "The Tri-Nigger State." I guess he was speaking of Florida, Alabama and Georgia, but down here you can take your pick Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas. If you are on the bottom, you are all the same -- the lower caste.

Daily Foreword June 26, 2010:  The sense of frustration and lack of control of things in the South East USA has reached a new height. It is ironic the oil spill occurred at the beginning of enforced digital television, or HDTV as it is known, and thus the end of analog television. I feel a bit like an autistic sauvant among a sea of blind and deaf men.

The oil spill, the abuse of the populace with laws and lawmen who resemble something out of the depression era, and I know that Los Angeles California is no different as I was tortured there in 2001 by federal officials.  They expect us to let them kill us.  That is basically what is happening in the Gulf with the oil spill.  Something else has happened, perhaps the revealing of the lie, the delusion, which we Americans and perhaps the entire Earth has suffered since long before my birth.

I remember a movie called, "Things Change".  The thing is that our politicians and leaders seems as incompetent and as impotent as slugs in a wash.  But we are beat back or we think we are if we try to change things in government or society.   The government targets people often for non-offenses in the South East USA.  We do not have equal rights in the USA.  The oil spill is likely cheered by some as it increases their property value or their oil values.

A change is due, perhaps it is just my death.  Corrupt lawmen to this day try to get me to pull a gun.  I do not carry one because my story is now out.  I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, am an investigative journalist, or was at least, a freelance investigative journalist, hated by their mass media and their corrupted government officials or the apparition there in. 

The Governor of Alabama tells us to pray to end the oil slick and Obama writes a charter declaring such, two popes or two liars or two deceptions.  I pray for a new enlightened leadership and to rid ourselves of empty promises by leaders who seem to lack any input in the overall governance or direction or shaping of our society.   We will all likely end up with nothing, regardless of where you are hiding.  Get used to it.  I urge you not to tear each other apart.  I urge you not to wear your one gallon hat of justice server.  I urge compassion while we are being swallowed by the harsh nature of mankind or that thing in control. 

We are only as strong as some of our strongest weak links or our weakest strong links.  Our society and history demonstrates this, regardless of whether it is man or machine in control.

***One of the greatest riddles to me involves God's work or someone who is trying to play God with me or they are trying to awaken me to a delusion or illusion.    This is the true story of the mystery of Kelly, a young girl who said she would die on a weekend long ago, circa 1976.   She was a silly girl, likely 15 years old.  Her curly golden blonde hair, her little chart, a triangle drawn with one planet passing before another.  She went off with a drunk driver that weekend, and called too invite me but I was off listening to Black Sabbath.  There is  too much alcohol and advertising in the post prohibition era.  The whole truck load of teenagers flipped and died, a few survivors or a loan survivor.  I would like to meet one of them if they are still alive in Monroeville Alabama or that area, or if their location is in my travel plans.

The strangest thing about Kelly and my miserably sordid life was that I asked her when I would die when she was doing her charts way back then.  We were in high school together for a brief period as I passed through that town and she passed through my life.   Her reply was that I would die at age 44.    By the time I was 44 I was past the FDIC employment and attempt on my life and the probation, exile, being poisoned and partially blinded, and being injected forcibly, not once, but twice, for coming to close to authority while doing investigative journalist work, or "TESTS" as I call them.   I am really more a hack surgeon, trained in medicine and bending it to other disciplines and my own bizarre and open techniques.    I was traveling triangles.  I found the hypotenuse of my largest one at that time, or God or the delusion of God found it for me. The triangle of governmental crimes was the triangle I traveled, all replicated in form, Los Angeles and San Francsico California, and Mobile Alabama.  Or I should say, God found the hypotenuse of the triangle, or someone trying to be God, or trying to alert me to the illusion or delusion.

(A personal note to Jack Snatch and Federal Posse inverted crew. When I turn my back and my guitar is on my winged sack, count blessings, count lessons, count the amount due. Jack knows the score, 4-3-2001, (4321) 360 degrees with two pi askew. Where is the hypotenuse on my guitar Jack? The answer: On the Winged Sack. The question: How much jack does it contain Jack? Yours read 360 thousand way back when and now it is down to close to 3 thousand again according to you. How much do we have to pay? What is due, life and limb?....Scene: I went to exchange Sheriff Jack Snatch The Fairy Possum Tillman's soul to Satan, 1000 fold just as agreed in scripture. Wouldn't you know, he left me a hamster named Gerbil and he's about to burn down the house, Music Video. Byrne looks a bit like Dad Brown in that vat Jack.

It was to be the morning of my 44th birthday.   I left home the day before to take a trip in the event Kelly was right.  A meteorite appeared to hit the side of the road as I was traveling North, having just bought gas in Braman Oklahoma and going toward Blackwell Oklahoma toward Kansas.   It was a very large bright flash and explosion and I wanted the light to last even though it blinded me.   It is a straight road so the temporary blindness from the flash did not really effect my driving.   The meteorite seemed to come from the South South West and was traveling North North East.  I was going North from the South.  I had been attacked many times already since 2001, in the streets, in the hospitals, on government property.  It is the nature of my work I suppose, as a sort of tracker in uncovering and exposing governmentally sanctioned crimes.  I was led to the job at the FDIC.  I wanted to go back to finish Medical Laboratory Technology training at the undergraduate degree level. .  It pays to keep a blue burn in my current line of work.  It pays to be a snake in the brush and to never enter their traps.  I was made sick by  their torture and injections.  Beware of federal and state hospitals.  Do not park near them, and do not seek their assistance if you are in my line of work, unless you have to, such as in euthanasia, and that can be of your own accord.

The message on the blast could be thus, and it is the most intriguing.  A wake up call as to the hidden movements.  If I am deluded I am as good as dead or I am just a slug, a vegetable, eating one thing and thinking it is another.

My grandfather was blind at his death.  His brother shapes wood by hand and machine.   He has an odor or just gas.  Our leaders need to be like that, wood craftsman, who shape by assuaging the ingredient put before them, a life form or a future from a past.    My father was nearly blind at birth.  My mother said she thought  it somehow messed him up a bit psychologically or interfered with his work..  Now that I have lost part of my vision from the poison sprayed in my window while in exile and probation in the 2001 to 2004 time frame, after the injections and torture, I see things differently.  Many are unforgiving because they are simple, uneducated, or perhaps manipulated to the lower caste at birth or beforehand, such as in genetics, in some fashion, numbing them down.

"As I stare through the peephole" should be the name of my next work.  Can't see a damn thing but can feel and hear. Ironically after Kelly's death, the boy who was with me listening to Black Sabbath, a class mate, moved away from Monroeville because of something. Perhaps it was what Kelly told me. I think his mother wanted to copulate with me, a sort of bandage of tears wrapped in a vagina. A Sweet Carol kiss if there ever was one, kind of like Ms. Robinson from the movie The Graduate. Jack was feeling crafty.

Jack, they sayed one of us was in a black room with white curtains and the other was in a white room with black curtains (Cream music video). Hath no one walked out of the haut haus?


Daily Foreword June 24, 2010: This post is a newspost from Mobile Audit Club that is a HEALTH WARNING. I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, am trained in medical technology, accounting, and media. The media will not allow doctors to talk about this fumes health risk in the hot sun because it impacts the local economy. I was in Romar Beach today near Orange Beach Alabama. This is worse than the shark in Jaws. The fumes are toxic and intoxicating to some individuals. Take proper precautions by not walking close to the oil slick on the shore in the hot sun. I would maintain a very large distance, depending on wind. High volumes of fumes are evaporating. The equation for evaporation could be written as the Natural Gas Equation, PV=nrT. When the Temperature (T) goes up, so does the volume (V). I would wager if the fumes were collected in a large umbrella type of apparatus that they could be burned off and ignited. That is how rich those fumes are in the hot sun. At night time the fumes will likely subside. I want Governor Bob Riley's position. He would not speak and knew of it. I would have spoke of it and wrestled in another way to make money for the state in the interim. You say fork me? I say fork you. Una coca cola por favor.!

Today I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, went to view the Gulf of Mexico.  It was the first time since the oil spill that  I viewed the Gulf up close even though I had a home only 15 to 20 minutes away..  I went to Romar Beach Alabama.    The sun was out, the sky was clear blue, and it was around 90 degrees and the sand was layered with oil on the surface, clumped up in rivulets from the water to the tide line, about 6 feet.  The sand was the color of coca cola spilled in that area. The water was thick with dilluted oil from the shoreline to about 6 feet out from the shore.

The ecological recovery time is questionable. Kuwait's recovery time of their beaches after the Gulf War will indicate the time needed here also.

I breathed the fumes that were evaporating from the oil and noticed that I did not feel right, so I got out of the sand and off of the beach and drove off, but the feeling lingered for at least 15 to 20 minutes. 

Do not let your children breath the vapors on the beach when the sun is high and cooking the oil on the sand and in the water.    I saw two young women walking barefoot in the oil coated sand down the shore.  They will get double absorption of toxins into their body, from the air in their lungs and from the toxins on their bare feet. They might be an easy date though if you are ugly and stupid, because they are high from the fumes.   They should have at least worn shoes and walked 30 to 50 feet away from the oil slick. 

 The water was brown with the oil and seaweed particles that had absorbed the oil from the shore to about six feet out into the water.    Something else has happened.  I can feel it.  I think of it as the Helen Keller effect.  The same sort of thing happened on my birthday in December of 2004 when a meteorite or a falling object from a nearby military base almost hit me.  It seemed like a meteorite in 2004 due to the sand like particles that I drove through immediately after the blast near Braman Oklahoma.

I keep remembering what a guard in the closed government of Mobile Alabama told me after his boss had pointed him like a guard dog in my direction. He said, "You are holding up progress" and he pushed me aside. Yes, I see their progress, an oil slick to cover the Gulf of Mexico, a government bent on rape and destruction and robbery of the masses for the benefit of a few. Yes, I have seen this thing they call progress and I see a dagger for Hari Kari being pulled on many.

As an aside It was a white truck that attacked me in Ocotober of 2009, an older one and it was tailing me, and the other vehicle if I remember correctly was a sort of orange or gold color. It has been a while. Today a white truck slung a rock into my window with his tire accidently or he shot it. It does not matter at this point. They are a backward people there in Baldwin County and Pensacola, some of the police and residents. Capable of hideous things. It is likely a result of inbreeding and lack of intelligence among the inbreeders that causes this sort of idiocy or perhaps they are a different sort of race, like a cave man who is a killer and stalker and rapist and robber.

I was told to flush my home in Pensacola by an advisor and I did so after the attack in October of 2009 and the resultant several months of post traumatic stress flashbacks. It became obvious I had to leave.   It was supposed to a Deed In Lieu last week, but things are held up at Chase Bank it seems.  My home is a rat tird compared to those million dollar condos on the coast.   I hate to say this but I think the city planners and developers drink too much alcohol and should likely consider 420 and total alcohol abstinence. Maybe a reversal of prohibition, one for the other.    Obama juice for Alabama, "That's what we get, an intoxicated failure to communicate".   Those flashbacks of forced injections by the government, attacks on the highway, for simply practicing my work as an investigative journalist in a high finance murder investigation of  a banking regulatory official where I had worked, the FDIC, was too much. In addition, the attack in 2009, likely a set up by associates of corrupt lawmen whose alliances are really more with the rising war criminals of our world society, even if they are inbred, has left them in a predatory vantage point. I do think they are capable of murder, just like Mexican mafia. No difference really.    If you inbreed you cause psychoses in your children.   Sadly also is the fact once captive populations carry inbred traits, traits that cause premature death.

So it's time to go, time to move, an ax swings in the distance, and I ax you one thing, "What's The Frequency Kenneth", (REM music video). .

Daily Foreword June 22, 2010: Today I pondered the various methods of drugs and toxins that are taken or forced into a human body and the various Routes of Administration as according this linked Wikipedia article. My central nervous system is rather bizarre and they like to play with Monkey Meat.

Because I was injected forcibly in Los Angeles by federal officials at the LA VA Westwood in 2001 and again in Flagstaff Arizona in 2004 with federal approval, I had to wonder why they did not just leave me alone or give me a pill?

The effects they wanted could not be had by a pill, or by leaving me alone. We are under attack and it appears the syndicate wars are soon to be in place once again. I am likely already out of the game or am I in another? The coming message might be watch what you do monkey with Monkey Meat....Remember the Wire. This wire could be one that dissolves after usage or integrates into the surrounding tissue or liquids.

Daily Foreword June 21, 2010: A voice came to me today after I sent to a foreign movie producer my movie idea for "Remember The Wire" a true movie about medical torture similar to the current movie "Misery", but it is based in LA and San Francisco and Mobile Alabama and Braman Oklahoma and Flagstaff Arizona and Washington D.C. The idea I gave to the producer was about mind control using the wire and the making of a slave through technology. The movie title, "Meat Monkey" resonated. Perhaps God will do the movie introduction for you wise asses.

To deal with the loss of vision while in exile in 2003 and 2004, and the loss of sanctity of body due to forced injections and forced medical procedures, and therefore loss of the ability to have sleep without post traumatic stress from the events, I often write comedy based on truth.

I will soon dress in my ARD F-DIC Party Clown Outfit and as a publicity stunt go back to work for the FDIC San Francisco where I was terminated in April of 2001 for not dropping an EEOC complaint. I have been retarded retired since 2001, planning on finding a job if I can. I will bring back up with me to the F-DIC San Francisco, as always, with cameras and microphones and my own personal life time prize of an ARD F-DIC Sweet Carol doll to warm my and and for personal entertainment when I am not in my bed in my Chartreuse and Violet office. I will dress as a sort of knocked out slave from down South. The violent walls and doors in my office in the F-DIC will be the ones we knock out. "Why the F-DIC EEOC Queer Clown of San Francisco asks?" And I say, because violet is the only color we can truly see in. I am partially blind, yeah, looking from a hole I can not crawl out of, just as ARD FDIC Sweet Carol predicted at Y2K. I will brind my F-DIC Party Clown badge as if I need one.

Daily Foreword June 19, 2010: Today's post is a song about the sickness of the USA and our attempts to stay alive under the hands of federal dictators with links to war criminal empires around the globe, and locally of course. The title is a true song about the LA VA Westwood. I have an unexplained scar that became infected after being released from the governments tortures and the VA was anxious to check the whole out the whole melon, my head, in forced injections and forced medical procedures. I would prefer death and welcome the sultry smell of Armegeddon with the exception of the fact the young have not lived their lives. But is there a chance for a higher quality of life for them, for they are like us, nothing to some. The title of the song is "Remember The Wire.".

Remember The Wire is also linked in mp3 and Windows Streaming Media on this Los Angeles Indymedia article. Another article I made on comment on was the mistreatment and deplorable holocaust conditions of LA County Jail in addition to the LA VA Westwood behind closed doors. . Psychological rape is when you bring huggies.

Daily Forword June 17, 2010: Welcome home County Commissioner Steve Nodine. I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC bank examiner and investigative journalist. I know the USA government has those on the inside and outside who will kill people to achieve goals. They also torture you with needles. We should watch the position filled on the County Commission very closely to see what it is that they do in the future. Angel Downs may have been killed by the syndicates associated with criminal enterprises inside the federal and local governments, and that is a 5% probability.

A regional FDIC director in San Francisco was murdered and labeled suicide and what appeared to be a mob boss replaced him. I was pushed out basically set up by former Sheriff Jack Tillman who was a thief who I was stopping from stealing inmate food funds. The federal government has blacklisted me from all employment. They do not want our kind in their employment. They want special interests in place. I have been under attack in Pensacola recently. I ran an analysis on a real estate scam headed up by a Czechoslavakian realtor, and a White supremacist inspector. Yesterday an idiotic German looking fellow dressed in fancy man attire followed me to return my Cox Cable box and some people pulled up outside of the front door in a sport utility, maroon colored. As the Brazilian said, I say about Pensacola, "Keep" "Keep". The government has been attacking me for 10 years. I am considering a movie in the mid East and I would rather just have the end of time. But I am an American holocaust victim. Never trust the governments. Never. Not any agency. Mobile Audit Club has proofs to tell you why.

I repeat the question on Nodine is thus, "Is it more wrong to convict an innocent man? Or is it more wrong to let a guilty man go free?" I urge young people not to drink alcohol at all if you are not 100% European blood line. The American Indian bloodlines and portions thereof become severe alcoholics. Some Europeans become so depressed they kill themselves while on alcohol. We will never know the absolute truth about Angel Downs death. I do not put anything past some federal agents and some local rental cops from the hate groups. They will do anything to set people up to get them out of the way. Crime syndicates define the USA of today and they are in the federal government and they are controlled by international felons with gold pens and fat bank accounts. The day will come for war in the South East USA. I encourage my people to leave if they can, but they are stubborn. Au Revoir Nodine, best of luck. I think they toasted you so they could put in another person in the decision making chair of the county commission.

I put my investigation characters into my artwork. Sheriff Jack "Snatch The Fairy Possum" Tillman took my gun permit for my reporting his theft of inmate food funds. That murderous horde at the FBI and Secret Servcie allowed him to do so, and as a result they persecuted me for owning guns. They did not respond to an attempt on my life while investigating an FDIC murder. Never report crimes to the government, as they are rife with criminals and warlords.. We look forward to the overthrow of the criminal empire in power across the Western Hemisphere. This will be a technological war, likely with few winners. We are under attack by our own government. This message brought to you Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone

When Steve Nodine was County Commissioner he answered my email when I was trying to enter their government as a journalist. He said he could not do anything. Hank Williams, Whippoorwill.

Daily Foreword June 16, 2010: Todays post is on Craigslist News Pensacola with pictures, and is below without pictures. He regurgitates his last supper, it makes him sick like snake exodus bolus flatworms does me when I snack on them with a pet snake in turbid waters.

Today I, Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone, left Pensacola and at the end of the divorce of myself from my Pensacola home, I am still tailed and haunted by those images of the past. Fear and loathing in Los Angeles, compares to fear and loathing in Las Vegas and Pensacola. Of course, Pensacola is the dirty third world dropping compared to those habits aforementioned.

The funny thing about the government is that when you are down, they want to kill you, kick you, imprison you. I was warned Pensacola was a third world before I arrived. That is why I suppose I stand up and I have a triangular set of tools to work with, sanctioned government crimes I have uncovered, and like a snake that tries to swallow me, I release the triangle into their throat and they can not swallow nor regurgitate. They are a vicious lot as of late, insidious, capable of murdering the innocent among us and torturing the idiot among us. It is a matter of opinion if juxtaposed.

I wonder if the babyfaces in front of Cox Cable in their maroon sport utility vehicle were of a higher caliber at ~3 pm today. They stalk you after they try to kill you. I have come to see many there as sort of regimented. The right hand left brain lot rule the place for the hidden psychopaths in power. They line the rows and pinch your toes, and they harm the most innocent people. Someday they will have to pay, perhaps before their tally is too large. I say this because they know not what they do or they would not do it, not only to me but to many other innocent people, often victims of a predatory justice system likely run by hidden hands and hidden agendas. A crushing sound of bone and mortar in this condemnation, Pensacola, Mo-bile, LA, San Francisco, Flagstaff, and where ever else the predators graze and reign.

Other veterans were used in heart experiments in 1999. Some died. You can see Mobile Audit Club for proof with links to the Los Angeles Times. I have written an article about mind control and a wire implant. These scars can be verified, but the third world nature leaves men killing each other and stealing the women to prison to make as wives to a curse known as mankind slave.

I felt very sick after going to Pensacola today. I was being stalked with a caller who had no caller ID. I saw them at Kirin restaurant when I was assaulted on a POF date by likely Sheriff or federal warmonger hate groups on 4/20/2010. Next time, just know your couch potato fed fat butt does not know how to kick in a cistern to pull out the red meat on a murder labeled suicide in high finance. Rank ameteurs I am surrounded by and now I am as good as dead. Enjoy your Sweet Crude. It looks like Purple Haze in the Hurricane Haze. Au Revoir Mon Cheu

As the pictures illustrate, the Pensacola Divorce, a man in a gas mask at the beach dieing of heatstroke and asphyxiation, a ARD F-DIC Sweet Carol Crow "ARD Ne'er Mo Sweet Crude F-DIC HO" and a Sheriff Jack Snatch The Fairy Possum Tillman being regurgitated..

Daily Foreword June 15, 2010: An after thought, considering the federal and local governments and their appointees can inject you at will knocking you unconscious, you could say at some points that the government was nothing more than a wire in your head and sometimes you have to whack it to get it out. A split pea paradigm. The question becomes, does God or his appointees really care and are they subdued, are we subdued? The truism of the isms of communism and capitalism is that you always have more poor than you do the rich, regardless, just different groups in power. Sometimes I would not mind seeing a monarchy of intelligence and humane compassion for all, but it never happens in the slipshod universe of this life on the wire.

This Message brought to you by Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, of Mobile Audit Club. .

This message brought to you by Mobile Audit Club, which has proofs of what I claim.

Perhaps I should whistle you a ARD F-DIC Sweet Carol I U D in passing . Beware of drinking the water

Daily Foreword June 14, 2010:Baldwin County Alabama uses their inmates as slaves on the roadside in the intense heat. I am sure they do not get the leisurely stroll of the oil clean up crews who only work in 20 minute intervals. Alabama government may not even have the men out there, after all, they have sold out to the international bidder. I passed a man I love very much who was cleaning those roads. I started to slow down but the police were there with him and the others. I started to pray for Armageddon to end his and our suffering and to remove his rightful anger. They torture us in Alabama. We welcome the deaths of those who torture us. I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, founder of the Mobile Audit Club, currently for hire and soon to start a movie similar to the movie Misery, but it will be in the Arab world, as I have a goal, and the primary goal is to stop medical torture as a form of coercion in the USA. I should never have allowed the government to touch me or mine, not at birth, not at death.

My other goal is space colonization and freeing ourselves from the men who are lesser animals, warlords of no recompense, and in our era, of no virtue. Abu Dhabi UAE? Egypt? Tripoli Libya? That is where my show may show, if it can, because the Holocaust is in Los Angeles, right at the door steps of planet puke, Hollywood, and they never mention their name in their mirror, "El Brutos". They are just like the Bastards "Over Here, Over There"

This message brought to you by Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, of Mobile Audit Club. The proof is in the website. The woman from Misery will be replaced by the mafia type from the Treasury Department, SS, trying to be a doctor of torments with his concoction of chemicals slated for me, the greatest investigative journalist of high finance and medical atrocities in that 2001 to 2010 era. This article was linked on today's Mobile Craigslist News Section with pictures (lasts one week to a month).

Daily Foreword June 12, 2010:  I have been told that Vladimir Putin of Russia, and that guy who runs Iran,  discussed making a movie like the movie Misery of not too long ago.  It is a true story about the LA VA Westwood in Los Angeles where they do forced injections and forced experiments and forced strikes this time however, crippling investigative journalist who investigate governmentally sanctioned crimes.  The movie will also include the Chapter 36 Crazy Clause passed in 2001 in the Devils Triangle of Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona.  They killed some people and tortured me, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, in Los Angeles at the LA VA Westwood and in Flagstaff Arizona (FSMC), and in Alabama it is like the Angelic anti-host welcome in the village of the damned. 

However, to this day, I am still harassed to some extent and many of my family members are being attacked and tortured.  It is ironic the oil from the Gulf is flowing toward Pensacola.  I believe the local village idiots and federal hate groups not only send in Drag Queens with guns on Plenty of Fish first dates in Pensacola, but they send in their local One Gallon Hat idiots to look at furniture on Craigslist ads and they bring fake babies that look more like dolls than living beings. My message to them is, "Morons, get an education". 

Isn't life Grand?  I think God had my kind send me a message on my 44th birthday near Braman Oklahoma in 2004.  A meteorite almost hit my vehicle on a desolate stretch of interstate.  I believe it was likely radio active knowing my luck.  However, because everything on the face of this Earth is likely just a cage, a deception, I can only say that  I will welcome the end of time in the same way I welcome that oil slick to the East Side of Pensacola in Escambia Bay in front of that warlords estate who sold me the one on the West side of Pensacola near Perdido Bay, which is now flowing with 13 million gallons a day of his treated Pensacola sewage.   It is just ironic.  I really do not welcome the oil, but they conned me into buying a sewerage bay, Perdido Bay,  and  I would like to stick a funnel down those mouths that attacked me in Baldwin County Alabama and Pensacola Florida, and let them drink, their choice, oil or sewerage.  It has been a long Butt Sweet two years you macho idiota B-tches.

Now for you macho idiots with insane war crimes inclinations who think they can defeat the greatest army of all time, repeat after me in an effiminate tone like the fag boxer, Tyson, "You see, as on the Queerest of the Queer painting when San Francisco spits up white stuff, you have to ask in Pensacola when you spit up oil and pee, "Is It Insane To Be Sweet."

I made a trilogy of riddles in succession in Pensacola in my artwork while there for two years. That was the first. Queerest of the Queer painting, "For Serrrrr" 9.11 Million dollars. The young woman doing the voice over will gladly do radio or TV spots. Contact me and I will send her on over, but the gig must pay, Baby.

As Marlon Brando sits down, he growls, "You see, I don't fight fair when you make fun of The." "Pensacola, F-ck Me? F-ck you two." Bring me Johnny Two Feathers. I will remember all of you, The Beautiful People, like a bunch of Manson's, Marilyn. Wave au revoir to senor captain Kurt Sweat, Carol, Jana, ronnie. I might have a job at one of those military think tanks. I vote a space colony with women from around the world, the truly beautiful people. Some times I feel like Beetle Juice coming. "Sprechen Dar Deutsche?" (Today's post was re-iterated on the News Section of Craigslist in Pensacola Florida, with pics for a limited engagement.), and it is also on Los Angeles Indymedia with a proposition for a true version of a movie similar to the movie Misery.

Some times I feel like Beetle Juice coming and going. "Sprechen Dar Deutsche?" I will accept donated land and property as I am now homeless, again. I envisioned in this scene as in Apocalypse Now, Marlon Brando, allowing one of the assailants to try and demoralize him. He defecates forcefully and says in apocalyptic terms, "Ahhh-Mennnnn". The Question is, Did Saint Ram Bone bust a nut in Pensacola or what? I am the best at whatever I choose to do. Will It Go Round In Circles?. I remember that song in 1973 when I was 13 and my father taught me to drive over the Huey P. Long Bridge which I thought was in New Orleans, but I just found out we were in Baton Rouge. Daddy was drunk in the back seat when the car spun out of control on top of that bridge. I just knew if we went over the side God would make us fall out and fly.

Daily Foreword June 11, 2010: Fear, the great mediator. Monkey in a bush never saw an insect in the mush.

Today, the angels said that President Obama had a job for me -- To help craft the bioengineered space universe, to help head up that board of directors and coordinators. I would like to start by making it an international exchange with all women represented. Someone also said that the F-DIC Sweet Carols need to try the Sweet Carols on for size Mass'a shee-it. Sweet Dreams are made of this, Marilyn, Manson, Captain, Kurt.

Daily Foreword June 10, 2010: Yesterday was a rather sad day for me. A culmination of events starting around the year 2000 to present day has left its mark. Many people fret over the oil that has come to Perdido Bay at the Alabama Florida line. I was forcibly injected with chemicals in 2001 and 2004 with government approval when I was innocent. I would rather have been killed quickly than to have their chemicals in my body and their hands on my body and mind. No one cares. Mankind is ignorant and heartless in many cases. I can not help but wonder if it was deliberate oil spillage in the Perdido Bay and not from the Gulf, because the oil was behind the oil buoys where it should not have been. I encourage people not to destroy what is left because it may not come back and our grandchildren inherit this Earth, whether sewer or paradise.

Daily Foreword June 8, 2010:  Many people on this Earth do not care for each other.  The USA has become a living hell of poverty, prisons, forced medical procedures, caste setting, employment and job discrimination and indifference, and drug and alcohol addiction and syndication of drug manufacture and distributorship.  Much of mankind will thank God if it is the end of time in 2012 if indeed it is the end.  It is likely not.  We have been deceived since birth and the era of Vietnam was not a war but a ruse, just like many others, with ulterior motives not for our own good, that of human beings.  We are nothing and the leaders and their supporters are like snakes, even in their eyes, and neither man nor beast care if they are killed in front of us and our children or if they are wiped out by a genetically engineered plague for they and their followers.   They have taken everything.  They will get what they deserve. You never trust their damned government or their supporters. They lay traps for us. We need better encampments and weapons. Perhaps death in 2012 is what was needed from the start.  Protect your young if you can.  They are likely already ripped apart in ways never imagined.  We are under attack in insidious methods and I look forward to their controllers deaths where ever they or IT slithers.

Daily Foreword June 5, 2010: The Wal Marts in the Pensacola Florida and Milton area appear to be something akin to serial killers and stalkers. I have never stolen from them but when I go there, a security alert is called. I am hated by local federal police everywhere and as a result local police are called in on the stalking. The filth that rules has me listed as a terrorist. I practice free Speech and run tests on crimes they commit. I am an investigative journalist who does not work for anyone but myself and I say what I please about the crimes that are sanctioned by the governmental regime's top members in power. I primarily investigate high dollar finance crimes, particularly when suspect murders are involved, and I also specialize in investigating medical crimes committed by the regime in power, and sometimes human rights atrocities which the ruling regime does not acknowledge. They have gone rabid, many of them. I had a witness to an attack on my life in 2009, a witness who was a nurse manager and is retired, and they still deny it happened. But they are opening the gate for me to leave Pensacola without fanfare and I am sure their rising war criminal types are always anxious for a troublemaker, one who calls attention to their bosses crimes.

My case is unique however because I am highly educated and I am used to dealing with criminals in government now and their gun wielding enforcers with badges and those without badges.

I do know of many young women who have been convicted of shoplifting in Wal Mart. That concerns me because I often wonder if it would be possible to make someone steal through visual cues, and then the woman could be used in some way once caught. The women are alleged to go to prison in many cases. I say alleged because they may be taken elsewhere in some facet or fashion. Many of them are addicted to the pills that are sold in Wal Mart, the pharmaceuticals behind the counter or the liquor on the shelves.

Not only are those women locked away for a long time in many cases, but they are allegedly beaten there. I say allegedly because I have inside knowledge on medical manipulations in which the teeth are removed and or manipulated in some fashion as in a covert high finance warfare operation. Experiments and usage of the human body for other purposes is common as that is what happened to many veterans in LA at the VA Westwood in 1999.

I did an investigation there at the LA VA Westwood in 2001, and although I did not mean to do the investigation, I was abducted in 2001 after investigating a murder at the FDIC. I was injected and forced medical procedures. I would have preferred death. I trusted the VA on 4/23/2001. I angered the mob bosses of the federal money laundering syndicates who control negative capitalism. This nation is practically dead in positive capitalistic endeavor for the American people. We should have huge mega-space colonization projects to ease the pressure on the planet with advanced genetic engineering confined to outer space where it is needed most. But it would likely end up being a Hell in space as our existence is very often a Hell on Earth.

You can run a casino in Nevada. You can open a marijuana club in California. You can run a drive through liquor dealership in Florida. You can run a hospital in Arizona and other South Western states and inject people forcibly and hold them for days and charge their insurance company for the bill. You can kill countless dozens around the Earth if you join the USA military. You can go clandestine and kill high dollar figures in government or corporate positions and hold your position in the military or another agency or bank or corporation and set up your own money wheel of money laundering or marijuana and cocaine importation and distribution from Canada or Mexico. There is ample opportunity in the "Negative Capitalist Income Producing Entities, but you have to be in the various syndicates." You will be hard pressed to earn a fair wage with your honest working hands in most occupations in our era in the United States. Even worse, on the high end of government and finance and medicine and law, many are slotted to be labeled criminal or insane and many are framed to get them out of the way, or they are killed outright or made ill with new weaponries or old methods. We can not see, but God does.

It does not matter to me if Sam Walton up-chucks his granola. He is likely dead or non-existent in some fashion, just like many others with millions of dollars. We live in an era of warfare and deceptions.

I am fleeing Pensacola and have been harassed many times. I really do not like the large shopping centers at all, including malls. It is likely the same scenario there for young women there who are lurded to shoplift and then end up incarcerate. I have been left alone at the malls most of the time however. Many in the area do not like those who are educated. They do not want to hear the truths. The truths are a hidden fact in many cases. We are used here in this area and it is ironic how people are used more overtly in places like Los Angeles where people kill each other every day and rob each other legally and illegally, a boiling cauldron always exploding in small or large percentage. I have family from the region. It is time to leave. Protect your young, what is left of them. If they are using our inmate children in some fashion in the prisons or juvenile facilities for medical or physical abuses, let us hope we can catch those responsible and deal with them or IT accordingly as the range of illegal tests and abuses is so great that it is practically unfathomable and its horrors are real as I have experienced. We may be better off dead and we may have our chance in 2012 if not sooner. Let us pray. That is wishful thinking for some young women who may have had their teeth knocked out in a way that they did not realize. You can control someone's mind, just like rat soup on a spoon. All it takes is the right technology and methods.

Google search Mobile Audit Club for more proofs of true facts with some comedy, music, and more. Now for a little holocaust music over there where it began they say. The Holy Land, bloodied ground. God give us solace in death if not in life. Our misery is shared on this stinking planet and many provoke us to war. Do not strike them unless you have to and then beware of deception as you may be striking at something that is not there or of significance. Material significance should be factored into all endeavors. What is material? Who is material and will their removal remove a material amount of suffering? I would like to start with a clean up of the FDIC. The F-DIC has gon-orr-hea. Too much bullsh!t in the Treasury Department. We are all long time foes but we do not have to be, I suppose. Which side of the line you are on depends I suppose, but for you warmongering types, take a look at David Koresh and then fast forward and ask who got the bloodied nose?

Daily Foreword June 2, 2010: Someone once told me I knew my place. So I have a place to go. I am off. See today's post on Love Line 9. I am going to where the alleged Israelis killed the alleged Turkish terrorists on their mission to provide assistance to those in Gaza. I have made a new discovery. Tantallizing. Some would say that Ugh controls the universe.

As an aside, the recent crashes of planes that are near to the Earth, such as in Libya, may be because of the Earth's poles starting to shift already as we approach 2012. Huge magnetic disturbances and other things involving wind currents and such.

Daily Foreword June 1, 2010: Today's post is on Craigslist Mobile News with pictures for a limited time. The USA government has proven two things to me, Kurt Brown, freelance investigative journalist.  They will attack you and force you to bend down to their whims.    They are corrupt, they murder, and there is a divisive factor tearing the USA and the Americas apart.    If I was President, I would not have made the Mexicans leave.  I would have let them earn their keep in building space colonies.  We are not dogs, not the Wetback Mexicans, the slope head Chinks, and not us Rednecks and Niggers in the South East, even though many, if not all of us, are treated like outcasts. 

That is why I have sided with David Koresh and feel that God's wrath was carried out at OKC in response to WACO.  I believe that the Bible states that for each one of us you kill, a hundred or a thousand fold of you will die. 

We are the most divided nation on the Earth.  Our various groups are resorting to hardball Mafioso style tactics it seems and murder is nothing.  In high finance, people are killed and set up and pushed out.  I know.  I ran the tests and Sheriff Jack Tillman is my proof if you look at the chronology of events.

I think the FBI and Secret Service in Mobile and D.C. and in other locales works on behalf of the crime syndicates.   When  I contacted them by email in 2001 after an attempt on my life, I got no response.    The Macho Idiot mentality of the FBI reminds me of Mexico and Hitler's Germany, and that is why Mexico is nothing and now neither is the USA.   The Secret Service is the same, so if you get Jesus for President, watch out, because the SS or FBI or the syndicates under them and associated with them will kill him one way or another.  Nothing has changed in thousands of years.  I think human kind has a time stamp due to expire.

Why do I think Nodine is innocent of murder despite "so-called evidence"?

The reason I say that is that I was investigating a murder labeled suicide of an FDIC regional director where I had worked in San Francisco as  a bank examiner in 1999 and 2000.    The murder had occurred years earlier but when I was there, and the Mexican or Italian George Masa was the replacement regional director and every head in his top office had the same type of hair, dark and either Italian or Mexican.  There were Asians in the other offices, but not in that top office at that time from what I could see.  I have been told the Asian syndicates control San Francisco.

When I was doing bank examinations and bank charter issuances for the FDIC on the West Coast, I noticed a pattern, which is complicity and a covert style of running the bank examinations before we the bank examiners of the lower rank arrived to audit (examine) the banks for compliance.    Nobody cares who is killed in that business.  They hated each other at the top or worked together in kicking the Hell out of the lower rank FDIC bank examiners.  Often finding ways to get rid of us, just as they did me.  The EEOC did not care.  I do not care if their government is toppled because I have  been injected repeatedly, forced medical procedures, and knocked unconscious for simply doing journalistic investigations on governmentally sanctioned crimes.  I would rather be killed than forcibly injected.  They inject us before court so they can control us.  I hope their judges are removed and their war crimes practitioners are hung and or publicly shot or forcibly injected and euthanized.  But they are sort of retarded, and have weaponry of new and old designs,  so God will have to deal with them, perhaps over our dead bodies.

In Alabama the Asians and the Germans (Europeans) are moving in with large amounts of investments in chemicals and autos and likely oil.   The money is a cyclical rip off of the banking system where money goes to Europe in loans and payoffs are made in the USA for investments.  Your government is a cut throat killer.  Bottom line.  I have learned to live among them and their ardent followers because I know they try to control through fear.  That is what they will do with Nodine, make him bow down in fear.   Never fear them.  Never arm yourself out of fear.  Only do so if you intend to kill one of them is my sentiment.  But then again, I find it is easier to leave them alone. They will fall because they are rotten and corrupted.    That is what they did to me in 2001, control me through fear.  They then had me on the run for many years in exile.  I was partially blinded with poisons during that time and no one cared.   Pardon me if I don't whimper when they are attacked by their global and national enemies.   I just hope they get the right ones and not the wrong ones.  Many in government are innocent.  Many deserve to be pushed out of employment or killed, if killing is allowed, which it apparently is from the motives and operations of the warmongering types on Earth..

Now about Mobile Alabama.  The FBI did not respond to the attack on my life in February of 2001 when I ran a test to see if there were murderers associated with the FDIC in February of 2001.   I was told later that inmates were starving in the Mobile County Jail in March of 2001.  Sheriff Jack Tillman was pocketing up to 360 thousand dollars of inmate food funds for his retirement account.  When I approached the Mobile County Courthouse on 4-3-2001, Tillman was there at high noon with deputies.  He demanded my gun permit or come with him.  I gave it to him.  Then I sent out a flurry of emails to police and newsgroups stating that Tillman was starving inmates due to thievery.   When I arrived at my  home on 4-3-2001 I made some noise about what had happened.    My home was surrounded by police.   I fled Mobile on 4-20-2001 to go to Los Angeles California to find work.  After all, the EEOC would not hear my case when I was terminated from the FDIC for not dropping my EEOC case in 2000 and later I was under attack in Mobile by federal associates of the thief Tillman, who is like the heartless filth that controls the FBI and SS in the USA.

When I made it to LA, I looked for a home but I had very little money.  I parked outside the VA in LA Westwood, homeless.  I thought I could trust the VA.  A Mexican police officer for the VA found me parked, searched my vehicle and found my guns in my vehicle and my U Haul.  Guns I had purchased in the Mobile area legally.  Never own guns if you are investigating government criminals, at least keep them hidden. Beware also that the FBI and SS and their local syndicates will try to incriminate you for your entire life for gun ownership, when many of them are guilty of heinous war crimes against the American and world populace.  I believe someone has an over riding goal to overtake the USA and exterminate many of us or use us medically.  They are targeting many of us and our families.   Much of my family has been under attack by the government.  They likely want to take our guns so they can kill us when the time comes.   Your body is worth 250 thousand dollars in the medical parts market.  The LA police are rounding up the homeless to this day and likely many will never be seen again.

The Mexican police officer took me to LA VA headquarters for the police on 4-23-2001.  There a Mr. Blackwell or Blackman, an African American cop for the VA took my statement on video.  I mentioned what had happened in February of 2001 and the attack on my life.  I mentioned that starvation was at Mobile County Jail and Sheriff Jack Tillman was the thief.  I had lured the thief, Tillman, out with a letter that I sent to an inmate regarding starvation and emaciation he was experiencing and that I knew money was earmarked for feeding inmates was being stolen.  That same inmate is now in Baldwin County Alabama Jail and he found glass in his food this year on the same day that the police in Pensacola lured me to a restaurant and put things in my food and on my body while I was eating.  They wanted me to attack them so they could kill me or imprison me.    That was, I think, 4/20/2010 and the oil rig explosion may have been God's wrath as it occurred right after the incident at the restaurant or near that time.

In 2001 after the LA VA officer, Blackman, took my video recorded statement, I was charged with felony gun possession.   Another officer, likely for the Treasury Department's Secret Service, took me to another building.  He was there with Blackman and a fat white nurse who looked like a German man.  He then told me I was to be forcibly injected.  I told him I did not want to be injected.  I wanted to just be locked up or freed.  He forcibly injected me with unknown chemicals.  I got sick from the injections and they threw me in the insane asylum at the VA.  On around 4/26 or 4/28/2001, I was taken down a fire escape and forced to go lay on a table for allegedly a CAT Scan of the head.  Considering I have unexplained scars in my mouth, and that hospital is known for forced experiments, they likely had ulterior motives.   I was likely the dead eye at the VA.  You kill me and I see you through someone else's eyes  through my unconscious eyes.  I went to court and was given a One Million Dollar bail on 5/1/2001.

They forced me to sign documents when I was sick from the injections and they were using FEAR to control me.   They were threatening me with five to seven  years in jail or an insane asylum.  What followed was three years of sheer Hell, and I was partially blinded while in probation and exile by a Mexican who drove by my window of my apartment spraying chemicals and my bedding was covered with it in the apartment.  I could not leave the area without permission from LA probation officers.  I was in Eureka California and had refused to stay in LA for three years.

I ignored the incident at the restaurant and walked out as if nothing had happened this year on 4/20/2010.  The inmate who I spoke of who starved in the jail in Mobile in 2001 is simply poor and could not pay restitution on time.  They are likely using him in some medical manipulations without him knowing it. My family obviously carries some unusual genetic characteristics or we are just hated by that filth in power over the USA.  I wanted to kill the one in charge on 4/20/201, a Mexican or Italian hoodlum with a badge in that third world city of Pensacola Florida.  But I did not.  I will  let God take his revenge on that filth that carries a badge.  Third world nations are known for those types of macho idiot men with badges.  Those are the types of men who killed the men at Waco and those men of God with David Koresh.  Macho idiots should not be given the right to intimidate innocent people.  Pensacola is a vicious place full of people with substandard educations and intelligence.  I will never return there.  I will never go to Texas either.  I will not return to California to live because despite my case being Nolle Processed on 5/24/2006.  I can not own a gun in California but I can anywhere else.  They have holocaust camps doing forced medical procedures in California.  So why in the Hell would I want to sit next to my enemies if I can not kill them per God's law?  I will not return to California on a permanent basis.  Some of my family there in California  is now under attack also by corrupt government officials, this year in 2010.

I would like to sit in on the Nodine case as a juror.  The people of Mobile wear their one gallon hats often, thinking they are ten gallon hats of justice, and they are full of rage and hatred for some innocent people and groups of people.  I will no longer try to stop the corruption.  It is too deep and my one gallon hat, that of a bank examiner and investigator of government crimes is now over.  The USA is dead as far as I am concerned. They see me as dead, so why not see them as dead?

As an aside, if Nodine was there at the time of Angel Downs murder or suicide, I do not think it was intentional.  I do not trust the drops of blood on the vehicle as being evidence in murder because I know the USA governments have those in power who are capable of sanctioned murder and illegally pushing men and women from jobs that involved high dollar amounts.  While I was in exile, my mother was dieing of cancer and the LA government would not let me come to Mobile to live with her.  My family carried the burden and I could not assist.  To say I hate the federal enemies of mine in their select seats is an understatement.  We are only as strong as our weakest links.  We are doomed as a species most likely.  But then again, the wars wage on.  Don't spit in my face.  I might not spit back.  The devils a Darwin, survival of the fittest in war type.  Look out.

Nodine, you have my sympathy.  If you did not do anything, you are truly ravaged by the enemy in power.  If you were having an argument and if she drew a gun and killed herself and you drove off, you should confess.  If you did it, you pay now or later, no difference.    If she was killed by an assassin who was setting Nodine up for a fall so they could take his County Commissioners seat, then I suppose the war criminals in power have taken another one of us out of circulation. 

I know that Nodine used marijuana.  That is a much lighter drug than alcohol.  I know he took Lortab.  That is a dangerous drug  in some ways.  I think Nodine should be allowed to have a marijuana if he goes to prison.  Those pills approved of by the German and American drug companies are a smorgasbord of disaster waiting to happen.  The government lies and puts poisons on the table for our women and children.  We are likely doomed because of this.  Let us hope justice prevails and that legal marijuana is made available so that our people are not targeted for that also.  Never trust VA Healthcare.  I will not return there. Never trust hospitals in the South West.  They can rob you legally and inject you forcibly under their Chapter 36 laws passed in early 2001.

I encourage young men and women to put away their one gallon hats and to quit persecuting each other and hating each other and being closed minded.   We are all in danger and we are being used against each other so the slime can rise to the top.  Where to flee in this exodus is anybody's guess.  You will be as invited as a Mexican who flees to a nation with lesser leaders or absent leaders, much like the filthy USA, and you will be hated by them and they may take you for a ride you can not forget or remember.

My vehicle was attacked in Baldwin County in 2009 after showing my home to would be buyers in Pensacola.   My ex-wife was with me.  The Baldwin County Sheriff's car was nearby.  I kept driving with a tire weight jammed into my tire.  I had driven over a home-made treadle and saw it when it happened.  My ex wife simply saw the activity and  heard the pop once it sunk into the tire.   I did not know what it was.  I made it home, on the Breaths of Angels, just like in 2001 when I was attacked in Louisiana after having left California and traveling to Mobile.   In this world the government says to Hell With Angels (music video).  There is no profit in an angel for a sewer of humans of mal-intent.

I remember when I was a child.  The hate groups and how some would follow them.  That is wrong.  I was attacked in public schools and had my stomach cut with a knife once.  Some days I hate America.  America hates. Nodine, I saw a sign on that day of the death of Angel Downs. I was at the end of a triangle of travel. A snake crossed my path with my lady friend. It coiled and it went to the grass. I was hoping one of the war criminals or their punks was following me so they could find the rattle snake. Things cut both ways, remember that. Jack Tillman is the weak link for me. Who is your weak link? Think fast.

This post brought to you by Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, of Mobile Audit Club. I do not drink alcohol. It is as strong as heroin but likely more debilitating in some ways. I recommend you young people avoid that terrible drug pushed upon us by our enemies in power. Kelly was another young woman who died, not by a gun, but a flipping vehicle. She predicted my death in 2004. I almost bought it with something hitting near the interstate in Braman Oklahoma with a large explosion. I have heard Uranium was in it. I was hoping for some silver or something. I will sell my painting house talisman, the Queerest of the Queer. Inquire within. She is priceless.

Daily Foreword May 30, 2010: In a correspondence with an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi in 2009, I was told that the people residing in Israel were doing the wrong thing and were putting a wall around themselves just as prophesied in the Talmud or Torah.   The USA government has done the same things.  They have put these Jersey walls around every federal building.

Considering I was forcibly injected and tortured in a federal facility and then at a state facility for investigating a murder at the FDIC that had occurred in the early 1990's, and starvation at Mobile Alabama County Jail in 2001 in which the Sheriff is now in full paid retirement, I can see why they put a wall around themselves.   They are our enemies very often and they have come to power inside the USA and many world governments.

 When I was being attacked in 2001 none of them responded when I contacted  them.  I have been attacked and harassed many times since and have not struck back with violence, and I know that is what the police in Escambia County Florida wanted me to do when they lured me a restaurant and put things in my food and water and harassed me in 2010.  My ex-wife and I were attacked in 2009 in Baldwin County and it was likely orchestrated by that group of third Reich, third Strike, war criminal profiteers in their government.  I wanted to kill the men in the restaurant, or at least the one who had orchestrated the abuse of myself.  But I wanted to take a count first.  I counted 7 of them.  I am waiting for the war if it occurs in my lifetime.  And then, we will start anew with our fight, and they that cowardly macho idiot and those like him will run with nowhere to hide and I will fight them as my most bitter enemy and will rejoice when their bones are in burning heaps..

As the Rabbi said to me regarding the passage, "Going up to the Holy Land "as a wall" is exactly what the Zionists have done. "  Now many of those in the USA governments have turned against us and they are doing the same thing.   That Macho idiot in the FBI who ordered the charge on David Koresh deserves to burn in Hell or least feel the fingers of his once fasting friend going for his throat and heart and testicles.

Here is the article sent to me by the Rabbi regarding the wall.

I will have a Blue Christmas without you, like Elvis. Some may conjecture that if the Messiah arrives he will be behind the wall or a wall, as in a prison state. I think God would likely put the Messiah outside of the wall or just wait for the next cavity in sinew.

I am urging the USA governments to stop giving forced injections into innocent and compliant people. You are innocent until proven guilty. I was injected in 2001 for simply sleeping outside of a VA hospital in my vehicle while in transit. I was injected in 2004 in Flagstaff at FSMC for reporting a toxic spill in New Mexico and a burn on my neck. I am damaged. My one gallon top hat is a thimble as I have been duped. I lay in wait for the opportunity to escape or do I? Some times nursery rhymes come to mind, hinting of things to come, sometimes to vividly. The latest is This Old Man. I delve into comedy on my central figures in my past or current investigations. Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mob AL who was sent against me in 2001 wrote some poetry. It was ironic how close it came to me and my father, but in a degrading way. So many are judgmental of others, closed minded. Tillman put some poetry on line and I was told that the radio said the fairy possum Sheriff, Tillman, was dead. It was a hoax, playing possum. Tillman's poem spoke of a friend repeatedly like he was picking a fight. I prefer Biz Markie looking for a friend. But No Surprises Radiohead.

Daily Foreword May 29, 2010: Today's post is on Craigslist news and in the newsgroups and is titled 6/6-6/20: Survival Training, Financial Warfare Theory In Hated USA (financial district)

Daily Foreword May 28, 2010: Today's post is on Craigslist Pensacola News. I will likely move it to the Florida Newsgroups. Beware of being pigeonholed, once they cut you, you are slotted. Theirs is like a game of chess, once you give them your moves in life by signing the bottom line, you are theirs, and all things before of you are theirs. Sometimes people are like packs of attack dogs and sometimes they put themselves on high, like an alpha ape.

Daily Foreword May 26, 2010: Today's is post is on Craigslist News in Mobile Alabama and reiterated on Home Page II of this site regarding South Eastern and South Western government and society.

Daily Foreword May 23, 2010: Today's post is listed on New Orleans Craigslist with a brief commentary and then a collection of the notes below. One addition is that of the King, Elvis chewing Crawfish on Youtube. No Mo Gulf Shrimp Bubba, sorry. I urge people not to fish this year in the Gulf of Mexico. Give the holocaust survivors a break.

In comedy and anger and extreme angst on 3/9/2010, I put in my daily foreword notes a childs rhyme that came to mind. They are like omens you know, like the sound of a train's wheel as it leaves the track and before the train wreck. Sing a Song of Six Pense on Youtube was the song with the omen of 4 and 20 blackbirds. 4/20/2010. If you can Google a Sweet Carol cloud (temporary pic on craigslist news) and look for the Raven in her nose.

Daily Foreword May 22, 2010: My work, my work, it's only my work. I urge all of the people out there in severe distress to remember what an old wise woman told me as a child, "Things are not as bad as they seem". What will be will be. I remember a dead language in a song, Belz, Mayn Shtetele Belz.

On the day of the oil rig explosion in the Gulf, 4/20/2010, I was inside a building near Perdido Bay. Something urged me to go outside and as I stood facing the South South West I heard an explosion and then a rather high pitched "ping" that created a sort of ringing in the ears. I know something else happened. I can feel it, smell it. Did someone deliver a special charge or bomb down that tube, if there was a tube? Are we being misled. Once again I say to our people, not of Canada or Mexico or Europe, that is our food source for the poorest of the poor. RBC Bank and BP and many others are outsiders. They will not protect us. Their government will be defaced in the end or misused once again, as it was in my case. I was injected forcibly by men who may as well had been federal agents from another nation. They were USA agents. They injected me before court with some other things done to me. I want payment. Maybe RBC and their money laundering rings crossing the USA and Canada and the NTEU and their international crown from Europe. Our families are under attack in the USA. Distorted laws have created traps and targeted abuses. After all, many of them claim we shot at them first as in past wars. There is no love for us.

There is no more peculiar Bedouin than a Bulgarian Gypsy, as Sevgilim Apaz taifa - Mis Dibi, is a song about Mis Dibi, who is like the lady working at Wal Mart in the USA.

Daily Foreword May 21, 2010: In the year approximately 1978 I, Kurt Brown, was working on an oil rig that struck oil in the Gulf of Mexico and it was out very deep, although I am not certain of depth, and it took at least an hour helicopter ride to get there to the rig.    When it struck oil, I was working as a young man as a galley hand, and there was excitement on the drilling deck.  I went to look and oil and the smell of gas was everywhere, covering the men, and one young man had a mop and told me to go back, away from the area, due to the spill of the oil.

It is ironic that a slighter older galley hand whom I had replaced was leaving when I arrived on the same helicopter.  He knew they were going to strike oil and he did not want to be there and basically wished me the best of luck.  I had no idea what I was stepping into. However I made the best of it and ran down deck and attempted to harpoon the resident barracuda in the afternoon.

The FDIC was like that.  A regional director had been murdered, we mean nothing to upper management now.  I took on the job of investigative journalist trying to solve a sanctioned murder from all indications I have gleaned from work inside the San Francisco FDIC and my work afterward as an investigative journalist.

It is not just the FDIC.  I had some oil men who wanted to buy my house.  It was a family.  The FHA tried to levy a large closing charge or extra interest as I call it.  The FHA would not finance their own damn extortion.

I would like to see the FHA run their automobiles without those men.  I would like to see the FHA be run by men like that FDIC regional director  who was killed.  He was like me most likely.  Above the cuff with the working salaries of America's working sector.  The FBI and SS took my computers and acted as if I was threatening them in 2001. The federal police injected me and destroyed my video of Sheriff Jack Tillman from 4-3-2001. I am sure the Mobile Alabama government has my permit, ask Candy, and myself on video with Jack, 360k thief.  My message to them is "Eat my ARD F-DIC Sweet Carol role."  Its a White Zombie Thunder Kiss 65 I am sick from the tortures and forced medical procedures. It is not worth it to work for the federal government in high finance unless you know you are dealing with mad men from the outset. It is likely a technological struggle at that end of financial warfare, in the end. Finance types are not always that smart, engineers on the other hand, well, see Archimedes.

Daily Foreword May 19, 2010: A new release of a video/artwork, ARD F-DIC Party Clown I U D Sweet Carol on saintrambone's youtube. Mind control is what I expect. Bodily control is what I expect. We likely lose both. The good news is its DIL-DAY, deed in lieu day, indeed day. I feel like being Norman Baits being told he and his mother can move. It makes me have hope that I can get a pole for my new office when I get to where I am located. I hope the FDIC management can sandwich in a pole in their budget for a pussy cat in my new F-DIC pastel pink and chartreuse post office FDIC laboratory. I will take the anti-thesis if you prefer violent Violet, my scarface in Hole, lights out. I once may have caught the devil and then again. I am partially blinded since being in forced exile in Humboldt County California, 2003 and 2004, my choice over LA, considering the torture I experienced there and the attempts on my life as a result of San Francisco federal crime syndicates, chewing us honest smart ones up and spitting us out or digesting us, as they did the prior so-called "suicidal" F-DIC head, FDIC regional director San Francisco.

The big joke for me is to see a scandal where one of their political figures slips like an ignorant human being, a ruse perhaps, where we have nobody in government. I am not allowed in. I am like a patriot they fear, and they censor me. I look forward to removing from the USA those who abuse us, including corporations from overseas. The leaders are often old and their minds are geared to war and the past and not looking forward to our deaths in their design and not averting it. Their followers are simply boys with guns and hatred, a rolling clap of would be killers in the dust of time. Protect your own, as no one else will and they were devouring us from the time we were children. Some see us as enemies in the USA and on Earth, or perhaps something to be subjugated.

The so called wealthy party is a party of Europe and Asia in the USA and their corporations and their control of governments in places like Alabama, and their banks, such as RBC, and their oil such as BP and their inside dealers such as Halliburton, leaves us in the USA with a lot of thieves at our throats. Their solution is prison and torture and now the sale of the rights to our bodies, our loss of human rights. They are not even treating us like human beings with human rights. The dead fish I predicted in the comedy of love line 8, 9, and 10 and page, and Quatrains 10 on this site indicate both man and fish. A sort of retarded Apocalypse Now, just like the other.

Daily Foreword May 18, 2010: A new music project soon with video is on Los Angeles Indymedia. It is a mp3 compilation titled ARD F-DIC Party Clown I U D Sweet Carol. Included here is a letter sent to the FDIC announcing the possible re-opening of the investigation of the F-DIC associated or targeted murder and money laundering rings, or something of that nature.

I also put a post on the so called Red Shirt and anti Red shirt campaign going on in Thailand. Craiglist Post Will last for a week or a month, has pictures.

Daily Foreword May 15, 2010: A news post on craigslist pensacola regarding a near crash of a plane at Mobile Alabama Municipal Airport, and it was brought to my attention that a problem has been ignored in which a much higher than expected number of plane crashes has been occurring in landing. The problem has been ignored and the Tripoli Libya flight was obviously more of the same, most likely. Many of my family appear to have been under attack or/and in the way of attack as of late. Is America getting worse in some way?

It is my job F-DIC Sweet Carol to show you and yours the light.  I am underpaid and I am almost dead.  I am old and I hurt more than before and the light is not as bright.   

I once made a joke to the San Francisco FDIC highest ranking alpha female who was sleeping with the mob boss newly arrived on casino night at the dirty F-DIC.  I say upon my final day there at an EEOC hearing in which she say, "you must swear not to tell," and the FDIC arbitrator listened, "If you do not drop the EEOC complaint, you will have to leave".  I saw they were thinning ranks for their favorite syndicate.   I replied to the FDIC alpha female, "I will shine a light over your head".   My intent was to investigate the murder of the prior FDIC regional director labeled suicide in that F-DIC slut's Sweet office.  It is much more money if you catch them, and that gives me a better erection in front of the light.

It is funny but since that time a gun has been pointed between my eyes.  Now that I am old and tired of playing dodge ball, I ironically look forward to that light to go off somewhere between the eyes.  Sweet Carol is just a player in the higher end of the dirty game of life.  I should have been more of a whore at the FDIC and slept with all of the Sweet Carols there, who fit the bill, and I could have come up the weiner of the F-DIC, paid to sit still.

 Let's face it, most government workers are like park workers and stare at the sun and trees more than they do their job.  The top floor of the FDIC San Francisco ain't quite right baby.  I should have taken the park job.